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Nov 2, 2014
Presenting a review of [Nagi no Asukara] for your reading pleasure.
Story(9): Nagi no Asukara has a very interesting story that will convey both heart warming moments and heart breaking moments. Much of the story is strongly driven by romantic entanglements of the various characters present. In a world where there are two types of Humans in the form of land dwellers and sea dwellers, when 4 sea dwelling teenagers are forced to attend school alongside land dwellers; the internal struggles as well as the emotional impact of trying to adapt to the new situation, results in an interesting Slice of Life type of drama. The
story itself revolves around the changing relationships between the 4 sea dwellers as well as their relationships with land dwellers and elders of the sea village they reside in.
Art(10): The animation used in Nagi no Asukara is simply marvelous, quite outstanding even amongst strong contenders of 2014 animes. The art done for the underwater world of the Sea dwellers are beautifully rendered, making it effortless for the viewer to imagine oneself as being in the Sea village. This creates the feeling of being underwater in a world that is like our own yet different at the same time.
Sound(10): Nagi no Asukara has exceptionally well done sound effects, voice acting, as well as the music that is seamlessly integrated into the scenes with precision. The sound of an underwater world is most certainly unknown to most of us as we possess no natural capability to survive underwater for any extensive length of time; however if one could survive underwater, the sounds you might hear is quite possibly near identical to the sounds Nagi no Asukara delivers. In addition to the realistic sounds, the music utilized is quite emotion-provoking. During emotionally powerful moments in the anime, the music delivers a strong force unto the viewer that can definitely cause the activation of tear ducts without conscious control.
Character(10): As such animes are mainly driven by the interactions and relationships between the various characters rather than flashy fights, the Characters of Nagi no Asukara most certainly fulfill its role in creating a high quality anime of great enjoyment potential. The changing world around them and the need to adapt to an unknown world from their own, results in changing relationships. When romance is added in to the emotional drama that is Nagi no Asukara, it becomes quite interesting to observe how everything will end. The concern, worry, and fear as well as confusion regarding their changing world view, is something that is channeled in a very human way; as these concerns are not only those of 14 year olds but also for adults, it is very easy to understand the mental processes of the characters in Nagi no Asukara.
Enjoyment(9): Nagi no Asukara was a very enjoyable anime. Though I personally prefer animes of the darker nature, Nagi no Asukara has enough twist and turns plus emotional dramatic moments to maintain my interest. It was very difficult to predict what will happen, who would end up with who, can the main character come to understand his confusions and overcome his fears, as well as what in blazes is happening to the world in Nagi no Asukara? Thus, even without flashy fights or the mysterious and psychological aspects of darker animes, I found Nagi no Asukara to be most enjoyable indeed.
Overall(9): It is of my personal opinion that Nagi no Asukara possess a strong enough story with a very human element to it, which adds to the relatable drama and emotional moments, thus can be enjoyed by a large variety of Anime watchers. As such, I would recommend Nagi no Asukara to those with a heart and suggest supernatural beings watch other Animes more to their liking, such as Another.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 31, 2014
Presenting a review of [Tasogare Otome x Amnesia] for your reading pleasure.
Story(6): Tasogare Otome x Amnesia tells of a very peculiar tale, the ability of a high school student to detect and interact with one belonging to the supernatural realm, can only lead to trouble if not disaster. Much of the circumstances regarding the death of the one who still haunts the world of the living, has been shrouded in mystery. By the power of a mismatched group of teenagers under the pretense of being a Paranormal investigations club, Teiichi and his group attempts to unravel the mysteries of an unknown death; perhaps allowing the
lingering spirit to rest in peace at long last. Tasogare Otome x Amnesia most certainly is worthy of your afternoon tea time, with a sufficiently captivating story that may leave you questioning the morality of adults who make decisions that affect many others.
