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Aug 24, 2023
I read the description for Mashle, and it looked like it took One Punch Man and threw him into a situation where he has to compete against Mob Psychos in a Harry Potter like world. Usually, I hate these isekai-esque plots where there is some unique overpowered character, because it just turns into some one-trick pony show that gets old quickly until they eventually resort to some generic shonen or harem anime. Though, the plot seemed intriguing enough to have some flexibility and interesting battles. Now that I watched it, I am very mixed. To put it simply, it felt like the show didn’t know
if it wanted to be a silly comedy, or a serious action anime, and the execution of that is quite poor. But, there are plenty of things that I like.
The main character, Mash, is pretty much Mob Psycho in terms of looks and personality, while having super physical strength and endurance like One Punch Man (both sources are from the same author, so that makes sense.) I honestly hated Mob’s character, so unsurprisingly, I didn’t like Mash’s character. He is mostly emotionless and simple-minded. It could just be me, but I felt over time, this sort of character trait started feeling forced and annoying. The tone of his voice was just getting tiring, and the whole joke of him being unaware of what’s normal and not understanding stuff got repetitive. However, there are times when Mash will just say something absurd, or he uses his apathetic nature to ignore what someone has to say. Those can be pretty funny because they come out of nowhere, and have a bit of relatability to them in a way. The sort of “I wish I could say shit like this to people in real life” kind of way.
As for his main gimmick, he is competing against a bunch of magic users using his extreme physical strength. On one hand, I feel like they completely butchered this concept. There are a lot of scenes that involve a really “strong” magic user who tries to kill Mash, only for Mash to treat the magic like nothing, or proceed to beat up his opponent with his strength. However, they’re all just so padded and predictable feeling. It’s always the magic user talks on and on about how strong their magic is, then Mash is unaffected by their attack, and then the magic user freaks out and explains exactly what we saw as if we didn’t see it 2 seconds ago. And this happens A LOT, and I never find them funny.
Additionally, there are scenes where he has to solve a problem that requires magic, and has to rely on his strength to figure it out. I feel like these scenes always go two ways. First is the predictable way. If there is some impenetrable wall, he just punches it down. The second is the “ass pull” way. As in, he will defy physics or “magic physics”, such as flying by kicking really fast, or scaring his magic paper to stop using magic. I get the jokes, but they just don’t feel clever. If you can have the most random thing possible happen without thinking, then it’s not funny to me. Literally, anything could be solved in an instant if you no longer have to think logically, which kills the fun.
On the other hand, there are times when this gimmick can actually be creative or funny. As mentioned before, it’s kind of predictable of knowing that Mash will beat the shit out of someone. Though, most of the time he does it towards those that deserve it. Additionally, the action itself is pretty fun to see, so I enjoy watching him beating up horrible people, especially in weird ways. Furthermore, there are times when there is clever action done during these battles, such as turning the opponent’s powers against them by using physical strength. That is exactly what I wanted to see when I read the description of the anime.
In terms of the other characters, they really don’t have much depth. All of them just randomly decided to be Mash’s friend for no reason, other than the fact he’s special. I guess that makes sense, I would hang out with the super OP guy if I was in a competitive universe. But, even after being friends, the characters don’t really do anything except just copy some cookie cutter anime tropes, or just freak out over Mash’s strength or stupidity. If I had to pick a favorite character, definitely Dot. In an anime where the main character uses strength, having another guy claiming to be the main character in the magic world is a pretty funny idea. Plus, I find his antics enjoyable.
These characters show off their magic, and admittedly, it can be pretty interesting. Though, I feel the battles could be better. It has some strategic cleverness, but there are other times where it’s the whole “I am suddenly a lot stronger because of a flashback” thing. Other times, I feel the battles can be anti-climactic, and not show the true potential of certain character’s powers. Again, that’s probably supposed to be the joke, but it still feels underwhelming.
The overall writing feels like two people wrote this thing. One wanted to make silly jokes, and one wanted to make an actual serious action anime. I just feel blending the two makes it awkward. Like, the dumb joke scenes just end up getting in the way or feeling like filler. And, as mentioned before, some of the dialog feels really padded. It’s one of those animes where the characters have to clearly point out every single weird thing happening like “AH, WHY DID YOU CRASH INTO THE WALL FROM SEEING YOUR SISTER?” But as of now, I do feel like the story is getting somewhere, and they started toning down the stupid jokes. In fact, I feel like the jokes are a bit funnier in the later episodes.
This anime isn’t perfect, and I wish it fixed all of these flaws. However, I can see it going somewhere, and I actually enjoyed the last episodes, so I look forward to seeing more of this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 8, 2023
I know that this Love Live cast started out in a mobile rhythm game. I never played it, and I don’t know much of the story of that game. I will assume that the story and characters were supposed to work better in a video game, because I can definitely say that this anime is the worst in the Love Live franchise. Both seasons 1 and 2 of Nijigasaki are pretty much the same quality. I was hoping season 2 would improve things, but it was just as bad.
