First of all, I would like to point out here that I'm trying to make this as unbiased as I can, unlike one of the other reviewers (whose name I won't mention) who after just 1 episode already predicted that this would be great. Clear sign of a fanboy. I'll be reviewing it on the basis of it's purpose, i.e. answering the questions that left you confused or unanswered in Ryuusei no Gemini.
I'll go through the other sections first though.
The artwork in this is very much in keeping with the second series. It's sharp and well animated, if not a bit too dark at times,
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Jun 23, 2010
Evangelion Movie 2: Ha
I know many won't like this review, but I'm going to say my feelings anyway. However, I will point out that I'm looking at this in comparison to the TV series as I haven't read the manga.
Firstly, the story. Continuation of the first Eva movie, where we are introduced to Asuka and Mari (who I'll get onto later) and Angel's continue to attack Tokyo-3. However (without revealing spoilers), it gets very messy later, with Shinji having to save the day, although not as you'd expect. The problem with this is that it doesn't go into nearly as much depth as the TV series. Yes, the ... series had longer to explain it all, but thats not an excuse to leave out some of the more important aspects. For example, character pyschological development in the TV series is pretty much it's biggest element, with the spectator witnessing Shinji's gradual mental breakdown, and Asuka's loneliness and lessening comfort in knowing that maybe her mother wasn't there for her and proud while she was alive after all, was driving her to mental breakdown. This was missing in the movie. Sure, Shinji showed some depression, but not to the intensity of the TV series. You just have to compare the scene where EVA Unit 3 is destroyed between the both of them to see which showed more mental damage to him in both to highlight this (with Touji instead in the TV series). And while Asuka wasn't my favourite character in the TV series, the characterisation was so good that she still had some depth to her. She just seemed like a shallow being, feeling a bit by herself. She had pride, but just came across as a smug little brat in it. The character relationship development was also much better in the TV series. To me, one of the defining moments in this in the TV series is when Asuka asks Shinji to kiss her. Unless I have miscalculated where in the story this is (im sure it's before the end of the film in the series), I feel cutting this scene was a big mistake. Even my favourite character Misato seems to have been dumbed down, and is less of an influence in the movie. The TV series in my opinion made great by Misato's struggle to keep everyone exactly who they are, and she does this from very early on in the series. It's missing here, where only the part where she tries to stop Shinji the only part which matched up to the TV series. That 45 second or so sequence. I was understandably disappointed. Mari's character also seemed to lack any meaning to what she was doing. She appears at the start, in the middle on the school rooftop, and the end in an EVA. Why? What is she there for? A US/SEELE spy that pilots one of their EVAs? Unless I've missed it, its never really explained, unless they intend on doing this in EVA 3.0, but why wait a whole movie to tell us who they even are? It just feels like Hideaki Anno has adapted it for movie audiences to make it more watchable to those not willing to engaging in its Pyschological roots. Its Neo Genesis Evangelion Light, for those that said after every episode that its a 'mindf*%k' or 'confusing', whereas a little more focus may have pointed it out. I'm not in anyway implying that anyone who says that is stupid, but this film gives the impression that its bridging the gap between Casual Audiences and the Original series and caters for both. It succeeds, but thats from a casual POV, not a fan of the series. Despite this, it's not to say its a bad film, far from it. The central story is still there (I.E. Second Impact, follows series relatively faithfully) and pretty well done and the action is impressive. If it was just a simple mecha anime, then I would imagine few would have complaints about its action. Rei is also one of the few characters that is also relatively faithful, with Shinji (unwittingly) giving her a helping hand to become more human-like (with emotions and gestures, like "Thank You" to Shinji, which the film highlights she has never done before). Also, the visuals are pretty stunning. The original for its time was very pretty indeed, and EVA 2.0 is extremely well animated, even if every character seems to have tiny hips and legs. This is used to fullest effect in the final scene too, which is the only part of the film that did surpass the TV series and is worthy of being labeled a masterpiece moment, but then this film (I'd imagine) would have had a much larger budget to do this than the TV series (not to take anything away from it). In conclusion, Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance as a film and to those who haven't seen the original series will be an impressive action mecha anime at touches on morals and the aspects on humanity and stunning visuals. But for me, as a huge fan of the original, its a film that has been condensed to allow it to be watchable to the casual audiences (probably Western audiences), but many of its brilliant characters and pyschological elements either missing or emphasised less, which to me is a disappointment.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Jan 9, 2010
