Well, I don't know how to feel about that...
The writing here is decent, and as you'd expect from Kamachii, there's some pretty original content here, setting it apart from other works that would look ridiculous if they tried that battle bikini "mecha outfit" shit again.
Before I spew my hatred for certain parts, let me point out a little bit about the premise and some good philosophies!
It's the apocalypse in an age of plenty, although the premise at the beginning, resonates more like a copy of "The boys", but full of ecchi and with more uninteresting characters, although with some better texts for the script
The theme
of the "strongest" here is also managed for the constitution of revenge, which in reality turns out to be the main theme and the title of "the strongest" is just its subtext, which is ethical revenge.
The strongest system here is governed by the conspiracy system, that is, without a freedom permit, because "Either you are the strongest governed by the rules, or you are the strongest that distorts the rules".
Here, the work represents that distortions of rules, normally mark the end of a civilization, for the beginning of a new one governed by new distorted rules, being then polished like a crystal until they can be sold in the most beautiful ways possible, at least , so that the most unfortunate population can understand like this on top of the cloths
-Humans are not the dinosaurs that met their fate and are no more. Let's not just tremble with fear! However pathetic, ugly, or lame it may be, we can learn from tragedy. Pain leads us to claim something greater in return! The greater the destruction you place before us, the stronger we will become! Therefore, we will not let it end with our defeat. What you brought to that boat was undoubtedly doom, but that's exactly why we have to keep going so it doesn't end there!! (Usagi Karuta)
It has also been concluded that destroying the position of the strongest for its revenge on the weak, in the end, you will only realize that the top of the world is just an easier place to be targeted when it comes to revenge. It's like a leader of a criminal faction using his own power to abuse his home, and as revenge, he decides to destroy the strongest, without thinking about what it means, destroying that podium and what from the shadows, hides an eternal cycle of revenge of subordinates, thus, the exchange of eras for the stronger (Again, this is only the first type of revenge, will be covered more ahead).
For example, Omotesandou Kyouka's words about his revenge, similar to British dinner and sweets. By themselves they were nasty and didn't sit well in her throat and seemed to hate her very soul, so she thought she'd stop before she destroyed someone, but when she realized that, much like British cuisine, she was disgusted by looking at it the wrong way. ... The desserts were made to accompany with tea and the dinners, accompanied by a beautiful whiskey.
It meant that even though she wasn't going to achieve anything and just destroy herself when she was alone, when accompanied, everything would go down so much easier and she could revel in her own madness, because the nothingness that was in her was filled by another emptiness..... And so, a certain terrorist group was born, filled with hatred for having nothing to protect (Actually, what made them different, was that they were supported by justice, thus, their ethical revenge)
And then the prophecy comes true and we meet the "impostor".
The scenario being then, probably about the post-revenge cycle of hate, generating more curses and no time for peace, although there is happiness and ecstasy in observing the emptiness of not achieving anything with your revenge, known also as self-affirmation of what you just lost (It is also worth mentioning that the work portrays self-destruction, but it also does not deny its reactionary revenge, like Amaashi Marika for example)
"But once they started their revenge, that's how it ended. None of your hated enemies were gone, and your good friends ended up killing each other. Guns, money and intelligence weren't the most important things in seeking revenge. Above all, you needed trust, friendship and unshakable feelings"
"Lying and empty as a shell, the imposter raised his arm, thinking he could achieve something, because even if he failed, he would still have left something behind, right? Ah... But this something, it was also revenge"
"The imposter hoped to succeed in the future, no matter what the cost, and therein lay his mistake. Not looking to the future, but looking to the past, sinking into his deep ties rather than superficial revenge."
-That doesn't make sense, but that's okay... I never looked for that kind of reason in my revenge. Because if you decide it's not worth it, that's where the fear comes in. So I won't change what I do, goodbye (impostor)
-I'll stop you... I know it's selfish and hypocritical coming from me, but I'll stop your revenge no matter what! Before you end up like everyone else who choked on the blood of your vengeful self-mutilation! Fail your revenge and you die, but even if you succeed, what you see in front of you is all you get!!! My hands are already stained with blood, I know very well what I took from you, but for that reason, although I can't give you anything, I can stop you here and now, so that you don't lose anything else! I will end the chain of loss and violence here and now, even if I have to stoop to any level to do so!!! (Usagi Karuta)
When the title that justice wields is turned against the strongest, they are cast into their sins, and it behooves them to either accept or flee in self-assertion their lack of real strength....
The moment they realized that justice was no longer on their side, they were on the devil's path, giving up justice and understanding that it was only their group's worth, and nothing more.
When confronting the threat, it seems to behave as a kind of simulation of the theme of revenge, being mysterious for not knowing even its own feelings, confusing humans, validating its existence by continuing to consume others to achieve its revenge, and realizing that in the end , has not fought for anyone but himself, for humans themselves to realize, how little rewarding this journey is, although, it is necessary when it threatens your life and those you need to protect, thus, ready for the consequences of stealing evil and claiming justice as "the strongest"
-Do you think every action has a purpose behind it? Human beings are full of inefficiencies. How we master these inefficiencies is what shapes our lives. Perfect efficiency would make the dullest kind of stronger imaginable. That would only lead to a dystopia... You are putting all your strength into the pointless and pointless act of revenge. You've learned everything there is to know about how we humans enjoy our inefficiencies.
(Usagi Karuta)
"What if that was the true identity of their crystal flower? What if they were ruled by a clock like the Menace, could they still be called human? If you looked beyond the ribs and sternum, you would find the crucial component known as heart?"
"This was a battle between two different types of clock – tuning fork and crystal."
Supported by the crystal embryo, they were different from the threat that were managed by the justice and honor of their own revenge, it was just that they were stage where there was no turning back, following only their premeditated functions, like a robot (One can see the threat as a simulator of revenge for a being that does not have a heart or is not naturally supported by the world, after all, it would then be the crystal embryo that the threat is chasing).
It's like proving that they would just rest their materials on the ground, without reflecting any crystals after they broke. On the other hand, from crystal magicians, one brings the essence of the will of the dead, not mechanically surrounded by honor, but reflected in a heart that was born of light, even if sunk underground, they were warmly close to the center of their lives (more once, crystal embryo and revenge)
When themselves, surrounded by ignorance of their existence and the trust that lay in the world, they break without understanding the path of a demon that was inherent in mistrust.
"No, maybe it was Karuta's group that was naive. The human string pullers have been waging a real war against the witches of the apocalypse since the beginning."
Referencing the path of light that turned into flames for his mistrust, causing a cycle of hatred among his group, not attacking anyone but himself.
The witches of the apocalypse would be none other than man himself when he caused the destruction of the embryo in his despair.
"They would confess to a crime with the biggest smile on their face, not realizing that what they did was wrong"
It is about a perception that one should trust one's friends for revenge, but never, in the world that betrayed them, even once, could it be at this very moment, that the self-mutilating despair arising from a mad conspiracy, would appear and it would devastate everything.
So when Karuta sets out to fight off all disaster in his final tournament match, it's in a dance of self-devastation, brilliantly represented in his final battle!
-Come up here. Only part of the truth can be conveyed verbally, so if you want to know more, start by clenching your fists. There is a future and a truth that we need to confirm. If the puppets stopped, the music stopped, and if the music stopped, the dancing couldn't continue, but we still have our bodies here. Our fight to the death is nothing more than a divine dance we offer to a god to get something in return... It's not about a dark revenge story! Let's just shed our bodies and tear our flesh to reach the world we want without extra worries (Pendet Denpasar)
Brought together between good and evil, "Barond and Rangda", these "were not backup dancers, they were the band, an indispensable part of the musical performance, and if they were injured there would be extra worries".
It was about forgetting all the hate for revenge and reveling in the dance that will offer your peace to your departed friends. For if there were all kinds of vengeance scattered around the world, there were also all kinds of diversions to forget about it all and create an honorable battle for your own happiness and justice.
In short, when the balance between good and evil was upset, there would be hate, and it would be up to you to remember the music of destruction and salvation that brought you here, and dance to your own tune, forgetting hate and remembering honor , not pursuing the path of the devil, but varying between the just and the unjust through the difficulties and types of revenge that resonated through his life (In a way, although misused at the beginning for reasons that I will explain later, the path of the angel and of the devil intersect here, and from him, such an artistic dance is born)
The threat does not hate the man, it is only natural that the threat wants to learn more about the man, after all, they hate him, and nobody wants to despair to the point of not being interested in the meaning and direction of such hatred. The fact that they persecute the strongest is just also the reaction of a cycle of hatred that was difficult to define between good and evil, but very easy between allies and enemies. As also stated in the precise definition of the threat...
-The threat is nothing more than a transmitter of power in essence, so it doesn't create anything by itself, it's just the result of human feeling {hatred}. (Transline)
-Hee hee. No matter how much you celebrate your own prosperity, there is a limit that a single species can never cross. Just as a natural crystal is surprisingly fragile to external impacts!! Ah ha ha ! In that sense, I was right! I wasn't wrong!! It was the combination of carbon-based and silicon-based humans... whatever that was. They had to intentionally accept this impurity into their group to achieve this flexibility as a way of life! In moderation, even a burden or impact can trigger growth. You can't just focus on perfect cleaning in your factory needs!! Hee hee hee, gya ha!! This is the shape the future must take!!! (Transline)
When the world's strongest denied that the threat was trying to protect them, refusing his mercy, the four celestials fought their own hypocrisy and in the end, they fell together.
If you can interpret the "search for new forms of life" transline, as the search for new feelings that gave meaning to life, this type of result and allocation between "hate and love", becomes much easier to understand. That's why it was fated for "hate" to overcome humanity, in an intermittent loop of self-destruction and salvation, it could be identified as the cycle of life, but if it destroyed you more than it saved, it was no different from purgatory
Because I've gone on too long already, I'll just quote not so deeply, the mystery building, strategies, world building and characters, which are definitely the worst points of the series and which throw beauty in the trash and recycle the parts they save, if making a mediocre work......
It is difficult to define a definitive value for the conspiracy of mystery and consecutively of the world, as it is a great confusion. More specifically, the world's various irregularities become conspiracy, which does not mean a lack of explanation or a freedom to plot holes, just that the answer is not certain.
The construction of mystery in this work is like breaking the basic teaching into loopholes so that they seem silly at first glance, but repair themselves over time, until they return to the shape of the original plan... This is not simply how to break the basics, and rebuild just to reach the bare minimum!? It's not a big deal, quite the contrary, it's creating stupid unhappiness and later cleaning it up with an apology. It's beating up someone on the street, then paying for your health insurance and fast food! At least, that's how I felt my IQ was treated, I felt incredibly more homo neanderthalis than I normally am! Or should I say it made me feel smarter about things even a monkey could predict? What a big shit, and as a monkey, I feel obliged to take this shit and throw it in the face of the readers of this, like in a zoo
As it is unfair to work with subjectivity, I will present more detailed examples (still, without spoilers)...
And what the hell was that "agreement" in volume 4? Eliminate one of the 4 celestials for another to command!? Shit, you're talking about the threat here, make 5 celestials and share the power of the world! Even with some conspiratorial excuse bullshit like "The reserve", it's still unacceptable how the population accepted such a factor and how Karuta could easily object to this or just say "And who will control Aine!?", being a pretty stupid script and forced here
Nor could I forget that cursed nuclear agreement and the strategies that were achieved.....
Invading the threat is like invading the headquarters of the main army that will protect the country. It's a little ridiculous to think that just a flashlight, some ill-considered strategies and a crystal waifu pokemon would work.
I mean, in the same way that the human learned about the threat, the threat learned about the human, but the main difference is that there was no scattered information about the threat, while the information of the crystal magicians was all over the place.
If infrared doesn't work, use natural body temperature detection to protect the interior. At least the radars and mines, even if they didn't work, it was in a fair way, albeit very long and boring.
It annoys me how everything was resolved into "peeking" and "flashlight" as if this were an assassins creed rpg game or a cheesy horror game.
And yet, even if the script uses this idiotic "facilitation" as a conspiratorial grind system, I won't be calling anymore until this moment comes!
Oh, and don't let me forget how easy it was for the enemies in volume 1 to track down the shards, since it was obvious who was attacking (especially when you remember that the "enemies" had all the information needed for a search).
Just as irritating is remembering that they were killed before they could pass their information on to the next generation, but the manner was so messy and illogical (after all, they had enough time to live for this), that it seems silly to think how many problems would have been solved. if only the script had been a little more daring to reveal the important information earlier or simply to have better organized the "assassination" group to prevent information from leaking out.
Shit, this conspiracy really is a mess!
At least, as a vote of confidence, there are really good twists here, like the "impostor" that seems like a confusing and poorly explained mystery at first, but when you realize the context, all the puns above make sense. The relationship between the threat and the space elevator was also very good, while the surprise of the "witches of the apocalypse" and their connection with the "cutters", was just as good! Oh, I can't afford to forget certain good strategies, like using the "threat's" design multiple times against it and plans to avoid its "cannibalism", which really work well
Finishing the criticism route, we have the characters......
It's 95% silly jokes and 5% serious.
The philosophy is good indeed, but there aren't enough complex or deep characters to go with it. Even Aine, which is the very concept of the crystal and the reflections that are assumed after the state of death and its connection with the clarity of the embryo, are much more script than her character, after all, she must have only 20 pages of development and the rest is the comic part of their situations, that's all...
A big mistake here is also to separate the 5 main characters, as truly they shine when they are together, and not in their uninteresting social circles! Seriously, there are only 7 good characters around here, and only one of them is a great character!
So, instead of chase revenge, we should run for the kindness of being alive, at least for Karuta, denying revenge so as not to fall further into the abyss (particularly, the character I least liked)
Marika is the one who just wants to protect her sanctuary, and doesn't mind falling into the abyss to do so, for example...
-I'm going to let the title of strongest in the world consume me, because that way I can also be overcome by the fear of losing the people important to me. No matter what, if it takes cruel action to preserve my friends' crystal, then I will destroy their flesh without hesitation (Amaashi Marika)
Kyouka is the one who accepts revenge and enjoys it corrupting her heart while her friends purify her despicable side, even in the abyss, she doesn't even care to return to the light.
