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Dec 27, 2020
Opinions on this show are going to be VERY divided.
(There's a TL;DR at the bottom.)
The first half of the show presented itself as a silly comedy and slice-of-life kind of show. It was fun, the characters were were interesting and there was a slight mystery behind how the events came to be.
The third quarter of the show maintained the comedy, but added a weird mystery in by adding another character. By the end of episode 9, most people had a good idea what was going to happen.
The last quarter of the show was fucking depressing and almost painful to watch. Episodes 10 and
11 were soul-crushingly downers that completely dropped the fun, comedic part of the show and added in huge amounts of drama. Many will be thrown off by this. The last episode brings things back to a nice-ish ending, but still somewhat depressing when you consider the facts presented in the show.
Now then, the break down:
Story- 8
The story starts off nicely with an interesting premise. A somewhat obvious twist is thrown in which becomes obvious by episode 7 or 8 (that's when the viewer will have probably guessed it) and the twist is revealed in episode 9. Then we get the ultra-depressing last quarter of the show. Story-wise, it's well thought-out, but the finale is a bit unexpected, especially given what we're told about Hina in the show. Overall, I thought the story was very good, but your opinion will vary based on whether you look at it as a "bigger picture" type score, or a "this is how I felt at the end" type score.
Art - 8
The art was very good. It was bright and vibrant with some really nice backgrounds and some interesting attention to details (notice that in the title of the anime, the character for 'Day" changes slightly with each episode as an example).
Sound - 7
The audio was good. Nice background music never really felt out of place, but never led the scene either. No complaints about the voice acting either.
Character - 6
There were some really interesting characters, but there were also problematic moments where characters did things that made no sense just to add to the drama factor (Youta yelling repeatedly for no real reason after he was told not to). Overall, there are no problems with the characters, but there were no incredible developments that made them super interesting either. Aside from Hina, the remaining characters underwent no significant changes. Even though Yoiuta and Izanami changed, their personality shifts felt forced, especially in the case of Izanami.
Enjoyment - 6
This was a show that had a great start and just changed gears way too fast for comfort. There are a lot of great things in the show, but they are hurt by the drastic tone change and the initial ack of direction.
Overall - 7
It's not a bad show, but it's not a masterpiece, either. I enjoyed it for the most part, and I get why the story had the dramatic change in tone at the end. It's certainly not going to appeal to everyone and I feel like many people will hate it solely because it became super dramatic in the last few episodes, but if you watch it through, you'll get to see some great comedy in the first half and some interesting story and heart-wrenching/heartwarming moments at the end.
It's not for everybody. Don't be fooled by the first few episodes--the show flips from light-hearted comedy to depressing drama about 2/3 the way through. A lot of people will be turned off by the drastic change.
The harsh shift aside, the story isn't bad and it's still a decent show overall.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 1, 2020
"Truck-kun failed to isekai me, so I married a hot teenage girl I happened to see walking down the street that night." That should be the title of this anime; a literal summary of the story. (There's a TL;DR at the bottom for convenience.)
The story all happens in episode 1 and can be summed up in a paragraph:
The main character, Nasa, decides to work really hard and becomes the top student with a guaranteed excellent future. He sees a girl walking down the street in the middle of the night, decides to cross the street to talk to her, and gets hit by one of
the only two vehicles on the road. The girl manages to shield Nasa from the full force of the truck with her body, then proceeds to leave the accident scene with a minor cut on her head. Meanwhile, Nasa has several broken bones and is bleeding out, but decides to chase her down and ask her out. She agrees on the condition that he marries her first, to which Nasa agrees before passing out, finally. After several months pass, the girl shows up at his apartment to marry him and move in.
That's the story. They get married and live together as a married couple with a high school level relationship. It's pretty much just a slice-of-life show that relies on the embarrassment of the characters as comedy, normally ending with one of them reminding the other that they ARE a married couple. Hilarious. I'm not sure who this show is supposed to appeal to, but it certainly isn't for everybody.