Clannad: After Story
Recommended Spoiler
I wish that I hadn't seen Clannad and AS now. Well, not in the way that you might think. Because now, I actually love the series so much, my brain and heart are shouting at me to watch it again. It's kind of ruined the fact that there are other suberb anime out there. (infact, at time of writing this, I'm watching Eden of the East. Its good stuff, but Clannad is all I can think about. Non-stop)
From the looks of the forums, there are people out there who can't stand this. Whether that is because they thought it was unoriginal, or didn't like the ... characters, I don't know. But to me, this was inspirational. It made me think more about my own life and ambition than anything else. Im not exagerating here. Although Clannad was great, I didn't feel like this until I begun After Story. Infact, I didn't like the main female character, Nagisa so much. Thought she was a bit of extra at times from the first series. But this was different. From the beginning of the show, even for other character's arcs, I began to feel more connected with the show. But, when the real AS began, the show really displays why it is (currently) the top anime on MAL. It wasn't realistic. It was naturallistic. To me (and hopefully others), it felt as though KyoAni wanted you to be in the shoes of Tomoya, feel what he feels, love what he loves, become him. *WARNING* POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT *WARNING* You feel him as he tries to comfort Nagisa through the hardship of her illness. His struggle to life after graduation, the way he feels about his father, right up to the time he comes comforts him. The why he feels what Akio and Sanae feel and the essense of what life is in the city he lives. But, it's pain that he is caused that is possibly the most heart poundingly beautiful thing that can be seen by the eye for those with a soft soul. Episode 16 is quite possibly greatest TV scene that I've witnessed in my lifetime. The way that the story is told, starting with Clannad then After Story just makes that episode so breathtaking that I thought about it for hours on end (I even got in trouble at work for it). I may change my mind in the future about this, but thats how I currently feel. Episode 21, while not quite to the standard of 16 (although understandable if you'e watched it), is still heart-breaking and reflects from Tomoya to the viewer. However, the story is told so well throughout that come to the final episode (technically 22) you understand the development of the girl and the junk robot, and whats its led to. Tomoya got his wish of a world where everything was perfect. It was stunning to watch. And then the feeling hits you. "I've just watched a master-piece in story telling." *WARNING OVER* POSSIBLE SPOILER END *WARNING OVER* The story telling is sublime from start to finish. I wouldn't have watched the whole series in three days if I wasn't that enthralled. Every character has a part to play in making this what it is. A love story for the ages, and this is coming from a lover of all things action. The music in the anime sets everything up beautifully. Dango is the trademark of the series because of how beautiful it is. Other music, including English sung parts, are perfectly fitting for the feel of the scene they accompany. At the time of writing this, I have not seen Kanon (2006) or Air, so I can't really compare it to them as it stands. But that doesn't stop me feeling any different for the time being. I will be sure the watch them in due course though. There is only two things which I didn't like about this series. First, the two extra episodes, 23 & 24, were OK but not necessary. I enjoyed the series so much I was happy to watch them. Secondly, the EP. TORCH was not a great choice. The OP was very good and appropriate for the series. TORCH wasn't. Especially when used in the episodes mentioned above (in the spoiler).But thats nit picking. Im considering watching the whole thing again in a few series time. Im that attached to it. You can call me soppy, OTT or whatever about this review, I simply care about what I feel, and want to share it with those who feel the same. So if you don't like what I'm saying here and Un-H it. Think of those that you know who could love this and share it with them. Im hopeful of it being licenced so it can be spread further. Please don't discard this if you wasn't a fan of series one or don't want to have to go from the start. It really is difficult to describe the atmophere, the awe, the magnificence of this anime. It really is one of those 'See it to believe it' things. As long as you have a sensitive side, this will stay with you for a long, long time. I know it will with me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Oct 21, 2009
Appleseed (Movie)
Unlike my last review (Evangelion), im going to approach this as a viewer rather than a critic. Ill also stick to the format as its easier. I'll try to stay spoiler-free.