The issue of the crystal embryo is probably the human kindness that is trying to overcome hatred... The fact that the world's own logic says that overcoming the threat, the simulation of hatred, was impossible, is also the reason for looking for the miracle.
Consequently, Aine behaves like the foundation, being the nucleus itself in movement that after realizing that humanity could not overcome the threat, moved towards the individual who did not make a contract with a God and could not see the meteorological lines that they traced your power before the blue sky
STORY: 6 (Good revenge story, good texts, but its construction of mysteries stinks, and as the subtlety of the mystery lies in its conspiratorial conflicts, the construction of the world, even with its poetic sense, is mediocre when considering its mistakes and gaps ....
VOLUME 1: 6.5
VOLUME 2: 7.0
VOLUME 3: 5.5
VOLUME 4: 4.5
VOLUME 5: 8.0 )
CHARACTERS: 5 (Unexpectedly, the best character wasn't Kyouka, Karuta or Marika... But Pendet Denpasar!)
FUN: 4 (It felt like reading Index's NT16 over and over again it was so boring, although I won't deny certain qualities because of that)
ART: 6 (Visually beautiful, but the base of the characters' faces is very easily distorted, in addition to not having much insight into the world itself ..... Oh, and the KING-SIZE mattress that are Aine's thighs, it's divine!)
Finally, I fall to my knees in reverence, for it certainly wasn't a waste of time and it taught me certain things I never thought of before. In clarity, I end my prayer with the question about this whole corruption story....
"After all... Did they become the strongest because they were uncommon or did they become uncommon because they were the strongest?"
EXTRA NOTE: At the end of it all, the senpai who appeared in the first volume Karuta would try to reach, disappeared with an empty trail.... Did I miss something, or was she really forgotten?
Mar 5, 2023 Mixed Feelings
Well, I don't know how to feel about that...
The writing here is decent, and as you'd expect from Kamachii, there's some pretty original content here, setting it apart from other works that would look ridiculous if they tried that battle bikini "mecha outfit" shit again. Before I spew my hatred for certain parts, let me point out a little bit about the premise and some good philosophies! It's the apocalypse in an age of plenty, although the premise at the beginning, resonates more like a copy of "The boys", but full of ecchi and with more uninteresting characters, although with some better texts for the script The theme ...
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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![]() Show all Jan 6, 2023
Mitou Shoukan://Blood Sign
From what I heard, Kamachii Kazuma, great toaru author, used his other works he published not just as a hobby, but a way to experiment new ideas for Index series, his main work, in a way that didn't wear out the essence of a product in test.
For Kamachii Kazuma, a fast writer on his manuscripts, this is actually a very viable strategy, and by the looks of it, it's actually true over here. Nevertheless, a fool is who thinks that his references to the Index disturb Mitou Shoukan's originality An always nice content in Kamachii-sensei's writing is the way it acts similar to a poetic encyclopedia of ... curious "facts", because, while allowing himself to talk about the most varied types of conspiracies, when least expected, one finds face to face with a philosophical factor completely adjacent to the fact, but camouflaged under various nuances that instigate the reader to discover more! (Of course, like Wikipedia, some information is wrong.) That said, I marveled at how the author managed his introduction, and later his world-building, with a curious connection between summons, blood pacts, and world leaders Oh, and about the comic timing here, although the ecchi is annoying for some "skinny pink ass" jokes (if that's what you can say about Kamachii lolizuma), I believe that the unusual situations arising from curious descriptions can make the viewer feel much more comfortable and forget a bit about the other jokes in the banned "loficon" category, as well as being less criminal than an "undercover ecchi" like an FBI cold case (oddly, Kamachii is always connected to this, in a way or otherwise). For example, I found myself laughing until the asthma attacks and giggling were replaced by weird beatbox sounds, simply because of a damn white tiger looking like a parody of "π's adventures" or hayate no gotoku in action! Well, leaving aside the curiosities, let's introduce what this story would be, which for convenience, it is worth quoting two texts prior to this one. One referring to the white queen taken from the work itself, and another referring to Shiroyama Kyousuke (also known as "Alice with rabbits"), taken from the definition of the tale by Lewis Carroll "She saw love in everyone equally (spirit). She didn't love anyone in particular, she was just in love with the very act of falling in love (physical), and because of that, she could destroy the world" "It is the White Rabbit that Alice endlessly pursues and searches for in Wonderland, symbol of her quest for knowledge. Just when things seem hopeless enough, the rabbit appears again and Alice moves on. Following the white rabbit means following an unlikely lead and finding yourself in the middle of an extraordinary situation. This situation often challenges your beliefs and changes your life. The White Rabbit is so curious, so strange, that Alice can't help but follow him." That said, it is a story about the passion and love of man and God. Initially, it may seem like a very delicate and abrupt subject to model, but perhaps, precisely because of that, its result is so beautiful..... Thus, the work is meticulously built through the battle system, which is expanding with constant new rules, taboos and loopholes, resulting in its philosophy and power (the battles are quite original, and seem to be a mixture of pocket monsters, yu- gi-oh!, rock, paper, scissors and pool). The "facts" and the logical illusions are organized in plans to fight against the "common sense" made by the construction of the world, creating good strategies to oppose the enemies and even the reader's imagination, which although it has enough evidence, makes it It's a great logical and enigmatic game to learn how enemies are going to break the rules of the world itself, and how allies are going to fix them and learn about the "fear" of breaches (obviously there's a little game of luck or convenience here too) . It's like a poker game... The rabbit is the joker that can pair with any alice and assume its value and suit. On the other hand, the queen is the strongest consecutive number position where everything seems rigged for her to win, so it looks like a hopeless battle. However, remember, depending on the scenario and the rules themselves, this type of combination can become only the second strongest in the world. There are then gaps left to fight it, not ending in a total defeat or a pathetic tie where nothing is won! -Don't reject fear... Accept it and smile at the fact that such a method exists. (Shiroyama Kyosuke) In the face of this, each enlargement of the world's absurdity is also the beauty of his own philosophy, about how the most desperate feelings are connected with the divine world, not only to cry out, but to approach God and bring love and fear, side by side like a powerful weapon. The way the gods are rearranged here as steps towards human selfishness, maintains a very interesting essence, just as illusions can become real (sword of truth unsullied), something similar can be applied here, how to approach this level and become the messiah of his own life, but still, allowing himself to be understanding with others, even with blood pacts (this may be the first contradiction that destroyed Kyousuke) In short, the power system represents world stability, and the spare parts are ethics and morality. The divine class it is the manifestations of human creativity that paint the gods, while the unexplored class is human confidence about what cannot be understood. It's the story of a boy who doesn't understand God's love, about how one being can love everyone equally and still focus his passion on a single being around many. The passion of the human being may not understand the love of a God, to the point that just one syllable of truth completely destroys our heart's belief, that even in a contradictory way, it could also raise or lower the status of the curses of a god or the devil that we think we understand -Supposedly, romance in this world brings the most happiness in the time before the confession (White Queen) In short, each volume is unique and connected to the source, so everything understands! (Perhaps not volume 10, as it breaks all the proposed rules towards a new distorted path) The answers are valid initially, but expand in a way that you'll be amazed and understand everything in the end (or at least much of the awesome content). So allow me to elaborate further by demonstrating some of the questions and answers, which are frequently exchanged as the flow of information progresses..... The "phantom pain" manifested by summoners to spirits, who are empowered by fear, suffering from it or causing it. Yes, the spirits who can be remembered in the idealism of the loves of the earth, and those who cannot be among these people's dream paradise, the summoners (when the summoners reach a certain level/ranking, normal people forget about them). Thus, the vessels would be similar to a machine that measures and recognizes these two sides. Another interesting factor about Vessels would be the "vengeful spirits" they come into contact with when they are allocated to a new world. As said, they would be a machine that allows itself to be influenced by the criticism of others, however, these negative spirits can be avoided with a "symbol that solidifies your heart", whether it is something precious to you, or just a pair of handcuffs that stops your instinct influenced, like pavlov's dog -It's sad when people die. However, every society is built on the narrative that people die (Benikomichi Fūki) The realization of the "right thing to do" in a world marked by the scars of the supernatural could only be done by a goodness that breaks the law and opposes evil. Therefore, the ghost factor can also be considered the invisible suffering that only the soul of the one who suffers the damage can silently scream so that no one hears it, at least, in the real world... The sword of immaculate truth, such an illusion done well, it could bring hope and crush it at the same time, right? That's why Kyousuke reinforces his fear, so that he doesn't become a machine that only destroys the lives that would forget about him, just like other summoners surrounded by spiritless dead would do. The power of using your fear to control your anger at injustices radiated by subjective human perceptions -Everyone changes the world. It's just that most people don't realize they're doing it. (Shiroyama Kyousuke) So it's okay for a rumor of revenge to become a tale of hope. Just purify the demon before it disappears from this world. After all, if God's goodness could not be written to you just once, or only that you interpreted it as a passing infatuation and therefore rejected it (like a ghost's glimpse), fanatical about your own family (don't cry , baby Kyosuke), then make this miracle happen yourself! -True strength is actually control over all other forces, thus the human heart. After all, strength and power do not exist in a vacuum, and just as man gets strength, so power gets man (White Queen) Manipulation, an absolute tool of the conspiracy, rejects the human heart and the force that is reproduced there, thus generating only results that the tools provide, where the moral process is insignificant due to its results. -Like hungry ants, the immobilized are eaten without understanding well what is happening or what they lack, their nutrients being transported to a humble anthill that needs everything in order, be it darkness, sacrifices, hopes or honors. That's what they did to my dear friend.... The artificial creation of the human soul from spiritual damage (Murasame Kuina) The power system shapes your soul so that it incurs a kind of external debt that you will have to pay off in the future. Even at times when we look back and cannot even see what our actions were that shaped us as a family, or how the government interfered to create false bonds and modifications in our being. On the other hand, there was still hope........ The mistakes and successes of the past mold us into what we are, souls in movement that must move forward. Hatred should not destroy it, resentment should not tingle it to an itch and destroy itself with an infectious disease! We must overcome all this with time (while it still exists), treating each other with due kindness, and sometimes, using the same subjective evils of society that took something away from us, as a relief for the soul, because if there are ants that they want their meat, there are also people who have suffered from it and have created repellents and right paths to deviate from it, so that in the end, somehow these wounds that have healed, can finally remind us of something lost -Who decided that the will of the world mattered more than individual circumstances? Who had decided that a small heart should be crushed at the sight of that gigantic metal ball on top of a hill? It had nothing to do with logic, efficiency, calculations or profit! What was wrong with fighting simply to satisfy someone's heart!? (Shiroyama Kyousuke) The meaning of Alice with rabbit then is about an apathetic man who continues to be forgotten by the love of the world, but even so, manages to sympathize with the lost like him and prevent them from throwing themselves deeper and deeper into the abyss, after all, he understood very well such depth. Finding true love in a world of artificial bonds. "He was the white rabbit that guided a girl to the exit when she entered another world... The man who only thought that being selfish was only okay when it saved someone." Ah, but please don't think it's an irresponsible story about blaming other people and organizations for your own actions.... It's as if just like the flow of information, the white queen's smile and kyousuke's dizziness were reversed, to portray another aspect -The white goddess is more than a symbol of honor or belief, she is violence, perdition, despair and at the same time, the symbol of salvation. The gathering of all the contrarieties of the world into a pure and malicious will. Any of your suggestions are welcome, but at the same time destructive (Kyousuke Shiroyama) Your passions and beliefs about your being are the same embraced by the ignorant human around the realization of omniscience. The same kindnesses that relieve our sins are the same ones cherished by the sin itself that causes evil, because selfishness was most often found in simple acts, such as helping someone. It's not running away from responsibility for your actions, but understanding who and to what extent you are being controlled by a greater being. I mean, without even knowing how to define yourself between good and evil, how can you believe in a being far beyond your understanding? "Were the sweetest words indistinguishable between a saint and a devil" It is a tale of human trust over the incomprehensible and therefore this is a story about the denial of faith to find in humans themselves the love needed by a world that constantly forgets you. It's not some kind of pathetic or irresponsible message for lonely people to hold others accountable for their actions. It is a tale of overcoming and understanding the problems that surround them and how to find happiness in your mind-boggling passion in them or love so that you may rest in peace (glorification of the white queen, family concepts, etc.) -The answer is always right in front of your eyes. If you can't see it, the problem is in your determination (White Queen) -Find victory even where there is no [invisible hope], to make it impossible to lose in yourself, because if winning victory itself becomes useless with just 1 defeat, completely change your point of view on what victory is and find yourself in this crazy process of hope being submerged in despair. To not lose my values, to be understanding with change, to understand the good and the bad... So we raise our fists (Max Layard and Ellie Slide) In answer to the crazy questions, we have that an individual being definitely cannot oppose such an organization and will only be crushed by the masses of frauds around him, "hidden in honor, like charitable organizations". Still, if you still want to do this, find a way to turn it into a victory, don't deny reality, trust your will and alternate it, even if it doesn't work out in the end, the men who recognize their own worth and still , rise to unite with the other hopes around them, can definitively oppose even the will of the world. After all... Controlling the unexplored has always been humanity's greatest achievement -Remember the past. But in doing so, time actually continues towards the future (White Queen) If your present has been destroyed and there is no place to rest from despair, it's time to look to the past. So that the deeds and lessons learned, even if broken, make sense there. It was time to let go of illusions so that in all these impacts between them, all the