I’d like to start by mentioning that I tried to write this review without any spoilers, which limits my ability to fully express my thoughts. I respect that others might have a different opinion, but what I write here is from my own perspective, and I try to be as objective as possible. Also, I’ve read Kaguya-sama, another manga by the same author.
The author made the decision to shift from what is probably the best romantic comedy manga I’ve ever read to one that explores more serious themes, which I respect and admire to a certain point. However, he made many of the same mistakes
he did with his first work. Also, Mr. Akasaka didn’t handle the artwork for this manga; he only wrote it. You’d expect that stepping away from drawing would allow him to focus on delivering a stronger story, but if that was his intention, I don´t see a good result.
The concept of Oshi no Ko is really interesting, strange, and, above all, unique. Even though it touches on some controversial and odd topics, it was still a good story. The characters are solid, and there are elements in the story that have a lot of potential, but ultimately they don’t get resolved in a satisfying way. Like Kaguya-sama, it introduces important plot points that either get ignored or are wrapped up so hastily and sloppily that it becomes frustrating.
My biggest complaint about Oshi no Ko is its ending. I understand that not all endings have to be happy, but the last ten chapters felt so rushed that they left me with a deep sense of dissatisfaction. The author introduced several subplots that seemed promising, but in the end, they either turned into empty promises, were forgotten, or were just poorly resolved.
The ending of the story is bad, terrible, unnecessary, and honestly, I can’t justify it. I wish I could, but it’s so bad it’s almost absurd. This story feels incomplete and poorly developed to the point that I regret spending time reading this manga. The only things I can salvage are a few ideas, the artwork, the characters, and the excellent anime adaptation. However, the manga leaves such a bad taste in my mouth that I’d rather forget about it, though it’s hard because I do have a certain fondness for it.
If you compare the characters at the start with their final versions, you can hardly notice any difference. There’s no development. The protagonist, Aqua, is disappointing, and even his sister Ruby is underwhelming. Tsukuyomi, an interesting character, ends up contributing absolutely nothing. But the biggest wasted potential is Kana Arima. She’s one of the most underused characters I’ve ever seen in a manga. From start to finish, she’s treated like a punching bag, and while many characters’ potential was squandered, Kana’s case stands out as especially painful. The ending she gets is an insult.
The last 10 or 20 chapters are some of the most rushed I’ve ever seen in any story. It feels like the author just wanted to wrap up the manga as quickly as possible. I admit that I love the works of Mr. Akasaka, but seeing him repeat these patterns and close his stories so hastily takes away all the excitement and commitment I had to his works. I’m not sure I’d read another of his mangas. Oshi no Ko hooked me at first, but then it ruined everything with such a bad ending that it made the whole story feel pointless. Specifically, the last five chapters of this manga show my point completely, and the last three are a direct insult to the characters. The final chapter is a joke, so bad that it kinda looks like if an AI wrote it.
The last two chapters, especially the final one, are a stupid conclusion. I know I’ve repeated this, but it really feels like one of those movies where, during the credits, they show what happened to the characters, but in this case, it’s even worse. The resolution of Ruby’s story goes nowhere, and the plot ends up going back to square one, making it completely nonsensical. I’m not exaggerating when I say that all the time I spent reading the manga and watching the anime was a waste. I doubt this will happen, but if the anime or live-action adaptation ends up giving a different conclusion to the original, I would welcome it.
I’ve seen comments mocking the ending and suggesting ridiculous ways to make it less tragic. Ironically, all these ideas are somehow better than the ending the author gave us, I´m not kidding.
The main villain, who was introduced at the beginning of the story, only appears a few times. They try to justify his actions and thoughts by showing parts of his past, but in the end, since he appears so infrequently, he generates nothing more than disgust. Everything gets wrapped up so quickly that it feels completely rushed. Without spoiling what happens, I’ll just say there were many ways to resolve “that” without going to extremes. It’s not an emotional ending; it’s a ridiculous one.
I want to clarify something: it’s not that it’s a sad ending. The problem is that it’s so poorly developed that instead of making you feel sadness, it just leaves you feeling disappointed. It’s terribly written. Even if the author decided to write an alternate ending, it wouldn’t be worth it because he’d have to rewrite at least the last 30 chapters of the manga. That should make it clear how bad the ending is.
I’m saying this as respectfully as I can. I think the problem with the author, Mr. Akasaka, is that he often has brilliant ideas with a lot of potential, which captivate the readers. But just when it seems like he’s about to develop those ideas, he gets distracted by another “better” idea and starts a new manga, leaving the unfinished one as a task he has to complete. I understand the desire to develop a great idea right away, but this seems like a personal issue with the author that seriously impacts the quality of his works. He has so many great ideas that he fails to develop properly, and I’d love to say that he’ll take a break from writing stories to better organize his ideas. But no, he´s going to write another story soon, and I just hope he doesn’t make the same mistakes. As for me, I seriously doubt I’ll read another of his works, I´m beyond dissapointed.