Also note I watched the Subbed version, and in Blue-Ray, so consider this when reading. Story: Appleseed comes across as a very intelligent film. Its uses the time of the story to good effect and gives it the freedom to create what they have. But in short, Set in a fiction city called Olympus, its about Humans living together with 'Bioroids' a being that is created from human genetics, but with the ability to be programs. Think ... of it as a cyborg, they are organic (including the potential ability to reproduce) but have mechanical elements. Of course, the humans are pissed off and think that Bioroids will attempt to overthrow humanity, but bioroids are not built with emotions of anger towards humans (of sorts) and would prefer to live in harmony with them. But obviously, its not as simple as that. While it has an interesting twist towards the end, the story is just a variation of the Humans & Robots scenario which has been done to death. They could have expanded it a bit further with what 'Appleseed' actually did to do what it does (without giving too much away), as its never quite explained. The romance story between the two main characters, Deunan Knute and Briareos, was also quite weak despite plenty of coverage. The chemestry between them just never seemed to materalise. However, despite its deceptive originality, its very solid. Few plot holes here and there (like the ambush, are we told who they are? Message me for others I spotted), but its a fun take on a decent concept. 7/10 Art: This is down to personal taste, in my opinion. The art is very cel-shaded esk. and is down to whether you prefer the more abstract art or a realistic look. I wasn't fond of it to start with, but it did grow on me and at times, it did look stunning. But its really a marmite type look. I found it very good, especially in blue ray. The reason it didnt get higher is because it did look a bit jerky with the animation in one or two places. 8/10 Sound: Its good but nothing spectacular. The music during some of the intense action scenes where very fitting for the specticle, but the more sutle seens could have done a bit better. And the voice acting wasn't great either. I thought there was something wrong with it to start as they sounded like they were standing too far from their mics. And some of them don't fit with the character (Briareos being a prime example). But it does improve as it goes on, so it is redeemed in that sense. But it could have been better overall. 7/10 Characters: Probably the most important aspect of any show, the characters are vital. In Appleseed, its a bit of a mixed bag. Deunan Knute, the female lead, is sort like an urban soldier and is easily the best character here. She is sensitive and kicks alot of ass, while her character is about the only one that develops are regular pace. It's her that possibly make Appleseed as good as it is (i.e. without her, its pretty pants). The rest of the cast, while are looked into briefly, are not really explained and could just be seen as extras, barring Briareos and Athene (bioroid president of Olympus), which are a bit more involved. Hitomi is OK but she could have been better if they had expanded her interest in the love emotions she was curious about, and a deeper personality. She just seems a bit like a PA to Deunan for the whole film. The rest of the cast, while are likeable, are forgettable and make minor contributions to the overall output. A bit more on Deunan's mother would have been good too, but it is Deunan that is the stand out character in the film. Not quite as charismic and deep as Masamune Shirow's other creation, Mitoko from GitS, she is still badass and redeems an otherwise average-at-best cast. 7/10 Enjoyment: I found it good fun. If you like action, then Appleseed with wet your appetite for it. It is explosive and very detailed in how the action is crafted, and highlights its stronger points of the film. But the rest is never quite engaging enough to be interesting. Flashbacks make for a change, but its hardly the most exciting of elements and is a bit overused (especially with Deunan's realisation which could have been created a little tighter and polished). If your looking for an overly deep story, then you could try this, but you would find others alot more complex and interesting (GitS, Evangelion, Akira to name a few) elsewhere. IF you like action however, then I'd recommend it. 7/10 Overall Summary: Its a solid film. Not having seen the original OVA or read the manga, I can't compare, but it is good fun if you like intense action scenes and are a fan of cartoonish/cel-shaded art. IF your want complexity, I'd recommend you look elsewhere. All comments and opinions on my page are welcome, good or bad.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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![]() Show all Jun 25, 2009
Shinseiki Evangelion
Recommended Spoiler
Unlike every other review I've seen (if its mean't to be structured like that, then meh for this time), im not going to structure my review in the way everyone else has, I.E. Story, then Characters, Art blah blah blah... This is also my first review here, and im going to look at it from a critical point of view, so bear with me if you think its not very good or something has offended you. Was not intended.
