Ever wanted to be a gang leader? Well, Ken Kitano never wanted to become one, but meh... he did. Let teh comedy ensue.
Enter the world of Sun-ken rock. An awesome manga written and illustrated by Boichi. If you are familiar with his other works such as Hotel or Ultimate space chef Caesar, then you know what kind of art to expect. But Sun-ken rock deviates from Boichi's usual sci-fi and delves into the world of THE MAFIA!
-Great story.
-Outstanding art.
-Just plain ol' hilarious jokes.
-Great cast of characters.
-Fairly realistic (Fairly...).
-Very very nice... fanservice.
-At times, it feels like the story is moving way too slow.
-Frustration... Ken Kitano's niceness might frustrate some peeps.
-A few ecchi scenes here and there just feel out of place and ruin a chapters feel.
Story: 7/10
Ken's a japanese delinquent. The kind that looks all rough and badass and gets into fights... but is actually real soft and squishy on the inside. Watch as he gets dragged into becoming a gang leader, saves prostitutes, beats up baddies, inspires some to join him, take over casinos, ya know... the USUAL gang related stuff. It all escalates at a steady pace (except for a few chapters when things slow down... a lot...) and it remains entertaining through out.
Art: 9/10
FRIGGIN' AWESUM! Characters look great, their expressions clear, their movements fluid and their muscles... are huge... chiseled outta rock rather than drawn on paper.
Backgrounds are fantastic. The attention to detail definitely adds to the feel of each and every page.
And the ecchi scenes... the fanservice... *nosebleed*
They are great, and not so over used that you get too many boob n' ass shots in the middle of a serious fight (unless that's how dem baddies wanna fight ~wink wink~)
Characters: 8/10
Our main characters are pretty darn good. Ken Kitano, being the cliche nice-guy who kicks ass, plays his role perfectly. His buddies all have different personalities and despite them being almost "cliche" they come out as "originals" with their different motivations and attitudes. Oh, and the bad guys aren't the usual "IM BAD SO I DO BAD THINGS!" but actually come packing a reason! Some of them have a real legitimate REASON for being bad! HOLY CRAP! One bad thing is that some decide to join the good side... never really sits well with me, but ya know what? Boichi weaved in their roles pretty darn well that it ain't so bad.
Enjoyment: 10/10
I enjoyed this manga way way too much. You will laugh A FRIGGIN' LOT! You will get turned on and you will get sad, but most of all YOU WILL LAUGH A LOT! There are a number of Laugh out Loud moments and almost all of them WILL make you laugh. You'll find yourself cheering Ken and his gang over and over cause you will get sorta "attached" to them. They're just a fun group of people.
Overall: 8/10
READ THIS MANGA! It is very good. Boichi does a marvelous job here. It's a great laid-back-but-serious manga. After a boring day of work, look forward to reading a chapter or two. They will brighten up your day with a joke or two. It's just great!
The following is a more detailed review. Don't bother reading if you don't want a giant wall of text full of my opinions.
Genre tags! Lets take a look at em':
Action, comedy, seinen and ecchi. All check. But i personally feel that "Martial arts" should be added. The basis of this manga effectively boils down to Ken beating up bad guys with punches and kicks. Yes the Action tag satisfies the need to inform the reader that there is fighting, but i feel that another tag should be added to define the form of fighting. Ya know, if you got fighting mechas add "action and mecha" but if you got mechas and falling in love add "Romance and mecha". Oh and comedy tag should probably be applied a few more times to really tell the reader that there are some great jokes here.
As i mentioned already, the story is pretty good. HOWEVER, i did not rate it higher than 7 because it starts bordering the "Eh? err... if you say so..." side as things escalate. Remember how i said this manga is "Fairly" realistic? Well, that is because there are a few turns the story takes that require a bit of imagination on the readers part to pass of as realistic. But since the manga does not deviate from what it is, the score won't go lower than 7. It's still very good.
I really can't say much here. It's just so good! It's awesome! I personally LOVED a certain page that involved ketchup, mayonnaise, a barbeque, a boar and an eating competition. DEM CURVES! DEM CURVES!!!
A special little addition i feel that should be mentioned is Boichi's inclusion of how hard he has worked on the manga. He talks about his travels to take lots of different pictures to use as references. I feel that it is a great touch as it gives us, the readers, insight as to how a mangaka goes about working on their art. It's a real treat to see the pictures he takes and comparing them to what he draws. A wonderful aspect of the manga that most certainly should not be over looked.
