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Jan 18, 2025
A couple days ago, a friend of mine kept nagging me to visit him, to binge watch a new anime we discovered, "it looked cool". I went full of expectations and, as you might've guessed, it was the 1st season based on this LN. I've informed him I've already watched it, since it aired a full year ago. And then he started: "well, isn't it amazing? How is it going? What happens next? Kinda wish to read the source material? How do you think it will end?" And so on, and so on, and so on. And because that made me remember the books, I
got the idea to review it (whats on at least, the series is not yet finished). And yes, I'll ff this link to my friend. Two birds, one stone, eh? ;)
Always spoiler free ofc. Sometimes people want to watch something, even if they hear it is bad.
From the start: I'll not recommend it. The author gives me vibes of RR Martin. Yes, the premise is nice. The way the story starts is amazing. But thats it. The rest is sht. Too much talk, the story drags on, just to keep publishing and keep making a quick buck. He has no idea where to go next (storywise) and keeps talking nonsense. If you take out the unnecessary stuff, the books would be half (if not less) of the current length. This is not in the books, its all made up, but something like this: "I was afraid it might rain. Sure, there were no clouds now, but you can never know. The weather is a fickle thing. But even if it starts raining, I have my umbrella with me, so I guess I'll be ok. But enough crazy thoughts. I need to pay attention." Yes, made-up, but the books are full of this kind of storytelling. Or he thinks (monologues) something and in the next paragraph, the person he's with, confirms it by saying it out loud. Every page has at least 2-3 of these stupid, unneeded monologues. Ok, maybe the first volumes are better, with fewer of these, but starting with... I don't remember... volume 5? the writing gets really bad.
Anyway, here it goes. Like I said: the idea is nice. It really makes you think "Wow, interesting. I really wanna know more about this universe". The world-building is decent. You understand where the stuff happens, why, how far apart the other locations are etc. I also like the stuff about their "powers" and the system. Like I said, decent enough. You're thinking it will get more fleshed out later, for sure. No that much will though. Don't get me wrong, the author tries to, but the result is meh. As a bonus, in the later volumes the author starts introducing new elements (ok, its not new, we get a "definition"), but he forgets what happened in the 1st(?) volume. Something that would've made out protagonist ask himself some questions. More so if he got some super nice gifts because of it. But the story is not finished, maybe the author will bring that up. Maybe... And I'm not saying is all bad. There are a lot of instances where the author goes to great lengths describing some monsters, or backstory, or stuff. Thats what makes is evident. He really knows his stuff and he lets us be part of a wonderful world. But only in short dosages. And sometimes mixed-in with water.
But lets move on. The characters. Based on the first volumes, you will go "wow". You get a good idea of how the characters are and what they think. It makes you wanna know more about it, to care about what happens to them. But unfortunately, thats it. In the later volumes it gets even worse and the author is blind to it. Not a spoiler per se, but something happens in the 9-th or the 10th volume. The party get to a village. Stuff happens. And then Rentt, our main protagonist, thinks (its not the exact quote) "well, if needed be we could've killed all the villagers, but that would attract more problems. It is definitely not worth the effort". Wait, what?? Dude, my man! I know that you're trying to show us his internal struggle, the fact that he's thinking about stuff, but reading between the lines gives us a whole different vibe. I'm sorry, I don't remember the exact words and context, but I remember that I was pretty shocked at the time. The idea is: don't expect consistency or character development. What you know about the characters, based on their actions, in the first 2-3 volumes, will change drastically as the story goes on. I remember increasingly going "what? why are you thinking that? wtf?" or "since when is Rentt this dumb?". The characters forget they have certain skills or abilities that would help them to easily solve issues. Aka, plot hole. Thats also when I started to realize the story is becoming slow-paced and getting more filler.
Like I said, bad. Yes, it starts decent enough, makes you care, but after a while, all you read about (over60%) is just copy/paste monologue of what an adventurer is and what that implies. Also, that usually happens right in a middle of a fight or when the characters were talking about something. Yes, pause, paste, continue. If you're lucky, the monologue or the narrative might be something world-building, but most of the times it is not. So the story drags on, arcs spanning over 2-3 volumes for something that should've been done in one volume. That is for arcs that HAVE a finish line. Because you might also happen on a half a plot, dropped half-way, the author starting a new one and forgetting about it. Terrible, terrible pace. Remember that the story starts with him as a Bronze-class adventurer. Try guessing in what volume he becomes a Silver-class? Maybe I know, maybe I don't. I wont spoil it. But apparently every upgrade is supposed to be harder and harder. His dream is Mithril-class. That means we will get more than 60 volumes. Yeeeeeey.........