Story - 1
The plot is so unbelievably stupid that it's hard to swallow. The sheer amount of plot conveniences in the first episode is disturbing. There were two trucks on the road the night they met--how do you not see one of the only two vehicles on the road? There was no other person on the streets during this scene. either, so it's not like it was too noisy or his view was blocked. She shielded him from the truck with her body, absorbing the brunt of the impact. That said, she walked away with a minor cut on her head. Nasa was laid out in a pool of blood, gushing blood from his head and, as the girl points out after he catches up to her, walking around on two broken legs. Anyway, Nasa heals, drops out of school and works many jobs to try and find this girl until she shows up one day at his apartment because why wouldn't she just know where he lives? To end the episode, she educates Nasa with her incredibly detailed knowledge of the marriage system and they get married officially. Beyond that, it's daily life adventures of a newlywed couple that has obviously never had another relationship in their lives.
Art and Sound - 7
Characters and animation are consistent and pretty well done. The music is generally pleasing, but nothing amazing. The high points of the show.
Characters - 2
Very bland characters with little personality so far (5 episodes in, at the time of writing). Nasa is smart after all of his studying, but has no experience with women, so he's constantly embarrassed around Tsukasa. Tsukasa is an empty character that, so far, is no more than a plot device and a pretty face: "This girl is seriously cute!" --Nasa Yuzaki.
Side characters have been introduced and are equally as one-dimensional as the main characters. The little sister that is plotting to break up the marriage using her inept maids, the childhood friend that has a crush on the main character, the friend's little sister that also seems to have a secret crush on him too.
Five episodes in, the only character development we've seen is more characters thrown in. Any small chance for development is usually upended by a joke or a plot convenience.
Enjoyment - 2
Jokes are very poor, mostly reliant on the embarrassing situations which are so overplayed and tired that they fail to hit most of the time.
The romance is non-existent since they married already and there is no outside drama to bring any tension or interest in the relationship. Anything that may have brought forth a meaningful growth in their relationship is quickly brushed aside or written off as a joke, ruining what could have been a moment of character development.
Overall - 4
This show has little going for it unless all you want is a show about nothing. It's similar to a cute girls doing cute things show, but it's a married couple.
This show is empty, feel-good fluff. If you like that kind of thing, watch the show.
If you wanted a romance story with interesting characters exploring themes of a mature relationship and married life, this is not what you will get. There's nothing worthwhile in this show and paired with a poorly conceived story filled with plot holes and excessive plot conveniences, it brings an average show down to a "below average" or "bad".
*UPDATE 12/21/2020*
Having finished the show, I can now confirm that nothing changed from start to finish in this show. There was no development of characters, plot, or anything really aside from them moving because of a fire.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 25, 2020
This will be a short review.
Story (8/10) - There is a great story behind this whole thing, with a lot of interesting twists, but there is also a lot of odd content that, at first may seem like filler, it serves a purpose for the narrative. Admittedly, not everyone will enjoy the fan-service heavy episodes (I certainly did not), but there is an interesting plot beneath it if you are willing to look.
Art (7/10) - While not spectacular, it was not awful either. It was well done throughout and never appeared derpy or of poor quality.
Sound (6/10) - While largely forgettable, the soundtrack never felt
out of place.
Character (5/10) - This is probably the worst part of the show, mostly because the characters are illogical and often act irrationally. The obvious, overbearing traits that are shown for several characters are explained, albeit in a very awkward and unsatisfying way. There wasn't a whole lot of character development either, so that didn't help either.
Enjoyment (7/10) - Each individual episode should be rated separately, because some episodes were great, but with others, the elements were trite and dull. To watch this show, you'll need to deal with ups and downs in the enjoyment factor, but looking at it as a whole, it's an enjoyable show.
Overall (7/10) - It was a good show, but not great. The awkward mash-up of comedy and seriousness was off-putting at times. Overall I enjoyed the show and recommend it to anyone that enjoys a decent action show with some ecchi moments mixed in (honestly, it's about half ecchi and half action/story).
It's good but not great. The mix of ecchi and comedy clashes with the serious tone of the story too much for it to be great. The show has enough balance to be a fun watch--provided you enjoy ecchi content with a somewhat typical shounen action/comedy blend. The show rides a middle ground between action/shounen-style story and ecchi/comedy that appeals to both crowds but neither at the same time. I recommend that you give it a chance if you like either style, but be prepared to be a little disappointed when one style overplays the other for a few episodes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 20, 2020
As someone that has never seen any other form of this story, even the games or the previous anime, I will say that this show is average at best. If you have prior knowledge of the story and characters, you probably will enjoy it far more than I.
The story was average at best.
The sound was okay, but I think a big part of it was recognition.