kindnesses of the past, they can create a new truth to face the present. When Kyousuke was at his most desperate, he remembered the time when he was a boy, in the basement surrounded by a tarot theater with reversed roles. Submerged in that mud, he remembered the unseen hope, he remembered the state of his soul when he first received the passion of the world, and finally he reached his past, and his past self did the same. Thus, the sands came together in the indissoluble, even surrounded by that mud that was said to be the pure sea full of dreams It was there that he met the queen for the first time, and discovered that from the pure white, there was a disaster surrounded by many deceptions. Shigara Masami, his tutor, teaches him about the concept of family, which results in a great formation of his personality. However, part of his corrupted personality is also found in the part that white devoured him, Biondetta in this case, which made even his own family doubt, as they began to hate, without the gentle touch that was loving. Reason? The concept of the family, without realizing it, needed white, but the queen pushed them away, because the family itself began to use white for evil, and white became evil in everyone's eyes, even for the person she directed her love "A happy memory from an unknown point in the timeline" (One of the scariest and most tempting titles I've ever seen) - The sign of blood and invocations would be more a form of proof and test than the thesis. Materials are not only a threat to a pure family, they will also crush established theories even when they are brought together in a system of religious morals. Can a little moral outweigh a big one? No, even if it could, it would not bring us together once it spread across the world. What do they plan to accomplish by setting up this circus to amuse the Queen? (Shigara Masami) -For better or worse, creating something new may have required a genius mind. But setting history in motion only required a fool, as long as they had a throne and a crown. And, of course, no concerns were given to the quality of the result. (Shigara Masami) The white queen would be the peak of the divine, the deity worshiped by billions of people, while the miniature garden would be the place where people worship, where man uses the manipulation of genesis to obtain power from worship. Controlling the unexplored means controlling your faithful. "As long as the divine resided in the carcass, even the human being was a divine relic." As long as there was an illusion with an apparent 100% accuracy, it could become a truth. From the same personas and theatrical roles, the manuscript is given to us. Although it is possible to plot the route from start to finish, the feelings that fly from the script are like a storm that destroys your emotional when everything comes crashing down. Seeing how the manifestations of the queen's fragments spread through the man's flesh was a painful task, where the essence of the soul and purity that so much planned to preserve, is destroyed. At that moment, we must remember the everyday, how to bring these people to happy moments... How to organize the theater plays again for a happy ending, although time always continues to advance until the curtains close on the artificial. We should resort to illusions, until we pull back to reality, for if there is a way to recover all the fragments with 100% accuracy, we must greet them in the kindest way in the world, just as we should have done from the beginning. A scene that highlights this desperation well was Kyosuke and Biondetta escaping from the theater. Looking out into the dark night, they felt liberated. I mean, who would have thought that underground, surrounded by a reversed tarot theater, there would be such beauty? However, just as the weather changed, the storm stole the earth, the firmness of his feet, and the sand as family, torn apart in a curse woven by... divine? -Have you heard about the ceremony of the sands? The earth is moving. It was a series of islands when I arrived. Apparently it is called "wandering land". The fine sand brought here from the mouth of a mainland river apparently accumulated like this thanks to ocean currents. The combination of tides and the complex currents created by the countless underwater tunnels causes the shape and location of the earth to change endlessly. You understand? They built a structure so that even if the fine sand we have left is lost, if all the sand sinks, they still won't be affected, so we're replaceable. It's the End for Our Family (Shiroyama Biondetta) "It looked like land, but it wasn't land. It looked like an island, but it wasn't an island. It looked like the ocean, but it wasn't the ocean. It was just his family theater. A single deep shaft opened underground in that fantastic place. This strange combination of the definite and the vague played a part of its own. It felt like the entrance to another world. It had the same mystical feel as the rabbit hole the eternal girl had fallen down. It was said that she fell for so long that she lost track of time and managed to grab a pitcher from a shelf on the wall." -Without family, we are just mere pieces of meat that pretend to think. Therefore, I was affected by the queen, I became the hatred that the white queen has. There's a part of me still resisting this, my heart hasn't died yet, so... If I do anything remotely suspicious, kill me immediately. I don't care how. You can hit me in the back of the head when I'm not looking or you can face me head on and crush me with the White Queen. If you do that, I can remain your big sister until the end. (Shiroyama Biondetta) The sand was his family's firmament, but it seemed that everything was being consumed, by society and by the pure white that the power system managed. What was the reason, what was the exact sentence to get closer to the truth? Was it society that was corrupting the white, or was it the white that illuminated the rotten parts of society? Regardless, Shigara Masami arrives again, with the best possible proposal: -A system that is necessary for human evolution, can never be forgotten by the achievements of the past, but must coexist in one way or another. What was built was not useless, as it was the fragments of kindness that survived every clash of malice that made the peace that exists today. Whatever system it is, it cannot give in to logic completely, it must always be full of humanity. So say good morning in the morning, accumulate everyday life, and have peace in your soul, even in the midst of a whole stream of new information (Shigara Masami) -The determination about the family surrounds all concepts, built by personal interests of curiosity and solidified with the cement of love. Thus, it is a struggle against degradation, where the original record structure (egoism) is bent by the passage of memories (love). The choice of a group to be fostered by the configuration of a family, and how all these teaching records are opposed to their memories. So, the definition of the family is the first contact with the record and the passing of memories. It may seem repetitive, but just like everyday life, the first kindness can never be forgotten. Regardless of how much external information crosses your mind, you can never forget what your memory keeps, the love, the smell of those people who grew up with you. Regardless if these sands become separate islands, when we meet again we will remember everything (Shigara Masami) Seeing that in the midst of so much darkness, the only real reason Kyousuke was close to the queen was because she was his only family by his side (after all, there was nothing else besides everything, which was white), even if in a way form, undesirable, was his point of return to forget his sins and his own sentence of execution. All the definitions and fragments of the scattered white queen that collapsed the soul of man, precisely for the benefit of corrupt entities... So fragmented to the point of no longer figuring out what was passion and what was right, the two of them coexisted by collapsing their beings. -Kyousuke sought too much what was right to understand his love, and the Queen sought his love to the point of abandoning what was right (Shigara Masami) So, at the very moment when the queen decided to love every part of her being broken and manipulated by human corruption, she forgot what was right and focused on her unbridled passion. As desperate as he was, Kyousuke decided to sail across the sea with his rescue ship called "white queen", his petition being to God for everything to be okay, so that the sea doesn't throw all the sand away (wandering land), to that he was able to visit the 15 islands that were separated again, so that all that accumulated sand could form his family again in a boat that sailed through the sea of uncertainties and malicious waves that pulled towards a typhoon of conspiracy All in all, I could still say a lot about the work, but given the lengthy lines described so far, I'll spare my own amusement. I'll just leave a few questions for the future... Why is Kyousuke a guided missile? Who was the happiest princess in the world, who had to understand that if in her loneliness, the world forgot to provide her with passion, then the problem was the world, or was it that she must learn again how to fall in love with the world? And I couldn't forget the story of Lu Niang's valor in escaping his own slave mind and understanding the value of his struggle, his freedom, his great coming of age! And the greatness of phobia and phillia!? Kyosuke was driven by phobia, but he was looking for phillia!? So why not accept the white queen!? There is also Tarou Ishigaru's distortion of everyday life, refuted by Shigara Masami! Olivia Highland's innocence, where the strongest used the pure girl's ignorance to distort her belief and faith! Finally, colorless girl who could be filled in with anything, but then what could fill in the white? Thus, starting the journey of the antagonist's search for the human essence and resulting in the explosion of her "cocoon"! I also leave a small dialogue between White Queen and Kyousuke Shiroyama, when they collapse in their own likeness..... -No one needed logical excuses to hide their feelings. For a confession, there were no excuses like the pursuit of knowledge, alices, rabbits or any other illusion! Deep down, in all origins, man was like a baby, pure and who only irrationally wanted a family, and it wouldn't need logic to explain that. AND YET...! Does the human being really not need the love of a girlfriend who tarnishes and destroys his precious family? Is that the only reason you use fear and hate to push me away? You're just making more and more excuses for your heart, you crybaby! (White Queen) -I don't want an omniscient and omnipotent being making all your decisions because is horny! Love and romance are meaningless if you want to talk about justice and responsibility. I'm not going to let this all end with some baseless argument like """All's well that ends well"""" Call it logical excuses all you like, but I'm not going to run away from my responsibility for the world as a human, so don't run away either , you damn romantic goddess!!! (Shiroyama Kyousuke) STORY: 9 (Philosophy, beautiful questions and answers, plus a script complex enough for all this magnificent approach. For almost everything there is a meaning that is redirected to the origin of the work, mainly for the construction of the world itself, in a flow of information with almost 100% yield and almost 0% loss! I like to divide this work into 4 arcs...! Introductory Arc [MS1-MS3], Flashbacks Arc [MS4-MS5], Battle Against White Arc [MS6-MS8] and Ending Arc [MS9 & MS10]. Arc 4<Arc 1<Arc 3=Arc 2. Arc 1 and 2 only get better with each volume! [Volume 5 is a work of art!]. Arc 3, on the other hand, begins with the second worst volume of the work, but recovers brilliantly in volume 7, and closes in a divine way, with the best volume, MS8! It's really a shame that although arc 4 starts out perfect, its final volume is extremely disappointing, being pretty much a summary of everything that happened, breaking everything from logic and the small system, to focus on a shounen full of asspulls [Is there any value in breaking systems, but how short-term that value lasts and is quickly replaced by disappointment and changes in strategy approaches. At least it's a great recap, albeit one with weak and shallow resolution; the worst volume unfortunately!] If you plan to see a more detailed description, I made a tier list for this: https://tiermaker.com/list/random/mitou-shoukan--blood-sign-volumes-898365/3683896 ) CHARACTERS: 9 (Don't be put off by the cheesy harem aspect that seems to turn the characters into a walking cliché!!!!! You'll hate the characters in volume 1 as they are Renge and Higan, with mediocre writing and annoying personalities where their only deep function is to serve as a bridge for the introduction of the protagonist! However, as time goes by, new characters come in and even some old ones like Aika and Niang-li gain great prominence and development. Even with its cast composed of 99% women almost like an Indian harem of a king, the qualities will make you forget about the damn ecchi! Everything is hidden in this beautiful museum lost and forgotten by the romantic art of the world!!! If you want to know more, I also made a weird tier list for this: https://tiermaker.com/list/anime-and-manga/mitou-shoukan--blood-sign-character--898365/3683894) FUN: 8 (I had a lot of fun with arc 1 and 2, but I got tired of reading in arc 3, and a lot in arc 4, in its final volume. I continued to love the organization of most of the plot twists and mystery builds. Sadly, I've lost some of my passion for world building. I feel the reason for this is that, unlike the academic city in Index, Toydream 35 isn't as flashy and conspiratorial as it is, and the setting itself isn't captivating, as while sustained fairly consistently with politics, various changes in the narrative and battle locations, it doesn't delve too deeply into the beauty of each of them, as despite being complex in their philosophies, they are a bit hollow in the adventure aspect, as well as not being as creative in that each new scenario seems to contain informations to solve the problems. After all, they usually focus on the closed field of the "blood sign", with some variations of illusions and camouflages. While it lacks a bit in scenario-based strategies, the little shortcoming didn't compromised its great beauty! Of course, knowing how to play with all this, where each loose piece feels like a new key point to be explored later, [as Index almost always did] is really captivating, even suppresses a little with the complexity of its battle system) ART: 7 (Has its moments, but is by no means a standout. Fairly simple and generic, which hardly conveys the characters' crazy feelings, but well... At least it's thorough in demonstrating much of the world's art and certain powers) Finally, I bend my knees in respect to such a work of art. I cloud my mind with the story of an endless battle between man's passion and God's passion, but I clarify by remembering that there was still hope. Clasping my hands, with eyes always open to man and always in reverence to the divine, I say that the never-ending battle between passions ends when both stop to rest... Every man is moved by phobia, rejoicing in his own ecstasy, but when he has had enough of all this, he prepares to rest in his phillia. Yes..... Our little life has always been the result of the union between the love of man and the love of God EXTRA NOTE 1: "No one had a monopoly on human strength, everyone had it equally as everyone had a heart. So stay strong and don't let the White Queen sway you. No one is interested in a romantic comedy" EXTRA NOTE 2: -A little sister's food can't be delicious, can it? It's perfect because it's not good at all. The hopeless taste is what makes it so enchanting (Aika Toydream/brocon) EXTRA NOTE 3: -There is an absolute treasure. But its worth is determined by a relative heart. (White Queen) EXTRA NOTE 4: -Silly, isn't it? Reality is nothing more than a material used to build dreams.> (Yellow Gill) EXTRA NOTE 5: “I bind this blood covenant in the name of the Spirit of Fluttering 'Yellow' Gills who Rules the Heavens (s – a – so – voice – tix – ei – yw – za), one of the Three who administer and guide the summoning ceremony. You are human flesh with a proper heart and soul, but from this moment on, you are a limited vessel that can contain all things. You will be a lord of the void who uses the power that fills it to sometimes bend the laws of this world. Then I will prepare this vase. I am a summoner, unable to leave the world of man, but a symbol of lofty intellect who uses power from beyond the world of man to guide the world of man into the next age!!”
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Oct 29, 2022
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu
LOGH is a gray work in its judgment. It questions and criticizes 2 main systems and discusses individual freedom and happiness in the face of this. Thus, it brings with it the selfish goals in a sea of stars swallowed by the void, with several adjacent meanings, be it to perish as a supernova being the legend of the universe, to become the sun to guide the next generations, or to prove itself the pathetic black hole. who swallows the ambitions of others around him. All manifestations of selfishness that govern the laws of the universe!