Here's my two cents. The author got 2-5 years to prepare his first volume. Thats normal. The story got traction, a publisher sought him out. The 2nd volume on the way. Good. The public loved his books. That meant he had a stable income. So he started to mix it with water, to keep it going as long as he could. He always hoped to get an anime adaptation. You can see it from the way his "bonus side stories" are structured. Perfect for mini OVAs. I don't have anything against it. He can write however he wants. As long as he keeps the story going at a decent pace. And thats a no.
You wanna give it a go? Sure thing. The first 2-4 (?) volumes are nice. Story, characters, world-building. After that, it gets meh. I would advice on giving up when you feel it is getting too much. You might think you can power through but it won't get better. Pause reading until you hear the series ended. But at this speed, I don't think it will, not even in 10 years. I know, I know. People will say it is slow-paced and thats ok. Let me ask you this: is it show-paced if no pacing is involved? Staying is one place means you're not moving, aka no pacing. More slow-paced and it would start going backwards. (Yes, I really had to do this joke).
Again, it starts ok but the story gets slow-paced, full of exposition dump, some character assassination, plot holes and other nonsensical stuff. Lots of filler. Try watching the anime, if it gets more seasons (it might be better).
I don't know how many chapters I've read, I assumed 6-7 per volume. Sorry, but I won't open those books again, not even to check it. I'm giving this a 4. For the idea. For the way the story started. Also, good stuff with the powers system. And thats it. Nothing else is good. Maybe if someone poured over the text and deleted all the unnecesary stuff, it might level up (see what I did there?) to a 7 easily. But sadly, the way it is now, nope.
Have a lovely day.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 2, 2025
Well, Well... While preparing for the winter season, I saw that a 2nd season is up for one anime that I kinda have never made time for it. So I decided to binge watch the 1st season now.
I'm sorry if this review will feel rushed, I wanna ff over some points and tell more about the "problem" ones. Here it goes.
This season is amazing as an art piece. And by that, I praise the studio, not the writer. The attention to stuff blew me away. But the story, the plot, is bonkers. If this same team would work on a script worthy of them, we'd
get a masterpiece.
The visuals are amazing, designs are beautiful, the animation is incredibly well done. Even graceful I'd say. Sometime around the last episodes, one of the girls wipes away her tears. Dude, the animation for that hand, the fingers gliding, whoa... I mean, thats just 1-2 seconds, I wasn't expecting something at that level, for that scene. Again, anything about visuals is, more often than not, amazing.
Next. Great sound department. The OP and ED are meh. I mean its on par with this anime's theme, so I guess it works. But about the anime itself, what you're hearing while stuff happens on screen, very nice. You don't get something that makes the scene feel off. Also at the appropriate volume (yes, I even noticed that). And lets not forget, the VA did great.
Next, the characters. Very consistent. You'll see very fast how one character thinks, and said character will play the same way until the end. That said, their development? Neah. Not really. And all of this is because of the story. Here we go.
I don't know the source and I don't care. This is about this piece of media. So, from the title you can guess this anime will be bonkers. I mean, your brain will go "How tf will you make that work? Lets see". And you know what? As long as what happens is within that anime's laws, I'm ok with about whatever crazy things it can bring. So, the "world-building". You know where it happens, why, when. You get told why stuff happens and you'll be "yep, that works. He would really think that way". You might even guess some plot points. Is the world building vast or complex? Well, no, and no. Do we needed it to be? Not really. At least, not for me, because I was not that invested. I mean there were times when I was asking "why the tf is that school so empty?" but I never cared that much because the story was meh anyway. And because the segue was perfect, lets talk about story and the plot.
No matter the idea, or the logic should I say, the fact that he will have 100 girlfriends is crazy. You can't have that. you can't make it work. As a writer I mean. Unless he finds them in the first week, everything else becomes plothole. OK, maybe not all in the first week, but at least 80 or something. At least now we know why the school is always empty, unless the plot requires a new "victim" to be in his way. Putting aside the crazy part, the author really gave his best to think the things through. "Why does she have that on her? Oh, because earlier she said/did that. Oh, nice pay-off". Is it crazy that she had that or she thought that? sure, but there was some thinking behind it. It all fits together, no matter how weird the final product is. Also, too much exposition, but ok. Like I said, because everything is consistent, you can kinda guess what will happen next. And that might become... boring.
