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Sep 16, 2024
Bungou Stray Dogs 2nd Season follows the battle between the 3 main gangs that were introduced previously on the 1st season , the Detective Agency , Port Mafia and finally The Guild . In all honesty , this season felt that had quite an interesting pacing regarding the action and the character development .
First and foremost , the 4 starting episodes revolve around Dazai's past and how he became to be a Detective Agency's executive and it was ALRIGHT to say the least , very cliche stuff that is oftenly used in development . In order to not spoil anything , I will highlight
only that Dazai became a " good citizen " just because he was forced to by ethical means and for his will of being a good friend .
Secondly , the rest of the season continues at the present where it was left of . If I had to pinpoint one good that this season had was the chemistry between Atsushi and Akutagawa reflecting each other's personality respectively and how Dazai's plan came to a meaningful conclusion . Other than that , the rest of the season is having quite the ups and downs . I do not really comprehend why Bones gave such a identity crisis to Bungou Stray Dogs being the character's part and the music accordingly , there is really a weird vibe to it that I cannot get around my head easily . There where scenes that characters would be willing to make jokes when a serious situation would be brought up and then suddenly get all Locked In - Serious mode . In my eyes this is not achieved comedy , it is bluntantly speaking odd . And then the music , jazz soundtracks were somewhat fire but the rest was really forgettable . I believe S1 did a much better job at this part . Last but not least , the animation just wasn't really that great and characters looked off at certain angles and environments .
Finally , the main Boss of the S2's story is not a guy that I would cheer for , just because his motives were pretty damn generic and not worth the time . Mr America wanted Atsushi for the Bounty that he had set and I assume vengeance from the Detective Agency that they didn't give their rights to him , it is all about money we are talking about . I suppose his wife's story was somewhat convincing but nope your motives are quite mediocre . I was expecting something way more intriguing .
To conclude , S2 was pretty OK for the most part . It had its moments there and there . For those who watched 1st season just expect the same pace and do not have high expectations , only for Dazai because I really like how he is carrying the story for it to become much more interesting than it seems to be .
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 12, 2022
Why would anyone recommend To LOVE-Ru in 2022 , I mean it is full of Filler episodes isn't it ???
Well yes but actually no ,
Let me introduce you to a well-paced anime where you can enjoy the 90 percent of it without feeling bored !
Despite the fact that To LOVE-Ru is FULL of filler episodes , the majority of them seemed pretty great to me and were enjoyable , interesting and last but not least easy to laugh my ass off to . You might think that all it has to offer is Fan Service and things
like that , but in reality every episode felt quite special . To be honest , I expected to watch something that was way too generic and overused from other similar anime titles ( Trinity Seven , Monster Musume ) where the protagonist is just gradually gathering his harem but that's not quite the case here . To LOVE-Ru needs more appreciation regarding the management of the filler episodes because they weren't implemented just because the directors didn't have anything interesting to offer . In fact , I find it pretty intriguing for creating such a pleasing experience for us the viewers .
The opening from this anime is the best thing that anyone could come up to , I admired every damn detail of it , the art style was on point , the ecchi part was imported succesfully and the song was DAMN AWESOME . It may be the best harem anime opening of all time , not even exaggerating . A OP is one of the most important parts because it makes you wanna continue watching , many think that story and characters build a great anime but what about the opening song ??? The first impression is the most important !!!
Regarding the soundtrack , it was quite enjoyable and suited good with the atmosphere , also the 2 ending songs were Okay to listen to .
To LOVE-Ru presents a great cast of characters that meet the expectations of the story and the environment that it is executed to . They all have some development , not to a great extent but that's not a real problem because this is not the real purpose of the anime . The anime focuses on stupid situations with erotic stuff happening , filled with extreme fantasy , and the characters having some realistic but stupid chemistry with eachother . Our main Duo ( Rito and Lala ) are built into two different worlds and that's what makes everything seem so chaotic and funny . Rito is that guy who wants to live a peaceful highschool life and finally confess to his crush . On the other hand , Lala is the playful type of girl that wants to be adventurous and outgoing . The supporting cast is also there to make moments more intense by showing off their own special identity . For instance , Zastin is that stupid menacing-looking brother that sometimes is serious and other times is damn hilarious to watch . These traits build up to the comedy part extremely well .
I really do not understand why these two episodes exist in the anime , they were pretty off-putting and the least interesting to watch . If I had to name them properly I would say that they are the worst filler episodes I have seen , my advice is to not watch them at all because they are really not good and will take you 50 minutes for no reason .