I already described Ken with enough detail to cover everything but not spoil anything. His buddies are all pretty much introduced from the first volume and as the story continues, everyone but Ken actually undergo some pretty serious character development. What about Ken you ask? Well he does indeed undergo a good chunk of character development but you see, his character is already defined from the get-go. He acts as the foundation upon which the others grow and mature. To be honest, having the main protagonist undergo the "least" actual character development (as in their personality, etc etc and not their position in society) was a ballsy move that really paid off. We get this wonderful balance between the cast of characters. No single individual within this fictional world overshadows another so greatly that their existence (for as long as they are relevant and play a major role in the story) becomes this tertiary obstacle that simply gets stepped on and ignored. Oh and this manga has one of my top 5 favorite female characters sooo... i am kinda biased here :D
Final thoughts:
This should certainly be on your to-read list. It should be up their with other great works that you would want to read. It's great. I would recommend this to anyone who likes Gangs/Mafia, Martial arts, comedy and (to a certain extent) ecchi. Now stop reading this and go read Sun-Ken Rock!
I hope you found this review helpful or at least enjoyable.
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Nov 14, 2012
Sun-Ken Rock
Recommended Preliminary
(Unknown/181 chp)
Ever wanted to be a gang leader? Well, Ken Kitano never wanted to become one, but meh... he did. Let teh comedy ensue.
Enter the world of Sun-ken rock. An awesome manga written and illustrated by Boichi. If you are familiar with his other works such as Hotel or Ultimate space chef Caesar, then you know what kind of art to expect. But Sun-ken rock deviates from Boichi's usual sci-fi and delves into the world of THE MAFIA! Pros: -Great story. -Outstanding art. -Just plain ol' hilarious jokes. -Great cast of characters. -Fairly realistic (Fairly...). ...
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Nov 13, 2012 Mixed Feelings
^This actually happens in the manga... Enter the ridiculous world of Oh! Great (Ogure) manga: Air gear. If you are familiar with his other works (such as tenjou tenge) then you should know what to expect. A convoluted mess of absurd amounts of fanservice, a cast of cliches, a great deal of random events, amazing art and (as an added bonus for this manga) bullshit physics. Air gear takes place in a world where highly advanced, state-of-the-art, motorized roller blades known as air treks are used by people to zoom around the town, partaking in territorial wars ... and other competitive events. Pros: -BOOBS! ASS! -Awesome art! -Great concept. Cons: -Characters are bland. -Story is just a mess. -Random stuff happens so frequently, you just have to accept it. -BAD. PHYSICS. Anyone who gave a crap bout their grade 8 physics class would see a lot of mistakes in Ogure's "explanations" -Did i mention the story is a mess? -Bad inclusion of humor at inappropriate times. This would actually be a Pro if it wasn't so overused. -And just so you know, the story is a down right horrid mess of crap. Story: 3/10 Follow our protagonist as he dreams of soaring through the skies! Delve into the world of air treks and witness as the shit hits the fan!! The story starts off great but quickly takes a turn for the worst. Bad science + no clear direction + too much fanservice + even more yaoi fanservice + random mecha + president of united states = not very good. I ain't gonna spoil it for you and you can read the synopsis for more detail. And seriously... this is one of those manga's where you would benefit from skipping anything YOU, the reader, deems retarded and irrelevant. Why? Because it probably is. Art: 9/10 Friggin' AWESUM! The art is just great! if only there was less fanservice and more focus on the story, this manga woulda been top-notch... The attention to detail, the fight scenes, the backgrounds... its all just so good! Characters: 5/10 A massive cast of just about every cliche out there. I wouldn't give it a 1/10 cause it sticks to the nature of cliches... but no higher than 5/10 cause there really isn't any originality here. One big problem in my opinion is the characters age... way way way tooo young for what they look like and what they do. Overall: 5/10 Read it if you want lots of Pseudo-Hentai with a story in the background. Maybe if you wanna check out some awesome art. But don't read it if you are looking for this super awesome concept executed with an amazing story and quality art... all you'll get is disappointment and quality art. The following is a more detailed review. Don't bother if you don't want a giant wall of text full of my opinions. Genre tags: So! You should have a basic idea of what this manga is like. A few things I'd like to add to the genre tags would be "fantasy" or "science fiction" Why? Because the story starts with simple motorized roller blades and ends with super high tech parts that use vibrations in the air to trap people. Or techniques of breathing in to accumulate more nitrogen in your body, causing nitrogen bubbles that generate excruciating pain but also heighten the bodies senses. Even ways to skate on the water by creating so much heat that you generate a surface on the water... YEEEEAAAAAAH... Like i said, bad physics. Simply adding a genre tag other than "sports" would help the story do what it wants. But nope, Ogure chose to break his own rules. The "sports" tag is misleading. There's way too much bullshit going on for it to be regular sports. Story: See, it starts fairly simple. Guy wants to fly. Gets super-awesome skates. Flies around. Suddenly, he gets into a fight with a group. Suddenly, another group appears. Then suddenly, more information is given to us about the world of air trek... but... it was just so sudden... suddenly, people start executing techniques that are just absurd... stopping time with roller blades? WHAAAT!?WITH FRIGGIN' ROLLER BLADES!?!?!? Suddenly, wheels turn into whips (but don't hinder the riders mobility)... suddenly, falling from heights that would have killed someone in chapter 2 isn't a problem in chapter 15... Suddenly, some guy appears. Suddenly, he betrays the protagonist... Suddenly, this person dies... Suddenly hes alive (of course, cause... ya know... adding a motor to a pair of roller blades allows you to resurrect people by causing super sonic vibrations that resonate with the mitochondria in their cells causing the body to go into overdrive preventing them from losing their consciousness thus allowing them to remain alive...not) Then suddenly, the president of the United states of america appears (not kidding...). Then suddenly theres a body swap. Then suddenly giant robots destroying cities. That is how to story goes. Suddenly something happens, we start getting crap explanations (if we are even lucky enough for one) and before you can even begin to wrap your head around it, suddenly something else happens and there are more explanations. Then the story ends... and you realized you just wasted a great deal of time and energy trying to give a crap about a bad story. And lets not forget, random bullshit is hiding at every corner. Every single time the story takes a turn, some giant pile of bullcrap comes raining down on the reader. Seriously... this manga makes less and less sense with every volume. Oh and don't get me started on Oh! Great's naming sense. That's another clue the sports tag is uber misleading. You get attacks like "bloody killer fang," "Unlimited atmosphere," "Pile Tornado." Even titles like "gravity children"... Seriously, if this guy wasn't smoking something while coming up with incoherent bullshit, he would be deemed insane. Art: Like i said. The art is great. But there is way too much fanservice. Which is great if you like that. Every girl gets naked here. EVERY ONE OF THEM. Oh... and so do some of the guys. We also have some serious (STORY RELATED) yaoi here. Every chapter is perverted. Every volume has ridiculous amounts of cleavage, boob-grabbing, ass-slapping, cloth-ripping and just plain on panty-shots. If you, like me, cared about the story then this would start to get in your way of enjoying the manga. But then again, the story is crap so this really is all you got going for you. Fanservice and fight scenes. The two things that don't need to make sense are the only reason you should read this manga. Characters: Boy oh boy oh boy. Main male protagonist is your average full of himself, "i-cant-define-cool-without-making-him-a-douchebag" douchebag... He's got a friend who's full of determination and self-doubt to the point that he is a normal person. Another friend who is just a complete and utter pervert. And one who's the fat guy who just don't stop eating. One is gay for the douchebag and has multiple personalities. Then there are the female cast who all are very... "well-endowed" when it comes to the body department. NO LOVE FOR TEH PETTANKOS!! The majority fall in love with the douchebag main protagonist. What else did you expect? How do these characters develop? Wellll... a lot actually. But they just sorta loop around to being how they are in the beginning with just more skills. Soo... not much i guess... Facts, credibility and imagination: You might be thinking, WTF IS THIS? well, i had to add this criteria simply because Ogure does such a wonderful job of making up total and utter bullshit and expects it to make sense to the reader. As far as facts go, they go along with the world of Air gear then fall flat on their face. They last about... 