Halfway through, I was already more that ready for this season to end. The fact that along the way he got some lousy girlfriends did not helped. I know, I know. Harem = tropes. You need the X type, and the Y type and so on. But cmon. Thats not possible. The title says 100. Are you telling me you will give us 100 completely different personalities? This season couldn't even resolve the ones we already know!! The character development is... none. There isn't any. They won't learn from mistakes, no personal growth, nothing. They are all "cute" and "funny", almost nonstop skits going. I'll admit that some we're ok. One girl's name is "Eiai" [A.I.], comparing her with an android. Yes, I get it, I know what you're trying. And I chuckled a couple of times, yes. But still not my kind of comedy. I mean its ok for a while, but when the story isn't bringing anything new, it gets bothersome and/or annoying.
And when the "mom mini-arc" begins, the last 1/4, it gets even bonkers. At first I was "finally, a normal person saying normal things" but that changed quickly. And the story, wow. Because she is added to the mix, the story must now flow in a new direction, while trying to maintain the the same "spirit". Lets go with drama, lets do this, lets do that. All very fast paced, all while trying to maintain the characters' main traits and thinking. Lets not forget the skits. You'd think this would've been the perfect moment to try some char development. I mean, it did try. Not successfully. At some point, I was even "Cmon, why the fk are his eyes still like that? Are you trying to make him take some important decisions? Or are you trying to go for a plot thing?" The show hints it and then thats exactly what it was. I even jokingly said the same stuff in the beginning, while there was talk about cooking and thinking what his preferred dish would be. Yes, I've seen some stuff (hi, to my fellow men of culture).
And thats that. Forgive my rambling, I tried to go without spoilers.
So, its a story about a guy and his 100 soulmates/girlfriends. About one-dimensional characters, no progression, full of skits and tropes. (And only a few nice girls). All looks good and sounds good. If the final harem would've been smaller, 3-4 gf, this anime could've been a nice watch. Just chilling and laughing, without asking the "why". But no, 100. And love love love love all around.
Oh, yeah. Apparently that love at first sight is the sht! Everything that happens is because "love". And by love, I mean the type of love a 16 yrs old feels. Apparently thats stronger than any slow progression of character and trust build over time between people. OMG, I guess this anime is even worse :)))
I'm giving this a 5 because grading should be about the media itself, not my personal feelings. And, like I said, the work done by the studio is stellar. And even the story itself had some nice things. However, I don't recommend this. You can find some other anime that looks nice, with better story. Actually it doesn't even need to look nice.
Imagine this. A video captured by a parent (I'm trying to make a point), with a smartphone, 20 years ago, of kittens doing cute stuff. And opposite, a nowadays pro 4k recording of kittens being tortured and killed. Extreme, I know, but my point is I'd rather watch a nice story with somewhat lousy animation.
And yes, I'll give this next season a go, only because I'm curious if the studio will keep the same level of work ethics.
Happy New Year!
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 29, 2024
Finally, it is over. Although its first season was not great, I was looking forward to this anime, because nice drawings, somewhat good enough story and maybe some character development. Well, not anymore :))
I could talk about the animation, the sound design, CGI blending etc, but thats not important. I'll go to the problem. The writing for his season is sh*t! I don't know the source material and I don't care! The review is for this season.
It starts with new stuff happening. Good, bad, interesting, it doesn't matter. The author introduced new things. Thats a great way to use those said things to flush out
more MC's character. More so if he has a past personal connection with them. How does he feels about it? How does the other party feels about him? And here starts the problem. We do get that, but only for just a bit. Because they need to keep it for the next season also, I'm sure. They need the drama to make it look interesting. And makes for good character development. Spoiler alert: none for him! (Maybe more towards character assassination.) We know what kind of person he is in the first episode. In the 12th one, he's exactly the same. He has no arc. Yes, stuff happens. But he remains the same. And that, obviously, is a good thing. Everybody loves watching the paint dry......