Needless more to say the ending was disappointing , I expected more of it , it was rather rushed .
In conclusion , To LOVE-Ru is for those who are seeking some fun and love ecchi moments . I thorougly recommend to everyone to give it a try , and if you like it as I did , then I am really pleased for helping out !!!
Thank you for your time and Keep Watching !!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 22, 2022
Dear Netflix , you never cease to amaze me .
For all of you out there who seek a honest opinion on the anime you have come to the right place , no BS promise . NO SPOILERS
Cyberpunk ; Edgerunners is poorly executed plotwise . It is as if a 5 year old decided to create a futuristic distopic story with no cohesion whatsoever . Everything , and I mean EVERYTHING is rushed to the greatest extent possible . For instance , the first arc of the story reminds me of the Kekkai Sensen series ( a really bad rushed series ) where fights start and
Seriously , they didn't have to create so many events in such a small period of time . The only thing that it accomplishes in the end is great confusion mixed with disappointment , I expected for once to see a great adaptation but Oh boy was I wrong . 2 / 10
If I had to name the characters , I would say that they are appealing at the outside but really rotten in the inside . What I really mean from this sentence is that they all have beautiful designs and represent a hundred persent a futuristic concept that would make anyone fall for . In reality , they all are created from the same formula which is called plastic dolls . To be more precise with my statement , David the protagonist is just following orders blindly from his higher ups just to succed in his job as a Cyberpunk. I know that there are moments in the anime where David reminisces and tries to set milestones in his head , but that really never works , he is there just to be a special someone as he calls himself , really cringe if you ask me , he is just one of the few persons compatible with advanced technology and that's it . Also , I would rather him having more development and not a sudden change to his character in the middle of the series .
Regarding the other characters , they all fail to impress me in any aspect humanly possible . They lack any depth , have no backstories and even the "villain" is manipulative for no fucking reason , SERIOUSLY WE DO NOT KNOW HIS/HER MOTIVES , I hate when that happens . To conclude , they are just as plain as ever and they work badly as support characters . 3 / 10
There is no romance in this anime , do not believe anyone who said you otherwise .
The romance in Cyberpunk ; Edgerunners reminds me of some fucking rom-coms that do not have a real objective in mind , they just keep going for the worst possible outcome with no one ever stepping to put an end . It's nonexistent and I really mean it . If you wanna watch real romance being unfold in front of you just go watch Violet Evergarden , the greatest series Netflix has come to . Do not waste your time . Thank you . 1 / 10
Animation and artwork are the only things really that captivates the eye of the viewer and keeps him glued to the screen . Do not get me wrong , they are not the best but they surely get the job done pretty damn well . Some fights were enjoyable to watch thanks to them . Great saturated colours with great animation is a must for the action genre and Cyberpunk succeded . 9 / 10
I was really disappointed with the music , not good opening and nonexistent ending song as well . Soundtracks were repetative and easily forgettable . Was that the reason that they were played so many times ? Who knows . 4 / 10
Cyberpunk ; Edgerunners is another failure that left me pretty much disappointed . I really do not want to put so much hate on anime because I really enjoy my adventure with them . The thing is that many times we come across series that deserve to be either praised for innovations or demolished for making wrong management and creating an unpleasant experience . I would not suggest this anime to anyone first and foremost because it's really hard to keep up with the fast pace and secondly due to the fact that everything is so rushed that leads to instant hate . Thank you for your time as always !!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 12, 2022
"Illogical , Stupid and fucking JoJo posing"
Let me announce to anyone who is reading this review that this show is mere overhyped for no fucking reason , it is plain bad from plot to character development for many reasons that I am about to explain .
A massive drawback that exists in Tokyo Revenger's story progression is the fact that there is a HUGE plot hole that makes time travelling in this anime significantly hideous . First and foremost , creating a time travelling concept with such poor execution , is a great shame in front of
past anime shows that were great and actual masterpieces such as Steins Gate or even Re Life ( I strongly recommend them to anyone out there ) . Our MP has the ability to somehow with only a handshake to travel 12 years ago where fate can be changed for good . The thing is that by doing so , his present self remains alive and interacts with people differently ( same thing applies all the way around ) . No one in this fucking show seems to take any hints that present or past Takemitchy (mp) acts differently making the audience very skeptical about how in the actual reality that concept works . Other than that , the plot is very bad not only because it's damn generic but because other factors impact the overall enjoyment of it , please let me tell you about them by continuing to the character part . For the story , it is a dreadful 2 \ 10 .