First off, the characters. I like to refer to this anime as “The Kasumi Show”, because
she is the only entertaining character in the show, and the only thing to look forward to in every episode. In fact, she is the only one that keeps the spirit of Love Live characters from the other entries. She shows off exaggerated and energetic personality, and consistently involved, or the cause, of all the antics.
Everyone else is completely forgettable. Each character gets their own character arc or story. However, all of them are BORING. Literally every issue they deal with involves uncertainty about friendship, future, or music. Actually, they’re not even issues. They’re just extremely minor inconveniences or unanswered questions that aren’t even problems. So, you’re just watching characters constantly talking and trying to answer the questions with little action. These “issues” never branch out into anything significant either. No further issues piling up, or no entertaining solutions. It’s just a linear problem that is solved with some cheesy speech or putting on a concert.
In other words, the plots for a lot of episodes pretty much go like this: Character is acting quiet about something. Someone asks what’s wrong. They say they are unsure about what to do regarding music/friendship/future. Solution is telling them that they are their friends, or that school idols cheer people up.
Each character is supposed to have their own quirk, but they are hardly expressed, or just feel randomly tacked on and last a little bit of time, so I hardly remember those traits. The previous Love Lives express them better, making the characters more memorable. Dia is always cold but then suddenly becomes childish. Yoshiko is a chuunibyu. Umi is tsundere acts as a straightman for stuff, especially since the Love Live cast actually deals with PROBLEMS.
Some characters in Nijigasaki were a little more entertaining than others. Lanzhu was an interesting rival character and has some interesting quirks of wanting to go her own way and showing off her talent. That fits the spirit of the other Love Lives. Having a character actually express their issues and goals that are impactful. Yu is also more expressive than the others and deals with actual issues. Rina’s acting (in the English dub at least) was actually really great when she talked about her issue of not being able to show emotion in her episode. But in the end, all these characters in some way just end up being background characters to fill up time in each episode.
Now the second problem with the show, which I already mentioned: The story and actual entertainment. I don’t know if this anime was taken under some new management, but this was definitely the most “wholesome” and corniest of the franchise. However, this anime takes the wholesomeness WAY too far. Like, just the feeling of the show was too lighthearted and happy, bringing very little issues or jokes in each episode. It’s like the show is constantly monitored for censorship. You can’t make any jokes here. You can’t make the characters deal with problems outside of friendship and music. You must make them walk on this line of overdone non-problems. The other Love Lives had a bigger variety of problems and antics and jokes that can go to PG territory (especially the boob jokes). Maybe Nijigasaki was supposed to be for little kids growing up in a Christian community. Even then, would they actually find this entertaining?
The plot of the show is mainly about the School Idol festivals and concerts to perform. Though, they are always solved in the most ridiculous ways. As in, how do you do a concert so everyone is happy? Let’s have more concerts scattered all over the place! And the show just agrees it works. Or, Shioriko didn’t intend on being a school idol? Well, now she does and is somehow an expert in singing and dancing (despite other Love Lives showing how difficult it is to do those things). If the world can work unrealistically like that and suddenly create the perfect solution without thinking of the steps in doing so, then where’s the entertainment in seeing them try to solve the problem?
One last thing to point out is the animation. The CG dancing is definitely better. However, I counted WAY too many times where it’s just showing still framed images, especially during montages. Additionally, not only are the characters not expressive in personality, but also in their animation. The characters are constantly static-looking most of the time. The other Love Lives had a lot more extreme reactions or facial expressions when doing stuff. Once again, the only character that is better at this is Kasumi.
So why did I watch this anime to the end despite already knowing how bad it was from season 1? A few reasons. Despite how boring most of the characters are, I just kept seeing the potential each of them had, and I just BEGGED for them to be more entertaining. It’s sort of like if there was a new kid’s cartoon, but one of the main characters was played by Dwayne Johnson. So now it’s like, okay, now I’m fucking curious about what this show is. However, they don’t bring out the potential The Rock has, yet you just keep begging the show to do something about it. Now, if it was an anime where the characters are completely unlikable and obnoxious from the beginning, and I know the character will be like this all the way, then yeah, I’m not watching that garbage any further.
The other reason was that there is an Ace Attorney fangame made by krakelak that uses the Nijigasaki cast. The writing in that is WAY better, and actually makes the characters entertaining. So I just used the anime as a way to get all the background information.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Oct 15, 2022
Most likely, if you watched this, you watched the past seasons of Please Take My Brother Away. It has been a while since I watched season 4, so I started to refamiliarize myself with the show. I think it still holds up in terms of entertainment. The flash animation creates good and unique comedic effect (even though it's not traditional animation for anime, but whatever). The characters and their relationships are pretty much the same as they were in the last seasons. There is also just as much plot as there was in the last seasons (which is very little).
