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Nov 25, 2013
This is a blatant insult to anyones intelligence. the mindless gore gets very old after the second killing because of the overuse of blood. the side characters are there just to be there; its like they all share the same emotion all the time. I heavily do not recommend this, even though its 4 episodes long. the only reason its not a 1 is because in my mind, nothing shall ever be worse than diabolik lovers. this had a somewhat meh story behind it, but the mindless killnigs and such distract you from it. Also the art for is all over the place. this anime
is shit and shall always be shit. if u disagree, thats your own opinion and i do not hate you for your decision.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Nov 25, 2013
How to describe ARIA: an anime where the plot doesnt matter and where the slice of life would replace and thoughts of anger into enjoyment.
This shall be a 3 part review of all 3 parts. Also some Spoilers.
Aria the animation-8
Introduced to the Main characters and major side characters. the plot thats touched upon very few times is Akari, Akia, and Alice trainging to become Undines. but its mostly them hanging out, having fun, some shenanigans and some tear-jerking moments that you will love.
Aria the natural-8
With a 24 episode season, the plot moves like the first season, the characters are given more depth, new challenges and
some mystery are added to keep it fresh. If they had become Primas before this one ended and Origination was showing how they adapted to their new roles, i wouldve liked that but it was not to be.
Aria the Origination-10
Last season, everything comes together with a nice big bow on top. Seeing who made Prima first was defenintly surprising, but then how it ended made watching 52 episodes worthwhile.
Now to the segments.
Story- 7/8. This anime,while set in the future, is still resonably believeable. being in the 24th century, one would think humanity could terraform a planet. Being set in a venice look a like, it gives you a feeling like you're actually in venice. I wasnt to into the idea of a plot actually being there but not being moved in any way, but the interactions between the characters made me not care about it. every episode is a self contained side story with a few episodes that deal with them training to become Primas.
Art- 9. Character designs and backgrounds were pleasing to look at. the super-deformed parameters in my opinion were used just 2% to much;while they look very hiliarious, some scenes didnt need it. could not see any drops in quality all the way through.
Sound-9. BGM, OP and ED were very well done. BGM is noticable every episode and it mostly fits with every scene. no complaints.
Characters-10. This is where the anime shines. Each characters personality blends well with eachother. Sometimes you would think how are they friends, oppisites attract and this is a prime example of that. The way they develop from their initial state is wonderful. Alice becoming more open with her ideas and feelings. Aika curbing her assertive side(most times it doesnt work, but thats the funny part). And Akira becoming less of a pushover to Akira and becoming her own person. The major side characters (the current water fairies) are given great back stories to themselves but wont go into to much detail, theres to much to tell.
Enjoyment-9. this is an anime where anyone will love, regardless of age, gender, etc... Its a good light hearted anime that will fill your heart with joy every episode. Just wanted faster plot development, but thats just me.
Overall-10. if there is a fault in this anime, its many good points overshadow it by a large margin. its no exageration to call this anime the best of when it was released. its just so sad to see it end. it has soooooo much more potential than what is showed. i shall always hope for a sequel, but never get one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 7, 2013
what happens when u put 5 girls together, mix in a big-boobed girl, yuri undertones, OP MC, a bit of supernatural- you get saki. I have heard of majhong beofre, but the 1-player matching tile version, not the 4-player match version. watching the first episode, we see the MC do something that is thought impossible, then gets recruited. nothing unexpected. then on to the prefecturals. kiyosumi, an unknown school that saki goes to beats the the demon girl koromo with an amazing last play that knocks her down to go to the team nationals. then the individual tournament, saki, nodoka and fujiki go on to
the nationals.
story-8.5. i thought this anime was a little weird, beng based off a game where you sit for hours moving tiles. MFW moving tiles involved supernatural power undertones in the tournaments. In the last hand of the team finals, we know kiyosumi wins with plot armor(duh), but they were so far behind it wasnt even funny. then saki pulls a huge play out her ass to beat koromo, all the tension that was built up in the one play had my eyes glued to my screen going "holy mother of god, this is happening". seeing how the plot developed from my first impression was a second-rate team turning into a national level contender was a great ride.
sound-9. the OP and ED are decent for this anime, not memorable to me, but maybe to others. the SFX used for the plays in the tournaments, loved them so much cause it emphasized the over-the-top plays that were going on.
art-8. not grand amazing but not horrible either, the art is consistent through every episode. the character designs and background are well drawn, dark auras on some of them make you shiver cause it like they have killing intent, never expected it from this.
