Blue Period is one anime that have a lot to offer.
The art is probrably one of the bests of animes as it actually talks about it, the soundtrack is really good and it talks about many important things.
Blue period gived me a big lesson about dreams and getting help in something you love, it makes you think about life in such an amazing way, and getting an indentification with the characters.
The characters are a huge part of the story, and the anime talk about them very well, the protagonist is a good example of this, he is very well developed into the anime as
Oct 24, 2021
Yuukoku no Moriarty
Pobrably my favorite manga, "Moriarty, the Patriot" has a wonderfull story, when you read the first volume, you will be like: "I need to read more!". I read this manga aways thinking how the autor is a genius, like, how one person can have one idea like this and create a so genius plot? Just amazing!
The characters are also REALYYYYY good, and is crazy to think that the main characters(except Holmes), are criminous, but they are good persons that comit crimes for a good cause, this is something that you understand when you read. Another crazy thing about the characters is that the Moriarty's are ... |