3 volumes... Credibility, just the same as facts. Everything goes along just fine, seemingly appropriate for the world of Air gear and the fancy high-speed roller blades known as air treks... then credibility fails Ogure as mystical, magical and down right moronic science kicks it to the curb. Imagination, however, SHINES! There is a lot of imaginative material going on in the manga. And it really really really isn't bad. Like i said earlier, this manga has a fantastic concept. But the great ARTIST Oh! Great screws up big time and (probably started smoking something new) just gets too wild and crazy that the reader must begin to imagine that this is a good manga. Oh, and i capitalized the word artist because that is what Ogure is. He can't write a story for shit, but he sure as hell can draw some amazing things. Did i mention Ogure can't write a decent story? Just making sure you get my point... Final thoughts: Go dream up a better story involving motorized roller blades and i guarantee you that it will be a bazillion times better than air gear. If you are too lazy, then read Air gear. Feel free to skip the "SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATIONS" since they just ruin stuff (unless you have no knowledge of anything physics-related i guess). Heck, it actually is BETTER to skip lots of the stuff past volume 5 to keep the story in the direction it's MEANT to go. You could literally skip 1/4th of the manga and you would have a more cohesive story. Would i recommend this? Maybe if you want lots of fanservice, or if you want to know what not to do to a story or just wanna check out some awesome art. Hope you found this review helpful or at the very least enjoyable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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![]() Show all Dec 18, 2011 Mixed Feelings
This is simply my opinion so you may disagree with it, but i do hope you enjoy reading this :3
Brief review: For those who don't wish to spend too much time reading other peoples thoughts. Story 4/10: Nothing ground breaking. I don't really care much if it has been done before... but the story just doesn't flow too nicely. Art 8/10: The art was good. I liked the art. A number of scenes are used a few times too many. The effects where nice but i feel that if they added a bit more variation to the "OOO SHINY!! OOO SPARKLY!!" thing going on every time someone ... grabs a weapon, things may have turned out better. Sound 6/10: The seiyuu did a lovely job with the characters voices. Although many sound effects sound slightly out of place and the OP & ED's don't seem to fit well with the anime, i think the sound was just fine. Characters 6/10: Cliche? Not a problem. Uninteresting, predictable and unnecessary... kind of a problem. Enjoyment 6/10: I had fun for the majority of the episodes... the last few ones felt really rushed and made less and less sense with each passing minute. Needs a season two to clear things up and fix the story. Overall 6/10: Give this anime a go if you've got time to spend on a mediocre anime. It's nothing to awesome, but if you find yourself incapable of thinking then this anime might be the one for you. Not so brief review: Just the above with lots more words really. May contain some spoilers if you haven't watched episode 1 :3 Lets start with LE GENRE TAGS!!! First up we have action, CHECK! Then we have comedy, Check... nothing that will genuinely make you laugh, but you might crack a smile here and there. Next up is Ecchi, check. SCHOOL!!! Check! Shounen, a big fat check! Looks like thats covered. Some might want to add "romance" but i urge them to rethink that decision. SO! C3, aka CubexCursedxCurios, is an anime that stars Konata Izumi-errr- Fear Kubrick who is an ancient...box... Yes, a BOX. She is an ancient tool of slaughtery and murdery (those are, from today onwards, official words) who was sent to this boy-who-happens-to-be-very-good-and-cant-be-affected-by-curses-cause-hes-good-or-something by his dad. His dad is an explorer/adventurer type thing that sends him cursed items (like the BOX) so they may rid themselves of their curse. This is the story. Thats kinda boring eh? Well, no worries. Stuff happens. How does stuff happen you might ask... well... random people show up and cause random problems and then they get their ass handed to them. WHOA! How... interesting... Well... no. The problem with random people showing up is that the story doesn't progress on it's own anymore. Our main characters apparently cant provide the necessary drive to move on with the MAIN PURPOSE of whatever it is they are trying to do (removing curses from cursed objects like a BOX). Random people appear and force the story to move forward. Is that a problem? Not if it was necessary... Is it necessary? No... I won't go on and on about this... The story has some very good potential that is wasted because it rushes a