Both Girls represents the musical piece of Liz and the Blue bird and i freakin love how they, in certain scenes, switch back n forth with their representation, its basically my favourite part lol. Artsyle is very fitting to the story, and the story itself often happens in real life so its realistic and im sure people would relate to it as much as i did (i did in some part).
Despite having no special musical skills or talent, i love the musical part. I only decided to watch this for the i love you hug part but i thoroughly enjoyed this as a whole.
Jun 14, 2023
Usagi Drop
The story is amazing but despite it being an amazing manga the ending will stain your view and youll never unsee shit again. There were multiple instances where the author could've went to that route but the author chose the weirdest route that i always have thought could possibly happen at the back of my mind but i prayed to god that it wont and it fuckin did. I hate the ending.
No matter what there will be always incest bound to happen, even if Daikichi married kouki's mom it will legally make Kouki and Rin siblings and the fact that they had mutual feelings ... Jun 20, 2022
I started reading this manga after i watched the anime adaptation which was in my "plan to watch" for a year until i decided to watch it. I was expecting much, i only had glimpse of it a years back but i have no idea what the story is about, and surprisingly i really enjoyed it! It's not everyday i get to watch an anime that i enjoy so much i want to keep watching it, and i finished the anime in 2 days. I wanted more so i started reading its manga and oh man i love it too!
I really enjoyed the manga, ... |