Mar 9, 2025
Beastars Final Season
A masterclass in turning a churned-out deadlined manga adaptation filled with inconsistencies and ass-pulls into a coherent, actually engaging storyline. Opening rivals that of season one and plotline in general surpasses the first two seasons. From a finally consistent tonal shift to gripping decisions that make a mountain out of the mangaka's molehill, Beastars's Final Season (Part One) excites me in ways few other animes have recently. It fixes errors while keeping its foundationally revolutionary message at heart. I adore the choices made and appreciate the additions to increase clarity (Kyuu the boxer; Yahya now being front and center; completely revamping Melon's introduction, etc...) A
Apr 30, 2024
Sora yori mo Tooi Basho
As someone who came of age/felt the first frets of freedom in college JUST as the pandemic squashed all hopes of an idyllic life or path, this anime's message of dreams being integral to moving forward in spite of everything hits pangingly close. There are a multitude of experiences and emotions you bury or idealize, and the girls learning about how to propel themselves forward to reach their goals is an admirable one to air to the most hopeless generation on record. The standard fanservice tropes ring quite hollow as a result, a banal attempt to engage the most incurious of watchers. Shirase's hair cut