The character development was poor, but again, I have never played the games, so I will give this a leg up assuming that I missed the bulk of character development.
Enjoyment was very spotty. The fights were so-so and the character
interactions felt a bit bland, but again, I did not play the game, so I assume this was targeted toward the game audience primarily.
Overall, if you are watching the anime without any prior engagement in the series, you'll probably dislike it greatly--the fights are boring, the characters are bland and obvious, and the story is decent at best.
Avoid this unless you have played the game(s) and know the series. While the 3D CG is far better than most recent shows, the story is lacking and the characters are very uninteresting, mostly because (I assume) you are already familiar with the world and characters beforehand. If you are a fan of the series, you'll probably enjoy this a lot--at least a lot more than I did.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 4, 2020
I stumbled upon this movie by accident and am I glad I did. For both a "G" rated movie, and a Chinese animation movie, this was an impressive film. The art style reminds me of Pixar meets Anime and I actually found it quite enjoyable.
Story - 9
Chinese mythology with a nice family approach, but still enough substance to entertain adults and children alike.
Art - 8
The characters looked very much like you'd expect from a Pixar movie, which is honestly very well done. The animation was generally very smooth and the scenery and backgrounds were very vivid and beautiful. The fight scenes were also very imaginative
and fun to watch.
Sound - 7
There isn't much that stood out musically, but the music always felt like it belonged and fit the scene well.
Character - 7
The characters were all unique and interesting in their own ways, but most of the characters aside from Nezha didn't see any real character development through the film. Overall, they weren't bad, but nothing that stood out beyond the main character.
Enjoyment - 8
The film did an good job pulling me in to the story. It was a bit choppy with pacing at certain points, but it was overall a fun ride. The story flowed well and nothing felt out of place.
Overall - 8
This was a surprisingly good film. I was hooked fairly early in the story and the movie kept me entertained and focused so well, I barely realized that an hour and a half had passed by the end. If you are a fan of martial arts anime with a Pixar-esque touch, I definitely recommend checking this out.
It's a fun tale of Chinese mythology with some enjoyable martial arts battles and a very nice story. While there is some cool action, don't expect a battle-shounen anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 15, 2020
First and most importantly: skip this OVA and watch the movie instead, since this OVA is literally the same as the movie (this OVA starts at the scene roughly 15 minutes in).
Not much to review about this. It's basically a gory, insect-rape doujinshi and it's pretty bad, even by that standard. With too much focus on awful cliched characters and a story that isn't even explained, unless you read the manga prior to watching, you're in for dull character interactions and several shots of insect rape/gore. It's harder to care about the story or characters when you get dropped in mid-story and it ends with
a cliffhanger to the next scene.
In short, if you're interested in watching this for a story, skip the OVA and just watch the movie. If insect rape is your thing, there are a few short scenes for your viewing pleasure. Either way, I don't think it's worth it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Sep 21, 2019
This show is aptly named "The Wasteful Days of High School Girls" because it was indeed a waste of my days watching it. All of the reviews so far are touting this as the best comedy of the year, but I just don't see it. Let's see why:
Story - 3
To be fair, there is no story. It's a collection of day-to-day activities following three girls and their class. In lieu of a story, I rate this based on character development, which I will elaborate on below.
Art - 6
Nothing great, nothing terrible.
Sound - 6
Appropriate, but nothing truly memorable.
Character - 3
The major issue with this show is it's characters. All of the characters are boring and one-dimensional, most of whom can be described in 2-3 words. The "main three" are pretty bland and most of their time is spent on Baka's unbearable stupidity and the reactions the others have to it. The other girls in the class are all equally as dull, but since they are given less screen time overall, it's much less noticeable. The teacher is the only character consistently fun to watch.
There is very little effort put in to exploring the characters or developing them. In fact, the only character that got any sort of meaningful development was Wota, and that episode was the best of the show. They gave the spotlight to a few characters, but nobody did much with the time except highlight the one character trait they have.
Enjoyment - 3
The comedy of this show was very hit-or-miss to me, mostly missing. Most of the time I found myself only chuckling once or twice per episode. Occasionally I actually got a laugh out. For a comedy, that's just unacceptable.
Overall - 4
This show was simply not good. I watched it hoping for something similar to Asobi Asobase, but I got a cheap knock off with a bloated cast of cardboard cutouts.
