Synopsis:A survival horror tale about a cat's journey after society collapses. Zombies roam the earth and civilization as we know it is dead.
Such a sweet yet hearbreaking manga. I cried after reading it for 20 min.The cat is mearley as the title suggests a view of a zombie apocolopise. Being as short as it it makes you love the characters so quickly. The twists and turns are really sad and though yous see it coming it has great execution.
Art: For such a short story and a story with so few pages it hits the right sports with the art work . Especially in
Dec 18, 2018
Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru
the anime is great and very fun to watch. if you are a runner you will really love it like me.
it will actually make you feel happy as the character grow both mentally physically and in the main protaganists case socially too. the ending is the best ending in any anime i have watched please listen to it no matter what ok. please watch 5 eps because it keeps getting better and i think i really love this sports anime than any other. i like this anime as i am a sprintter and it really gives meaning to running it really makes me want to keep ... |