Story: 8/10
If you want to watch a film with the title as same as other isekai films but just 2 or 3 fight scenes, "I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level" is the best film for you. The story is just about the life of the girl with her "family", but the special thing about the story is about the lives of all the characters. The minus point of the film is the story moves so fast. Special is ep 9, this episode is about Falfa turned into slime and she couldn't turn into a human.
Sep 14, 2021
Jul 28, 2021
Story: 9/10 The story of the film is different from other isekai films. Not like many isekai films, when 4 characters go to another world, they can come back. Also, why they were chosen to that world the purpose that the future people want them to go to that world. The plot twist of the story makes the film to be more exciting. But the minus point of the film is the title of the film. In the first season, I don't know who stands on one million lives. Although, this film is still excellent. Art: 8/10 The background, characters were drawn quite well. ... |