In terms of comedy writing, I
will admit it is a bit lacking compared to seasons 2 and 3. It had some funny scenes and actions like before, but I feel it is missing the whole escalation of situations. Some of the gags and scenes felt like they could've gone further with the jokes, but it ends before it could get better. What I liked from the previous seasons mentioned was the constant suspense of how much further they can keep doing their shenanigans, or seeing how much worse the situation gets.
Overall, there isn't a reason to not watch this season if you like it. It is a short comedy to have fun watching.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 14, 2022
I'm not even kidding, I need someone to please explain to me why this show is so good. I will admit, when I first saw the poster and premise, it looked unique and promising. Everyone would keep talking non-stop about how good it was, and I kept seeing all the high scores. I finally watch it, and just kept thinking "It's going to get better now, right?" And just manages to be boring garbage every episode.
This is a comedy anime, but after the first two episodes of introduction, all the jokes become way too predictable. Literally every joke is:
Dad/Mom/Anya do something crazy
People act shocked
Sometimes people
question the absurdity.
And that's it. No raising the stakes. No taking the joke any further. It's almost like watching someone go on the street and say a dirty joke just to get a reaction, and leaves without doing anything further. Like yeah, I guess the spy equipment or assassin skills or crazy intelligence is abnormal enough to be funny, but if do this schtick with the same characters over and over without escalating it, then it's literally watching the same joke on repeat, which gets boring.
My other problem is the inconsistency of the show. When I read the premise, I was like "oh man, a spy and an assassin have to fake a family, while hiding their true identities? There's no way they could fuck up this hilarious premise." What happens instead? Dad/Mom accidentally do something that reveal their identity. Then one of them justifies it with like "oh, I take yoga" or "I like helping children". And that's it. No further discussion. They just drop the conversation to do something else. So if the premise of the show is a spy and assassin hiding their identities, but you literally don't want to have any plot or discussion when their identity is accidentally revealed... THE FUCK AM I WATCHING THIS SHOW FOR? I have nothing to feel tense or to laugh about if I know that every single time they accidentally reveal their identity, no sense of consequence will happen to them.
So, okay, the show has no good jokes. Maybe it's just my problem that I watch these animes for comedy (even though I've seen people talk about how hilarious this show is all the time). But it's a spy show, there's gotta be a lot of action, right? I find it... eh. It could be my own bias, but I feel like the action is just okay. Nothing too special or tactful. Just, well, what you expect to happen in any spy action show.
Finally, we have the wholesome stuff. Yeah, I don't give a fuck about that. I don't give a fuck about the cute stuff with Anya. I don't care about showing how they can be a loving family despite being fake. All the people who like this wholesome stuff are probably just a bunch of people who wished they had wholesome loving families in the show, or had a cute sibling like Anya. I mean, if you like that, sure go for it. If you don't care about it, then you will really not care about this show at all.
Is there anything I like? The backstory is really good, and the idea of the premise is good. And that's what made me so disappointed. They had a really good concept, and just execute it in the worst way possible. The other thing I like is the Dad character. He reminds me of Saiki K when giving his deadpan commentary on stuff, which is kind of funny.
UPDATE: Apparently there is this interview where the creator of Spy X Family admits he did not like the characters in his manga. https://en.as.com/meristation_en/2022/07/15/news/1657911905_266946.html#:~:text=Tatsuya%20Endo%2C%20the%20mangaka%20behind,no%20attachment%20to%20the%20characters.%22
Right there, he just admitted he made the characters the way they were just for the fans, especially how Anya is just loli-bait. And what do you know, he himself did not give a shit about the relationships enough to have a bond with his own characters. I've been telling everyone how the characters are just bait every time someone brings up Spy X Family. I told them they only like the show for the characters and wholesomeness and nothing else. I FUCKING TOLD YOU GUYS!
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 22, 2021
I only watched the first 4 episodes before I dropped this, so if I say something that is contradicted by something later in the series, then sure, that's my fault. However, I really gave this anime a chance, and 4 episodes was enough to make me realize what the rest of the show was going to be.
Story 3/10
The story just makes no sense to me. So a brother-sister NEET pair get sent to a fantasy world where all conflicts are settled through games. However, these settlements are also used to determine who gets control of the land, or taking over other kingdoms. The kingdom, where
our heroes live, is a human populated land where none of the humans can use magic. At some point, there is someone that is basically trying to make the human kingdom a puppet state to the Elves or something, because they have magic that would enrich their lives.
