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Mar 22, 2025
Dragon Ball Daima is flawed in many regards. I had no idea I was watching a redo of Dragonball GT. Let's make one thing clear. Go watch GT If you haven't. This is Dragonball GT but missing a chromosome. SSJ4 Goku is an abomination to the Dragonball Universe. His forearms and hands broke immersion for me. Knowing that SSJ4 Goku and Vegeta are perfectly represented in GT, and then seeing Goku in this garbage form of SSJ4 may be the worst thing to happen in anime in 2025. 20 episodes is not enough to capitalize on the
SSJ4 power ups. Why no SSJ4 Vegeta? Why no fusion from anyone? Not Majin Kuu and Majin Duu? It wrote itself ..Majin Duukuu...This stuff isn't hard. No Gogeta. An anticlimactic finish to the end battle. The reason these things didn't occur is due to 20 episodes. GT fleshed out SSJ4 over 60+ episodes. How about the Ginyu Force lite as well? It's a 2-minute fight. What are we doing here? This has never been how Dragonball works. This series was half assed.
This is how it should have gone. The series starts after Super. The Saiyajins can't power up full strength in chibi form, thus they turn SSJ3, but that isn't enough. Goku and Vegeta do SSJ3 fusion, but this still isn't enough. Goku and Vegeta run out of time on fusion. Since the gates to the Demon Realm are open, Goku comes up with a plan...and Instant transmissions to Brolly. He and Broly return to the battlefield. Brolly goes through all his power ups. The audience creams themselves. Broly finishes the baddie. During the battle the dragonballs are used and they return to their adult forms. But they realize something....after Broly finishes the baddie, he turns around......He has lost control...and powers up to Legendary SSJ3......END OF CREDITS.
The second Broly Movie to release X-mas holidays 2025.
Instead... we got Daima....
Animation 6/10
- Very cheap at times, with broken body dimensions on Goku in SSJ4, sometimes the animation is good, but it's rare. Going chibi allows for such cheap quality.
Sound 8/10
- Didn't like Vegetas japanese VA, good op/ed, good sound design.
Story 2/10
- They story is cheap, and the individual concepts during the anime are cheapened by having no time to cook.
Characters 6/10
- The common theme for this series is things have been cheapened. Majin Kuu and Duu are good additions, but the potential was there to make them a formidable final boss. Again, 20 episodes will do that. SSJ3 Vegeta is a great addition. The main bad guy...is boring and forgettable. Many characters in this anime I cannot name. There is no substance to them, and they are hardly developed.
Enjoyment 7/10
- I watched it and enjoyed it mostly. The first 4 episodes are garbage.
Simply put, Dragonball fans will watch it. Those who aren't into Dragonball yet, should stay clear of this until they have at least consumed DBZ and DBZGT, then you can decide if you want to waste time on a rehashing of SSJ4.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 8, 2025
Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan is structured much like the previous season and ultimately is a near carbon copy in terms of the problems it has. Again, like last season, we have very little in terms of progression of the main plot. Yes, early on, it was on the right path but then cuts to fights (which were good), followed by the dumbest mid-season ending you can have. A face turn that makes no sense just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Ishida is the worst to begin with, and then you try this heel turn, which we were all
waiting for something of substance to happen......and then boom...baby face again...same old boring Ishida...A complete waste of this story line. A lack of substance from Ichigo, and now I feel the exact same way I felt after last season. I was shocked to find out this week that this season was over. What a terrible way to finish.
Animation 10/10
- Quality has stayed in top tier throughout this series.
Sound 7/10
- Its good, not epic. OP/ED kind of suck.
Story 4/10
- Janky at best. A lack of cohesive structure in how this plot is developed. Also, nobody cares about Ishida, why baby face turn him? For who's enjoyment does this serve? Baffling decision.
Characters 6/10
- A lack of cohesion again, between characters. We have Grimmjjow, Yoruichi returning, and it feels forced and uninteresting. A failure in character development from 50% of this seasons cast, which dampers the bright spots.
Enjoyment 7/10
- I liked the fights, and the beginning of the season, but the ending is just gawd awful.
At this point, I have a sunk cost fallacy going on with this show, so I will see how this goes regardless. As far as recommendations go...I'm at the point now, where I cannot recommend this show. I can recommend the first season for its epic fight, but since that season, this show just isn't it fam.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 20, 2024
Dandadan is a solid anime but fails at pacing their season properly. It's a quirky, and fun anime to watch week to week, and a standout of this fall season. The glaring issue is the story, and the ending of season 1. They story is rather episodic, and a vague overarching plotline of getting Okarun's manhood, both literally and figuratively. This plot works to a degree, but ep 12 is a short-sighted attempt at a cliffhanger. The episode should have never involved the new story arc, or it should have put some emphasis into the danger presented. Instead, it's
a fluffy "oh no bad guys" cliffhanger, and then it's over. It's honestly one of the worst endings to a cour or season I have seen. Luckily the dynamic between Okarun and Jiji carries the episode.