To put it another way, the last chapters are so poorly done that they ruin the whole manga because it doesn’t lead to anything. Manga like Kaguya-sama had an unsatisfying ending, but that doesn’t take away from its value; it’s still worth revisiting. On the other hand, this isn’t the case with Oshi no Ko. It’s not worth it. I can’t rescue anything from it because it’s a complete waste of potential, that´s the reason I´m giving this manga such a low score.
To conclude this review, let me say it directly: I don’t recommend reading the manga. It hurts me to say this because, as I’ve mentioned, it’s a story full of potential, but it leads to nothing. I’m being completely honest when I say I’ll remember it for having one of the worst endings, not just in manga but in fiction in general. As for the anime, as I mentioned, it’s an excellent adaptation with great voice acting and art, but inevitably, they’ll reach the terrible ending of the manga.
Nov 13, 2024
[Oshi no Ko]
I’d like to start by mentioning that I tried to write this review without any spoilers, which limits my ability to fully express my thoughts. I respect that others might have a different opinion, but what I write here is from my own perspective, and I try to be as objective as possible. Also, I’ve read Kaguya-sama, another manga by the same author.
The author made the decision to shift from what is probably the best romantic comedy manga I’ve ever read to one that explores more serious themes, which I respect and admire to a certain point. However, he made many of the same mistakes ... May 20, 2024
Seitokai Yakuindomo
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Sep 17, 2023
5-toubun no Hanayome∽
The experience of this special was pleasant in general, especially highlighting the quality of the animation. Additionally, the episode provided a small dose of fan service.
The animation turned out to be surprisingly good, it is quite reminiscent of what was seen in the last chapters of the anime, although it feels a little different, and in my opinion, of better quality; The opening was very nice, even a little nostalgic. Despite these positive aspects, it is important to note that the special does not add "essential" elements to the overall plot of the series. Rather, it feels like an added episode that's appreciated being produced, but ... Aug 9, 2023
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However, the narrative suffers being presented in a confusing order, making comprehension challenging. And while I know that the ... Jun 18, 2023
Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu
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The partner Yamada is also funny and cute, showing great interest in Ichikawa. She cares about him and you can see a beautiful friendship develop as both characters grow and mature. She's a very compelling character in her own right, and since she's so different from her friends, they ... May 3, 2023
Kimi wo Aishita Hitori no Boku e
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First Review: At the moment it is only a movie The idea of a multiverse is something that is being seen a lot in the movie industry, although it is not new, it is probably in its best moment. This movie talks about a world of possibilities,even though it's not that it ... Apr 10, 2023
All You Need Is Kill
There is an adaptation of this story made by Hollywood, so finding out that the source material is actually a Japanese light novel, I became very interested. So, I read the manga, and before I say how great the story is, I'll start with what I liked the most: the BEAUTIFUL artwork.
The battles give incredible feelings when looking at those drawings, and even in the "quiet" moments, the characters are not drawn in a complex way, but still, the drawing style is beautiful. There's something magical about that drawing style that I can't explain. Maybe it's something normal, but when it's next to that ... Jan 8, 2023
It's not a bad story, it's just very generic, kind of boring, and very forgettable. The animation is good, and the fight scenes are very well done, they are entertaining to watch. The music isn't the best, but it works, so it does the job. But in my opinion, its biggest flaw is not the story itself, but the characters, they all feel very flat already at the end of the series, the protagonist, the two main girls and everyone else feel extremely empty, without motivation They are only there because without them there would be no story, but it is impossible to have any
Dec 27, 2022
Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman.
I started watching this anime more interested in its beautiful animation than the story, however, I was pleasantly surprised. The story is very tender and has heartwarming parts; the characters are very well written. I don't think it's the best anime in the world, it has parts that are a bit silly, but they're not annoying. It also has some funny moments. The protagonist is by far the one who feels the best written, you can understand why he thinks that way, why he feels that way and why he makes those decisions. Even people who are bothered by ecchi should give this anime a
Dec 23, 2022
Hoshi no Samidare
People criticize this anime a lot for its animation, I think it's extremely forgettable and barely acceptable, others its intro and ending. Although I admit that the action scenes and fights are highly objectionable, they are not well done. But for me personally, the story is what disappoints me. I haven't read the manga, but I saw several people cheering and commenting how great it was to see the story adapted. Naturally, I wanted to see it as soon as it came out, and the first chapters are entertaining, the rest is boring, as if the story just wanted to expand without contributing something