Next. Celia, same one-dimensional character. And annoying as sht. Aishia? I wont. Princess Flora? We are shown in a couple of shots how much she feels sorry and stuff. She could've had the greatest arc if done correctly. What a wasted opportunity man! Yes, we get a couple of nice things, but also a lot more of empty husks. Like I said, the story is sh*t. People talk, stuff happens, just so that the plot moves from point A to point B. The dialogue is horrendous. The action scenes are meh. The characters do stuff without logic. "Haruto, I sense demons there." one second later: "Hello, hello, thank you for helping, blah blah. Oh, no problem, blah blah." 30 seconds later (I checked):"btw, any demons inside the building? No, no, thats the room where the VIP are. Oh, OK." Really??? Wtf??? Is exchanging pleasantries more important than checking out? From him, or Liselotte. Its just a small example, with this happening the whole season. Like I said, character assassination.
Anyway, thats that. Forgive my rambling. I went spoiler free as much as possible, but the main point stands: this season is sh*t! I usually say something like "a polished, golden turd is still a turd", but those CGI monsters... Ugh...
I'll give this a 4 for the somewhat nice (and few) designs, animations and visual effects, somewhat tiny char developments here and there and.. dunno if something else.
Happy holidays!
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 28, 2024
I knew it! I knew that if I visited MAL I'd see a high score for this sh***y season.
As usual, people mistake rating a media's value to their own feelings. Anyway, I'll start, spoiler free (as much as I can).
Yes, the drawing and the animation are nice, or extremely nice (when and where it counts). Pretty consistent and I've even seen some quite nice drawings that I really appreciated. The soundtrack is ok, no big deals. I've already forgotten the OP and ED, but thats just me. If felt ok-ish. I could even say that I liked the idea for ED, but still nothing wow.
The VAs did their part, almost entirely good. Yes, I'm going very fast over these points because I'm sure everyone would say the same things. But a nice, polished, golden turd, is still a turd.
I don't know the source material, I don't care about it. I'm talking about this media, this season. The story is sh*t! Garbage! Full of character assassination. Yes, some minor characters got a nice arc, some nice development, but all that at the expense of our main protagonist. And some other characters, but mostly its about him.
Remember the first season? The first half I mean. Remember his fight with the minotaur? Am I the only one who got chills then (and also now, remembering)? After his first days inside the dungeon, he understands he's not really powerful, that the dungeon is cruel and so on. He seeks help, training with Ais. As the season ends, he fights again and he understands something new. Again. Then the story goes on and on, and he's always put in situations where he must deal with stuff, fighting not only physically but also mentally. The last one, when he gets to he Deep Floors and needs to learn a new way to fight so that he (and Ryu) can make it out alive. You know, the stuff in The White Pallace/ Colosseum from the last season. That season also wasn't the greatest, but we got some nice character development from that, at least.
So now my question is: why the fk is he acting the same as in the first 5 episodes of this show? How can you make him a loser who forgot everything he learned all this time? What the fk is this level of writing? Oh, you need him a bumbling idiot to drag the story on 'cause otherwise the plot would resolve itself too fast? Thats your problem, writer-san. DO BETTER! Yeah, I know. We need drama. Thats the easiest way to create some cheap character development. But only in the beginning of a show, and/or if done correctly. Anything would work better, not this sht we got. The usual way is to have the hero make a mistake that will make him doubt or be afraid of his powers. For example, he needs to use Firebolt to get rid of something, like a portion of the wall falling. But in doing so, a piece falls on someone (a kid, to be more dramatic). This way you make him always go "I can't use it! What if someone gets hurt again because of me?" Easy, cheap, lousy. Yes to all, but its just an example. And this would also work with what he learned from Ais and Ryu, to plan ahead, to better calculate what, how, when to use his abilities. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe it is better to get him on a date, reject some girl, that girl goes wild (not that way) and he falls into despair until he remembers "oh yeah, all this time I've never visited the one person I look up to". GG, well played!!! And no, showing us that he has inner monologues about what would be better, with dead eyes, that won't make him look more human. It would if said situation only lasted 1-2 days. And even that is too much for an adventurer, who needs to make life and death decisions on the fly.
As you might have observed, I've tried to go around Freya. This sh***y way of writing, as "oh no, she has layers", sucks. Cheap and boring. I'm mentioning this because I'm sure she played a massive role in people loving this season. But no, nothing deep about her, the author used cheap tricks to fool easy people.
Forgive my rambling. I've tried to say as much as possible without spoilers. And I don't wanna tag it with spoilers because I don't want you to take my word for it from the examples. Watch (or re-watch) it and judge for yourself. But correctly. As any movie/anime. Don't go "I enjoyed it, so it must be good". You can enjoy bad media. Nothing wrong with it. Just make the difference between "is good/ I like" and, most importantly, score it appropriately. I've seen people give it a 10. A 10! Really? This was perfection? There was nothing wrong? Wow...