So, why don't they let the humans let people with magic take over? They don't give a good reason. We just get some bullshit speech from the brother character saying like "humans are weak, but those two who now rule the human kingdom will promise to make their kingdom show their strength?" Okay, but that puppet person was correct still. There's absolutely no reason for them to NOT have magic people rule over them. It would make their lives better having magic users around. I mean, all settlements are handled through games anyways, so what difference would it make? The magic people can't hurt anyone in any way, so I don't see the problem. Magic people being better at winning games? It's a fantasy world, literally anything could happen. Nothing establishes what makes the world horrible, or even what makes the other kingdoms bad, other than "they see humans as stupid." The whole world isn't explained well enough to show the problems with having one kingdom take over another.
The other main plot is that the two protagonists try to take over every kingdom so they could fight a God. Why? No reason. Just for bragging rights. So, why should I care?
Again, you can criticize me for not finishing the show, but after listening to that speech, I just thought "You know what, this show is actually really stupid".
Art 6/10
Art is okay. The whole fantasy world is full of saturated colors. I know some people think it's eye ipecac, but I don't really care that much about it. Characters designs are okay I guess, but nothing I would say really stands out.
Of course you got all the lewd and ecchi stuff. This is kind of reserved for enjoyment category, but I don't care about that stuff unless there's really a funny visual gag with them. You also get a bunch of lewd shots of the 11 year old sister, so there's your pseudo-pedophilic visuals for those who enjoy that.
I'm not an art or animation critic. I just care about funny visuals or good action scenes. Nothing really stood out. But overall, I would say it's passable.
Sound 4/10
I don't remember the OP nor ED. None of the music really stands out. Sound effects are, well, what you expect.
Voices are okay, but nothing really stands out. It's passable. What matters though are the characters, which I will go into now.
Character 2/10
I don't like the main characters. Now this is where I can finally explain why this show sucks.
First of all, the main characters, Sora and Shiro, have an incestual-pedophilic-relationship. I swear, whoever wrote this thing is the head writer behind all the step-sibling porn on PornHub, or whatever companies make them. However, even the Folgers commercial has more a realistic sibling relationship depiction than this. The way they talk to each other like some "gamer guy gamer girl" love relationship and the constant agreement on stuff that they do is just, no. I don't know what Japan is like, but no sibling relationship, especially a little sister older brother one, is EVER like this. It's just a sibling fantasy that this author wished he had.
Second of all, when you think about it, why did this show need two protagonists. As mentioned, both characters agree on a lot of stuff that is situational. Additionally, both characters have the same trait of being masters of gaming. If they both have the same thoughts, feelings, and experiences, it could've just been one entity as the protagonist. Both characters are always together anyways. It's not like there would be any problem of them being separated anyways since they're almost the same character who have no trouble with games. They have slight differences, like the sister is shy, but better at learning. But again, they are both always together, and the issues are instantly resolved with the other sibling constantly around. There isn't any character development, it's literally just "We both can do this." "Oh I can't solve it, but she could." "Now it's his turn to solve the issue." So, what's the point of having two characters? I'll tell you why. Loli incest sells, people.
Third of all, the main characters have an incestual-pedophilic-relationship. I just needed to mention that again.
Fourth of all, besides the whole sibling relationship, the whole NEET status is just unrealistic. So both are shut-ins with no one else to talk to, not even online because they're way too good for those people and want to stay anonymous. First thing to point out, both of them are in pretty good shape, despite their horrid living conditions. Second thing, their personalities. So the little sister makes sense. She is shy and clingy to brother because that's pretty much the only person she could love, and can't really communicate with others. Okay, but how the fuck does the brother go around? He has demonstrated his ability of talking to others with full confidence, even to girls (which he claims can't even get a girlfriend because of how he is). Am I missing something here? I know it would be stupid to have an anime going around a guy who refuses to talk to people, but like, I just find it very contradicting and unrealistic to me. You can't tell me that a guy sitting in his room playing video games all day can just go around telling people what to do, telling girls his feelings his love, and giving spontaneous speeches to a crowd of people with full confidence. Yeah, you can say this just sounds like some 4chan greentext post, but seriously, I just think it's stupid when you want to portray a NEET like the most perfect person on the planet.
So you're probably thinking, don't you read fantasies to get the feeling of experiencing these unrealistic things? Don't you wish you had a family consisting of yourself and a loli sister, and absolutely no parents to think about? Don't you want to have the life of playing video games all day while having the confidence as Tommy Wiseau? Well, if that's the point of this story, sure go ahead. I just think all of this adds up to just being pure shit in terms of character.
Now the other characters. There's Steph who is just loud and annoying, and filled with fanservice. There's even one scene where the brother clearly puts her in a fanservice outfit. There's also that God name Tet, who feels like Kyuubey from Madoka Magica. Yeah, that's pretty much it. They're not interesting either. There's this whole harem thing that happens later I think, but do you think I give a shit about that?