Art(6): The atmosphere is definitely re-enforced by the artistic style of Tasogare Otome x Amnesia. The colors are not bright, they are dull and a bit on the grey side; properly representing the dark and mysterious nature of this anime. There is an ever present feeling of danger right around the corner, similar in a sense to that of a haunted house. This feeling that something is not right but one can not determine what is wrong; that feeling is reflected well in the art.
Sound(5): Tasogare Otome x Amnesia seems to employ echoing words and repeating of certain phrases in order to deliver a deeper impact upon the viewer during possible key moments in the story. The music is of the unknown sort, in the sense that one feels as if there is something missing but no one knows what that something is; thus in that regard, the sound and music of this anime fit relatively well with the overall theme that there is a mystery to be solved.
Characters(7): The strength of this type of anime generally depend greatly upon the characters themselves. There certainly is a character who could be considered comic relief or rather has the capability to speak yet seems to be brainless. Those who can see what no mortal should ever be able to see, ultimately are the ones who must resolve the mystery they have found themselves in the middle of. This leads to the bonding of mortal and spirit in a way that could be considered amongst the highest cases of forbidden love. The Character development is indeed the highlight of Tasogare Otome x Amnesia.
Enjoyment(7): The level of enjoyment one might attain from watching Tasogare Otome x Amnesia is questionable. There is certainly a lot of Character development within a short period of time, as the mysteries of prior generations are unraveled and the true cause of death of a lingering spirit are revealed, an unexpected bump in the road to the "and they lived happily ever after" type of ending occurs. Such surprises that leaves the viewer often guessing and mystified as to the reasons behind certain actions, is in my personal opinion the most enjoyable aspect of Tasogare Otome x Amnesia.
Overall(6): Tasogare Otome x Amnesia is an adequately enjoyable anime over afternoon tea. I find the solving of mysteries of the supernatural kind to be quite entertaining to observe. When beings not of the mortal world are involved, it is enjoyable to attempt to predict their actions as Human Psychology certainly does not apply to supernatural beings, such as Ghosts and Demons; which I consider the true entertainment value of this anime. Tasogare Otome x Amnesia is certainly an anime that possess a Halloween aura to it, therefore if you are frightened easily by the supernatural, I would recommend that you do not watch Tasogare Otome x Amnesia and seek out slice of life animes such as Clannad.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 31, 2014
Presenting a review of [Another] for your reading pleasure.
Story(8): Another has a very entertaining story, perfect for Humans and Demons alike. I find the story of curses and untimely deaths as a result of activating a curse, to be one grand story indeed. The supernatural has always fascinated me greatly. The story is compellingly dark enough to be very enjoyable with evening tea, a definite mystery thriller that shall leave anyone with a dark twisted mind wanting to watch more in rapid succession.
Art(6): The animations done for Another is very good indeed. The shade of colors and the vibrant motions delivers the atmosphere of the
anime in such a way, that immerses one into the world of Another. I believe the best modern counterpart to the feeling of the art is Halloween night. The sense that all is not normal and something evil lurks in the shadows.
Sound(6): The music of Another has the unique property of diving your mind into the netherworld, where you are certain something or someone will attempt to ensure your death. The moments, the fear, the uncertainty, and the desperate attempt to save oneself by hacking apart another; all of it was profoundly more dramatic and more realistic due to the sound of Another.
Character(9): As a fan of the dark side of human psychology, the Characters of Another were portrayed with precision based on true human psychology. When you do not feel safe anywhere at all and you know that death approaches you, mental breakdowns occur. There are a sufficient amount of characters such that they all break down in different manners, which is truly entertaining to observe. The main male character however appears to be the most mentally stable one out of them all by the end, however I believe he is in fact the least normal psychologically, to appear so normal when everyone is dying in gruesome ways.
Enjoyment(9): Another was very enjoyable indeed, however I can not honestly claim that it will be considered enjoyment to everyone. One requires a certain amount of Darkness to enjoy such an anime, watching the suffering and deaths of Grade 9 students will certainly make some loose their lunch in an instant. If death and evil is not your cup of tea, I would advise you to stay away from Another and consider more bright and happy anime instead.