character-9. seeing each characters backstory and how they developed through the 25 episodes was great. saki going out of her comfort zone and raping shit was just great, beating koromo in the last hand showed just how much plot armor she has on her. nodoka not being embarressed to play with eotpen took a lot of courage(i could never do that), made her look adorable when she got into her groove. yuuki is just.... yuuki, taco power and all(explains her perfectly). takei is the club president and in her last year.she cares a lot for her underclassmen and sets them up to win through the multiple training camps(making yuuki do arithmetic homework, felt so sorry for her), she waited 3 years to go to nationals at kiyosumi. mako is the character that th eanime doesnt focus a lot on, more just saki and nodoka, but she is indespensible to takei because they have been together the longest.
enjoyment-9. who ever knew that watching majhong could be fun. well IRL, it would be pretty boring unless ur a diehard fan or a pro. the anime shows the struggles a team must go through to nationals. it gets pretty intense as it goes on. if i knew how to play majhong, my overall would be a 9, but im just enjoying the ride, thats how anime should be enjoyed, like the ARIA series.
overall-8. i recommend this anime is you like shenanigans happening every 7-10 minutes or so.even the majhong matches themselves are worth watching themselves.i have high hopes for the second season, seeing how they make it to the finals, with saki going against her sister:spoiler, achiga-hen knowledge. i think everyone can agree that saki will win probably because of a last turn, last move kazoe-yakuman against her sister. and everyone shall dafaq at teru losing to her sister.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 6, 2013
I am writing this review after about a month finishing the latest translated novel (15), so if I'm off on a few things I apologize. The one thing I most liked about this novel series is like what everyone else has said: it's an ecchi/harem with a PLOT. Don't see that often or at all. The main plot is enticing enough to keep reading because you want the thing in most harems, to see the MC choose, issei does but no spoilers. The side stories in volume 8 and 15 were good, seeing the backstory of the characters and how they came together were very
Now for the review
Story 9- no story can be called perfect, but DxD is well thought out by the author, changing the view point from 3 different characters: issei, kiba and azazel. I liked that part of it because we get different perspectives of the storyline. The different plot arcs are played out very well and how fights are written are good(just want pictures for all of his different balance break armors). The current arc is about vampires and gasper(him in the anime, seeing him will question if a boner is called for because not only is he a cross-dressing androgynous male, but they drew him as close to female as possible, which is to cruel). See how this LN is going, I hope it doesn't end without issei shitfucking cap cao and possibly Michael/sirzechs team up, which if that happens, could be like a 20-25 OVA battle itself.
Art- 9, because there are few pictures in each novel, it's rated on how well drawn each is. Even without color, it's easy to imagine it coloured in your head. Student council prez as a magical girl is in every way just eye candy for the soul, it can't be helped but to be loved by all.
Character-10. With 15 novels, the main novels advance the storyline and 60% character development, while the side stories fill the other 40%, showing their dark pasts before having rias turn them into devils and fight by her side. I like how kiba is becoming more OP as he grows, getting Siegfrieds swords was a OP moment in itself, showing how strong he has become.
Enjoyment-10. This was the first LN I read, reading from volume 1 I got more story than the anime(to be expected). As I kept reading even though there were the ecchi moments, they never lasted longer than they had to. A Harem mostly has like 4-5 girls, where issei has 7 that fawn over him, and aren't afraid to do anything with him, koneko taking his lap as her territory was just to damn cute.
Overall-10. I love this series, the plot doesn't take total precedence, but it's actually the Amin focus. If you like the often ecchi moments you will DL or buy all of the volumes and enjoyably read them. I recommend this to any fan of the harem/ecchi genre.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Nov 6, 2013
I am writing this review based on what this anime is about: harem and action. Everyone compares it to the VN, I personally have not played it, so this is an unbiased review.
Story- there really isn't one to speak of, other than trying to beat the former DEVA. It's the basic harem where the girls try to get the guy, but the girls are more forceful than other harems(miyako is my favourite, she would strip naked in public if Yamato asked). The action just from the first episode is so over the top with added superpowers makes it just awesome.
Art- the art is enjoyable,
the characters are well drawn, the backgrounds too. The fights, anything involving momoyo, are fast, which all you see is arms going back and forth, so it's like they got lazy. The art isn't amazing, but it's still good.
Sound- it went good with most scenes, the fights had excellent soundtracks, the OP and ED were good but not catchy enough for me
Characters- they all followed their respective archetypes, but were more or less open with their feelings, except momoyo. With a half season, the show didn't focus on character development but the action aspect of it, each fight being better than the last.
