Jan 13, 2021
Perfect World
I am not sure why people are reviewing this so badly. I actually really enjoyed this manga. I feel like people are kind of comparing this to how people treat disabled people in America and I think you should be going about it through the eyes of living in Japan. Although Japan seems to be trying to do better with disabled people, disabled people don't seem to get the same help and attention that others do. It seems as though they are rather looked down upon a lot more than, let's say, America. You also have to consider that bullying is much higher in Japan
Feb 19, 2019
To be honest, I thought this anime was SUUUUPER boring. I finally pushed myself to watch Bakemongatari and Kizumonogatari. I admit, it's visually pleasing for the eyes for the most part. However, the way they laid out the story is just uncomfortably boring and LOOOONG. There are way to many pointless conversations and unnecessary fan service. The parts where he would freak out or become terrified, or however you look at it, were exaggerated. The fight scenes were short lived and either ridiculously comedic or just plain boring. The story sounds very interesting but the way they bring it out isn't worth my time. I