So, in more obvious terms, reading LOGH, it's like a ... story building itself as a history... This in itself explains how well detailed a worldbuilding can be. In political terms, the criticism finds itself in a controversy, as stated by chenkopff, because while the alliance demonstrates a democratic look and imposes something similar to absolutism, the empire proves to be the complete opposite of that. Of course, at first hand and without context, this seems like a very biased sort of opinion, so let me offer another counterpoint which this work also infers. After all, to support political fanaticism is to be at the mercy of feelings, ignoring logical reasoning, to a point of destruction so distant and subtle, that when looking back, carried by inertia to a park of destruction, you will no longer be able to recognize the doom, attacking those who fight for you and defending those who plan to afflict you. In this way, the exaltation of an inadequate king in the midst of his own sanctuary that he recognizes as society, there is a very great chance, even if that king who dominates him is an angel that advises life, his children will become the most fearsome imps. . LOGH represents all this in two well-designed political systems where the result of fanaticism is found in an interesting sociological study of the social strata present on each side.... A world where trusting your heart demonstrates selfish happiness, inconsistent with a member of high power who not only carries their lives with them, urgently in need of logic to protect their people And so, just talking about fanaticism, we recognize another institution that easily interferes with politics, sayings pertaining to the cult of a greater being and the gift of its omniscience, provided by its main leaders by this being. Obviously, religion Regarding the religion factor discussed here, as this work explores the mistakes of the past that were forgotten in the present and therefore are bound to be repeated, expect a more generic, or better, real political construction around the historical theme, although it should be considered that there is an absence of philosophies not about the body called church, but the poetic meaning behind its existence, is more disregarded in a world where the vastness of men and ships have already surpassed the domain of the planet to be considered the land of God Although it ends up diminishing the textual value a little, the way in which the writing intertwines cold and gray to address the political aspects of the social and religious system, manage to fill in the gaps and obtain the necessary lack of essence. In between, we have pheezan, which is similar to a conspiracy tool for the other sides of the game. In political terms that match the story, we have a good play on words that adapt to each situation faced. When sides are threatened, a subtle and diligent approach that demonstrates respect and insecurity, when sides that plan to threaten, more aggressive and disrespectful approaches with the individual in question overwhelmed by the greater mass of criticism. Obviously, this is just referring to the human complexity and great writing that intercedes with it, because if we're going to take this wordplay for negotiation terms, logh, while not a failure, is still far from success.... . By the flow of understanding the story in this story, we as readers are often put at a very high level of information, where we know almost everything and we have to test how much of the talk and bargains can deceive us... Well, at least I think this was the theory, but in addition to the exchange of information ending up being exhausting because of pleonasms, the word games are even more superficial in the question of "speak" and fallacies, there is a point that proves difficult to believe that a " messenger" really was convinced to such an obvious strategy of negotiations (Even considering desperation as a keyword, it is nowhere near enough to explain shallow negotiations, as under some subordinates of the empire in control of other lands and their fake negotiations) However, these obvious and poorly made gaps are fortunately the minority (30% error and 70% success? Also considering the ship strategies), as the flow of information is built pre-narratively, being very similar to a history book. and with its own rhetoric The characters that most manage to bring you this conspiratorial spirit are the leaders of states, where the origin narrative of the two systems found mainly in the first volume is enough for the hints present there to manifest, and only using pure logic, we can paint the disastrous scenario before it manifests itself, and probably the coolest thing about it is that we can do it precisely because of the similarity with reality, which, although it makes the script with a certain predictable significance, shows itself to be a schematized game between author X reader, where the first will try to amplify the superficial story with the use of his insane creativity, and the reader will have to get used to this tide before he takes the next boat and sinks into a sea of surprises. From this conspiratorial tone, the writing becomes an illusion of synonyms, where the smallest gaffe becomes the main difference to resolve the question, welcome understanding and distance oneself from the war. It looks like a crazy political campaign where, apart from the gaffes, if the election is concluded for this damn democratic actor, one of the most fallacious governments of all will be concluded. And even more... Sometimes the script gathers all this flow for a logical conflict in metalinguistic function. For greater description, think of a native war between a detective and a criminal who will still carry out his terrorism..... For us, a good portion of information is revealed about the enemy's plan, while the detective's vision is precisely to use of his experience and ancient historical crimes to premeditate the catastrophe In short, it is the author demonstrating his historical inspirations for the strategy created, while leaving a small gap not included for other historical facts to fill it, sometimes creating good twists with the gap, or being predictable by the knowledge already disseminated by most And so, we return once again to the negative point of LOGH, its strategies! As I've gone on a long way, I'll try to summarize this part more......... For this reason, in general, I really think it does a decent job in this regard, but it should be noted that while pure logic, LOGH gets it wrong most of the time , however, in intersection with fiction and world construction, it turns most mistakes into successes (Kircheis' achievements with the "Zephyr particles" are a good example of this.... It would be easy too, but for the technology cheesy {I'll explain this point later}, it's an error of logic, even with the support of fiction) So, these flaws in LOGH strategies for the most part can be described as an average chess player playing with the bot in easy mode, as an opponent. In short, few strategies are complex or functional enough, as it is usually a cluster of convenience with some logical aspects there to camouflage its superficiality. If it were a simple game between chess amateurs it would make sense, but let's say the logic department reduced to a point that the lack of complexity becomes convenient enough for others to swallow The bot knows that it will get a checkmate, it should know how to avoid this, but even so, it doesn't, because of its initial configuration... This is the military pride contained in LOGH's military strategies, which take for themselves one of the lazier battle clichés, though, real one way or another (as long as they're not used too often) Miserable pride results in the underestimation of the enemy's logical field, where strategists appear completely incompetent and incongruous with their position. Some make sense because they were put there for bureaucratic and political merit, not meritocratic, but many others who should have a history of victories behave with cold and calculating eyes, when in fact it's just a bunch of bullshit who faithfully believe in convenience, because, they are hardly allowed to see correctly the geopolitical and economic side of the opposing side, even if they are often obvious (As of volume 5, these cases become VERY rare, but even so they occur, mainly for secondary strategists, and even , to Yang, Reinhard, and Reuenthal, as the example of certain pathetic and obvious trusts going wrong) It seems much more a vow of faith, than a serious dialogue between high-ranking members... This uncertain decision so surely falls much more to the sameness of the empire "VIVA TO KAISER" than the incongruities of the alliance (some perceived by the author himself, and others do not) And, to finish the strategy line and move on to the next one.... Although it's my criticism, most of LOGH's strategies are still good for their narrative creativity and historical reinterpretation in a crazy space adventure where the loredump are overloaded in a way interesting until they explode in the flow of information, like keywords that are linked in an anagram to solve the mystery of the strategic problem For the characters, I will only talk about the 5 that for me are the ones that took care of my heart...... Yang Wen-li: A contradiction machine and a powerful philosopher, mainly responsible for gray analysis and even character reinterpretation of how the story is told....... His past incongruities such as his lack of commitment and laziness in saving others, although he spoke faithfully about how he should do it, they are actually led to conclude the inconsistencies of the present, as a kind of "negative + negative = positive", where their tiredness and slowness were the result of not being able to stand their sins creeping on your back, standing still until vengeance finally comes. Sometimes, darker thoughts stemming from his "detailed laziness" even encourage anarchic thoughts, having to not only be afraid of his sins that made it difficult for him to proceed, but also afraid of where his feet really wanted to take him, the fear of oneself and finally, the search for redemption in the midst of a stellar void Julian Mintz: Initially little is thought positively about him, since he seems to be a copy of other characters about his teachings, however, later on he proves not only a translator, but a decoder. When he turns 18, he finds the coldest universe there is, space freedom without the star that guided his path, but that's exactly why his character is so interesting. Paul Von Oberstein: This man isn't exactly what you'd call unpredictable, as he doesn't seem to have given in to insanity or simply his logic isn't overly complex and planned. Even so, he carries with him a huge betrayal tension, where almost everything that happens in the empire, seems to be part of some involvement of him, although some don't even make that much sense....... Yes, those soulless gray eyes that they resounded with his cloak that was not drowned in either black or white. A man who found his love in logic, so...... "Give the chicken to the dog" Oskar von Reuenthal: Known as the proudest man in the universe, always looking to renew his limits. The same one who wanted someone else to wish for his life, that someone is really proud of his coming into the world, but already distorted and without a happy childhood played by his parents at random, he had to be proud of himself and the things that he did, because the moment he continued to take repeated steps backwards, it would no longer be pride, it would be disappointment, the possible thing to end his life right there. However, in an unequal world, defeat is mostly a form of learning, but for those proud enough to explode life stars in their hellish advance towards the sun, losing is the same as dying... What an irritating paradox, but that's probably why this man is such a good character! When he found his son and then realized that he wanted for his life, the man found the peace he despised so much, because what he always lacked was the kindness of loving. Reinhard von Lohengramm: The most ambitious man in the universe, Like a gale at the center of the world that allows others to rise, whether to decline in the face of gravity or the discovery of new lands, eliminating understanding to the next when faced with their own selfishness, eliminating your compassion to acquire domination. Your problem is in differentiating your mind from your heart, since one of them has already been killed. It's probably the character with the most wordplay, to mask the predictability of his character a bit without too much trouble figuring out early on. So, when forced to atone for his sins with those icy eyes, the heat of war, shown once again before his eyes, but without the protection of a ship or other bodies together…… A carved ice sculpture by the artistic ways of the minds of others, but only with the heat to melt himself, Reinhard will be able to mold himself with everything he has learned so far So, if I could sum up LOGH's conspiratorial plot and its philosophy in one sentence, it would be that the difference is that before the media deceived. Unfortunately, today it is people who want to be deceived, because it is the endless battle between the mind VS the heart..... Because it has always been easier to follow a group with the same ideals than yours, than to pursue the right and the Justice With the end, it was born again in me, probably one of the most empty and at the same time hopeful feelings I've ever felt, as well as all the contradictions of a war where the only winner is the god of death and iron-scented wine. A resolution that does not imply truth or lies, but simply for the convenience of the side that survived. There is no end to the war, there is only an interval until a new one begins. And yet, should we keep the faith? Not exactly, because it's not hope... It's not naivety..... It's not cruelty It's just another side of the coin There are two faces that must be considered... In the midst of despair, there is no reason in logic without faith, and in this, there is no hope in faith if there is no logic, even if it is comparative. That's why it's not running away from reality, it's facing it in the most powerful way possible, until hope and despair collide at a point that only the effort, laziness, luck and misfortune of the man on foot remain. And, amidst a whirlwind of emotions similar to a storm, a man wanders to another universe that could contain his ambitions, a pendant he would no longer need, for now, he would find the real man responsible for supporting him in the world. If it is the duty of the living to honor those who have worked for us and gone, it is the duty of the dead who have yielded to the twinkling of the stars to support the ideals of the living. Thus, a new era opens for new deeds, as they never followed a legendary dynasty because they believed in it, because a system focused on its creation in just one person, will never be more important than the one that made them triumph, and finally, heaven itself. recognized this (storm), in the midst of all the people's anguish, stealing all the sunlight and stars of the universe, man disappeared leaving darkness behind. So, who will be the new legend to ignite the galaxy's flame again? STORY: 9 (Arc 1: 7.5, arc 2: 8.5, arc 3: 9.0 and finally, arc 4: 9.5) CHARACTERS: 8 (I love the main characters, but I hate many secondary characters that boil down to the pathetic CHAD full of clichés. For more information, here is a tier list about the characters https://tiermaker.com/list/anime-and-manga/ginga-eiyuu-densetsu-125462/3249554) ART: ???? (It's going to take your ass! I ended up reading this in pdf, without the illustrations, just the covers, so I saw very little about it) ENJOYMENT: 7 (Look, it's just opinion, so damn this part) Finally, I drop to my knees in reverence for work, still questioning what is worth more? A democracy full of corrupt people, or a dictatorship in unison for good? Surrounded by pessimism, I realize that the answer is obvious, but not hopeful, because in a world of corrupt, democratic rules are the limit of respect for humanity, and similarly corrupt, absolutism is the final sentence to become a devil. With gray eyes, I see the sky, because on the whole, amidst a vastness of stars lost in history, "the deeds of men, remain the same" EXTRA: I ended up forgetting to explain about certain technological issues and about its connection with EL FACIL....... Probably something that made LOGH age very badly was the advancement of technology in our reality... Because of this, recordings of screen and audio resolution have become great means of leverage and bribery in the exchange of information, terms absent in most LOGH conflicts. Not that it would solve all the problems or most of them, but some of them certainly, mainly the more conspiratorial ones of persecution between the 3 sides of the information flow, like traitors, informers or simply a stroke of luck in finding the fanatical leader of a cult. amidst a crowd of daydreams As stated earlier, it's just a few cheesy and funny situations in the change of innovations that make a little mockery of a man's creativity, and even then, the author did very well exploring other subjects covered at the time, particularly in the broad political arena where it practically becomes a work of art in contrast to the great logic approached........... I think that, just as an afterthought, it really takes a lot of care and luck to approach a futuristic work like "star wars" " without getting lost in its own theme
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Jul 12, 2022
Suzumiya Haruhi Series
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INFO: In order not to become a confusing and incoherent writing, I will use "Suzumiya" to refer to the series, "Haruhi" for the character and "Suzumiya Haruhi" for the two consecutively
First, I will be making a prediction based on my own selfishness, since the aesthetic terms would only hypocritically camouflage my intentions..... if you are a crazy fan of literature and its philosophies that work in conjunction with the harmonious musical writing that is poetry , you are in the wrong place and you will probably be very disappointed in this regard.... However, if you just want a creative and innovative work, I feel you ... can raise your arms as a new fan to the slightly deconstructed pop culture As a middle ground between the two, I just felt lukewarm about it, but I still felt like it's a lot closer to good than bad. At first hand, I always saw people talking about how Suzumiya was a deep philosophical work of art, a well of creativity or something like a parody full of metalanguages, but I think these people are not sure what they are talking about, and allowing my arrogance flow, the cloud in my head explodes and allows me to shed a few bolts of irritation Let's go... I'm not going to use the constructed community itself as an argument and that all these opinions that diverge to some extent actually prove an inconsistency on the part of the author. In fact, as these people praise, ironically I will make my protest For me, Suzumiya is not a parody or a profound work... Yes, for me it's not as if the work had a lot of subjects to address and did so with symbolic subtlety. These moments definitely exist, but among the 11 volumes, I can only catch 3 of those that are almost crushed by the majority. If the ending of this series (volume 9-11) wasn't so good, it would probably forget its qualities That said, as a matter of disappointment, reading Suzumiya was like losing your virginity... You think it's going to be a sea of roses, but you're disappointed at first, so disappointed that even your cock hangs its head and you flinch. Later, after countless anti-romantic encounters, if you notice that your girlfriend is visiting the bakery around the corner a lot, although she always comes back with an empty bag, you realize that she has gained weight. Naive, he decides to trust the female fungus, until one day, you observe your wife playing "fight" with the baker next to the oven on the counter, thus realizing that another type of fermentation was taking place inside your wife. It follows that the empty bag and the swelling belly were nothing more than a metaphor for unwanted pregnancy........... Take this as personally as you like, little blackpill (I can't believe I used that term. ..) Okay, I like metalanguage and metaphors, but I like even more someone making fun of the whole chunny tropic, and well... Suzumiya arrived early in this regard and seems to be doing a stand up show with all the cliché scenario that LNs have taken nowadays. To support this scenario, we have writing... There are a considerable number of comparisons and some metaphors, and for what I believed to be a consequence, figures of speech always end up embellishing his writing more, but I felt that the vast majority were everyday and too simple to understand. accompany any poetic and profound direction At first, I could really correlate that this almost unhealthy and unnecessary use of repetitions was just a way of highlighting the everyday in a simple and direct way, indirectly amplifying the bond between Kyon and Haruhi, but it wasn't anything that profound... It was just the result of uninteresting stories that take too long to link to the main one, giving predictability enough time to kick in. Seriously, I'm fine with hearing theoretical repetitions and obvious pleonasms, as long as they make some narrative sense or don't take up a lot of the writing, not to mention the exaggerated amount of very shallow comparisons that for the most part didn't even