lot. For a 12 episode anime, rushing never solves anything. Ok... lets leave the story for at that... ON TO LE CHARACTERS! Lets start with the star of the show, Konata izu--- FEAR KUBRICK. Fear, or Fear-in-cube (said in english, not japanese. Pronounced Fe-a - een - Quu-beh) is a device, or box, of pain and suffering. She is good at killing stuff. "Hey stooorm!!! why do you keep referring to a box as she!?" Well my dear imaginary reader, that is because this BOX has developed a human form... with emotions et al. Yes, she is practically a human. So she is sent to this boy, yuuchi haruki, whom we will talk about later. Anywayz, so fear is a cursed object. She is sent to this boy so that she may live as a normal human and lift the curse. Her favorite phrase happens to be "I'll curse you!" Interesting character yea? Seriously, its actually interesting for 1 episode... how much does her character develop? not much... not much at all... BUT!!! shes the only one who really develops. Ok, now we have our good guy. Yuuchi haruki is a kid who cant get cursed. Whoooo. He's our sweety pie. Our needle in a haystack. How does he develop? Not in any particular way. His dad sends him cursed objects (i'd love it if my dad sent me any kind of objects, cursed or otherwise...) and yuuchi helps them lift their curse. Thats it. We find out why he indulges in his dads antics early in the anime and its nothing special, btw no info on the dad. Next we have Muramasa Konata. She is... well... take a look at her name, you'll know what she is. Oh, she is labelled as Ms. Cow tits by Fear... cause you know... her udder is easily accessible-ERR, her boobs are big. She is kind and likes yuuchi... Oh, she also has a slightly darker side that she shows to Fear... but theres a silly reason for that. Her character doesn't develop either. Really... thats it... the highlight of this MAIN CHARACTER is her tits. That is all... i guess big boobs do get you all the good jobs... SO, last character is the sadomasochist... she also likes a certain someone and helps him out. Shes starts off all secret agent like but then sorta gets closer and keeps less secrets. Does her character develop? Only if revealing secrets count. We still have a few, just a few, more characters involved... but they are introduced fairy late in the anime for us to give a shit about. They seem to want to play a big part in the story, but they just come in so late that we simply cant appreciate their company. This includes the baddies who appear and disappear randomly. Them baddies don't seem to serve any particular reason other than to agitate the story. Sigh... all in all, the characters aren't something you'd remember and think "ah, arent they special" in a good way. Ok ok... ART TIME!!! LE ART IS LE GOOD! Seriously, the art is nice. Movements are fluid, a nice number of backgrounds and a few scenes are very detailed and really add to the feel of the anime. Characters are nicely drawn, abit too moe moe, but still very nicely drawn. Weapons looks kinda funky, and it is that funkyness that prevents me from giving this a perfect score. They could have done much much better and added some nice variations... but meh, oh well. an 8/10 is still very very good in my book! SOUND TIME!!! Not Le great... just good. Characters have a nice matching seiyuu that really helps bring them to life. I gave it a low score because i really didn't feel that the OP's & ED's matched the anime and the sound effects were really bland. Nothing fantastic, but atleast its decent enough to not make me want to stick a pencil in my left ear. Enjoyment! Better off watching porn. I managed to somehow enjoy this anime till it got near the last 3 eps. It felt like it was going to become a hopeless rat race to the finish... and it did. It really stopped me from appreciating all the work and effort, or lack thereof, put into the anime. Final Score 6/10: I'd suggest you go watch this when your brain needs a break from all the thinking. If the anime just sort of said "here deal with what is happening" i would really not be able to even recommend it (that would be cruel) but since it actually shows us what is happening, it doesn't fail miserably. It could have been much better with a few more episodes... and i really dislike the horrible ending because they are just teasing us with more plot holes... they seem to want to make a 2nd season pretty badly... oh well... a semi-decent watch nonetheless. I hope you found my review helpful or at the very least enjoyable!
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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![]() Show all Dec 18, 2011
Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi
Mixed Feelings
This is my first review... ever... but i hope you enjoy reading it and find it useful in some way. Everything here is merely my opinion so you may not agree with it. ENJOY!
