Yes it actually kinda is, >.< I deleted everything...
so glad I found and got the claims back =D Thanks! (CHU)
For those who ask themselves why I am not really active anymore.
I actually use only the malupdater now. So I don't look here that often.
Though if you place a comment I will see that and I'm happy to answer.
It may take some time (due to country difference) or maybe because I'm busy.
Like now. I have central Exams...starting tommorrow. (O__O)
For the clubs I'm admin of:
I'm sorry for being inactive. Main reason is because the whole club
must be inactive. If you want me to run things again, please comment.
Love you all,
All Comments (502) Comments
I found it in AnimeA, but it doesnt start on chap. 1... So I was wondering if u knew anything.
Happy New Year to al my friends, May all your dreams come true in 2010!
Lol haha. They mistook my custome as Harry Potter LOL.. I was a waiter like the ones in most anime.. With black vest and all my nephew was a doctor..
It sounded fun! Personally I like staying at home having party and watching movies rather than being outside..
Nope I did not got any candy cause i was just accompanying my nephew. But he got quite a few.. But afterwards he felt tired and I had to carry him home. Lol hes heavy!
I hope that the chaos that is going into your country would soon ease.. It sound really lovely when you mention the sky and your surroundings..
Yes I celebrated it since we came here in the US.. How did you guys do it? Did you guys have a gathering. As for me we have had a small feast.. And we went trick or treating with my nephew.
I'm doing good, just need to find a job soon..
I'm glad to be able to ge a response from you so quickly! It has been a year since we chatted.
How's life there in Netherlands?
I hope you are doing alright..
You may have to save it before you can view it in its full glory~
Wishing you all the Best ^^
Merry Miku Christmas!
But for now:
Een beetje moe, tja.. we rennen er dan ook op los. Wat helpt: anime/manga (naar keuze) ^^
Daar knapt een mens van op! =D
Meh. Ons mam moet binnenkort naar het ziekenhuis, dus daarover heb ik nog wel wat zorgen. Vooral omdat ik dan degene ben die voor ons pap eten moet koken. o.O Weet je, ik denk dat ik me meer zorgen moet maken om hem dan om mijn moeder. XD
Verder blijft school zich maar opdringen, vooral duits. Ligt het aan mij of is het nu normaal dat je in 2 weken 4 projecten in duits moet afkrijgen? Dacht toch echt dat dat niet zo was... T__T
Btw, weet je wat een fluffybal is? =D
okeej kan gebeuren. ik vind je lieef ^333^