Violet Evergarden was a very good experience and also very unique in its genre.
The Art was amazing , i enjoyed all the characters and the unique aesthetic of the show. All the characters had a soft glow of light in their faces which I liked because it made an impression on me since I've never seen it in such detail before in another anime.
The Plot was very interesting but i wish they will make another season because i think that this show has some unanswered messages..
Anyways,the show genuinely had an extraordinary way of showing to the viewer exactly the kind of depression and
Nov 14, 2022
Romantic Killer
It was one of the funniest and most relatable for all the highschool kids ,the cast tried to make it look like a comedy but I found the plot more interesting! , Also the characters and the Visual Effects were awesome and the main protagonist was very interesting ,
I would love to see more seasons to have the best view on this anime but I think everyone should watch it , because it is something very different and enjoyable for all ages :) , so give it a try and you will not regret it!!! Hmm that's it mal doesn't allow Me to end ... Oct 16, 2022
I had heard the movie from a podcast and then it started showing me on tiktoks and everyone was saying it's the scariest and creepiest anime that has haunted a lot of people and ruined their childhood
I wanted to see it too because curiosity was killing me Was this anime movie really worth it?? The answer is neutral It started very interesting with scenes of violence and gore and pedophilia, but it developed into something very dramatic and unexpected, making it interesting, the dubs were fantastic,But I didn't like the animation and the repeated scenes To sum it up I liked enough about ... Oct 14, 2022
Flanders no Inu (Movie)
As a kid i grew up watching random cartoon series on tv shows like spongebob etc
I watched this anime some days before and i have to say that this movie was emotional and it had a very nice plot First of all i want to say that i absolutely loved the characters & dubs . The Story was actually sad if you understand what's happening during the movie, (i don't want to spoil) but you should give it a try . Many people charactirize it as kid movie but i think it's for all the ages. When the movie ended i had mixed feelings, i would propably rewatch ... Oct 11, 2022
Afro Samurai
I saw the series by chance through a site
Let me first point out that I'm not a longtime anime fan I've watched a few and I think this anime was pretty good In the beginning the designs were better and the plot was very interesting, the music, the dubs and the designs were incredibly nice There's some kissing and a long sex scene with some female nudity. The violence is very strong, gory and constant. People are constantly killed in gory ways, with Japanese weapons and samurai swords throughout. There are some uses of strong language, such as "f***" and "motherf*****". Milder swears are ... |