Brief Review: A quick summary for those that don't wish to spend too much time reading other people's opinions. Story 2/10: A shallow series of events that force our protagonists onwards. Uninteresting at best... Art 9/10: I loved the art. Not much to say here. Good art is good. Sound 7/10: The OP and ED were meh-decent. The seiyuu did a nice job for all but one character... Saito Himea sounds very ... Character 2/10: ... Absolutely HORRIBLE. There is barely any character development for 10 episodes. You are expected to simply accept the character relationships as they come. Enjoyment 5/10: I watched all 12 episodes in one sitting. I had nothing better to do. It kept me entertained for a couple of hours. I could have done other things to waste my time. Overall 5/10: I'd recommend you watch this if you have time to waste. You may find shaving a puppy to be more worth your time. Not-So-Brief Review: Just like the above with more words. Seriously... a lot more words... SOME SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED EPISODE 1 :3 Imagine that you are on your way home after watching Shrek 8. When you arrive, a relative asks you what it was about. You proceed to tell him what it was about. "This happened, that happened, he said, she said, the end". That is what this anime is like. Lets take a quick look at "Le genre tag," shall we. First we have comedy, check. Lots of second-hand jokes that will make you smile if its your first time. A chunk of slapstick here and there and bam. Next we have ecchi, check. Shounen, check. Vampire & supernatural, check & check. Finally, Romance... half-check. I am not sure about this... The female lead loves the male lead. How do we know? Cause we are told on episode 1. Chickita 1 loves muchacho 1. We must accept it. Some serious romance dude... It's like an illness you never knew you had. Doctor says "You are ill," you reply with "Ok!" You are not given the chance to ask what this illness is, where you may have gotten it, how long it might have been there... IT. JUST. IS. "But Stoooorm!! Stop exaggerating!" Oook! We aren't just told the two leads are in love, we are also given a 1 minute slideshow of about 18 scenes of two children and two short 3 minute scenes. OH! and all of that was in the distant past that our protagonist had forgotten but suddenly remembers! WHOA! They totally deserve to be together. It's the next romeo and juliet i tell ya! But enough about that... lets take a look at the characters. Lets start with the fact that the two females in-love with our male protagonist both have a multiple personality disorder. One of them loses it... She can also cook and will apparently make a good wife in the future. Oh she's a normal human that is pretty much loved by all EXCEPT by the male protagonist that she loves. Lets call her ForeverAloneGirl. The other female is the vampire. She's lived for 20,000 years. Has multiple personality disorder that endangers THE WHOLE WORLD. Acts like a sticky glop of mucus that cant stop saying "I LUV U." Oh, she also threatens to kill anyone who hurts the male protagonist. She is the one who injects our main hero with fancy juice that makes him fancy and she does it for a selfish reason... OH, and im just guessing here... but i think she's supposed to be all moe moe... She can't cook or do anything a normal wife is expected to do in the anime world... but atleast she can kill stuff! Lets call her Trololololol. Now we have the male lead. Our muchacho of le hour. Our head huncho. He's our village cliche. Guy wants to protect everyone, no problem with that. Guy starts out weak and tries to get stronger, no problem with that. Guy remembers he loves some small girl from 9 years ago and that she's waiting for him so he runs back to her and is all lovey dovey with her cause we are told that this is how it must go so that the makeshift story can somehow work, BIG PROBLEM THERE. Lets call him... troll bait. Now we look at our other male protagonist who does not deserve any attention at all... He is our badass, strong, jerk off that thinks he's everything but when it really counts he's just some weak little egotistical wannabe. Lets call him... Alice. Finally, we have our loli. Obnoxious little loli. Victim of 3/4th the animes ecchi. Honestly, i think she's just there for her underwear... OH! she can zap stuff while shouting "Biri Biri" which gets on my nerve... i have a reason for disliking it... nuff said. Lets call her shaved pears. There is a constant stream of random people popping up and getting in the way for almost no reason. Characters F, G, H, I, J & K are just tossed into the mix because we need to focus on someone to cover up the fact that there is no story. Now then... how do these characters develop? well, for 83.33% of the anime they don't develop. They remain as they are. Then things change and they become stronger/less annoying/interesting/whatever, but the anime ends before we can even begin to appreciate these changes. TO THE ART!!! The art was lovely. Characters were nicely drawn. Their movements were fairly smooth and didn't seem choppy. Backgrounds where detailed. The colors where vibrant. The lighting often complimented the atmosphere and the mood. I would have gladly given this a perfect score if more effort was put into the effects. The same effects are used over and over and over. Then we has Le Sound. As i stated previously... the Seiyuu did a good job with all but one character and i don't really think it's the Seiyuu's fault. This is another potential perfect score if it wasnt for that meddling vampire girl... The opening and ending were nice and they seemed to fit nicely with the anime and the art. But that annoying vampire girl... GAH! i feel bad for the seiyuu, she has tainted her Curriculum vitae. To end this big wall of text... This anime would be something i suggest you add to the very bottom of your to-watch list. It should be the anime you watch when you have absolutely NOTHING better to watch. When you have absolutely NOTHING better to do. Possibly if you are feeling suicidal, watch this for encouragement (not for staying alive though). Final score 5/10 I hope you found my review useful or at the very least enjoyed it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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