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Mar 7, 2025
Finally after dropping tens of Otome stories , I managed to find a gem , rough around the edges but still enjoyable.
The best thing about this one is that it breaks a lot of common tropes in these stories that make them hella annoying to go through , from the repetitivness to the typical character archtypes of this genre , even the female wish fulfillment wasn't that strong with this one .
With that being said, I didnt find the the way the story portrayed and treated a lot of characters, most of them got some pretty messed up conclusions for tame stuff , in other
similar stories they be murdering Mc and they still get a happy ending . Another L is that the ending left a lot to be desired , you can feel the story was cut short and some plot points were forgotten .
In conclusion , despite it flaws I enjoyed this one, with a flawed yet likable female lead , solid drama and a bit of tragedy mix in there midway 7/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 4, 2025
Boxer is one of the Highest rated manhwas of all time on multiple platforms by the same author of Horizon , it's a semi realistic sport drama about an extremely OP protagonist (idk what is up with manhwas and those ) who is searching for meaning to his exsitance, it follows a formulaic arc system , where each one is about a world class boxer with his own story coming face to face with the mc and making the readers get attach to , it worked for the most part , but some of them were worse than others , some were excellent and some
of them overstayed their welcome, which made the story loose it focus in certain parts.
My biggest gripe with this one is the way they handled the MCs arc , it felt underwhelming for me especially with the J boxer guy , bro felt more like a plot device than an actual character , the fate of the coach also was left up to interpretation which was a letdown too , and finally the existential narrative this story was trying to push was not handled as good as it should have been in the end , it felt forced and didn't feel cathartic , my fav moment was Jeanne Pierre's realisation which excuted similar themes but in a more meaningful way .
To conclude , I can see why this comic got a lot of praise , it's an in depth character driven drama with a lot of substance to it which is uncommon in thus medium High 7/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 15, 2024
Where do i begin this , i started and caught up with this manga 1 or 2 years ago , the translator dropped it and by 2024 they completed the translations allowing me to finally complete it .
This is easily one of the most grimdark messed up isekais i have ever seen , not only that the ending the author pulled on us has to be one of the most nihilistic conclusions i ve ever witnessed not on the level of Paltinum end but its quite close , idk if it got cancelled but it felt too rushed . The message the author tried
to push is deep yet pretty grimdark , felt forced a little bit and left a bad taste in my mouth ngl . This story had a lot of disturbing sexual context but by the end it was basically just added for backstory set up and choc value cuz it didnt really make that much sense with final reveals of the story . Another thing the main character had potential but his development felt rushed like the 2nd half of them manga .
In conclusion , would i recommed , hell no , was it a good read , somehwhat
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at the begining , i would rate it a midway 6/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 15, 2024
Friends's game was one of the earlier mangas I got really hooked on , followed it since 2018 , it managed to keep my attention while continuing to captivate me for years which is not an easy feat , I waited for the epilogue to come out in order to write this review which will be probably be a bit long , giving my overall thought about the work without major spoilers .
Story :
The story starts a bit generic , having many elements that are obviously inspired from Liar game , but it evolves into it own thing and even surpasses the former in many
ways , each arc/game has it own flavor with majority of them inspired from previous other Survival/high stake game works and some references to unrelated works here and there. The main plotline is quite complicated I ve seen many people get confused and forget many plot threads especially with monthly release , that aside the mystery in this manga is masterfully crafted with a lot of misdirection and build up , with also managing to give satisfying answers to each and every one of them by the end . In terms if the mind games aspect , I find them to be overall pretty solid but sadly as every fiction I ve seen of this type , it has many plot conviniences not the degree of some others works I ve seen but not ideal either , another thing to note is that It had to notice 2 plotholes in some of the schemes in Prison arc and All bet arc after re-reading the games , the author could ve easily given better explanations but I guess that it has to do with him writing multiple stories at once . With that being said , I love how the author gives hints consistently about how the games gonna be resolved through out the arc , and it's up to the readers to figure out the puzzle , it's a pretty neat way for writing which similar stories rarely do .
Concerning the ending , it was overall satisfying in terms of both the story and mystery , but I wouldn't call it an ideal way to end the story , it could ve been more impactfull and heavy hitting imo , this is sincerely my biggest gripe and the only degree 1 problem with this whole manga which i won't get into it details to avoid major spoilers .
Characters :
The cast was pretty mixed overall , a lot of characters were too infuriating , others lacked satisfying development , but the main character is the Infamous Katagiri Yuuichi , is one of the better characters I had the honor to follow for years , he did the heavy lifting for the manga , he is easily one of the most important supporting pillars of this comic , when you have such an intriguing , enjoyable and competent protagonist the other characters don't matter that much . The trade off for this is a diminishing sense of danger through out the story , the villains/antagonists feel less threatening some of them have some really intentionally funny scenes when you know they are about to get washed while being utterly oblivious about their fates , it's quite hilarious and I won't have it otherwise.