Let me introduce you to one of the biggest , and I mean BIGGEST , cry babies of all time , our main protagonist named Takemitchy . To start things with , that mf has no character development in the entire series and is getting beaten to death in every goddamn episode because of , hear me out on this , he is MASSIVELY STUPID . Whoever thinks that a shounen protagonist is brave and bad-ass because he surpasses his limits to get what he wants with no avail in the end , but heyyy he tried to become better so ? NO NO NO NO NO fucking NOPE , Takemitchy just wants to get fucking penalized to death in order to change his fate with plain cretinism and lots of fucking crying , I am sorry but these things do not work out . Last but not least , he behaves as if he was a 6 year old while he is 26 and gets fucking crashed by every 15 yo middle schooler .
To understand how bad his character is overall , in the middle of the series ep 12 he manages to make things work out temporarily by saving Draken from his own death . After travelling back to the present , Takemitchy finally spares some quality time with his own GF by having in mind that fate has changed and that she will not get killed because of Draken and Mikey's past fight , in other words he let his guard down because he sucks . Remember that she is the reason he went back in time in the first place . And what he does is just UNACCEPTABLE , I CANNOT OMIT SUCH A FUCKERY . WHY LEAVING HER ALONE WHILE HAVING A DATE MAKES YOU THING THAT IT'S A GOOD IDEA , please stop being such an idiot for fuck shake , can you not be somewhat cautious about her being killed again ??? You are 26 goddamit act like IT . And yeah guess what , she gets killed because he got uncomfortable and left her alone in the middle of the night to go to the fucking bathroom , I just can't do this anymore .
The only good character that I can relate to is really Draken himself . He is quite realistic about things and helps Mikey to become more of a restrained person towards really challenging situations . I believe that he is the only character in the entire series that deserves to be called human , even Mikey has his flaws who plays an important role in Tokyo Revengers . The characters of the gangs were pretty average and bad overall , only the founders of Tokyo Manji had some development , the others were just " I wanna punch I do not have a life to live , plz end my suffering " . Lastly , Hina ( Tak's ex GF ) is the least shown character and I do not fucking know why they decided to give her so little screen time , she is supposed to play a big role but anyways , she is OK if I had to choose a word , she isn't the worst character and deserves some praise for one or two scenes that had a nice touch . Overall , the characters are a disappointing 4 \ 10 , for Tak is 0 \ 10 .
I would like to write an extra paragraph that involves Mikey and the plot armor that is way TRANSPARENT in the series . Firstly , many characters have incredible powers not because they ate All Might's hair , but just because they are THAT strong for no fucking reason . Making Mikey extremely powerful in order to withstand fucking One For All blows , creates a very unrealistic feeling and makes everyone wonder where the hell did he get that strong ??? Is it genetics ??? What in the hell is it ? I wish they would show us more BG about certain things .
= ART =
The only thing that I have to say about art is that it reminds me of a show that I would watch in the mid 2000's , the series takes place in 2005 so they had to match the vibe ??? Nah JK , it's just poor 3 \ 10 .
The sound is really the only thing that stands out in Tokyo Revengers . The opening and the ending song were great bangers , the 2nd ED was a little disappointing and the fact that we had the same OP for 24 episodes was a little boring but , no it wasn't bad at all . Lastly , the soundtrack was amazing , I will not forget these crazy emotional guitar riffs . Overall it's an impressive 9 \ 10
Tokyo Revengers is a show that deserves better than that . I would prefer the concept to not revolve around children riding great bikes and look stupidly unrealistic . If only they approached things from a much more mature perespective , things may have worked out better . The setting of the city with no police made everything way worse . Lastly , plot armor for some characters made a very negative impact , the fact that the " they cannot die just yet because plot progression " is wayyyy bad management . I recommend this anime just for the music , that's all .
~ Thanks for your time !!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 9, 2022
If I was asked to describe Kill La Kill in a sentence I would name it as a "Festival of Emotions" name it positive or negative you'll find right away
Trigger tried really hard to make a anime series that would depict the epitomy of AWESOMENESS and " OH MY GOD THAT'S EPIC " , something similar that TTGL fans can easily relate to . In all honesty , the first 12 episodes were exciting to me with great ideas , story progression and so on . BUT there is a HUUUGE BUT in Kill La Kill that made me watch
the last episodes of the anime with a straight face questioning myself where almost everyhting went wrong .