Anyway, back to it. Like I said, this anime/season has a lot of nice things, but without a proper story, its all for nothing. It is just a beautiful, empty shell. You will forget most of what happened, or more important, might cause problems in future seasons, because you backed yourself into a corner.
I'll give it a 4, mostly because I'm a sucker for nice drawings. And those (very few) character development were very well done.
Happy holidays.
PS: FK! Thats a lot of words.... I really needed that off my chest, huh?
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 21, 2024
So, maid + former assassin. Well, I selected this anime based on the poster and then I lightly read the synopsis. My first hope was we'd hear someone say something like "I once saw her kill three men in a bar... with a pencil. With a fookin'... pencil!". This show is anything but that. Here it goes.
The designs are amazings. She looks a bit like Komi-san (thats the vibe I get). Actually other than that loser MC, all the designs are somethat decent-> nice -> gorgeous. It feels like posing. They went somewhat mid/bland for the most part and for the "special" scenes: BAM! insert
super-amazing graphic.
And thats it. Thats all the nice parts about this series. I praise the designs, the graphics, the coloring. Some of those at least. And I downvote the recycling of scenes. Too much copy/paste.
The story is meh at best. MAL has it tagged as "Comedy, Romance". It might be, if you're braindead. In the beginning I thought this is some kind of slice of life. But it is even more boring. In a slice of life genre, stuff happens. Even if I don't like it, I'd rather have had some scenes where troubles arise (or should I say "ARISE!"? can't wait for the next season...) because she doesn't know how to be "normal" (as the show states over and over and over and over). You know, she does something assassin-like, or wanting to protect her new master. I guess I should say there is one such scene. ONE. Involving chalk. And thats just to move the plot forward. The comedy is meh, like I said. The romance is... none. They remembered it should have some romance and it was shoved in the last episodes. And no, those 1-2 scenes every episode before? That doesn't count. I don't know the source material and I don't care. This show, this anime shouldn't have neither Comedy, nor Romance tags.
Next, character development. What character? Ok, she does have some bit. Just a little bit. Because they needed it for the plot. And funnily enough, she was more interesting BEFORE we knew her backstory. And we find about it in a dream. That exposition there, brilliant writing! Like I said, I think she would've been more interesting without all that expo, or the "sad sad sad stuff happened in her life, bro! You should feel sorry for her!" thing shoved in our face. Him. Well, he has a bland design and persona. And it gets worse in the last episodes, with so much unnecessary drama packed full in 2 episodes. Omg, I just remembered. SO much filler!!!
"So, we need some drama. We need to make it look like he's going through some stuff. How do we do that? Lets say he has some past trauma about being rejected. How do we do that? Maybe we can use his mother cause shes not in the picture anymore? Or maybe an old gf or something? Yes. Yes, what? Yes all the above. Something in it must click and make ppl feel sad and sympathetic. Ok, and next? What do you mean? Well, what else? You can't make him have only this thing for a couple of days, without talking about it. He's not a 5 yrs old. Or can we....?"
Yes, I had a little bit of fun. Btw, the girl might be her? What about their age? I don't think they care anymore.
Back on track. And I feel this lousy show takes too much of my time. So, fast:
The OP and ED are meh, at best. Nothing wow visual or audio. The ED is a bit interesting visually, but not THAT much. The production value looks ok. The soundtrack is meh at most. Too much "quirky" music. You know, that "check it out, funny scene incoming" music. The VAs do their job with that they have. Which, as I've already said, lacks in story, in dialogue or even for character development.
And thats about it. I hope. A romantic comedy show about an assassin maid (btw, knives-only, she's useless with firearms.... :| ) who is shy and a klutz and tries to be "normal" (even though "normal" usually equals slice of life...). Without the romantic or the comedy, with people mostly sad, with misunderstandings because they can't have a proper discussion, no full sentences talk.
Oh, I almost forgot. Not even ecchi scenes!!! She's flying over rooftops and we won't even get some nice shots. Yes, we get to see her in a swimsuit and in her underwear, dressing (with light rays censoring). For a couple of seconds... In a show with a maid...
Yes, I know this isn't an ecchi anime , but that would've saved this series. Maybe.