Enjoyment 2/10
I don't know who these watchers are, or what they watched previously, but this show is the definition of "Overrated". Why do people like it? This show was just boring.
First thing to talk about. The comedy. It's not funny. There's stuff involving characters freaking out and slapstick stuff, but the build-up or reason behind these moments aren't anything like detrimental on scale, or kind of like "who care?", so it just feels forced in the end.
There are also the fanservice jokes. Now, let me say this. I like dark humor, and this show puts in jokes relating to the siblings' incestual loli relationship. However, it's pretty much established from the very beginning of the anime about what their relationship is like. So in other words, there's really no punchline for these jokes. Yeah, Sora can't see little sister naked without being called a pedophile. Where's the funny? He's already treated that weird relationship as normal throughout the show, and no one really makes a surprised response about it in the show. What's so funny? The fact he implies he is a pedophile when it was already established? That's not funny. Basically, when the basis for something is weird or absurd from the beginning, you can't really make any jokes about it.
Other than that, you got your big boob grab, the small boob jealousy, failing to perv on cute girl. Yeah, I've seen all this before. Oh, they do reference some games and anime. Yeah, I know they're NEETs and gamers or whatever, and I sometimes like references in other anime, but for this show, I just feel they're cringey.
I will admit, there is only one joke I did laugh at, or more like, only one time I laughed in the entirety of what I watched. It was when Steph was trying to ask the male protag about something important, and cuts to him responding back to her questions while furiously jerking off. See, THAT'S funny. It's completely unexpected, while having an absurd yet somewhat relatable situation. Okay, maybe not that funny since I already know he's a pervert, but still, it got a laugh out of me.
Now the other part: the main game plot. I don't find it entertaining. So the plot is that the Sora and Shiro are so good at game that they get sent to a world where all conflict is resolved through playing games. And, there you go, that's my fucking problem. If they are experts at games, I'm sure not expecting them to lose. I don't feel any stress or tension when the action happens. Additionally, they are both NEETs living in a world completely made for them. There's absolutely nothing for them to lose. They get to play games against people all the time, meaning they could reclaim their stuff back easily if they lose. Plus, it's a fantasy world with lots of stuff to enjoy. What's the draw back? They had nothing back in their original world, and this whole fantasy world is an upgrade. Anything they raise stakes on is pretty much no big deal to them if they lose. They're not going to be banished back to their old world or anything. If there's no real issue, then it's not fun to watch them compete for basically nothing.
The real main plot is that Sora and Shiro become the kings of their kingdom, and all the other kingdoms are competing against each other using this game-settlement thing. Pretty much when the protagonists win, they get land an a new girl or something in their harem, and if they lose, then the other kingdom takes over their land. However, I have mentioned my problem with the story. If they win, they win. If they lose, their kingdom gets taken over by a more powerful kingdom with magic. But, why is this bad? All what Sora says is that he wants to prove Humans are better. Yeah okay, that's cool, but really, what do you lose from all of this? You really don't lose anything that important. The protagonists just win for their own bragging rights. Nothing bad is going to happen to them. In other words, no matter how big these stakes are, I don't feel anything. I don't care what happens knowing there are no consequences. Where's the fun in that?
As for the games themselves, they are all like typical games, except they have certain loopholes in them. I know these loopholes are supposed to throw a curve ball into people's plans. However, I just don't think they are that clever. For one thing, there's magic that can be used, so now you know a game can easily be cheated that way, and the show can just throw in any random bullshit when it feels like it. Second of all, this is hard for me to describe, but for me, the way things are countered don't feel special. I know I didn't see the rest of the episodes, but with what I've seen so far, none of the action made me go at the edge of my seat, or make me feel so satisfied, or make me think "Wow, I would've neve thought of that". All I can say is, the execution of this stuff just wasn't good.
Overall 3/10
I was bored of it from the beginning to be honest, but at the same time I kept thinking "this is gonna get better, right?" There are other shows like this, like gambling or strategic battles and stuff. However, this one really fails to capture it. My biggest gripe is the whole idea that there is really no conflict, so all the games and competitions don't feel serious. Yes, I know, it is a comedy. However, the comedy isn't funny, and feels overdone or forced. There is ecchi stuff. Yeah, cool, if you're into that, go watch it and search up all the rule 34 you want afterwards. Could this show have been better using the same genres? Maybe. But, if you fail at one genre, at least try to do a little better with the others.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 7, 2021
I saw previous reviews, and was a bit curious of what they meant about the bullying. I was thinking, maybe I might think it is funny, and people are just being babies. Well, I was wrong. This manga is horrible.