I saw a lot of people raving about this show being 'comedy gold' and 'the funniest show of the season' but I only found a dull show that dragged on more than it needed to.
This show is highly overrated and I don't recommend you watch it unless you have a lot of extra time and have a very generous sense of humor. The jokes are rarely funny and the characters are really boring.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 24, 2019
This show seemed to have no idea what it was trying to accomplish. At the outset, there was action-packed scenes that felt like a decent B-list action movie: car chases, gunfights, explosions--Michael Bay would approve. That drops off significantly, however, and the action sequences become far less intense, shorter, and much less interesting.
The story itself was fair, but the storytelling was poorly paced and tended to jump around a lot, especially into bits of backstory with no bearing on the main story (*cough* Idols *cough*).
Aside from that, there are several very questionable choices made in the animation and presentation that really bring the enjoyment
of this series down.
The breakdown:
Story - 5
It was decent, but could easily have been told in half as many episodes. The awkward pacing and lack of any character development was another nail in the coffin.
Art - 3
The characters themselves were drawn well and generally I liked the designs. Lets take a minute to discuss the questionable choices though.
First and foremost, the CGI: the CGI in this was so basic and bland, it looks as though it were animated by an amateur that just picked up their first book on how to draw CGI. The vehicles looked awful on the hand drawn backgrounds and really detract from the scenes' impact.
Second and possibly more annoying is the handy-cam effect. Most shows pan the camera slowly and smoothly across the screen for a nice effect. This show insists on having the camera shake around when panning and even when focusing on a character. So, like someone using a handy-cam, the image is constantly shaking around and it simply looks unprofessional and bad.
Finally, while speaking of shaking, this show has such an attachment to the twitching eye effect, that over 90% of the camera shots of the characters' faces have their eyes twitching/shaking. Sometimes, for whatever reason, their whole face shakes. Again, this is used so excessively that it looks bad and gets somewhat annoying to see.
Sound - 5
The soundtrack was fair. Mostly forgettable, but the music fit the scenes well.
Character - 3
Absolutely the most generic characters I've seen in a while. There was little to no development of characters and the character interactions were all pretty stiff and inorganic. The emotional scenes failed to evoke a response since the characters were so bland and lifeless.
Enjoyment - 3
I was enjoying it at first, but after the initial action scenes left, so did my enjoyment of the show. I stuck around to see if it got better--it didn't--and also to learn the mystery behind Lost. Disappointing more often than not.
Overall - 4
What started out with an interesting premise, quickly fell flat with just sub-par...everything. Between the shaky camera and faces, the terrible CG, and the poorly paced storytelling, it was tough to watch this show from start to finish.
I can't recommend this show unless you are a fan of the game. Otherwise, it's just not worth the struggle to watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 23, 2019
I feel that most of the reviews are misleading. The overwhelming majority hail this show as hilarious and interesting, but I certainly didn't get any of that from watching it.
I binged all of this series (season 1, Matsuri, season 2, and the specials) and I can say that it was only enjoyable for the first few episodes. The gags quickly became overused and just annoying rather quickly. All jokes in this series center around the following:
- Akihisa getting attacked by two girls out of jealousy
- Hideyoshi being a tomgirl or an ambiguous gender
- Yuuji getting stabbed in the eyes by Shouko due to jealousy
- Ninja
Pervert spraying blood from his nose
- Minami being called flat-chested and getting violent
That pretty much sums up the entire series. These same gags are repeated ad nauseam to the point that it was painful to watch. This season's only saving grace was finally doing some character development/backstory.
Season 1 had an semi-interesting story invloving the summons, but it quickly devolved to the overused gags. The Matsuri mini-series was practically nothing but the same jokes, but adding in crossdressing for the other male characters (instead of just Hideyoshi), and having a story that was mostly uninpressive and pointless. And that brings us to season 2.
The breakdown:
Story - 6
Saved from a lower score by the character development in this season.
Art - 6
Characters are neat and colorful. Nothing spectacular, but nothing awful--except the extremely overdone breast physics for Mizuki. Good lord, why do her breasts shake violently in different directions when she slowly turns 90 degrees?
Sound - 5
Music was fitting but was largely forgettable. Again, nothing great, nothing terrible.
Character - 4
Being kind, the characters are decent at best. These characters are built on common tropes with just their gags and little else to support them. Only a handful received attention in the story and had any amount of development.