Animation 9/10
- When its action time it's really good, and also very nice when there is no action.
Sound 9/10
- Great OP, great VA work, good overall sound design.
Story 6/10
- Not a great plot, but a fun episode to episode mini arc style plot.
Characters 9/10
- The characters are unique and very enjoyable, especially when they are together.
Enjoyment 9/10
- I had a lot of fun watching weekly, but was shocked it ended the way it did...at least it's only a 7 month wait.
I can generally recommend to everyone, these days unique anime is hard to come by so, give it a shot.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 7, 2024
Dosanko Gal wa Namara Menkoi is a feel-good low stakes romance, that lacks commitment to the theme its presenting, but ultimately is a series I enjoyed. As a romance, I would have liked some cream filling, but that just didn't develop. Possibly, this show could do something high stakes if a season 2 is in development, but this season as a stand-alone season didn't quite do enough. It has the makings of a solid romance but needs to expand the characters motives towards Tsubasa. Most of the girls just do not have the desire to chase him, yet all show they
are interested. This is really my only gripe about the show. Other than that, it was a solid show, that had good development in the second half of the season that kept me watching until the end.
Animation 7/10
- Good enough, typical of a romance.
Sound 7/10
- Nothing too particular stood out, but good VA work from Fuyuki. OP/ED were kinda mid.
Story 3/10
- Not much of one, but if we are going by romance anime norms, that's typical. I just wish there was more "umph" to the characters intentions.
Characters 8/10
- I loved all the characters, they were very uplifting to one another, and it made their time spent together easy to watch. A feel-good cast. Again, I wish the girls were more mature emotionally.
Enjoyment 9/10
- Easy to watch, binged the second half easily.
If there were a romantic payoff, then yes, I would be recommending it. Unfortunately, this series needs a season 2 to cook, but hey, maybe some of you might enjoy it as is.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 1, 2024
First off, I just learned that this season IS not over, it continues Oct 6th, so I will keep this brief. This season is a departure completely, from the animation to the story, to the characters. It is all bad. Every aspect of this anime is done poorly. One look at the history of this studio and things become clear. I have little hope for episode 14-26. The story is so disjointed and splattered with nonsense. I think this will be the last season of Tower of God that I watch.
Animation 6/10
- S1 wasn't peak animation, but
it was sharp, defined, and looked good at times. This season just doesn't. The fighting is god awful to boot.
Sound 6/10
- It exists, but there is nothing special going on here.
Story 3/10
- Bad, just bad. This is ADHD ridden story telling.
Characters 1/10
- What happened to this anime? Bam is intolerable. Oh sorry, Bam the 25th lol...Every character is garbage, it's insane how bad this anime went from S1 to S2.
Enjoyment 3/10
- I might have enjoyed 10 minutes of the 13 episodes. Only reason I kept watching is to watch it with my bro, who has more optimism for this garbage.
I cannot recommend this dumpster fire. After season 1, I had no idea Vinland Saga S2 would have competition for trashiest second season of all time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Sep 27, 2024
Hazurewaku is a bare bones isekai, with little to nothing going for it. It will jar you in a way no anime should, that being with its CG animation, used for both characters and monsters, at random. When it doesn't use CG, it's just fine. Unfortunately, the premise is the most interesting part of the anime, and the rest of the 11 episodes are largely uneventful, with no spots worthy of mentioning. Even the 12 episode is so nonchalant about things, that I pondered if there is a 13th episode to finish this season...there isn't apparently. This series is just
another anime with 0 passion. These types of anime are so common these days now, it's getting annoying. The team working on this are just there for a pay cheque, and it's clear.
Animation 6/10
- The CGI is tolerable on monsters, but god awful when used for characters...I don't get it, it's just lazy.
Sound 6/10
- I don't score sound poorly often, as most shows do enough, which this show does. There is nothing extraordinary about anything in its sound design, the OP is bad, the ED is good.
Story 4/10
- Good isekai premise, but bad execution from episode 2 on. The protagonist levels up by using the same move set every time, and it's just braindead story telling.
Characters 5/10
- I like Seras.
Enjoyment 6/10
- I didn't hate it, I didn't like it, but I watched it.
