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Feb 23, 2025
TLDR : It's kinda peak until the last few chapters. Nonetheless, it's still interesting enough to be worth reading. Even the mistakes commited in the last chapters are interesting to deep into. Just read it
Risuka is about a very twisted, smart, but powerless kid fighting dangerous magicians with only his brain and his magician ally.
Let's note that the author, NisioIsin is a big JoJo fan (so much that he even did an interview with Araki a decade ago). And it shows 'cause it is the most JoJo-ish manga I've ever seen up until this point. Not art-wise, but fighting-wise. There is little to no
hand to hand combat, every fights are about insane powers opposed to MC Kizutaka's ingeniosity.
Even though I may be comparing it to JoJo, it still has its very own distinct personnality, don't get me wrong it's only about inspiration. Emoto Sensei's art was also insane throughout the whole manga it was FANTASTIC.
It was a great read for most of its running, despite one or two asspulls during certain fights..
So what went wrong here ?
First things first, even tho is author turns out to be the same as Monogatari and Medaka Box (aka peak human art), this is the adaptation of an old novel he started like 23 years ago in 2003. The thing is the novel went on hiatus in 2008 until 2020, where he dropped that lackluster, final volume. That's an insane period of time to put a series on hiatus. Sensei even admitted after the manga's final chapters that after reading his oldest works, he realized he wasn't built to write those anymore.
In 12 years, your writing experience, beliefs and writing style tend to change so drastically that you simply cannot write anymore in the same as you used to 10 years ago.
Which explains that very rushed conclusion that basically consists in exposition dump and thousands of completely insane plot twists at the same time, while just one volume backwards, the story seemed to be only in the middle of it, not in its final part. It really came out of nowhere like an axed manga's conclusion
However, what he didn't say, is that in my eyes, it just seems like Sensei also took such a long pause because he felt like he cornered himself with the way he made the story evolve, and ran out of ideas to unwrap the story he initially wanted to tell. Leading him to run away from his own work, until he desperately came back to it 12 years later without any grand conviction, as if to finish off a dying patient he had failed to save.
I like to know about this tho because it makes me feel better to know that even this man happened to produce flawed works.
It would've been a 8, if not for that fraudulous ending. So to me it's between 7 and 7.5.
If there's one good lesson with can take off that work, it's the following :
A good blacksmith never lets the iron cool down before finishing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 12, 2024
6.70 is crazy for such a good show. And it ain't even justified. Lemme explain
Bucchigiri is a great short fighting anime inspired by middle eastern culture, about regret, friendship and loneliness (as surprising as it may sound given the first episode).
(Resposting this review for the 156th time since the original was removed. So I had to censor myself in the name of "correctness")
Story : 7.25/10
Story is quite fine. Of course there are flaws I'm going to talk about, but it's overall a quite solid story.
The reason why people hated this show and rated it 6 or even 5 (which is horrendously low) is only because
the MC is flawed. Yes you heard me right, there's quite a lot of people out here hating on the show just because the MC dares to be human and have flaws.
A MC being flawed, until the opposite is proven, doesn't make a manga bad tho. I've seen mangas about literal criminals (Mushoku Tensei and Shamo) and yet they're finely written so the MC being a simp just ain't a valid argument to call the show trash.
The worst part in this is that all of this is justified if you follow the whole story without the attention span of a tiktok user.
There's a reason behind all of the MC's arguable actions, there's a reason why he ghosts his best friend to simp on some girl, there's a reason why his best friend nevertheless stays super attached to him. The story overall is completely coherent whether you like it or not. That's an objective fact, and if you don't believe me just check my post in the ''horrible mc'' discussion of the forum (spoiling the show)
It's also kinda funny, I liked a lot of its comedic aspects, even the MC simping on a girl that ain't even giving a dang about him, or the mom (especially the mom cause ngl she kindaaaaaa🥶🥶🥶). It ain't hilarious but it's enough to bring a good mood to the story.
But don't ever listen to these sanctimonious people down there in the comments, Mahoro, the MC's love interest is fine in her own way. She's a perfect mix of being absolutely horrible, cute and funny in the same time. Needless to say, most people hate her since most people don't like imperfect characters. In my opinion that just says more about them but ok
However there's one major flaw to the story, and it is that as weird as it sounds, the final part lacks an episode.