make sense, unfortunately, no in a comical way like in a shitpost. This unbridled repetition of parts that don't fit just shows the lack of polish, or rather, a basic care coming from its manufacturer. As a result, Suzumiya loves to fill her writing with empty content, and believe me, the reaction of this is HARDLY something fun like an air balloon or the surprise of this popping ball when combined with her script. It is simply something used to inflate, nothing more and nothing less, without any use, be it fun, comic, depth or faithfully linked to the story itself. I'm willing to accept that this happens in every book, but specifically, Suzumiya is like a balloon-blowing machine, a boredom so deadly that with every breath it feels like the propane pervades and spreads like a brain epidemic that corrupts all my little ones cells that remained. Of course, to keep the reader entertained in a boring everyday life until its seriousness comes to light, comedy is definitely a necessary part. In this way, I can say that Suzumiya worked decently with this genre, but still left something to be desired... Based on a simple average, the amount of uninteresting parts is too great for a comedy that can't fill everything Suzumiya Haruhi's comical point is her inconvenience... As everything revolves around Haruhi, this eccentric girl works with conveniences that need an opponent who suffers from this idiotic dictatorship. This is the repetitive joke in the series that suffers from some minor settings to not highlight the sameness. This point converges between the characters, which often doesn't even have to be Haruhi to do it, it can just be a conspiratorial satire between the most varied organizations that seem to make light of the situation, but not enough to become a disregard for the road map It might sound really fun, but I feel like it lacked scope or some larger settings to make it move more from its repetition. What I mean here are not regional jokes which it would be unfair of me to sentence them, but belonging to certain selective groups that don't know much about, which even if researched about, doesn't work like that unforeseen that hides its comic, but just a pointless comment Overall, I hardly had a big laugh, which only occurred to me 2 times here, but it's good enough for some light chuckles thrown in at random. For the script, we have an interesting kind of tension created when it comes to the initial position of the "villain" who doesn't realize his own malice and that's why he can fight so strongly on the side of the "heroes". The setup for these problematics usually comes with some extrasensory feeling from Kiyon, a self-insertion by the author to give his advance warning when seriousness is about to arise, automatically generating feelings of mystery. The fun of a mystery building is walking on a foggy road that seems to laugh at what you think is logical, but at the end of the day, rational is always the answer, it just needs such complexity to be compressed enough to fit into your small space. intellectual, and this is what they call induced epiphany. Of course, it's a fact that some authors leave some slips or just certain readers are too attentive, which ends up causing this epiphany to come before its time, almost like a mistake in the "timing", you know? And, even considering this, mystery construction doesn't always have to be something unpredictable, because let's face it, it's much more interesting to study the formula behind a reaction than its final result without construction! I mean, maybe that's not why when we scroll down the comments tab of some mysterious book, we see so many people praising the outcome even though they already predicted it!? Don't be fooled, this is not an illusion created by legions of fans who deny logical reasoning, but a clear vivid construction of mystery in a more sloppy and fun way! In a way you could say that while a well-constructed mystery should be like a pure substance boiling where the whole process of informative heating is worked out gradually until all the epiphanic steam starts coming to you, Suzumiya's is like taking a mix of high quality paints and throwing them on a wall, causing a real artistic disaster. The way the colors come together still leaves its creative charm, but doesn't camouflage its incongruity. What I mean here is that the mystery is mostly predictable, and even so, it manages to impress you with creative extensions, apart from just the time travel volumes.... I feel that for these arcs, it would be much better for the script to understand. his drunkenness as post hangover thoughts and so, playing with his own cheesy past in a circle of friends SOS!!! Unfortunately, these satirical arcs leaned much more towards Koizumi's side. Talking more about her characters, I'd like to start with Haruhi.... Her eccentricity decreases a lot, but her development is really good, as this reduction doesn't create an approximation to a cliché mentally retarded virgin girl personality or a static balance between the volume 1 and the final volume with no emotional friction. The script continues to create problems so that such gaps are filled and Haruhi can give a direct flying bulldozer that sinks all criticism while promoting the dictatorship of the SOS brigade (not amongus) This girl is the self-explanation of the "great semen rush", but this is not only due to her frenetic personality... It's not just an initially irritating girl who achieves her charisma, but also the sentimental complexity she represents. to oppose everyday life without really recognizing what you really want (in this way, the name of the arc of each volume makes a rather interesting literary role) To educate such a contradictory idiot, we have Kiyon,..... He is a passive opponent who will counter eccentricities with his basic irony, which although he proves incapable of fighting an extremist on twitter, is enough to amuse the reader with some light laughs When the issue involves your name and the screams of Haruhi pinscher, your disagreements will always be notorious. while Haruhi has his generalized development around all volumes, Kiyon has very good developments in volumes 1 and 4, while the others are just repetitions that take away the philosophical potential of the previous volumes, once again proving the helium gas balloon theory. . To finish off the Kiyon route, something interesting is your "passive opposer" who initially brings up thoughts like "You idiot, why don't you stop her?" "Why don't you divert this crazy girl's attention!?" that look just like lazy script settings, when later on they turn into a "tsun tsun" mode in relation to the problems faced. It serves as a kind of character deconstruction, which also goes for Kiyon's suspicions of people around him and how he complains about it, but it's nothing that complex or anything like that, so it's still insufficient to fill in the gaps left by volume 1. and 4. To sum up the others, Nagato has his own philosophy which for the time was a brilliant reinterpretation of a certain social problem. Koizumi is a herald of current problems, a natural and suspicious explainer who brings good mysteries and incitements to the script, after all, he is great at bringing his conspiracies and logical ramblings to the script. Asahina is an ecchi poster girl, and for spoiler reasons, I'm lukewarm towards her, but I like how Koizumi incites his theories about her. About the other characters... Well, I just find Sasaki very interesting and got some great poetry for the script (unfortunately it took too long for that), I like Kiyon's sister and the student club president satire, but other than that, no I don't care at all about the rest Moving towards the final stretch, we have the philosophy of Suzumiya Haruhi..... After all, why even though every day is different from each other, everyday life still exists? Or should we say that it is precisely through these small daily changes that we can establish a parameter? It really doesn't matter, because people don't complain about everyday life because it doesn't change, they complain about repeating the same feelings and not being able to overcome them. This is living a boring life and that's why we dream so much, trying to detach from reality and seek an inconsistent but welcoming image... Maybe that's why fairy tales have been gaining happy endings instead of continuing to portray dark tales? Like a kind of obscurity that fades with time? But, thinking about all these illusions that face the truth, one comes to a conclusion... Do people really want a chunny type of super power or a pre-mapped path like a heroic isekai? This seems super complicated to handle, so people don't want it, they just want a reason to be able to truly smile, a reason to fight uselessly for something worth protecting and consequently, they want to seek the eternal in this sea of constant change. . Yes, it's just a matter of what's boring and what's fun. When you find meaning in fighting, that inorganic everyday becomes a life to protect. After all, it was no wonder that the final conflict was so poetic... The messenger of equilibrium(Sasaki) and the messenger of fun (Haruhi). The one that organizes the disaster and the one that colors the world, just like the SOS brigade made its promise So, to summarize.... STORY: 6 (Problem with inconsistency... The first volume is very good and the second one is a disaster, following a similar quality formula, at least before the last arc. For more information that is easier to represent in images, in case you're interested, here's my tier list about the volumes................... https://tiermaker.com/list/anime-and-manga/haruhi-suzumiya-light-novels-and-extras-66600/2859388 ) CHARACTERS: 7 (I've spent enough time explaining this, then take that...! https://tiermaker.com/list/anime-and-manga/the-melancholy-of-haruhi-suzumiya-tierlist-218133/3266995) ART: 5 (The most basic you could think of at the time... Null symbolism aside, in terms of visuals, we have a decent job to compete with clannad and his ocular elephantiasis. Seriously, what kind of anti-biological thoughts passed by the mind of the Japanese chunny industry at the time to allow eyes to get pregnant!? Is that what they call a biohacker? Anyway, stopping with jokes, it's a very variable art, superficial and with its incongruities. The generic look that hardly changed probably helped a lot in this kind of settings, which not ironically, didn't change either. In terms of storytelling, this should be a big concern for those thirsty to stretch their imaginations, but it still remains a creative work, just not going a certain way) FUN: 6 (I received volumes that amused me A LOT, but others that inversely caused me a powerful boredom. Even considering the final arc, I can't forget how traumatic it was to read volume 2) Finally, I get on my knees thanking the work..... Thank you, SOS brigade, your fame is remarkable, so you certainly fulfilled your duty to spread the pandemic of smiles around the world (yes, the pleonasm was on purpose).... I mean, if mother nature can oppose us humans by creating a virus, why couldn't we do the same to oppose world sadness? If yes, your work is done
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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![]() Show all Apr 23, 2022
Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria
As many know, naivety and stupidity walk very close to each other and therefore are easily confused by certain similarities. The main problem of the human being is to contaminate the other with sin while thinking he is doing good. Ignorance is not exactly a bliss, but an easier way to cling to illusions, like the anesthetic to get rid of pain, but that doesn't fool your body that truly feels everything.
That said, we arrived at Zero Maria...... It is not known for sure if "the world changes the human being" or if "the man changes the world", but this phrase seems to resonate very ... well here, doesn't it? The goal of zero maria is not to initially hold your attention with an extremely creative and never-before-seen element, but to put this stereotype in front of you and see how much it can amplify such a concept. In terms of literature, it's like taking someone else's base text and improving it with your own techniques. In terms of setup, it's like taking a character's base customization and letting your creativity work. It's about how much you can expand the infinite concept of the cliché, but use the "infinity complex" to find what can escape its own bubble, like real and complex numbers that originate from the same essence but go through slightly different paths. So, don't confuse it with something cliché, as much as it "seems", since the keyword is precisely this one in quotes.... Exact science and human science, even though they are different sectors, share the same characteristic in whatever matter there is. Vision allows you to see the 2D state of matter, but it is understanding that allows you to see the hidden lines of code in a scenario. That said, a word can have a fixed synonym, but if you use the right figures of speech, you can modify them with a kind of complex paradox or poetry in a given specific context. In exact, we can take glass that has the appearance of a solid, when in fact it is a liquid with such a high viscosity that it takes on the appearance of a solid. The world is our fantasy stage and we have to be the magicians of this story to not allow ourselves to be deceived by what the eyes cannot understand, after all, this was never our only resource. So, let's be the illusionists of this fantastic magical world Hakomaria loves to play with this concept and with its narrative.... They are narratives that connect and enter into conflicts, sometimes creating magic and sometimes flaws, but in the end, they are manipulative lies and the illusionist known as the author is the one who will try to show you how skilled he is at deceiving you. With that in mind, he's a good magician who can use writing and storytelling well, but he's a writer who fails to convey the power of his magic to the world....... Why? Let's start with the flow of information, which when understood by the reader before the author's announcement, would be like predicting the script of a movie and generating its own spoiler or still following the logic of the illusionist, it would be understanding his tricks Hakomaria's flow of information is really good and the author likes to use the different nuances between personalities, but prefers to hide them from the reader, even if she were present, as a game of "hide and seek". Unfortunately the quality is very variable and sometimes we will have good hits as in volume 1, which even though the secondary magics lost the audience's support, they were quickly enchanted by the final magic that ended the main show. Other times we will have pathetic volumes that, although they may be bathed in a certain narrative creativity that intercedes with the illustrations to generate a mystery, they are actually failures to transmit their magical power, which would correspond to an illusionist creating magic that is beautiful to the naked eye, but where everyone understood the present illusion, losing the sense of any symbolism. It would be like watching the bright and beautiful fireworks spreading across the sky, until they revealed that they were sub-atomic bombs that could only be activated after the explosion of small other bombs. It was simple, something that could be beautiful to the naked eye, but with the simple act of empathy, you would realize what a real disaster it is. (Yes, I'm looking at you, volume 2.... I repudiate you for creating a script that was 90% understood in just 50 pages and still trying to force a mystery everyone figured out while forcing a dumb script where dumb actions became plausible without madness being a support to alleviate its forced script, as in volume 1 it could still boast of it.) Amplifying this madness it is actually used to explain a character's motives, however absurd they may be. It is an interesting narrative exchange and often very poetic regarding human complexity. In short, the characters have a certain creativity, a philosophy that embellishes their depths, but their conversations can often be superficial. When infused with slice of life, their beauty is lost and they look ironically dirty.... It feels much more antisocial creating conversations between puppets rather than actually living characters (I don't think it was intentional to create that twisted poetry, after all , there were other moments without the characters that give rise to this poetry and they were still a little poorly done ) About the illustrations... They are not exactly detailed, they are positioned in an inconvenient way for the narrative. Another problem is how inconsistent they are... Yes, it's ridiculous, the illustrator couldn't pin down the illustrations he wanted to convey even at the end of his work. As a philosophy, we have the "box" here... It divides the desire of humans. The will to change, but the fear of taking action. It is what allows human beings to use the escape valve to not be stagnant, but still representing their complex thoughts. It's good to see how the author treats the issues that touch human complexity separating between these boxes. Even the weakest and most pathetic human being has the ability to change. Fear can both save you from a bear trap hidden in what appears to be solid ground, and it can also be what will keep you from finding your way out of the jungle of doom. In the same way, determination can be what will make you take the next step to survive society's distorted natural selection, or it can be what will make you move into quicksand. In the end it's two sides of a coin separated by the thin but tough copper of the "self". If you lack confidence or just wallow in your insignificance, you can ask others to decide who you really are and toss the coin for you. If you can trust your own heart with no regrets, flip the coin and repeat the same process until the result you want falls, so go ahead and wait for the future..... This is how the power of change works, doesn't it? It's only when you look back and smile that you can say you've overcome the "self" barrier and become what you wanted. It is the idealistic and lying message that we can achieve everything we desire with will, but configured in the world of Zero Maria, it receives a broader and more beautiful meaning. This "desire" works as an archetype to present the human complexities and philosophies adjacent to the main point of the work. Unfortunately I can't say that the philosophies were all decent, but in terms of configuration and creativity, they fulfilled their role, sometimes impressing and sometimes disappointing. NOTES SUMMARY: STORY: 8 (Interesting concepts and philosophies, but often the execution is predictable and only serves as a questioning, without much resolution of the dubious status. It may work as a symbolism, but it's still nothing special. Even with nuances in the script and certain flawed logics [Fortunately these questions take the minority of time], the script is still creative and has its charm..... I just felt that the philosophical questions were too good for the superficiality of their answers. It would be like extracting molten diamonds through a plastic straw, you know? It's hyperbole, but it sets well in context) CHARACTERS: 7 (Okay... I've really thought about this a lot and come up with this note. While they definitely have good depth and sometimes even creativity to their characters, I couldn't say the same in their "slice-of-life" moments, because for me they were boring and failed attempts at comedy that just departed from the reality of what a daily dialogue between friends should be.... Of course there is no formula for a dialogue, but minimally there is the perception of something substantial and out of reality, what here seemed to me as if the author was rambling on himself rather than making a dialogue between characters) ART: 6 (Okay.... This note is not just about the inconsistency of the art, but also its lack of detail and organization. First, the way the frames link together is not in a convenient or functional way. In reality , I'd say it's quite the opposite, not to mention that they often have annoying narrative cues, sometimes they're well made for a plot twist, and other times they work as a pretty silly auto-spoiler. Ultimately, it's good art without considering its issues with storytelling and symbolism, so I really couldn't rate this higher) Fun: 7 (There's not much to discuss about this... The writing and story are inconsistent, so I could at one time be very excited for what was to come when I could be so disappointed that I closed my eyes to the future) I close my eyes and bend my knees in awe of infinite human complexity. I think that when such an infinity is interspersed with another infinity, it will generate an immensity of equalities. In order not to lose myself in perdition, I open my eyes and see my heart, coming to the conclusion that even without connoisseurs, the world is not over, I just need to give this reality and its people another chance, even if it is difficult. Finally I say a prayer, for like astronauts landing on the moon, this was a small step towards change, but a huge step towards salvation. https://tiermaker.com/list/anime-and-manga/hakomari-volumes-362142/2789395 https://tiermaker.com/list/anime-and-manga/hakomari-characters--466445/3246051
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Feb 28, 2022
Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index
Ok ok, time for the boastful review to praise one of the best literary works of all time!!!