Overall(7): Another was truly a splendid anime and I would recommend Another to anyone who possess a dark twisted mind or need something to entertain demonic guests. However for anyone in normal society without any darkness in their minds, stay away from Another if you wish to remain a pure soul for entry to Heaven. This shall conclude my review of Another.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 30, 2014
Presenting a Review of [Kokoro Connect: Michi Random] for your reading pleasure.
Story(6): With a story whose plot takes place in a high school, clearly the interesting part of the narrative is the continuing amusement from watching the normal lives of the cultural research club members turn to hell, to see who has a psychological breakdown first. Ignoring the dreadful commoner High School life parts, the story is quite fascinating.
Art(7): As with most 21st century Anime, the Art is eye pleasing and the shade of colors at times convey the level of seriousness in a scene with vivid colors.
Sound(7): Much of the music is of
high quality and the sound effects are quite realistic, however the music often slips into the background of the conscious mind.
Character(9): The Characters are entertaining to observe indeed. It is always enjoyable to guess who will have the mental breakdown this time. Certainly a game worth playing while watching Kokoro Connect: Michi Random. There is a wide assortment of characters such that several personality types can be tested, to find out which personality type is the most resistant to the type of mental stress presented in Michi Random.
Enjoyment(7): Quite enjoyable if you are one who enjoys the kind of drama that involves the struggles of others.
Overall(7): A delightful afternoon tea type of anime, it is most entertaining to observe how the characters handle psychological stress and their desperate attempts to prevent a mental breakdown was quite the spectacle. Well worth your afternoon if you have nothing else to do or rather you have something else to do, but do not wish to do it until the very last moment.
This shall conclude the review of Kokoro Connect: Michi Random. Due to this anime's similarities to Kokoro Connect, the two reviews are quite similar but sufficiently different to be two separate reviews.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 28, 2014
Presenting a review of [Angel Beats] for your reading pleasure.
Story(5): In all my years, I have never heard of such a ridiculous idea of an afterlife where you are allowed the opportunity to resolve your regrets from an untimely death. Death will come for you sooner or later whether you have regrets or not. If you are going to die sooner or later, why not move forward in life with your own two feet all the time? That way you will have lived a life worth living, thus this idea of requiring some disturbing afterlife world in order to resolve regrets will become completely unnecessary.
As such, I believe this story to be quite silly even to Children. And Children are quite demanding when it comes to Anime afterall.
Art(7): This anime certainly is a delight to watch for its clarity of art. The colors and visual animations are at a very high level indeed. I foresee a day in which such animations would be considered one of the best art forms of the 21st Century, just as fake paintings of the Mona Lisa was in the 19th Century.
Sound(8): Such heavenly sound quality most certainly deserves high praise, the music is capable of completing the emotional element that is being portrayed visually. Often times, one is so drawn in to the moments of great emotion that the music exits your conscious mind and into your subconsciousness, wherein you may be moved to tears without your knowledge.
Character(8): Quite possibly the greatest strength and the saving grace of this anime is its Characters. Even with a ridiculous plot, these characters in Angel Beats have managed to perform splendidly. Indeed, they may be dead but they still were capable of moving forward or rather moving on to the next life. Once something is lost, it can never be regained; however, humans have the ability to hope, dream, and continue on even in the face of tremendous obstacles. Indeed, that is what sets us Humans apart from Demons. Therefore, even in death, the Characters remained Humans to the very end.
Enjoyment(7): Angel Beats is quite enjoyable, worthy of spending an afternoon watching while procrastinating on other tasks. Allow the characters to bring you into their world and you will experience the emotional thrill that is Angel Beats.
Overall(6): It is a great shame that such strong characters with high quality visual and audio works of art is spent on such a plot. Should you be one who enjoys witnessing the afterlife of characters who had their life shorten by unfortunate circumstances, you may come to love Angel Beats, unlike I. However, if you find such plots regarding the inner mind of characters to be boring, then I suggest you seek other Anime to enjoy.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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