Art :
Overall pretty solid and consistent , with few pannels of akward presentation , the relative quality is quite good overall with some occasional pannels of visual metaphors or spreads of insane faces especially in climactic and/or key moments.
Conclusion :
To conclude , despite it issues Tomodachi game is and will still be one of the closest mangas to my heart , not only it had a lot of absolute hype moments , a well constructed intriguing plot , but also some important life lessons and new concepts that I wasn't aware of previously , i m giving it a high 9/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 6, 2024
Where should I start , Roze of the recapture is the new installment in the Code geass franchise , a great original anime by sunrise , unfortunately I found the movie conitunation to be disappointing and I didn't watch Akito yet . This new sequel is kind of a redemption for the series for me , although it had it fair share of issues .
First things first I found the politics in this to be heavily contrived , without making that much sense but I might be missing something, it felt like the Black knights really let the Lelouch's sacrifice go to waste .
The 2nd issue and this one is more impactfull imo , the show felt rushed , it should have 24 eps , there were so many characters and plotlines to handle in a mere 12 eps and it shows in the last couple eps , I ve heard that the production had to be cut short by the studio .
Negatives aside , I really liked it overall , Roze and Ash are such a powerful protagonists combo , I really digged them some of my favs this year , other characters Ranged from ass to decent , wasn't a big fan of Noland ( main antagonist) he felt like a worst excuted Le Creuset . Production values were pretty high and I really enjoyed the new knightmares frames , made for some pretty exciting fights.
In the end , the finale concluded this chapter of the Code geass franchise , I doubt we will see more of this particular storyline , although rushed i still enjoyed what it had to offer , I hope sunrise ups their game cuz they have been ruining mecha shows 2nd half since Seed destiny . Would I recommend Roze , I would say so if you are big stan of the original series 8/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 21, 2024
After +15 years of waiting , we finally got the canon continuation of MBSG seed , a new glorious Gundam +2hs movie taking place the events of Destiny after the war with Durandal .
Let me say this first , this 1 movie blows everything destiny had to offer out the water , although they mostly played it safe , every character got his moment to shine ( including characters from the og seed ) except my respected General Vatzfeld . The story this time was focused around the theme of love , while continuing the previous established ideas but I have to say that they
rushed some bits especially in the middle part , additionally some small details were left unexplained but nothing major .
The usage of CGI was incredible while switching sometimes to 2D mech animations to give some key moments the impact they deserve reminding us of the old days of the early shows . Also the soundtrack was marvelous with pretty good couple new songs .
Artstyle is still the same which I was never fond of , but I came to bear it , they also wanted to bring the old art director to the this project .
The finale was a climactic epic with some the best fights in Seed , some moments were a bit cheesy but I was really fond of the overall fight , with being said the new antagonists weren't as good as Durandal let alone Le creuset , but they were pretty solid overall .
To conclude , it was obvious that it will be great knowing that is one of the higher grossing anime movies of the year , a love letter to old Gundam fans 9/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 3, 2024
Vinland saga is a show that captivated me 5 years ago , nearly made me cry , had one of the better antagonists I've ever seen , and overall presentated a well balanced story showcasing the culture and lifestyle of the vikings , while trying to push an anti war message criticizing the Nord's ideologies and religion , s1 was up there with my favs of all time but does s2 live up to it prequel ?
S2 surprised in many ways , the first thing I gotta mention is how mappa adopted a style similar to Wit studio and didn't do what they usually do
with their adaptations which is a nice thing , overall a downgrade but still . Archeid's subplot with her husband was a beautifully written tragic story that may be the highlight of the season for me , tons of other new characters were introduced I like the majority of them and I hope they still contribute to the story .
Before we got the good part there was at least 8 to 9 eps of slice of farm work which wasn't that interesting, especially with slow pacing they adopted , and with Einhar the worst character as the focus ; thorfin in this part was still docile and not a proactive protag . Speaking of thorfin , his development is good in a nutshell but i didn't find the masterfull writing that I heard people preach , the indicesivness and docility he had for the majority of the show didn't help his case , caused some unnecessary deaths ( which is the thing he wanted to avoid ) , and at the end he came out with the most idealistc , unrealistic , rose tinted , happy go lucky conclusion I ve ever seen form a show of this genre , this is not how you write a pacifist character, this is not what Thors wanted . To add salt to injury , the author had to solve the conflict with most anticlimactic resolution , and the worst case of talk no jutsu I ve probably seen , ending Canute's character arc ( don't get me started on this plot device of a character) and solidifying Thorfin's ideology as the right one , with all due respect to the author but this some Promised neverland 2nd half level of writing which I wasn't expecting from a great author such as yukimura sensei.