Anyway, thats that. A 4 from me, mostly for the (too few) amazing graphics. Happy holidays.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 18, 2024
Don't do it!
I was about to go with "normal story" but halfway through it got so bad I couldn't take it anymore. I wasn't hoping for a great story, not ever for something special, I was just hoping for it to not be boring. As you can see my bar was pretty low. Guess what? It subverted my expectations :))
The season begins with some nice ideas. The story, some designs... I was getting what I wanted. Then a lamia drops in. Is she gonna be some love interest? Meh, but ok. Then a new girl, so it must be a triangle or something, right? Yes?
No? It doesn't really matter, I continue watching. (As you can see, my bar is still on "low" settings.) Halfway season though, a "big" battle starts. And this is when all goes apesh*t. "So you are powerful enough to hurt me?" "You will fail, evil demon". *insert blank face* Yes, this kind of generic dialogue. Those are not actual the quotes but I don't remember them and I can't be bothered to watch it again! So, you don't have an amazing setting, or some nice graphics, or VA, or dialogue, or plot progression, but then you drop even lower??? Oh, I almost forgot. The soundtrack. While that battle is on, an orchestra goes nuts in the background. Im not joking. Full volume "lord of the rings"-like music (not same quality) blaring in the background while you also hear diegetic sounds and "Never, evil demon!" Like I said, expectations: subverted.
It doesn't even matter what happens next (again, things just to move the plot forward) it felt like that was a special thing.
Pfew, thats all. Happy holidays!
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Dec 18, 2024
The plot is ok. I mean the idea behind it. Realistic? Nope. But I was looking forward to see how they'll fall in love "for real" cause thats how this kind of story ends. Well, the first episodes were meh. Or maybe even ok. Nothing great but maybe they needed time to set it up. The characters are... I don't know, bland? Weird? Without a backbone? So thats like a blank paper. Endless possibilities to write. You can make them grow nicely. And here's where the problems start. The show doesn't do that. Like I said, the first episodes were merely ok. Because of
their interactions, because of their colleagues, whatever. Starting halfway season, the quality drops heavily. Episodes full of monologues. The same inner discussion for an entire episode(s)!!! FFS! Do you remember "I parry everything"? Not that bad, but in the same way. Assuming what others think, self doubting etc. For an entire episode. And while those endless monologues, stuff happens. Not important stuff, just things to "move" the plot forward. So, imagine hearing inner thoughts while things without importance happen on screen.
So thats that. If you came here for the romance, hoping to see sweet things and funny situations, big mistake. The only good thing are the VAs (bruh, Saori!) but still not enough. You're better off watching a diff anime with your preffered VA.
Happy holidays!
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 16, 2024
Spoiler free.
This anime is sht. Ok, now spoiler free.
Yes, it starts somewhat nicely. Yes, you get some interesting characters. Yes, the story is interesting. Yes, the art is quite nice. Yes to a lot of those. But halfway through the story gets messed up. And then the episodes become "lets run around in circles, just to fill the assigned time". I don't know the source material and i don't care. This anime feels incomplete. Like they need to pass time so that it meets a certain mark for the last episode, like the season must end with X event. And because of that, they
started to "destroy" characters. Have you watched a couple of first episodes and you went "Wow, nice this Nina person"? Get ready for "wtf are you doing?" in the last ones :))) And the story keeps getting sh****er because they need for stuff to happen just to move the plot forward. You know, the CW's end-season drama/cliffhanger. To make you go "Oh, no. Whats going to happen now?" Yes, I already know what the last episode will be like.
You wanna watch it for the art or for the OP/ED? Ok, sure, go for it. But don't get attached. This won't get a second season. Luckily.
PS: just now, while thinking about what to write, about what happened, made me realize I was being too generous with the 4. The art and the beginning shouldn't save this mess.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 18, 2022
Oh, man. I writing this just because I can't stand it anymore.
Yes, the anime is nice. In fact, really nice. Kongming is awesome. The story is great and funny. The art, for most part, outstanding. I mean I even said "whoa" out loud and I never do that. Or rarely. I'm talking about the dance from the episode 11. The choreography was bad (or meh), but the moves were smooth and realistic looking. And now fast-forward to the part why I'm writing this.
