Yeah, that's what I assumed :p it seemed obvious that you have your own New Year, even though I didn't know the details :) I just meant whether you celebrate it casually or congratulate each other for fun, and it seems that you do! I looked up Haft Sin table, and it looks beautiful ^_^ especially all the tasty food lol
Thanks :) I don't know if you celebrate New Year on 31st, but Happy New Year to you as well, and I hope it'll be a great one ^_^ and since it was both your birthday and New Year, I wish you double happiness! lol
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And I just took some inspo from your profile, thanks :3
And, uh, fellow naruto fan here? Thank you, these moments are everything >>
And it's fine :) nothing weird about asking someone where they're from :p
Even though it's not really a secret, I usually avoid mentioning that
I guess I just became increasingly paranoid lol