First, Index is not a simple work, it always wanted to build something, it was just that most people didn't realize the various well-crafted configurations that the script built, and this was probably due to the impression that Kamachii gave, with him seeming to explain almost everything and leave few things in subjectivity, but we were completely wrong (obviously, I'm including myself here, after all, it's in the 1st person plural) I believe it's as if Kamachii's explanatory writing was some kind of blinding light, and with the reader ... just paying attention to that strong light, he will never be able to understand what that glow hides behind, what would be the complexity of Index That said, Index is the dichotomy between "Magic X Science" or the much-discussed "Reason X Faith". From this same dichotomy, the two main points that Index works appear... First, the "absurdity of the world" and secondly, we have the biblical philosophy of "Second chance and forgiveness", this one strengthened by the division between "testaments" The "absurdity of the world" is what conspiracy theories represent or how insane the interactions between worlds can be, but the interesting thing about Index is how the author constantly expands the absurdity of the world without destroying its status quo. It's an ironic joke, but very well done. Speaking of the world, here you'll find one of the best settings ever made for it. The world is gigantic, creative, and well-constructed, where the constant flow of information from both sides comes rushing back to fill in the inconvenient gaps. It's sort of a narrative tool to be able to escape problems while continuing to move forward strongly with less worry about your own script. Therefore, creative uses of the "paradox of omnipotence" and the "infinity complex" to explain the absurdities of the world and its powers, which while amplifying the distortion, still preserve the status of things. It's a pretty cool use of theories that allow you to preserve A CERTAIN WORLD Still, Index is a work that fervently preaches forgiveness and, consequently, the second chance provided by error. So this is not a work that fervently preaches realism, but a hopeful view of things. Of course, the work may try to manipulate you into thinking about realism, as MANY texts and events are based on a logical analysis intersecting with poetry..... This may be an unfair attempt by the author, but it's not my criticism, because it is in this small gap not so visible that the unique beauty of Index lies "I would be much happier being the kind of clown who lies to preserve happiness than as a great hero who follows his principles alone and can't smile with anyone." By Kamijou Touma So it's okay to be crushed by the happy world, as long as you can stand up, look back, and be able to smile at the end. Speaking of such configurations, who is really the one that runs through them all? Who is the one who created a certain absurdity of the world when he didn't even know it? Who is that extremely well-crafted spiky-haired boy who hypocritically raises his fist to wield the gift of second forgiveness for all? Kamijou Touma is used again as a stone to break certain arguments and illusory paradigms of each character and with the addition of his catchphrase and powers, his use in the script is very significant. At the same time, he not only shatters these illusions, but as a whetstone, he can also sharpen each character's blade of wisdom. He's the unbreakable Imagine Breaker, it's unrealistic I know, but that doesn't mean it's not an inspiration to a dream, or are you going to tell me that you're going to give up on achieving something just because you can't be the best at it? Speaking of Imagine Breaker, here on NT you will see some explanations and interpretations not only of him, but of other espers and magic powers, with a good part of them containing a deep philosophy that serve as the cogs of a lighter that light the strong flame of development. , mainly for the general secondary cast or the main cast of their respective volumes (This series has a mania for creating a topic and a character to develop and prove a point of the author, and sometimes these characters are abandoned, as their development concluded, such as the beautiful philosophy of the search for one's own identity in NT12). Going back to my earlier statement about "Index complexity" recalled by the Imagine Breaker quote.... Sometimes espers are used for the author to express his opinion on terms that touch human complexity (which works very well towards the created environment) and an even deeper critique of their sins and their journeys. Still, it's not something that is so one-dimensional, but it is found in several places, even in the reader's heart... What I want to say here is that they are not only critical for the characters, but also for the reader himself, almost like a fourth wall break, but not in a comical way If for the scientific side it uses the logical analysis that science provides for the use of criticism, then what could the religious side keep? Or even more specifically, what could magic provide for the script? The answer is obvious.... Fantasy! The game here is precisely in the game of mythologies and religious dogmas, which, at the same time as they are used in poetic writing and narrative, are also used to play with the personalities and design of the characters, either in an ironic or conceptual way (the Gods magicians represent this well). This ends up creating a very distinct and original flow of personas. Of course, both the scientific and the religious side can be uniquely separated, but this does not mean that with the environmental and temporal circumstances they can never meet... that they only serve for those purposes mentioned above, in fact I just did this for the convenience of the progression of the review, because the two sides can mix and acquire similar shapes... The difference is the amount, since the scientific side uses more logical analysis than the magical side, and the same can apply to magic using fantasy more than the scientific side. Once this is understood, writing and narrative play a crucial role in bringing the story closer to the reader and conveying feelings through immutable sheets of paper. Thus, Kamachii is one of the best writers the industry could wish for....... Even if the work doesn't have a lot of these moments, the quality surpasses this quantity... What I'm talking about here is the despair that is one of the moments that writing should shine the most! Becayse Index often brings hope either through its writing or the characters' actions (often explained by environment, time, past or individual personality), it might seem like a slightly out of place term, but the most beautiful hope can only be achieved overcoming despair. It's like the Ying-Yang, an undeniable balance that plagues humanity. In Index these moments are wonderful. They are not one-dimensional by any means, it is not something so vague that it can be fully understood with just a brief look. No, it's something much more worked around the writing, narrative, monologues, characters and environment which really embodies the purest essence of despair. The use of metaphors, metonymies and beautiful poetry unsullied by despair simply seem to create a paradox, which ironically is also another figure of speech used here. For narrative, Index is the accumulation of description, which can easily excite a reader who likes to test his imagination, and here the use of various metaphors are used to bring the reader closer to the world. It's a pretty simple component, but the resolution is pretty complex, and you'll really feel big original strokes and few repetitions, which is a full plate for the reader... Unfortunately, this plate will be so full that the reader won't be able to take it, and eventually you will get tired of so many descriptions, some even being boring, but at least you will enjoy it a lot until you reach your limit of appetite for the literary dish. And, to finish off this part of the writing and honor the theoretical basis of conspiracies, we have the flow of information, one of Index's strongest points! It's from the moment you manage to attribute subjectivity to everything and push away the truth, that a kind of nihilistic mystery is born, just like the conspiracy theory. Kamachii isn't the type of man who forgets his own rules or creates out-of-place terms to never use them (apart from vampires or alchemy? Well, OT2 is a bit out of the loop because of the conflict between author vs editor, and maybe that was why Himegami fell by the wayside). In fact, these "preceded terms" are often used as plot twists, explanations of the absurdities of the world or even as the spark that ignites the old arc and opens the environment for a new problem. Even theories created by the characters come back strongly to follow the logical flow of things and it's even more impressive how the depth of the characters seem to be thrown at random in the script, when in fact they are a rope of descent to be able to explore the depths of these characters in order to discover the glowing treasure that dwells in the dark depths of every human. At the end of it all, the vast majority of plot twists blend together in a confusing but still whimsical way, similar to the style of abstractionism and its paintings. If the first book was already like a mother who was concerned with the amount of nutrients and intellectual food for her child to digest, the second would be like several complex food chains, or in more general terms, a food web, where energy would be transferred from one level to another. With a web so complex that it would border on infinity, it would no longer be possible to distinguish the beginning or the end, but something would resonate not in the mind, but in the heart..... That no matter how you think, it's still an extremely fine work done Unfortunately, not everything is flowers or if they are, people should take care of them more, since some are rotting.... Not everything is perfect, and as Index says, we humans are not either, that is, no reaction we bring to the world will be perfect, after all, the main component is imperfect (Well, that's if SEDEX Kamachii Kazuma is really a human being). For starters, the abysmal flow of information itself creates its own inconvenience... the flow of information is definitely well done, but the gigantic amount of mysteries that the work addresses seems so colossal that they serve as a wave to displace the main term and make causing the reader to slightly forget about him or swim against the current in order to reach him, but the sea god seems to persist against the reader (usually such waves are hints, but nothing really conclusive... at least apparently). You see, I really like this, but there are still a lot of mysteries to be unraveled and many readers are abandoning the series and unfortunately one cannot judge them as some of the main points seem to get further and further away and however many times the Poseidon of literature will allow the reader to approach the main point, it is only a small glimpse and soon another irritating current will shift to drive the reader away once again..... The rotten flowers don't end there... There is a certain Deus Ex Macchina in this series. Of course the world was set up for him and even so, Deus Ex Macchina is well done, but not perfect... Sometimes the timing is extremely convenient and even though it is the minority, sometimes the author doesn't even bother to explain about it and leaves it to the reader's imagination. Even more, there are some conveniences in the script that fill in the gaps that the characters can't fill on their own, which depending on how extreme it is, will be really irritating, especially in some scenes of that pierced delinquent (Well, I can forgive a little, since that your character's proposal is this) They are not rotten flowers that have spread and will corrupt the whole environment, but they are still nuisances and negative points. I wouldn't like to end with negative points, because it would leave a bitter taste in my mouth..... I believe that Index's other charms would be his creativity and writing skills. As much as the premise seems the same with each volume, there are SEVERAL changes in the gears that move the script that make this series something complex and well done. Sometimes the author will create environments so distorted to make you realize this distortion and point negatively to the script and how much the author got lost in it, and when you point that out, you fall into their trap. The work will manipulate you several times for you to perceive this distortion until it manages to catch you off guard... Not only that, but several other configurations continue to perpetuate in this series and easily the author will innovate and create something new and original. Of course, sometimes the author will create an environment so distorted that he himself will fall into his own trap, but not before manipulating the reader until then. And in the end, as Kamachii Kazuma himself said…… "The real essence of this series is not convincing someone with a logical argument, but taking it to the next step and using the power of emotion to destroy a fully constructed dead end." By Kamachii Kazuma Strangely, the author manages to do very well both ways, but he tries to be humble and not exaggerate his words ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ STORY: 10 (I really thought I'd give a 9 around here, since NT15-NT17 are rotten, and as much as the detergent has the plus points, a trash can is a trash can, so unless you change it, you'll continue with the stinky smell, but a little more """camouflage"""" ................................... ............ On the other hand, similar to a riot filled with plastic bags on fire, the slurry disappears, transforming the order of things and deconstructing once again the plan for an unimaginable world, so contradictory As for the equality between illusion X reality. Speaking like that, we come to the final arc of the NT, with one of the most complex and resolute philosophies I've ever seen, where Index proves he's been working! Aeons and Thelesma make their reappearance, which unlike the final arc of the OT, takes for itself a less obvious and more interpretive writing, perfect for the philosophical theme of human existence and reason. GET TOGETHER AND SHOW THIS REALITY OF A NEW ERA!!!! What do you plan to do around here? Seeing all of this solely as the distortion between ages and gods of aeons? Or do you plan to see the love in it all, only to discover that it's all part of your concept of family? Those close to you who carry love, the origin of every man, whether for good or ill? After all, what did the aeons of fatherhood, motherhood, and inconvenience mean to that man? Ironic how he called them the children of science, when he was the one who most wanted the scolding, kindness and coexistence with your new family..... "DON'T BE AFRAID TO BE HAPPY, PATHETIC MAN!") CHARACTERS: 10 (Hahaha! Is there really any doubt about this? The 3 protagonists are great, but in particular I highlight Kamijou Touma who is the best worked out of the 3..... His deconstruction is PERFECT to a point that it was intentionally allocated the his cliché points to manipulate the reader until finally everything exploded. IN FACT, a very deep and complex character, with one of the most original settings I've ever seen. The cast is very fun and the author makes sure that each one has a different characteristic , whether philosophically with what the arc will approach, for its originality, charisma or mysteries. Apart from Kamisato's harem, I was able to enjoy practically all the characters!!! And in fact, what impressed me the most here was the main antagonist, Aleister Crowley , which completely changed the world plan and had its legend completely deconstructed along the lines of the genius Kamachii Kazuma! Thus, becoming a character as important to Index's philosophy as Kamijou Touma. Yes, if Aleister was the means by which this philosophy manifested itself, Touma would be its results tool) ART: 8 (My grade increased compared to the previous book... In fact it is very good and Haimura knows very well how to draw the characters with care in their proportions [except for Misaki's breasts] and his scenarios are very beautiful, but the weak point here is that Haimura almost never draws such scenarios in detail other than in the color illustrations/initials of each volume, which makes the rest of the art just characters confronting each other in a normally white environment with certain cracks...... Well, if he fix it with the ability he proved to have with the BEAUTIFUL NT18 illustration, I would certainly raise this grade) FUN: 10 (Even with the fateful Kamisato arc, I still really appreciate how fun this work can be, so as a fan I'll give it a strong 10!) I look back while ironically thinking about the present. Now, with their positions re-established, new problems will appear and with the curtains of war closed, a new stage for despair is set, a show even bigger than the previous one that seeks the attention of the reader. I bend my feet and knees in awe and think that just like dark matter, someone leaves this world once again, not really proving their existence, but still impacting the entire status quo of science. I remember that with the rustle of a feather and the light touch of a right hand, hope is established once more, but ready to be shattered by misfortune... Finally, I say a little prayer for those who have struggled to keep the world happy. The time has come for all three to clench their fists to fight for their ideals. Roar for your rights, heroes, the war is over, but the battle is about to begin again "Everything in this vast world is thelema. Every man and every woman is a star losing its shine, so find your place in the universe of things and of people before then" BRING THE RESOLUTION TO THIS DAMN EXISTENTIAL CRISIS AND END THIS CYCLE OF HATE!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Oct 16, 2021 Recommended
So this is the famous cheap and poorly made copy of oregairu...? Jokes aside, the beginning does seem to have some oddities, but it quickly turns into something completely different, taking on its own shape, its originality.