First and foremost , DEAR TRIGGER putting UNLIMITED FIGHTING SCENES WITH POOR EXECUTION DOESN'T PRODUCE A PLEASANT EXPERIENCE !1! sorry everyone , but I really had to write that down . It's OK to put in action many fresh and innovating ideas that revolve around fighting scenes BUT it becomes easily boring after some episodes . To tell you the truth , the episodes 17-21 were really tiring to watch because of the unlimited "EXTRAVAGANZA" moments that were taking place RAPIDLY . It was painful to watch and never would I come back to watch these scenes again , sorry Trigger for that comment .
Secondly , the art part . Combine terrible art and unlimited BS at your face and you have what we call "an abomination" . I am really sorry but it didn't work out for me , this 1990's style was way TOO OLD to comprehend with the Super Smash Bros Final Smashes . It was way obsolete .
Thirdly , the use of nudity . I thorougly understand that nudity was used in the anime for making serious situations look like a parody and adding more to the comedy part . The thing is , that abusing this trait to an extent , creates the exact opposite . Many parts are also fan-service related such as the look of the suits that Matoi and Satsuki wear , I wouldn't say that it was that much of a problem but it was certainly there to make someone get destructed . The use of the "Real Antagonist" was very generic and took way TOO many episodes , lastly , the ending was somewhat rushed . I expected a better ending to be honest after all these fighting scenes that were presented on my screen .
= PROS =
Despite all these cons , I would like to announce some things that were great in this anime and that deserve recognition . To start things with , the fighting scenes had a nice impact in the first 12 episodes , and the flaw was also pretty enjoyable . Bare in mind that the ultimate BS scenes took place in the 2nd half of Kill la Kill and were not used to that extent at the beginning . Having Matoi fight these out-of every-possible-human-mind enemies was something quite captivating and interesting , unfortunately it all falls apart when everything was really overused .
The characters were quite appealing to me as everyone had their own personal identity , especially Mako herself and the Elite 4 having their moments here and there and also do not forget about Kamina from TTGL with his secret organisation the Nudist Beach , who named that shit xD . Matoi was OK of a character , I wouldn't name her as a Main protagonist that excels at something special , her character development is quite transparent and I would say that it was a good development BUT a great one . The sound also was very good , Hiroyuki did once again a great job and gave us some great soundtracks .
Overall Kill La Kill is a anime series that I would recommend with a reluctunt expression not because it's a bad series in the long run but because of some things that created the " Ah , they've used that method before " feeling . It's not certainly the worst anime that has ever existed , anyone can sit down and watch it with a sense of enjoyment , it only takes to not get everything that seriously as I did xD
Thank you for your time !!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 8, 2022
" A great mystery series " that's what Higurashi is .
To start things off , I was really skeptical at first about how good this anime would be because of the 1st season being loyal to chapters that wouldn't make story progression transparent until 2nd season . Let me inform you right away that I was totally wrong .
Having finished the anime at whole , it made me feel really excited about the way everything was solved in my head in a really good way . There was nothing rushed and everything came along in a good pace . A
solid 8 \ 10 I would say .
The characters are all very lovable and relateable . They are all really great , they express their own fears and motives in such a way that anyone would become attached to them . 8 \ 10
= ART =
There was nothing innovating or captivating about the art in the Higurashi series .
The scenery is as plain as ever and the character drawing is a 7 \ 10 for a 2008 anime series .
The opening and the ending songs were really on point with the mystery vibe that the anime had to offer . The BG music in the anime was OK if I had to choose a word , it is your typical 2007's soundtrack BUT I would lie if I said there weren't times were it didn't hit the climax in a revealing moment . 7 \ 10
Higurashi no naku koro ni was a great experience and I would recommend it to any anime viewer especially to those who love mystery and old-school driven stories with detectives . Despite all that , I would not say that the anime deserves to be called as a masterpiece . There are some flaws here and there ( small fillers ) but trust me they will not take much of your enjoyment in the end of the day . If you are NEW at the Higurashi series , stay strong and DO NOT DROP the series mid 1st season because nothing makes sense . Be patient and stay strong . 8 \ 10
~ Thank you so much for reading !!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 7, 2022
Okay so I ll write down a small review about this movie for those who do not have time to spare , feel free to read thank you !!!