On a posting note , liked that they brought back some old soundtrack , wasn't a fan of the 1st opening , but the 2nd one was up there with the greats .
To conclude , vinland saga 2 is a sequel thay sadly didn't live up it predecessor , BUT , it is still a good watch in my book although I struggled with it beginning and despite all it issues , I will be definitely checking s3 if it ever comes out 7/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 26, 2024
Sadly the journey came to an end , I m usually not the biggest fan of the Otome villainess genre , not only cuz of the isekai/regressor elements but also the tropes that come with it naturally like the evil heroine , the reverse harem and more .
Villainess Lv 99 manages to solve a lot of these problems with adding action to the mix ( which is very rare in these ) for some eps , but the majority of the time it is the high-school/slice of life and romcom elements that are prevelant . I was nicely surprised with the characters , Yumellia
( my aunt) is my fav character of the season easily with her socially akward personality , intimidating presence and sometimes cute interactions, Patrick the love interest who went from this beta male like guy to one of the strongest characters in order to rizz her , the deutaragonist Alicia is the happy go lucky shoujo heroine ( she is overhated tbh ) and her reverse harem of douchbags lol , and there is the stupid ojousama ofc which I heard will get her arc later , and finally the most notable character the final boss who i thought was gonna be a generic demon , but turns out to he was one of the better characters , I wished he had more screen time .
I surprisingly really liked the tracks they used especially the main one with all it remixes and some noticeable others too , pretty rare for these kind of low budget shows . Speaking of low budget , the presentation is decent at best artstyle is a downgrade from the manga which itself is a downgrade for the LN , majority of monsters are cgi ( at least its better than the shield hero turtle lol ) , my biggest issue with the show tbh .
I heard they didn't follow the source material which means we probably aren't getting a s2 , but I will definelty check the manga after it reaches later volumes of the LN . Overall a solid watch , the surprise of this season 7/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 5, 2024
It's is sad yet incredible to see a manga that i was following for +6 years finally completed , its a weird feeling that I can't really describe well , I will take this big opportunity to write this review with the classic structure .
Story :
Darwin's game start as generic Action survival game , with a lot of battle royal elements heavily inspired by Psyren , but with each passing arc , it develops into something else with the scope of the world expanding to unexpected degrees , which I won't go into the details for spoilers reason . There where some boring arcs
like The Parrot killer but I later found out that it foreshadows the final antagonists , also the pacing can get too slow at times . Some details where left unexplained by the end but we can probably guess the explanation , also you could say that the ending was a Deus ex machina but I find it hard to judge since it was bittersweet ( in the original time line at the least ).
Characters :
There is where Darwin's game fumbles the bag in my opinion , although the main cast is solid , especially the protagonist ; he is not liked by many probably cause he is a borderline Marry Sue but I like him a lot especially his abilities and battle mind ; a lot of side characters and antagonists where left unexplored , especially Wu lan which was hyped up as the Number 1 player in the world , and the Kojin generals , who although participated in the final battle they didn't get much of a role , which is sad considering their potential . The final villain was a sorry excuse of a cartoony villain who wanted become ( you guessed it ) a god , although the plot twist of his identity was not that predictable in contrary to a lot of the twists.
Art :
Not a lot to mention here , it's pretty decent , not impressive but not mediocre , although in the arc before the final one , the quality downgraded noticeably, to the point some pages were litteraly sketches.
In conclusion :
There is a lot to talk about ( I don't want to turn this into a 2 pages review) , sadly the anime wasn't well received because viewers aren't fond of the genre , but I still have hope for season 2
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 21, 2022
Dear oh dear , where do I start , I just finished the final ep of s1 and I m feeling already hungry for more . I am an old manga reader from over 4 years ago , with this being in my top 3 mangas of all time , so did this adaptation give the story justice .
Short answer , kind of , let's start with the bad , the animation was very stiff and average and it really showed in action scenes , thankfully it's not an action based show , it would ve been catastrophic . The art direction they used was
baffling to me , it was bright and too colorful in contrast to the grim dark manga's style that I adore , they didn't nail the majority of the manga faces but the ones that they did good were beyond excellent . The director did this adaptation wonders tbh , they added a lot of metaphoric scenes that elevated the experience for me , also another thing to note that the pacing was a bit fast skipping a lot of minor scenes , I have no idea why they didn't just made it 13 eps .
Op and ending were great especially the ending song , the soundtracks were pretty good especially the main one , it elevates the hype scenes to the next level , there were other soundtracks that were imo underused .
To conclude , I wont be addressing the characters nor the story ,I will take my time talking about them in the manga final review . All in all , this adaptation could ve been definetly way better but i m still satisfied with it overall 9/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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