Honestly, I fell by parachute here...... I expected a work full of moral questions, which played with the status-quo of established ethics and human hypocrisy, but in the end it was something much simpler than I thought. I mean, my opinion is not exactly idealistic or unfounded... Even though volume 1 asks us a completely obvious question, the ... way the narrative plays in criticizing some everyday actions is really well done, because even that a question is obvious, it is by no means useless to remember it. However, as the volumes progress, the work seems to focus much more on a school narrative with some challenges in the middle, where the main cast is at the base of a tower and must climb to its top. Of course, some may rejoice in the adrenaline of a new mission, but this tower that represents the school does not keep a story as complex as it seems...... We can say that it is a tower that seems complex, but that hides its own gaps , or rather, holes in the script, which demonstrates the negligence of the engineer in its creation. At the end of this humble synopsis, I will highlight the placement of points to be commented on, following in an ordinal way... Writing/Narrative, art, characters and last but not least, the story (Excuse me for the strange order of things, but was the order I believe I can express myself better). Well, at least that's the order, but the truth is it's just the main point to talk about, as I'll probably merge some other points. Light novels, light novels... What would they be without the blessing of writing? No matter how hard your world tries to portray cold reality, in the end, with beautiful poetry you can take the reader into a majestic fantasy world! With grandiose monologues you can bring the reader closer to the character, almost as if they were close friends, ready to hear each other's secrets, whether they are touched by the joy of reaching a goal or by despair accompanied by a sublime development. Oh, and the narrative? What would a light novel be without it? With beautiful descriptions of actions such as the situated world, it is on this basis that we can expand our creativity, with it that we can continue to follow the path of literature, almost like a cowboy using a carrot to increase his horse's determination to continue following the road. It's with the end of the book that we'll finally delight in the carrot we've been chasing for so long, but of course, even with a good fragrance, the taste may not be so good. Using the "total-character" text, we are thrown into the line of sight of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, the protagonist of the novel. From a certain perspective, this type of writing isn't often said to be "detailed" because, in general, the reader follows the protagonist's vision, which in many LNs lacks depth and intelligence, so... How to overcome this literary wall? Oh, what a simple answer, it's obvious! All you have to do is create a protagonist who is intelligent and deep enough not to distance the reader so far from logical thinking. Talking about rationality, we can highlight once again the writing of youjitsu, which consists of a very logical writing (because of the protagonist's worldview) that subjectively criticizes society or humans in a cohesive way. More specifically, we can say that writing subtly touches on themes that address human complexity, but unfortunately, the praise ends there. The work is MANY times limited to just this rationality, forgetting the great beauty that make up the LNs, such as the poetry that many times could have saved the characters' monologues and further inflated the quality of the characters, especially about their depth, or even cause a feeling of deep empathy for the character, which his back-story failed to capture (even changing perspective is an option, but I'll leave that to other parts of the review). Another negative point about youjitsu is its narrative that lacks details... One year was spent in the characters' timeline, 14 volumes from the reader's perspective, and yet, we know so little about the school world of youjitsu. Of course, I'm not talking about using this as a bias towards the story, but rather the lack of simple details, where this lack ends up inhibiting the creativity of the author and consequently the reader. Even more, I won't throw everything into the author's hands, but also the illustrator's... Seriously, a detailed illustration of the school would be very nice, as well as an improvement in the description of the landscape and some actions. In general, youjitsu writing is very good... Even if it is absent from poetic writing (the author improves its use, making it more frequent in the final stretch, where its strength is worthy of praise, but the way to reach it there it is full of waste of potential), with the text "total-character" the author manages to create a very cohesive theme of feelings and cold analyses. By the way, it is worth mentioning that the idea of creating a very intelligent character so that the text becomes even more refined, even though it may seem like a simple idea, it is very didactic and more complex than it seems. Further incorporating the "total-character" text, the author and his illustrator mostly use dating-sim-like techniques, which focus heavily on first-person view. It might seem like an annoying technique for third-person advocates, and I agree, but it's pretty decent as it connects really well with the type of text chosen. Unfortunately, the layout of the frames is not completely fair to the reader. I highlight the initial illustrations that are well lit and beautiful, but that sometimes end up being confusing because they are not part of the main line of the story and are more just a sketch, or rather... The illustration of a character, which can be confusing for some and irritating for others. Well, after a while you get the hang of this technique, but it's pretty unfair to put this kind of illustration unannounced. I feel some of the naturalness was lost with this, but it doesn't really matter. Well, as it's not all flowers, the illustrations also have their rotten parts... The main problem here is not the beauty, but the inequality of proportions... Problem with height, eye position and characters suffering from atrophy muscular, which change their shapes, almost like a Ben 10 alien (It is noteworthy that the design change is not directly related to the uneven proportions of the characters). If you didn't realize this, in a boastful line of sight I'd say you didn't know how to appreciate art well, but in a more open-minded way, maybe you just didn't care much about these things or were just busy paying attention to other things at the time. Nevertheless this babble isn't of any importance at all... In the end the art is very beautiful (Shit... I remembered those damn chins from the beginning of LN. Seriously, that made me a little irritated). Probably the best thing about LN are its characters. In this contemporary world where creativity seems to move further away over time, we still have people who manage to have something to say, something new to create and above all, an original teaching passed down through their journey in this world. As much as some repeat how ordinary their lives are, they will never be exactly the same as anyone else, because if that were the case we would be nothing more than reflections of our own mirror, a cold image that will never be able to truly reproduce what we are. This is where the originality lies, which can be expressed in many ways, such as creating characters. In youjitsu we initially have characters that look a lot like oregairu, but that quickly gain their originality... Ayanokouji, for example, is the one with the most interesting concept. While bathing in the concept of subjectivity, the character constantly lies to the characters, but not content with that, almost like a break in walls, he also lies to the reader himself. In short, some things can be said as facts, but others will just fall into a turbulent sea of theories that clash and create a complex and confusing wave, so the character becomes quite malleable to the script because we don't really know which ones. are his intentions, the script can create circumstances that, even with some discrepancies, cannot be truly affirmed as holes in the script, at least when it comes to the protagonist's intentions. Another interesting point about Ayano is his own character development... As much as he exists, it might be a bit difficult for some to digest after all, as the personality changes aren't drastic and we don't really know the In essence of the protagonist's persona, a development may not be very well seen or noticed by readers. Comparatively speaking, the flame of reality that shapes the blade of the soul, but at least for the protagonist, the heat emitted by the flame does not burn so much as to be felt, and the cut offered by the blade is not so deep. However, this apparent inconvenience belies its own convenience. As well as the versatile of the protagonist choices that don't hurt the script so much due to the very concept of Ayanokouji (opinion is proposed in the previous paragraph), its own development also escapes several mistakes, because with the ignorance of what Ayano really feels, we cannot to state that the author made a mistake in a part of his development or left loose ends (Unless, as said before, if the error gap is gigantic). Anyway, I think this is a really cool character concept, which escapes a lot of inconveniences and problems with the fans. Still talking about characters, like in a chess piece, I'll remove the king from the scene briefly and focus on other pieces that have some importance, where obviously I'm talking about other main characters and secondary characters. As much as I've previously analyzed some possible complaints from the protagonist's development, this isn't really all that important (but it could be a great appetizer) as we also have other characters shining through. Here I highlight their development, which through the protagonist's actions, they manage to evolve (As said earlier, in terms of chess pieces, the protagonist can be the king, or even more, the owner of the white pieces... It's with the its handling that even pawns can become rooks or queens, isn't that right, Horikita-sama? Hoho). Initially I really had some problems with certain character developments, and some of them were really mediocre and poorly done, mainly due to the lack of a main narrative more focused on the characters to be developed, their monologues and actions, and the lack of beautiful poetic writing. , but luckily, about halfway through the piece, the strongest chess pieces start to move, and towards the end, they finally make an arrangement of moves so complex that it will checkmate your heart of stone, opening -o for true empathy (Of course, it's still worth noting that this takes time and a lot of potential is wasted. Furthermore, even if in the final volumes the work creates some complex game, it doesn't mean that it stops making mistakes, it's just that they are less frequent or are overlapped by hits). Of course, what would a story be without its villains? At the end of LN, the work makes a big hit in the matter of the antagonists of the series...... The main problems of the previous antagonists would be the limitations caused by the environment where they live and by their weak power in the school social pyramid (Of course, they were charismatics and all, but charisma isn't everything to a villain). Even more, to marry these problems, we have the protagonist himself who is a genius who will appear at the last moment to solve everything (or rather... He was solving in the background, but normally, for narrative terms, the work excludes his actions and explain them at the end, with some exclusions, but in general a lot of information is postponed until the end), which makes the feeling of tension I bring to the reader a little, because even if circumstances are different, in general the status of power remains the same, causing many limitations and because we already know that the protagonist is superior, we know that he will solve the problem. However, this oratory finds the end of its path, an entrance that closes, without any apparent exit... A terrifying problem, with almost unlimited powers, which generates infinite possibilities, not because they have no end, but because we cannot see this end. This is where the beauty of antagonists is found, and even a little late (not wrongly), a new villain is delivered to us, one at the top of the pyramid, the one that opens several doors, like the theory of the infinite hotel and the rooms that include it. So many possibilities, so much tension, so many ways to impress the reader. I'm glad that youjitsu realized this and managed to improve its script even more (it was also because in the final volumes, separately from the antagonist, the writing and narrative take a good leap), even if it still doesn't exclude its holes caused by the negligence of the author in relation to the world and its reactions (both the school world of youjitsu and Japan). Since Youjitsu is a school drama, it would be complacent to analyze character development as well as character exploration, and in that matter, I say that youjitsu does it really well, but unfortunately, not enough to be fair to its pretentious script. Of course, it is worth noting that only 14 volumes have passed, around 4,500 pages, but even with this "exhaust valve", the work cannot escape its own trap. Why? Just why? The journey during this review was so good, enough that my few reviews weren't fair to the rating I gave, so why? Why did we have to reach the final route? The worst point of youjitsu, its story. Let's start with your rotten... It is incredibly strange and disjointed the students of this elite school.... Think rationally, in an elite school, even if it is at the lowest level, it is still elite, and this is undeniable. As seen, it is a pretentious proposition that only a very intelligent person or a group of them could successfully carry out, and please don't tell me that "youjitsu was able to do this".... This line would be practically an insult to anyone one who has already achieved this or who will in the future. Advanced Nurturing High School, a government-funded school with the aim of planting the seeds of the new generation and, with the faculty's pesticides, fruiting in the most appropriate way to send it into society... For comparison, let's say it's similar to the secondary sector that processes, transforms and improves the gross product, finally, with the tertiary sector, sending the product to the labor market. The problem here really involves the quality of the product, where the problem becomes even more serious when we receive additional information about financial management. Billions, maybe trillions of Yen are deposited annually, and we had this financial vision just seeing the 1st year, but there's still another 2 years!? Seriously, I understand that for Japan to be doing this they would need an exorbitant amount of capital, I also know it's a work of fiction, but still the bill doesn't add up! Why...?? Because the quality of the money deposited doesn't seem to add to the quality of the students at the school. Seriously, what the fuck is this? Characters that appear to be as shallow as a kiddie pool and complex characters like a famous rpg dungeon are randomly distributed around the various classes, and as much as some people claim their distributions make sense, the question of intellectuality and other values it doesn't seem to be balanced at all in the face of the vastness of the world. Further increasing my claim, we have students who don't look like they could even belong to a middle class, let alone an elite (no matter how low-level). Of course, it might come to be used as a big smart plot in the future, but I highly doubt that and would say it's practically impossible (Saying something like "It's a way to represent society and how incapable people are placed at the highest level while talented are put down " seems to me to sound like a cheesy song, with a repetitive beat and lyrics that don't make sense).... Ah, the basis of my saying that "it's probably not a plot" is because of the author already tried to explain it, and it didn't make any sense, even if it hides in subjectivity (It's like me dictating a rule here and now without any argumentative evidence and people believe blindly... It seems idiotic to me). Another of my problems with youjitsu would be the characters' lack of perception of the world... I mean, it seems that when it comes to minor characters in general, they only notice things when the script suits them, like how much they trust people without nearly any feeling of indifference... Like, perfect people belonging to class D? Spare me, it's obvious to anyone that it's doubtful to say the least, but it seems that some minor characters prefer to hide this or the author simply didn't want to explore something that would be interesting to put in his work (in a part of vol 11.5 this is explored in a way, but it gets very out of place and doesn't fully meet the requirements). Youjitsu's plot boils down to a new exam developing with students having to find loopholes in the rules or use them to their advantage. Usually these exams follow with great pressure, which leads to the development of some characters, usually these developments based on their