May 26, 2018
So I have recently been on an anime slump, constantly going into animes with an impression from looming at their MAL rating first. So of course the first anime I randomly pick with no backstory is Grisaia no kajitsu, and let me tell you ... What the actual back. So Hulu provided me with the mature warning (don't recommend this one for the family) so I was kinda on edge.
The first three episodes were pretty mysterious was really intrigued by them, But oh man, Everything after goes into each Charcters arcs. That's all of my *spoilers* but I need to emphasize here that I
had no idea this was adapted from a VN, had no idea there arcs for the girls, didn't u understand the progression. Even as someone who hasn't read the VN this still feels pretty rushed , maybe not don't know but from what I could grasp it seem to forced at certain parts and the core of the girls stories didn't feel as fleshed out as the should have been.
Art & Sound : 7
The art was visibly pleasing, especially in the soft scenes. Often look at some of the sunsets and believed them to be well placed and overall benefit the scenes. The graphic scenes were intense as one would expect sometimes the animation didn't seem first rate by any means, but nonetheless was pleasant, the ED was good I phased through some of the credits but did sit through a couple times to hear it.
Characters : A loaded and confused 6
I feel very much that had I actually ya know read the VN that I would be far more attached to these characters and would delve farther into their backstories of immensely fragile and unstable teenagers. TEENAGERS.
These kids down right Spooked me to the core man. Plus the main character is a nightmare sociopath that only cares for those close to him.
J.B. The waifu tho ~~~
Enjoyment and overall :Strong 6 to a light 7
This was one hell of a ride of the random animes I decided to jump into that could have very well been a a 7 which is pretty amazing knowing how much gunk is in anime these days. Had I known it was a VN adaptation and had prepared for it this series definitely would have been a strong 7 - light 8 category. But you live and you learn. I recommend my anime roulette to others had fun and eliminated a lot of preconceptions of how the anime would be . Still tho J.B. WAIFU ~~~
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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