Story 1/10
Every chapter goes like this:
1. Bitchy girl finds a way to embarrass beta male's appearance/hobbies/personality.
2. Beta males cries like a whiny bitch.
3. Bitchy girl pretends to be attracted to beta male.
4. Beta Male falls for the ruse, or too scared to back out.
5. Bitchy girl inflicts some sort of physical or emotional pain with 0 remorse to beta male.
And that's it. That's literally EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER. I kept reading on, and hoping it would get better. But, no, it's the same predictable outcome. I literally read some chapters and think "Oh gee wizz, what could possible happen next? Is the girl who is flirting with the boy really going to kiss him? Or will she, I don't know, call him a pathetic gullible loser like she does in every fucking chapter?"
There isn't particularly a storyline. I'm okay with like "slice of life" stuff like this. But I still want to see something new. A new character? Some character change? Anything to make it more interesting. Additionally, some things just don't make any sense to me. If that main guy character doesn't like the girl, why the fuck would he keep her phone number and let her call him?
I swear, the best way to describe the writing is like the author is some submissive cuck who has a humiliation fetish, and this is his way of letting his fantasies come out.
Art 5/10
The art is okay. It's passable, it's presentable. I kind of like seeing Nagatoro's expressions. Yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say.
Character 3/10
You know what? I was thinking maybe, just MAYBE, I would've enjoyed this manga a whole lot better if Nagatoro was the MAIN main protagonist. I do like her bitchy tsundere kind of attitude, but the execution as a whole is just horrible. The problem is the main character, Naoto, is some wimpy guy who can't stand up to himself to a younger girl. He never changes in character. I wouldn't mind seeing a comedy skit involving a senpai getting bullied by by his kouhai, but when you do the same exact thing over and over and over again, I'M GOING TO GET BORED. When it's just constantly seeing Nagatoro harass this one guy, she becomes extremely hatable. She deliberately takes advantage of him by taking everything he loves, and criticizing him for enjoying those things. She will also constantly antagonize him for his looks and submissive personality. She does it to the point of tears, yet will further make fun of him for that. For, whatever reason, Naoto just takes it, and lets her continue doing her bullying. Again, I think this was written for some humiliation fetish stuff.
If I could rewrite it, it would've been entertaining to see Nagatoro interact with different people, or bully different kinds of people. It would make things more interesting, and seeing all sorts of scenarios. Creating more characters. THAT would make it more enjoyable while keeping the same bullying actions. As for Naoto, I guess he could interact with other people, but I hate him. Even if I enjoy watching a wimp like him, why would I root for a guy who deliberately opens the door for bullying. Well, unless watching a guy purposely get bullied on purpose is your thing.
Enjoyment 2/10
I didn't think this was funny at all. Once again, I kind of thought Nagatoro is a bit entertaining, but that can only go so far when it's the same character she harasses, and the same exact story each chapter.
Overall 3/10
The closest thing I can compare to is Uzaki-chan, sort of like an inverse in a way. I don't like Uzaki-chan, but I still got some entertainment. I kind of like the way how the main character gets pissed off at Uzaki when she won't quit harassing, and in general it has some funny moments. But this one, it's just a girl harassing a guy with 0 entertainment coming out of it. Maybe this was for like humiliation fetishists, or BDSM lovers without the sex or pain. If it is, sure, I guess you can enjoy it for that. I really don't feel like continuing to read the rest. It's just gonna be the same shit anyways.
I know there's an anime coming out in Spring 2021. And oh man, I am 100% expecting to see this fucking Nagatoro chick EVERYWHERE when it comes out. She's just gonna be the new face of being that one god damn annoying anime girl. I can see it now, r/waifuism going all over her, and my youtube feed being clogged up with this girl. To be honest, I might see one episode just to see if it makes it more "entertaining" in animation form. But I swear, Japanese or English dub, if she has some super insufferable voice, I'm gonna eat my fucking house.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Dec 16, 2019
Story 9/10
There is no real story, as each episode sets itself with a brand new story. In general, every story each story works for me. They all begin with explaining either a stupidly funny premise, or even a premise based off Japanese history. The pacing of the show is fast, but it is done in a way so everything is coherent. It manages to nail all the jokes in, while making a good complete beginning to end for each story.
Art 8/10
The art is just all over the place, overall bizarre. I really like that, as it can show visual gags in different art forms, and
allows different funny ways to show character interactions. Though of course, sometimes the art is a bit weird to look at, and sometimes looks kind of ugly, or even lazy. Though I should expect that considering the nature of the anime. I also like how for the historical type of episodes, they are done in a way to look like it is manga style.
Sound 4/10
There isn't really a memorable soundtrack throughout the episodes, especially since you're more focused on the fast paced action and constant screaming. The OP is pretty good, but the ED is obviously horrible. I know that the ED song was made to be horrible on purpose, but I'm still counting that as bad music.
Character 9/10
Every episode or story has new and unique characters. However, they are all fun to watch. All of the characters are stupid, make clever comments and jokes, or just mindless yelling. In the historical episodes, they have historical figures portrayed in a stupid way, yet is funny to watch. Every character does stick to their role, such as who they are as a historical figure, or their job. Though I do think they're funny, I sometimes think the craziness or stupidness does become too much for me.
