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Total Recommendations: 8

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Girls Band Cry

Both stories revolve around the formation of a rock band and take place outside of the usual "school club" anime environment, employing some young adult characters. The band members and their situations are down to earth, although Girls Band Cry uses a lot of comedy elements to balance the drama and relies on modern, highly expressive and fluid 3D-CGI visuals to tell its story.

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Girls Band Cry
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The two series have the same scriptwriter (Jukki Hanada of Euphonium, YoriMoii and Stein's Gate fame). Both series use a mixture of constantly alternating drama and comedy. Both titles are super popular in Japan but less known in the West. Both use 3D-CGI for animation (Medalist extensively, Girls Band Cry almost exclusively). Both series use motion-capturing as input for the CGI process, Medalist for the skating perfomances, GBC during the rock concert scenes. Both have great OP / ED and OST music.

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Love Live! Sunshine!!
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Girls Band Cry

Girls Band Cry (nicknamed Garukura) is the spring 2024 dark horse 3D-CGI anime which took Japan and East Asia by storm and comes from the very same creative staff (producer, script-writer, episode director) who made Love Live Sunshine. Both shows are about music, but GBC is j-rock themed instead of idol j-pop and takes places outside of the usual school setting, with the main characters being 16 to 22 years old. GBC is an experience that slaps in every sense of the world so don't miss out on it now that you can easily find the title on CR, but be ready for the great drama and silly comedy (or both at the same time)!

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Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai
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Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu

This anime seems to be turning into a junior high-school version of Rascal Doesn't Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai or at least the model is already teasing "loser" boy. Future episodes are predicted to go in the "fluffy" direction, though.

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Adachi to Shimamura
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Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku

Adachi to Shimamura is officially yuri, while Erika's Sailor Suited Akebi is nominally a yuri-bait (but such a big one they legit catch a fish with it in ep6...) AdaShima moves at a snail's pace, imitating its LN origins, while ErikAkebi is slightly hyper yet iyashikei at the same time. Both series take place in highschool slice-of-life settings, with variable doses of cringe, like sniffing and nail clipping. Both shows have a refined but anxious young lady who longs for her more hyper classmate, though in Adachi the lady is the sportsgirl, while in Akebi it's the other way. Both shows have really high-quality visuals indoors and outdoors. Akebi is a tier higher than Adachi in that respect but its art style is divisive so I'd recommend to watch it at 16:10 screen aspect ratio rather than at the default 16:9.

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Aria the Origination
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Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku

"Akebi's gondolier uniform" is well-qualified to be seen as equal to the ARIA saga. Both anime belong to the iyashikei (healing) genre and are also "scenery pr0n" and slice-of-life and CGDCT themed. Akebi's ep. 6 and 12 are right there alongside Aria's S1Ep11 and S3Ep9, which are true legends of the genre. Akebi is also similar to Aria S2 (Aria the Naturale) in that both are best watched with display aspect ratio set to 16:10 rather than the usual 16:9, due to "molten candle" character art style choices made by the animation studios, which some find jarring. VLC and may other players can set video to 16:10 with two left mouse clicks and voila, everything snaps into place!

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Blue Thermal

Both of these are aviation and love themed movies even though Blue Thermal can't compete with the talent Miyazaki poured into Porco Rosso.

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Yuru Camp△

I've been to Venezia several times due to the ARIA saga and feel Yuru Camp got quite a bit of heritage. Its Nadeshiko is a girl who combines the likeness and silly nature of Mizunashi Akari with the enthusiasm of Aika S. Granzchesta and there is also a semi-autistic little girl a bit like Alice Carrol. Yuru Camp has the SoL, the CGDCT, the iyashikei, the scenery pr0n aspects, some celtic and some Choro Club like BGM (are they responsible or it just sounds similar to Aria BGM?) Generally Yuru Camp got all of that right, just like ARIA did, which is rare and already by the middle of 1st episode I was thinking that lake is sorely in need of a Servizio Gondole...

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