First of all , I would like to give the credits to Yorushika for trying to save this movie from being worse than Average . Their music had a nice impact overall , BUT nothing crazy .
The sound was somewhat nonexistent and that is a massive drawback combined with the "cringeworthy" characters . Seriously though , I could not relate that much with the behaviors that were presented , the only person that I could show sympathy
with was Miyo's best friend , she was really realistic and tried her best to be by her side with great traits of character .
The art was appealing , great sceneries that weren't cheap looking . Last but not least , the story is pretty much mediocre , there weren't any moments that I got bored but I wouldn't say that this particular progression is also my cup of tea .
Thank you for your time !!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 5, 2022
Soo hear me out , I really had decent expectations for Danshi , I really did . But in the end as you can see it really disappointed me . Let me explain where Danshi fucked everything up BIGTIME .
To starts things with , the story DOES NOT EXIST . It really is 0/10 , the anime is all about cringe-worthy moments . Also , I do not remember my Highschool days being that immature and dull at the same time . Someone gotta point that out for fuck shake , why is everyone in this anime so narrow-minded and opt to act like a
5-year old kid ? I understand that Sunrise wanted to show us that it is comedy and we don't have to take it seriously , but I really cannot see myself liking this anime .
In the end of every episode we were shown the "Everyday lifes" of Highschool Girls ??? Or smth like that ... Well that was the cringiest shit I have ever witnessed . WHY do these girls behave SO Badly ??? I really wanna find something good to say about the 2-minute mini episodes about the girls but they are so poorly executed you may laugh with the atrociousness BUT the "comedy" part .
The characters are a solid 3/10 . As I just mentioned , they are all pretty bad . While watching the 1st episode ( yes , JUST THE 1ST EP. ) I knew what I was really into . That's all I have to say about the Character part .
The art is a solid and painful 5/10 . There is nothing interesting or innovating , everything looks cheap af , even the "stoned-GrandBlue-faces" were not great .
Music I would say 3/10 , the OP and ED were easily skippable and never after the 1st episode would I stay to listen to them again . As for the Gintama-like soundtracks I would not say that they were that bad but they were very repetative .
I really didn't enjoy watching Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou , from bad character development to scenes that were put into the anime just to be shown , it's a poor executed comedy . I do not understand why people rated this show with such great ratings , it's not that I am against them or smth , everyone has her/his own opinion and I am not here to change that . I just state what my beliefs are .
Thank you for reading till the end of my review !!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 18, 2021
please note that I started to review anime not long ago and that I do not have much experience on writing one , thank you for the time that you dedicate !
Long story short , Tonikaku Kawaii continues from where it was left of with some "aggressiveness" I would say and passion xD .
It's like that one beach episode but written and directed in a way that would accomplish the needs of a couple like Nasa and Tsukasa . Have fun watching it !
Overall , I think Tsukasa and Nasa are a very cute couple . I would rate the series with a 7/10
, the story is okay I would say [ nothing much exciting ] .
I hope you find this review helpful !!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 18, 2021
To begin with , this is my very first review so if you find it very amateurish , then you know why and thank you for your time !
Fruit Basket is an anime that I decided to start this year just because the reviews are really good , and I decided to give it a try . Trust me it won't disappoint you in any way , especially if you love drama and romance .
In the end I .... to tell you the truth , was left speechless . How great was the storyline , the characters were always on point , I never
felt like getting bored . The backstories really ascended the level of the series making the watchers sympathize more and more with the characters .
Seriously tho , the music was so outstanding that when a dramatic scene [ or not dramatic at all xD ] was about to commence , my eyes were already crying , many many respects to the composer who is well-known for his appearance in the anime " Your Lie In April ".
The art was also really good [ not something of a anime movie ] but quite good overall .
The MC ' Tohru Honda ' , is definitely one of a kind that you want to protect and respect from the beginning . She is the KEY to the series and recreates the lifes of the Somas in a better way . You cannot hate such a protagonist , Furuba will "force you" to love her and everyone else [ Yuki , Kyo , Shigure and EVEN Akito who is meant to be the main antagonist ] .
Overall one of my best anime journeys yet , I would recommend it to anyone who loves drama , the emotions I acquired from the series are so many and astonishing that it's hard to describe ... Trust me once more and make yourself a favor and watch this masterpiece-jewel .
i hope you find this review helpful !!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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