Enjoyment 9/10
I really enjoyed every episode. They all have a unique story, but filled with nonsense or slapstick or stupid shit happening all the time. That type of stuff makes me laugh. As I like to critique comedy, I think the jokes are well done, the pacing is always good, and the timing and punchlines are all mostly good. There are moments in which jokes get repetitive, or not very funny. However, the show is very fast paced, so it is always constantly throwing new things in your face. Overall, the mix of stories, visuals, and characters made this show enjoyable.
Overall 8/10
I watched every episode in one sitting because I enjoyed it a lot. It's an anime that makes me laugh a lot, and enjoy seeing new scenarios and characters. Though, as I mentioned, sometimes the show can be way too stupid, or stuff that falls flat. But overall, it is an anime that I would recommend if you like watching stupid nonsensical shit.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 16, 2019
Story 4/10
There isn't a story, but has a basis about 2 girls joining a Cultural Activity Preservation club. I do like plotless animes because it means it can have more creativity and more open minded on wacky adventures. Unfortunately, this isn't really the case, The two main characters learn about weird or interesting skills, and that's it. Nothing really builds on from that. What else is there to say but "oh, that's weird".
Art 8/10
I know some people say "The animation is lazy flash" or "it using real photos for backgrounds." But you know what? I like it. It is the good type of weird animation
that works. It may be lazy, but it is visually interesting to me. It kind of reminds me of Tom Goes to the Mayor type of animation. I like the contrast of different animation, such as how Ichirou is lower quality and almost traditionally drawn compared to the flash drawn girls. I also like the ED animation. The style is overall visually pleasing to me.
Sound 5/10
The only memorable songs are any of the classical music, which I like. Nothing bad about that. But for the rest of the songs, they aren't too memorable. There is no Op, but there is an ED, which sounds okay.
Character 4/10
The characters are not too interesting. There are some unique and funny things about each character, but once that's out of the way, nothing much. The two main characters explore an old talent, and question it and make some comments, but nothing interesting afterwards. Ichirou and toothpick girl are both memorable, but everyone else, not so much.
Enjoyment 4/10
Every episode feels like a a very long setup of explaining "Here are the characters, here is the scenario, here's the talent", and then the last 10 seconds is the big punchline. The whole episode drags on long, and as mentioned before, nothing really funny happens. The last 10 seconds become a hit or miss. Though to be honest, the punchlines are usually funny. But aside from that, the rest of the anime is pretty boring.
Overall 4/10
Do you like listening to people over explain weird things in an uninteresting way? Do you like listening to really long setups for a joke? If yes, this is the anime for you. I made it halfway through the series until I got bored. Each episode is a different plot, but the formula is the same. Although I think the endings can be funny, the whole show doesn't really offer much appeal.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 16, 2019
Story 5/10
I heard Kill La Kill was pretty popular and gets good reviews, so I decided to see what the hype was about. The plot of the story is told pretty early, but already I felt this plot seems pretty overdone. But whatever, you can still have an overdone plot if the execution is done right. However, as the story progresses, it just felt like nothing was suspenseful or building up. Things are just told out of nowhere, and just leaves me thinking "oh, ok". I dropped the anime halfway through because the story really didn't feel it was getting any better. It's kind of
like if someone made a painting, and they try to improve it by keep adding glitter to it instead of actually painting something new and unique to it.
Art 7/10
The art is pretty good. The animation is well made, and I enjoy stuff like the fast keyframe animations. Characters and sequences are pleasing to look at. But sometimes the scenes just seem to bland. I know it's supposed to be part of the setting, but there was too much gray. There's all the ecchi stuff, but it gets old for me, and felt more and more it was done for fanservice. Well, considering the popularity, this is textbook definition of fanservice. There are fight scenes, but feel lackluster to be honest. I like the idea of unique challenges and fights, but at the same time it felt kind of bland in demonstration.
Sound 6/10
It has has decent OST, but at the same time nothing too special to make me listen to it outside of watching it. I don't really care about the OP and ED. It's one of those animes in which I feel like skipping the intro and ending.
Character 3/10
Now before I go straight to talking about the main character, I need to get this out of the way. I FUCKING HATE MAKO. She is literally added just to be annoying. You remember that one kid in school who always tries to be "random" and always fails to be funny? Yep, that's the kid in anime form. She just comes in, acts "cute" or "funny", almost like the director said "This show is too dark, let's force in some comic relief". Aside from that, she literally adds NOTHING to the story. The only thing she does is being Ryuuko's only friend. Okay, cool, but it changes nothing about the story, and doesn't really add anything to Ryuuko's character. Like what, it's supposed to show Ryuuko cares about people? Ryuuko still doesn't give a shit about anybody, and Mako is just forcing her to be friends. And again, this adds nothing to the story at all. You can cut out those moments with the show, and it will still be the same story. Additionally, Mako's family is just as annoying and unfunny. All their perverted stuff, all their crazy antics, it just feels forced and makes me want to skip over scenes involving them. Oh, did I mention they also add nothing to the story at all? FUCK MAKO.
