About Me
I started watching anime in 2021, but only went into mainstream anime in 2023. Prior to that, I mainly streamed cartoons since 2013.
As of March 2024, I have tried some mainstream anime, and I'm looking forward to building up my anime catalogue.
My Personal Ranking System are as follows:
Scoring Criteria for Anime
The plot presentation is the key factor for my ranking, there are tiny details that will impact on the show's final grade as a complex plot show with good presentation that is highly rated on MAL that did not capture what I expect or want usually would rank at B, but a simple show that I can relate to or invokes positive emotions would easily get a B+, A or even S rank.
Scoring to MAL Ranking Conversion
I use my own ranking methodology as follows:
S (10/10) - Superior: The show stood out for its concept (at the point when watching) and is memorable for all the right reasons.
A+ (10/10) - Perfection: The show invoked the various positive emotions in me when watching, giving me a wholesome feeling appreciating how the characters interact and the show unfolding for a satisfying outcome at the end.
In order to score a S or A+ grade, the show also needs to fulfill the requirement for an A Grade (9/10 score) as follows.
A (9/10) - Impressive: The show is something that I enjoyed and I'd want to re-watch in the future. There might be some flaws in the plot and presentation, but these flaws didn't affect my enjoyment of the show as a whole and it is a show that I'd recommend to others.
B+ (8/10) - Excellent: The show is enjoyable as a whole, there might be some parts of the show, or characters, that I didn't like. However, the show is presented well enough for me to accept the parts that I didn't like.
B (7/10) - Decent
C+ (6/10) - Mediocre
C (5/10) - Passable
Shows usually fall into four categories in this tier:
1. Good plot and presentation, but isn't something that appeals to me
2. Characters that makes me feel irritated when watching, ruining a potentially good show
3. Incorporating too many elements but not utilising them fully to create a show that reflects its potential - sometimes, less is more
4. Using generic vague representation to drive the plot forward and expect me to interpret stuff using online forums - I want the show to properly explain what is the direction they are headed for, it's like abstract art - I will never understand why a blank white canvas is considered as "genius painting" so don't expect me to appreciate such "generic vague presentation" that is left open
D+ (4/10) - Disgusting
D (3/10) - Irritating
D- (2/10) - Frustrating
F (1/10) - Enraged
Unlike for passing scores, the rating depends on the severity of how uncomfortable I feel watching the show, there is no one-size-fit-all rating, the score I give is based on my main feeling when I watched the show, ranging from disgusted, irritated, frustrated to enraged
The following are elements as to why to why shows falls into the bad category are as follows:
1. Unlikeable characters
2. Malicious behaviour disguised as innocent intentions
3. Unnecessary on-screen nudity and suggestive scenes that makes me feel uncomfortable watching - especially when it is just there to make the show "edgy"
4. The use of incest in the show's plot, it's not funny even if it's used as a joke
5. Shows that truly question my intelligence and common sense by using dumb humour as a medium aka brainrot
6. Shows that have scenes of minors being abused to get them to "toughen up" (Note: Due to era/"cultural norm" differences, I might overlook and not penalise on this if the source material was released in the early 2000s or earlier and there isn't a malicious intent)
7. Ragebait Shows - it is so bad it is a tier of its own
It is normal to feel angry for a character or to root against a villain, but to watch a show where the protagonist characters make me feel angry because of their antics truly is the kind of show that deserves the lowest possible score
A show in this tier doesn't even make me feel discomfort, frustrated and confused - the only feeling is anger to the point where I just felt like the character is better off not existing at all
Publishing manga
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Anime Entry Milestones
1st Entry (in 2018): F-Zero GP Legend
100th Entry (Oct 2024): Tokyo Revengers
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