The music is lousy. That OP is trashy. I know people have different tastes and it should not be a subject for disscusion
but cmon... It is catchy, it is entertaining, it is enjoyable, fine, whatever floats your boat. But don't call it amazing! I get it. These 1 summer Ibiza hits are all the rave for young people with fleeting feelings. This "life is short, I must live it to the fullest" and go the extra-mile because they don't know any other way. In fact, the ED was decent. I don't remember it, but I know it was better than the OP :))) Ok, moving on. Next, the bland Eiko. Both visually and singing. Fine, not really bland when you go for blond hair and blue eyes, yet still... bland. I can't think of her any other way. And the songs too. Especially the episode 8. Or was it 9? Next, lets talk about "Dreamer", the song that was supposed to be the "whoa". Man, what a let down. I mean I rather enjoyed the "Underworld" one. That one was really good. Not the bits where the singing voice was trying to put extra-feeling in order to make it sound more powerful. But even so, it was good.
Honestly, this felt like a promoting anime for some up-and-coming idols. I don't know, I won't check. If we could separate/eliminate the singings parts, like I said, the anime is awesome. The art, the story, the voice acting. Up until they tried to put the singing the main dish. Lousy songs, lousy singing. Not even the rapping was good. But I've seen rapping of same level in other anime, so I think thats how it is in Japan.
So, yes. Overall you will enjoy this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 18, 2022
Because it is about ballet, I'm sure the snobs will acclaim this anime with standing ovations (see what I did there?).
The anime is oki. Definitely above mediocre, it is about personal tastes I guess. I grew up in the world of arts, so I've found some enjoyable parts, but just some. I watch anime because I like watching anime and I don't care if it is isekai or not, harem or not, slow pace or not, overpowered MC or not. It is all about "how good the story is".
Well, the story is meh. I mean it is decent but with a couple of needless complications,
just for the sake to keep the story rolling. And that made the whole thing less enjoyable. The art is good, but sometimes with some weird drawings, like their eyes or the super long neck. And I hate that overused "sparkle-sparkle, boom!". I understand that you need something like that to make the scenes stand out but c'mon... The soundtrack is nice, obviously. Let's see, what else? Well, like I've said, it is an oki anime. The only thing that annoys me, as in any other anime (and/or its source), is the coupling. Be it the wrong ones, or the lack of. The story is progressing nicely until the last 2 episodes, when they fk it up. I'm sure its for the additional drama, for new things to talk about in the second season/volume, for character's development or whatever. Well, for me, those last 2 episodes destroyed the whole experience. The chemistry, the funny bits, all of it down the drain. I'm sure they still are into eachother and that sometime later they will rediscover "themselves" (lets go with that), but when the story is destroyed just for the sake to make it look more interesting, to keep the readers/viewers hooked, hoping for the "right" couple to be "together, at least"... Well, then "fk u"! I don't care how good a story is, the potential or whatever. These cheep tricks make the difference between a good or a lousy writer. And I personally hope these authors get sent to jail or fined, I dunno, something to get them in pain. Or hit by truck-kun.
So, lets go for some scores:
Story: 8/10 I guess. Most of the times, it is ok.
Art: 8/10 I guess. Again. You keep focusing on those eyes and that means you'll not see the whole picture. I don't know if thats a trademark from the source material but they could've made it less noticeable for the anime. Also, those long necks. Being a dance (or rather an art) related anime, I know why they went for that, but still. And I hate the overused "sparkle-sparkle" thing. What else? No fan service. Not even while jumping, in a skirt, with wind around? Cmon... I don't think THAT would've dropped the anime's level they were aiming for...
Characters: 7/10. I understand what makes every character perform in an certain way. For the most part. The last 2 episodes made their motives and way of thinking unrealistic.
Music: 8/10. The OP and ED are likable. The classical bits were gorgeous, obviously. While I'm not a ballet fan, I do listen to classical music on a day by day basis. Ok, maybe less. Fine, a couple a times per year. But I do enjoy it.
Return value: 4/10. Knowing what will happen in the last 2 episodes, I don't know. Maybe I would force myself to watch until the end of the episode 8 (for the doki-doki part) and then I'd stop, starting to get angry because I'd remember how the writer destroyed the story. Sorry but I can't get over it.
And thats about it. A nice anime, some nice art, mostly when trying to express the grace of movements. And the feather visuals. Fine, the decorum and the characters were also nicely colored. If you wish to watch this anime, keep a low bar. Maybe you won't be put off by its ending, in which case, great! And if you'll feel like me, you were warned so you won't feel too dejected.
Have a nice day.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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