Okay, with that out of the way, Ryuuko felt pretty static. She does learn some new things about herself, but not to a high degree. She's always the same angsty, vengeful girl. I don't really feel any connection with her. It just feels like a bland angry character that acts as a basis personality for a main character. Her relation with Senketsu is kind of interesting, since it is one of the few unique things this show has going.
Speaking of which, I do like Senketsu. His attitude is sporadic and weird, yet at the same time cares about protecting Ryuuko. His explanation of himself and his determination are always pretty cool to listen to.
To be honest, my favorite characters are the "Character of the day" characters. I like how over the top character the characters are, because it makes them feel unique. This also includes the Elite 4 characters. They're pretty much a saving point for the characters.
As for the rest of the characters, I just simply don't care. They act all suspenseful and mysterious, but at the same time, I feel "If they aren't going to do something special, why do I even care?".
Enjoyment 5/10
For an anime like this, I expected action, and comedy. For action, I just feel, meh. As mentioned previously in the art, the fight scenes felt kind of stale. Just a bunch of screaming, and usually fanservice stuff to the mix. Again, each battle is different, so I do like that, but execution just falls flat for me.
As someone who is critical of comedy, I tend to focus a lot on this. This includes joke execution, dialogue, pacing, visual gags, stuff like that. As mentioned before, not only do I like the "character of the days", but they are usually the ones that make me laugh. Their dialogue and their over the top actions are enjoyable. Everything else in the anime, jokes felt kind of forced, or not funny in general. As also previously mentioned, Mako is painfully unfunny, and the attempt to make her funny makes me physically cringe. Remember when I said I like fast keyframe animation? Well, I lied a little, because Mako is the exception. The voicing, the fanservice, her clingy attitude, her fast motion really get annoying and old fast. Even when watching alone, I just feel embarrassed and want to skip the scene just because of how painfully unfunny and annoying it is to watch. Besides Mako, there are some quips here and there that are funny, but overall nothing too funny.
Overall 5/10
Unimpressed. Everything felt like it had a premise that could set up for something good, but then the actual execution leaves me unimpressed. This could follow up with the fact that people rate it pretty good, so my expectations were pretty high. I was on episode 12, and paused halfway through the episode to do something. Then some hours later, I remembered "oh right, I had to finished Kill La Kill". But at the same time, I realized "I'm not enjoying this. I'm just trying to force myself to watch it just for the sake of saying 'I watched Kill La Kill because other people said it was good'". Maybe it's supposed to be some parody or satire kind of anime, like making fun of anime tropes. If that's the case, the show fails at doing that. I'm pretty sure this is the case for some people, but I feel the only reason people like this anime, or continued watching is just because of the "fanservice" and ecchi stuff. Well, how about,
I͙̬̭͖ͨͤ ̭̬̺̭̙̪̈Ḑ̻͎̘̺͛̚Ơ̫͍̯N̻͎̠̍'ͣ͒͆͠T̢̰̭̟̠͖̮͍̑ ̩͔̫̩͔̳͔G̤̻͙̮̘̼̬ͮ̽ͤ̽̚͡Ị̼͡V̡̩̹̤͎̼͖̓͗͌͆ͮ̽̈E̲͈̝̠̲ͩ̄ ̷̹̲̦̲̼͚̉͊ͯA̋ͫ͏̮̣̬̗̠̬ ̹̩̫̯̟̒͛ͧͩ̂S͍͎͔͈̭̮ͯͧ̑̿H͐̾ͯ́I̡̜͕̙͑̐͌̾͊̅̚T̍̌̎̑ͥͬ ̨͇̯̜̗̟̒ͦ́ͅA̷͍̹͚̿͛B̡͓̬̯̥́͒ͥ̓O̴̒ͧU̞̪̖̻̜̍ͥͬͮ͑T̯̳̪ ̆ͭ̊ͣ͐F͖̦̬̦̗̃͑̎͘A̹͚̻͖͖N̛͇̭̗ͮ̏S͗̆Ê̡̦͙̟̣̣̮͌̚ͅR̯͎̮͈͉̟ͧ̍ͭͩ̚̚͠V̢̘̪̝̿ͫI̴̬͔̼͉̠̗̞ͫC̣͙̯̤̼̗ͅE̓ͨ̆̔͒̐̌.̡͙͍̝͚̘͎̫̇̓
and actually wanted an anime to enjoy all the way through.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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