Enjoyment-I watched this show purely for the harem and action that it had. If you don't like this type of anime don't watch it, if u think this is like the VN don't watch it cause u will bitch about it the whole time.
This anime didn't try to be anything that it wasn't, on the action part, it nailed it, the harem, miyako dull it down and mayu be just a little less awkward, the ecchi was fine, always just in the bath, never in fights to keep focus on the action. It was enjoyable, but it could've been better with 24-26 episodes and a clear choice on who he would choose out of the five.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 15, 2013
reading the manga online saves me a lot of time plus the anime, so i started from where the last released episode ended. im not a manga fan, but because the anime is going to stop without going as far as it could, reading the manga gave me a lot to offer.
Story- 8: The e-pandora plot is really juicy with betrayal written everywhere, then the valkryie plot is even more of a page turner(page clicker), i just wish the manga was done so i didnt have to wait for more volumes to be released. The ecchi isnt the big part, half the time it wasnt
even there, so i didnt really notice, the romance between kazuya and satella is becoming deeper, she ****** him then ******* him in the same chapter which was awesome. i have high hopes for the next volume to get translated, cant wait. Also, i think satella after this shit fest of a battle will really, no joke, nothing to interrupt them, will ask kazuya to become her limiter, and it will really happen, then everyone will be happy.
Art- 7.5: the detail put into each scene is impressive, sometimes i cant tell what happenes in a few scenes, wish it was in color, easier to distinguish, but manga is black and white, so i cant really complain.
Character- 8: the last few chapters, the main characters have to over come their inner darkness, or whatever you want to call it, become stronger for it. Everyone has come a long way from where they started.
enjoyment- 7.5: seeing all the battles, reading them at the moment, its just pictures to me, then after the fact when i really think about them, i put it together into an awesome sequence, sometimes theres not enough to complete it but i fill in the holes. I take off 2 whole points for chapter 134, the last 2-3 pages or so, even for an ecchi lover like me, just too much man, if was the boob, id be like all right, but going for the other area, come on.
overall 8: seeing what i wont be able to see in the anime, even in black and white is really something, you have to imagine the voices, if you have seen the anime. i do really hope that this series get fully animated from start to finish, seeing the fights on tv or DL which most of us do, is something else compared to seeing it in books.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 7, 2013
To start off, im your typical action, death loving kind of guy. Wanting a chill anime to watch, i picked up PR: Aurora dream and loved it, after they added more songs to the lineup and different dances. They dance sequences on the ice were captivating to the point of saying "Fuck tradtional ice-skating, this is what ice-skating shouldve been, minus the prism jumps of course.
Now to the review
Story- 8. Up to ep 26, when they finally become a unit, it was the usual build up to it, i like the concept of Prism Live, playing instruments while you dance. The plot twist between
Ann and Wakara knowing each other, i really didnt see that coming. When both units did their trio dance, when Bell finally did her Prism live and the 4-jump combo, it was like her team had won already, but the story doesnt go like that, HAPPY RAIN just had to do a Trio-Prism Live/Jump which just blew me away because now they have become closer as friends as well as a unit.
Sound- 9. The song pace is almost the same as the first season because having a new song each week just isnt realistic. There is going to be some repatition songs but it hasnt been so bad, if the song list goes over 25, thats like an average 1 song every 2 episodes.
Character- 10. Each main character gets decent amount of screen time for their development. Naru becoming more reliable, Ann not being so stubborn and more friendly, Ito being more open and light-hearted(she and koji are an item), Otoha: she's just great regardless, Wakana forgiving Ann when it was actually herself who messed up. Then there's Bell, who at first was the perfectionist bitch who hated Naru for not being serious enough about Prism shows and not getting along with her mom all that great TOO being more loving about her teammates and seeing Naru as a rival when she shakess her hand at the end of Try Groovin. Rinne also, but with her memory loss, her development happens at different times, appearing when you least expect her to(she basically appears everywhere then dissappears just as fast).
Enjoyment- 9. I am excited to see how the prism world comes into play in this season and what June is all about.
overall- 9. Really looking forward to how this season ends, just wondering if Naru is going to get with someone or if shes going to stay alone, but with friends in every direction.
updated to ep. 32. this phrase sums up everything from 26 to 32: its a mother******* rollercoaster thats not going to stop anytime soon. Also Hiro, he saw the biggest dick in the world and chocked on it, big time. Plus June, when you see her dance, its basically "if someone tops her, it will be the last episode because she did ******* *******, a signature move. SOOOOO not fair.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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