Season 3 of Iruma-kun is great in my opinion! Not the best, by all means, but still going quite well
For those who read my preliminary review, the show starts rather slow, true, but it gradually portraits all the Misfits' quirks and characteristics. The Harvest Festival is akin to a tournament arc you'd see in most shounen anime which almost instantly makes it worthwhile. We get to learn a lot more about the supporting characters as well and even though we're all rooting for Iruma, we start to favour them too.
The Festival is engaging, action-packed and most importantly fun (to keep this spoiler-free) - which, let's
Jul 2, 2021
Spoiler-FREE review!
Odd Taxi is a hidden gem iceberg, floating about in the vast ocean of anime entertainment! What you see on the surface doesn't even prepare you for what you are about to experience if you were to dive deep into this adventurous Quentin Tarantino-resembling ingenuity. It's a collision that will shake your core to such an extent, you would want to watch more and more, as you get invested into its nuances and absorbed by its entertaining peculiarity! I hardly ever write reviews for any show but this one in particular blew my mind to such an extent, that the first thing I wanted to ... May 25, 2019
Sometimes I don't understand how specific shows get critically acclaimed, when in reality they fall short - really short!
I was quite hyped to watch "Rascal Does Not Dream of BBQ Grill Senpai", however, the more episodes I finished, the more disappointed I became. *MILD SPOILERS UP AHEAD* The whole premise of the show started off quite well - it left an opening for a genuinely interesting plot, with a strong and impactful twist of "fate", just to derail into a meaningless spiral of disconnected events, occurring one after another. "How's that?" - you might ask - Well.. Our heroines in the show are "sick" - let's use ... |