Enjoyment - 3
At the start of the series (season 1) there was laughter and enjoyment. By the end of season 1, I was lucky to get a chuckle per episode. This was the level of enjoyment that maintained until the middle of season 2. Again, the only reason this score is not lower is due to the fairly enjoyable character development arc.
Overall - 5
This show is rated much higher than it deserves--the whole series is. It suffers from overusing gags and jokes that were only mildly funny the first time we saw them.
If you enjoy stupid and repetitive comedy, you may like this better than I did, but overall, this show is mediocre at best.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 8, 2019
So I just finished binge-watching all three seasons. Going in blind at the start, I found season one to be quite entertaining and really well made. Naturally, after the excellent experience I had watching the first season, I was excited for another round.
Boy was I disappointed.
To be fair, depending on what you liked about the first season the most and what you like in Anime in general, you'll either really enjoy this show or really dislike it.
This season took one pleasure in picking apart everything the first season set up until only warm fluffiness was left. The change of directors really impacted this show in
a noticeable way. Much in the way Star Wars Episode 8 systematically dismissed a lot of the plot elements set up in Star Wars Episode 7, Dog Days' follows suit.
Season one and some Season two spoilers will follow.
First, the good: as with season one, the visuals were very nice to look at with vivid colors and beautiful landscapes. The music was excellent as well. All the same characters return with the original Voice Actors, who all performed quite well. Unfortunately, that's all I have for good.
The main plot of DD' is pretty much non-existent; the first three episodes cover all of the season's plot. Picking up exactly where DD left off, Shinku fulfills his promise and returns to Flonyard with his friend Becky and his cousin/mentor/rival Nanami. Predictably, Nanami becomes the hero for Galette to compete against Shinku and Biscotti. A third country appears suddenly to butt into the war and ends up convincing Becky to become their hero. That's the plot. No build up, no deeper story, just a few "war games," a handful of new characters, and a lot of Slice-of-life fluff.
Personally, after the interesting story and setting from the first, I was extremely disappointed that there was nothing in this season. Aside from the handful of new characters, nothing of any importance occurred. In fact, you can watch the first three episodes, two in the middle (where another set of characters is introduced), and the final episode, and have missed nothing at all.
The greatest disappointment was the character development. No character had any significant development at all. Eclair was the only character that had any sort of development, but at the end, nothing really was resolved and nothing changed except she stopped avoiding Shinku after their kiss. Becky had some development, but after episode three, it stopped and never truly amounted to much.
Perhaps just as bad was the complete reversal of most of the world-building and character-building from season one. Shinku came to Flonyard and had to train and learn how to control his powers to fight. Nanami just drops right in to the war and is on equal footing with Shinku immediately. Having an equally freakish amount of athleticism as Shinku, this is acceptable. Becky, however, is able to pick up her special weapon and use it flawlessly without any training or preparation.
Another thing that disappeared was the tension and drama in general, but mostly behind the summoning. There were a ton of restrictions on the summoned heroes in order to go home and their potential return hinged on a very specific set of conditions. This seems to have gone out the window, as they can now bring gifts back home at the end and the conditions for return are not mentioned.
Perhaps the most irritating change was in the romance of the characters. Shinku and Milhi share a touching farewell at the end of season one that is all but ignored in season two. To undermine it more, Milhi (as well as all of the other characters) start saying "I love you" to everyone, further diminishing the impact. This, amongst other things, causes any scenes that may have been meant as more serious romantic moments to fall flat. The last episode spends some time having the characters discuss relationships and their feelings, but it doesn't really go anywhere. Milhi brings up their farewell the night before Shinku is set to leave for another touching farewell, but while cute, the scene falls a little short considering this is one of the few times there was any type of romantic interaction between the two this season.
To summarize, this season takes the show and removes or greatly pares down a lot of the key elements that made the first season so great: interesting plot, character development, world-building (there is still some with the new country introduced, but not much), the dramatic tension, and the emotion. After taking all of that away, you're left with fluffy, feel-good slice-of-life with a few battles thrown in. Oh, and fan-service. That's still there too.
Overall, my recommendation depends on your preference: if you like slice-of-life and thought that the wars were the only good part of season one, then this is for you. If you were hoping for more plot development, character development, and action, you may only want to watch episodes 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 13. Since I am not a fan of slice-of-life, my preference is the latter, so I did not enjoy this season as much as I was hoping to.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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