I mean I'm not saying there's literally a plot hole, but I rather mean that what the conclusion lacks is an additionnal episode before the very last fight in order to flesh out Matakara and Arajin's past more (same for Sen'ya and his homie), since even though we get to know about their past, it just didn't feel "meaty" enough.
Like, I know they've done a good job at suggesting and telling you things without necessarily having to show them right in your face like a baby.. but I still think they could've done more. Because adding more content, details and screentime to these flashbacks would've been a perfect way to solidify the themes of the show, and make the characters even more touching and likeable. So in the state the scenario ended up being, it totally works in theory, but in practice, development feels super dry.
This still can be resolved with an additional OVA, even though that'd be no different than a day one patch for a video game. However, given Mappa CEO's greed I highly doubt they'd dare to add another single episode, even thought that could be benificial for the show.
This is why it is a quite good story, but not an exceptional one. Which I regret because it really wasn't that far away from excellence, it was all set up for it.
Nonetheless, that's still a great story about flawed, likeable and human characters. .
Visual : 9/10
Art direction looks insane straight up and give to the show an arabian looking aesthetic through the chara design and backgrounds, making it objectively stand out among the anime market since there's almost no other show going for this kind of art direction, with the sole exception of Magi. Needless to say, animation is globally top notch for the entirety of the show making each fight a pleasure to watch
Musics : 7.5/10
Music in the anime industry are most of the time the result of professionals' work. So even by staying the less subjective possible about it, it's very hard to find an anime with objectively bad music (by ''objectively'' I mean technical or purely theoric points regarding music theory, arrangement or production). So that being said, what makes an anime's soundtrack better than another isn't the technical aspect of it but rather its individuality. And I think that on that point, Bucchigiri does a fine job, since there's a handful of soundtracks you couldn't mistake for another anime. But that's not the case for the majority of the soundtrack like with Bleach's soundtrack or even Hunter x Hunter for example. Hence my 7.5, I only give 8 or more to literally exceptional soundtracks.
So overall, even though rating an anime is quite complicated.. Bucchigiri is a 7.65/10. Not a masterpiece, but it wasn't that far. What's sure anyway is that it deserves everyone's chance because it's not only great, but also super interesting aesthetically speaking.
(I gave it 10/10 on my account but don't mind that, it's just a desperate attempt in balancing out the horrible rating)
To conclude I ain't English, so if there's any weird phrasing here and there you'll know why that is
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 13, 2022
It was actually quite good, despite what edgy lads can say about it.
Story : 6,5 - The story features really good games, and the mc only makes them more interesting. He's quite shady at first and that's why he comes out to be quite unpredictable until the very last episode (for a reason I won't spoil). So watching him resolving seemingly unsolvable situations never fails to be satisfying. I won't criticize character developement yet tho, because the anime obiviously didn't even cover half of the manga yet.
It's kinda complicated to criticize this point.. I'm gonna give a 6,5 to the story for the moment
given its potential, since we didn't even see yet what the whole story has to show. It wasn't bad at all until now, I'm confident about what will happen next
Art : 7 - Backgrounds were pretty, chara design looks fine, drawings are incredible during certain scenes and the art direction in itself look really great. But when it comes to the animation, it is terribly average and limited. It is, however, forgivable considering most episodes didn't need crazy animation scene (except the last one), after all, it's a story driven show. So yeah, animation is globally the only flaw, everything else is done fine, so hupefully some scenes will be fixed for the blu ray version.
Musics : 8 - The whole soundtrack is really good, as a music producer myself, I can tell that it's a really good work for sure.. so why do I give it a 8 instead of a 9 or a 10 ? Well.. Despite the OST being incredibly well done on every point, musics are not memorable. And I think what makes the cut between very good composers and phenomenal composers is how memorable their soundtrack is. So I'd say it's very unlikely that you will remember these soundtracks despite their quality. I'd give them another listen tho
Overall, it's a staight 7/10. Tomodachi Game is extremely enjoyable and got many qualities. It obviously isn't perfect, but as long as you're not an edgy anime fan hating on anything popular, you should give it a try.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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