This anime had potential from the get-go, but I can't see it getting any better. I can't in good faith tell others to waste their life force on this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 26, 2024
Shinmai Ossan Boukensha was a breath of fresh air in a gloomy summer season of anime. Is it going to blow your mind? No. Is it watchable episode 1 through 12? Yes. It's simple, but flashy art style is nice, with a very 90's/2000s vibe that I'm here for.
Animation 8/10
- Solid all around, at times its incredible.
Sound 8/10
- Best OP of the season, with really good VA work from Angelica, the comedic spots were great.
Story 4/10
- The story is not all there, we get the main picture, with speckles of lore throughout, but this main arc is
a tournament arc for a glowy ball essentially, which is an important item needed to take on "Kaiser", who is a very abstract villain atm.
Characters 7/10
- Very likeable characters, with good comedic value, and some growth, but lacking depth mostly.
Enjoyment 9/10
- This season, so far, this is the only anime I looked forward to. Mind you, I haven't delved into Oshi no Ko S2 or Monogatari, but still, this season of anime is unquestionably bleak, and Shinmai Ossan Boukensha was a bright spot.
This is just fun. Recommend to everyone, since summer 2024 was so bad.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 20, 2024
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari was an anime I have heard so much about over the years, so going into it, I was expecting a 7-8/10 anime. I never imagined it would actually be terrible. The story is disjointed, and overall boring. The growth of Naofumi is nonexistent. The guy has about 50+ shield forms, and I have no idea where 3/4 of them came from. This is not how to progress an isekai MC. The spider isekai Kumo san I believe did 17 straight episodes of Kumo in a cave, leveling up, obtaining new skills, and devising ways
to incorporate them into her survival. THAT is how you do isekai character growth. What we have here in Shield Hero, is a pitiful fleshing out of a premise that could have worked if done right. If season 1 is the best Shield Hero gets, then I am curious to know just how bad season 2 and 3 are.
Animation 7/10
- The animation isn't terrible, but it also doesn't wow at any particular moment.
Sound 7/10
- I love the OPs, the general sound design overall is fine.
Story 3/10
- They story was all over the place. At the start one would assume this is a revenge plot/save the world/redemption arc, but it's actually lacking identity because it never focuses on these things. Then to top it off, it adds a new plot altogether with 3 episodes left. It's just dumb story telling.
Characters 4/10
- I like Filo and Raphtalia, but everyone else is just so generic. Filo and Raphtalia are the only 2 characters with character growth. Naofumi is essentially a Gary Stu.
Enjoyment 4/10
- This was rough. Getting through the first 8 episodes was not as bad as the last 17 episodes.
I can't recommend this to anyone. This is garbage anime, and you are much better off watching just about anything else.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Aug 11, 2024
Kanojo mo Kanojo Season 2 starts off slow and frustrated me a bit. Episode 1 and 2 for me were write offs, and the season really starts on episode 3. From ep 3 forward Kanojo mo Kanojo does everything right. It is trashy rom com fun, and this is what I love to indulge in. For being a trashy love concept, the story stays compelling in season 2, and if the clues from season 2 are any indication, I'm assuming we are getting a s3. I won't spoil, but it makes sense.
Animation 6/10
- The character art is wonky at
times, but not terribly bad, it is a cheaply made anime for certain.
Sound 7/10
- I like the VA work, decent OP?ED
Story 6/10
- It's a story about girls loving a boy, so not that deep, but for what it is, it works.
Characters 8/10
- All the characters are enjoyable for me, and I like the humor they all bring.
Enjoyment 9/10
- The first 2 eps, I wasn't a fan, but I loved the rest of the season.
I recommend to anyone who loves trashy rom coms like Rent a Girlfriend.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 26, 2024
Tensei shitara Dainana Ouji Datta node, Kimama ni Majutsu wo Kiwamemasu was a fun trash isekai to indulge in. It lacks depth, it doesn't do a good job at character development or provide screen time for some of the great characters in the show. This is just peak trash isekai, and that's okay.
Animation 8/10
- Really nice color palette, with solid fight animations, magic animations etc.
Sound 8/10
- Good OP/ED, good sound FX, good VA.
Story 2/10
- The anime departs from its introductory scene completely, which doesn't bother me, but I can't in good faith say it has a good plot.
Characters 6/10
I love its cast, but unfortunately, I felt like they are sidelined too often, I would have loved seeing more Tao and Sylpha, and especially both of them together, as they have good chemistry.
Enjoyment 8/10
- As trash as it is, I loved it.
I can highly recommend this to isekai fiends.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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