past prompted by the protagonist. Of course, speaking like that, after 14 volumes the work can seem to accumulate the dirt of the cliché (like frequently worn clothes scattered around the room), but with a good variation detergent the author manages to entertain the public. Youjitsu sometimes tries to make its linear story form multiple paths that connect in complex ways. What I mean here is the famous strategy of a complex story, 'connectivity', which is to make seemingly meaningless actions or subjects connect fairly with the reader. Unfortunately this justice is not as balanced as it seems, and in youjitsu a lot of information actually ends up being empty in a universal way, almost like a black hole absorbing every last light, or rather, the reader's energy. Even disregarding this inconvenience, the story is still not fair to us, because sometimes (it is not recurrent, but it is worth mentioning) this complexity proves to be a failure, not because it is shallow, but because it is disconnected from the facts said. In summary, it can be said that holes or discrepancies are created without a certain explanation, and it is a fact to say that the author ends up refusing himself a few times. Well, what I'm trying to say is that these paths are not like a well-formed dungeon where each path has its meaning, one leading to a treasure room, a boss or an unimaginable path where creativity is present. No, it's much more like a maze where half of the paths are dead ends and hide nothing but a disgusting bunch of dust, while the other half of the paths actually have a way out or a reward worth your effort. Please don't get me wrong... I really love complex stories, but I like to be rewarded properly for my effort. As much as I'm happy to see that youjitsu didn't follow such a simple story, I'm also saddened by the author's mistakes in getting lost in its own complexity (a few times). Well, not to be so unfair I say that sometimes this path of information really pays off, especially near the home stretch, where it is the height of the work and its intellectuality, so yes, I consider it good, but nothing much. In addition, there are several ways to coordinate a plot and youjitsu usually do it by deleting some keywords and giving a boom at the end, explaining the events, almost like a weather report explaining a natural disaster. I particularly prefer something more elaborate, but it's decent to say the least. Finally, I would like to highlight other good points of the story... As much as I have complaints about the story as its holes, in general it is good, and I mainly highlight the final 3 volumes, which insinuate the reader to create a great puzzle. mental heads, where even if some solid images can be created, the joining of all the pieces is never found alone and therefore, the author is kind enough to extend his hand to help us solve this beautiful mystery. In short, I think Youjitsu is a smart work, even with its problems Anyway, I close this review, just as spring ends the first year. I bend my knees thinking about the cherry blossoms, about how their petals express a vivid color, the purest and most natural pink you can have, that has gone through countless tests to stay alive. I interlace my fingers coming to the obvious thought that not everything lasts forever, where in the end, with the friction of time, the wind will resound to remove some petals from the tree, but it doesn't mean that those petals have lost their purpose, but rather gained a new one. .. How to be reborn. Finally, I intoned a prayer of protection, because like the petals, the students, taken by the "deadline" of time, will have to say goodbye to the other petals, as well as the tree that held them. On their way to a new destination, graduate students hang up on freshmen and the school itself. Thank you, Kinugasa and Tomase senseis, it certainly hasn't been wasted time with my reading so far. EXTRA 1: Honestly, if the work had the same strength that the final 3 volumes had, I would certainly have no problem giving it a higher note, even with its holes... Still, I liked to see how much the author has grown in terms of literature and screenplay, so I'm looking forward to the second year. Unfortunately, it should take about 1 year to read it myself, as I myself have nailed an almost endless trap of LNs that I have to read, so youjitsu will have to wait a while, but as long as I don't lose my sense, I will definitely put my take on that writing that seems to sparkle, like a parody of the vivid objects of "the beauty and the beast" (at least in the last 3 volumes). EXTRA 2: After all, I think most people don't read youjitsu because it's youjitsu, but because youjitsu has Ayanokouji. It may be a somewhat contradictory conclusion given the immensity of the sentence, but with a bit of text interpretation it's pretty obvious what I mean here... Yes, yes, I understand that he is the protagonist, I understand that the vision in 1st person accompanied by the text "Total-character" ends up highlighting the protagonist even more, I understand that the work does not focus entirely on Ayano, but in general, even if these quotes matter, in the end Ayano is the highlight... Something that further supports my view is the "SS", which almost always focus on some view of a respective person about the protagonist. Various narratives and writing changes could have been made following the character's more detailed worldview (more than a few weak "SS" and among other things a little superfluous), which I believe is much better than following the logical view of Ayano about the situation, after all... You just knowing about this something and you "feeling this something", are very different things (The author towards the end of the first year starts to have this in mind and works a little better on regarding this, but I'm saddened by a multitude of missed opportunities). EXTRA 3: I ended up forgetting to talk, but the work has a bit of comedy and romance... In general comedy is not frequent, but it's good to get you some laughs, and romance... Well, I think it's very good, but their brilliance is usually found in the "SS", where it's usually a girl's romantic vision of the protagonist. I say that the best SS is easily that of that albino loli with leukemia in vol 11, where it easily has the best spelling among the "SS". It may seem a little counter-argumentative to what I said in the previous extra, but actually some "SS" are good, but THE GREAT majority could be better used. EXTRA 4: Press F to pay respect for Horikita with silicone that has disappeared since vol 3.... I liked those breasts, even if they were fake. FINAL EXTRA: For those interested, I made a tier-list about the volumes....... https://tiermaker.com/list/anime-and-manga/classroom-of-the-elite-light-novel-volume-tier-list-37410/2345543
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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![]() Show all Mar 20, 2021
Toaru Majutsu no Index
INTRODUCTION: I will hold on to avoid as many spoilers as possible
Okay, this is my first review written for a light novel, so be a little kind if I end up wavering and getting lost in the subject, okay? (As I am a complete amateur, I will use terms that can be a little subjective, but know that everyone stands out from the main series as a whole, like ... Toaru or Index. Of course, there will be moments that I really want to talk about to toaru series as a whole, or the Index character, but I believe that will be obvious when ... it is said). Toaru Majutsu No Index is with absolute certainty one of the best books that I have read in my entire life ... This is not just because it has an incredible story, extremely human characters (in terms of feelings) and deep, or simply because it is so much fun . No, it is certainly the accumulation of all this that made me give such a high position to this work. Really, if you think about the script as a whole, it can be summed up in a very simple way ... Kamijou Touma clenching his fist and changing a person's destiny, no matter if he will have to sacrifice his life for this, but he will certainly succeed. Really, a very simple summary, right? Well, that's because what I explained was just flour ... Yes, from that simple component, it will form the most beautiful of desserts. It is the incredible plots, discussions between characters, the direction of the story and moments of depth that make this book EXTREMELY appreciable and enjoyable to read To be honest, the story of "Toaru Majutsu No Index" is magnificent ... With mysterious tones that continue to guide the reader as if the author's writing ability was like a conductor conducting his orchestra, it makes this book extremely addictive, because this gives the reader more reasons to continue exploring this divine literary world created by Kamachii. With each volume having at least one twist in the story, this great story manages to create extremely interesting mysteries and developments, and when you feel like you’re totally used to the plot, it gives you a push enough to shiver your spine, like a professional boxer hitting a powerful jab on an amateur who thinks he's capable of anything. Would it be Kamachii's ability to develop different and interesting terrains, plots With each volume, his true "magic"? Well, I will leave this question with some hidden meanings for the readers of this review hehe. Now! What would make reading so enjoyable, if not characters developed with sublime perfection? Well, toaru will certainly not be an example of failure in this regard. To be honest, Index is the only work that I managed to like the characters so much. I mean, each one has their charisma and depth to add to the script, and sometimes, the ways that such characters are introduced really fascinate the reader, simply because it is in a different and very intriguing way (Well, it's not every time that the author manages to accomplish this, but the moments he manages are certainly incredible). Furthermore, I like the way Kamachi manages these characters, because even when you think they were thrown away, they enter the script spontaneously and very realistically, whether to make humor, bring depth or just keep the reader interested in some way. . In reality, his practice only affirms my previous claim, that every character has his importance and content to add to the script ... To be able to do this, at least in my opinion is something commendable. In fact, speaking of characters, how could I even forget about the villains? Each has their reasons for fighting, each has their reasons for clenching their teeth and going deeper into the darkness. Of course, some have cliché backstorys, but for me, they all manage to add to the script in some way ... So, I like to see how Kamachii does not create extremely bad villains. The main factor in this is that boy who raises his fists to destroy the unfair fate of those he thinks deserve better. Yes, that same hypocritical and selfish hero, who even after defeating villains, extends his hand to save the lives of those that the world would certainly judge as "evil". An example of a villain who was affected by the heroism of that boy, is the one who took more than 10,000 lives and dyed his hands with blood, and even so, it was in a way, saved from the darkness by that spiky-haired boy and that child with stupid capillary leather. Yea! Villains can certainly regret their past deeds and rise up as heroes! (Maybe I was "polluted" by this great story, and maybe one day those words will come back to me, and I will become a complete hypocrite ... Okay, so let me enjoy this momentary gift, and stop thinking one little in the future, okay?) Well, that was my review of this great light novel. For the lazy on duty (we are together; D), or simply to people who were really interested in this review, I will leave a small summary ... Toaru Majutsu No Index "(also known as" Old Testament-OT ") STORY: 9 (To be honest, I would love to give this work a 10... There is a good principle of the world that fits perfectly with the initial philosophical proposal, salvation interspersed between the mind and the heart, science X magic, exploring the conspiratorial intensifications and There is also a powerful flow of information, whether it's the apparent destruction of a concept until it comes back in a miraculous plane of rebuilding, some manipulative terms and buzzwords like "Aeons" that highlight life for its beauty. philosophy, though... Man, how inconsistent is this work in its quality! I'm not talking about plot holes, not even your annoying ecchi with "fukou daaaa" excuses. It's more like the world-intro arc was too good [OT1-OT6], for the part that the second season adapted [albeit erroneously], was a disappointment I mean, OT1 is a beautiful conspiracy story, full of sentimental infodumps, cycles of hate, to find in the end hope in faith and reason for knowledge. OT2 with its post-disaster questions, OT3 with the beauty of its genetic metaphor for the value of human life, artificially treated by a machine, just like clones. Damn, OT4 also had a surreal beauty in its mystery and the definition of bad luck, that only you could decide your happiness, in a much more complex way than stated. OT5 with its beautiful story of redemption and OT6 which although superficial in philosophy, faithfully convinced in its thunderous twist!....... And then, we have OT7, OT9 and OT11! The triple of mediocrity, which spoils the second part! The screenplay conveniences become more frightening, as the philosophical and poetic beauty is scarce, summarized in fake back-stories, surrendering to the cliché. At least this second part isn't all bad, after all we have OT8 with good twists and development [Your Deus EX machina is terrible, but it doesn't spoil the volume. The work loves to play with the gaps in every system of battle and conspiracy, which allows saving, but sometimes, the answers are convenient... At least, it's the minority], OT10 with its beautiful foreshadowing of the intersection between worlds and "realities personal" in search of a happy ending overcoming the evil conspiracy! Besides, the conveniences here are explained by a beautiful world-building and mystery, with some poetic terms used later in the final arc. OT12-OT13 needs no introduction, it's great!....... Fortunately, in NT, the consistency improves a lot, a fun and laughing ecchi, and an even more insane philosophical creativity! Damn, the Aeons connecting the three main protagonists and the antagonist provided one of the best twists I've ever seen!) CHARACTERS: 9 (The vast majority with a good range of creativity and charisma, where even those who have "cliché" initiatives, later show themselves only subtle hints for a gigantic deconstruction of their own archetype, or sometimes, jokes with their own to add in the apparent "generic" formula, a new content to be poured that turns the whole formula into a gigantic charisma and creativity ............... Kamijou Touma is certainly a hero among heroes , although this is completely contradictory to him. The amount of hints present for his crises and insanity issues completely explode in NT, the man who fought to save the world. We also have the story of that protagonist who bathed his hands in blood while the strong The smell of iron permeated the places where he went, and now, he struggles to live a normal life and protect the ones he loves... Yes, he certainly fought the world for that. And that lucky boy of level 0 who was running away from the world? Well, while in the OT we have this game between "worlds", in the NT we have it in a more magical and philosophical way, where at least 50% of the construction is found in the OT. In addition, I really like the "heroines" of this work, where Index is my favorite for being responsible for great wordplay and a more than exceptional duo with Touma, although she is much more forgotten in the next book. I really love your philosophy with the worldbuilding) ART: 7 (Well, some may completely disagree with that note, but I'm not just considering the final volumes of the first book ... I'm considering the path of the illustrations. To be honest, it was difficult to adapt to the illustrations, as they really took time to fix, and it ends up affecting the reader's imagination as a whole [At least for me]. Besides, I think the illustrator [Haimura Kiyotaka] could invest a little more in the scenarios ... I believe they could be more "rich" as a whole. Well, I'm a complete ignorant, so I'm not going to focus so much on that subject hehe) FUN: 10 (Without a doubt, I give this grade. I really find the dialogues very fun, and the way the story is told, just makes me more anxious about what will happen ... I love the side of science and magic , and the "leaders" on these sides are really mysterious, the way I love it. I mean ... It's really hard to read, and sometimes I even spent time researching something to better understand the scenario or what was going on , but it really was very pleasant) I pray that the boy's silence will end ... I pray that he will rise up again against this disgusting and dark world that surrounds him, clench his fists with even more force and break down fate again ... YES! BREAK THAT DAMNED ILLUSIONS, KAMIJOU TOUMA! "In perdition, you could still trust your heart... After all, it's your best friend who can break all the shitty logic in this world!"
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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