This is purely my take on the series. So, while reading this, bear in mind I'm reviewing it from the Jap audio with subs version, as the ... Dub, IMO, is inferior. WARNING! There may also be some major spoilers here. You have bee warned. So, here goes: Neo Genesis Evangelon is not an easy anime to watch, whether your a philosophical type or not. Its ideas and messages, brought out mainly in the characterisation, are very complex and it is wise to do a little bit of background research if you feel you're not completely upto the challenge of watching it from the off. It requires the watcher to also consider what their own interpretation of its views are. It's by no means easy watching. But, in no way does that take away its sense of enjoyment, usually at its most enjoyable when oozed through the personality of certain characters, namely Asuka and for the most part, Misato. The most important aspect of the anime though, is the characters and their psychological development as the series progresses. It's clear right from the beginning that Shinji's mental state is not completely stable, highlighted in the very first scene no less when he sees Rei in the distance, only for her to disappear. He's mental well-being discintegrates as he continues to pilot on Eva, which you could say is what causes his descent into madness (I'll get onto the Eva's later). It's all centred around his belief that no-one cares for his well being, and that his feels he is unappreciated for what he does. His hatred for his father is also a huge contribution to his mental condition and development, highighted by the near death of Touji when his father handed control of his Eva to a dummy program agaisnt Shinji's will. And despite some criticism about them, the final two episodes, which is a sort of sub-conscious analysis of his own self worth, highlights these point perfectly for anyone who concentrates on these issues well enough. Rei is, despite being a centrally themed character (Im expecting a possible flaming for this), quite a hollow character, although im sure this was deliberate by Hideaki Anno. As it happens, it works in the favor of the character in terms of the other character deveopments and unravelling the her origin towards the end. Her soulless image, and emotionless tone add emphasis her role. The show can almost convince you she is a 'puppet' of sorts for Gendo (Shinji's father), and is the child that he had always aspired Shinji to be like, but never materialised. She could be considered the catalyst for the downfall of both Shinji and Asuka's mental states. While her expression may make you consider whether she is acually human, this logic is tested to the extreme towards the end of the series (I won't spoil that much). Asuka, while breaks up alot of the seriousness to be begin with, and injects some humour and enjoyment with her personality, I believe is acually one of the weaker characters in the show. While she too has had a troubled past, It is quite reminiscent of Shinji's past experience, only Shinji never saw his mother, where as Asuka's memory of her mother is of hanging herself. Throughout the show, she feels she is alone, and that she has no-one to look to in times of desperation (a bit like the mentallity of what we believe bully's are thinking). This could be the reason for her fiery, quite bossy attitude. While it is a bit refreshing to have her character there, I feel she is quite shallow and could have been developed a bit further. Coming in about 1/3 of the way through though, this is not too bad. IMO though, the best character in the show by some distance is Misato. Not only is she a character that oozes style and enjoyment factor into the show, but she is also a very conplex individual, steming from her memories of the 2nd Impact (from what I gather, a sort of world implosion that almost destroys everything in sight, abit like what happens in the End of Evangelion) and her bid to survive. She is also a lonely character, but unlike the other characters, she finds a way to combat this (or repress it) by her determination for the other characters to survive. It's rare to see that she puts any of the pilots in danger because she knows that not only will she likely be accused of causing it, but will also be a direct downfall on her own pyschological state. I feel that not only is she the character that keep together and stabilises the life of the main characters (and some minor characters), but also holds together the series itself. I feel she is not just a stereotypical 'bad-ass' woman who enjoys her drink', but a guiding spirit that brings the characters to as best a mental well-being as she is capable. For that, I absolutely love her character. It is also worth a small mention to some of the minor characters too which are pivital to the overall expression of the series. Kaji is quite a deep character despite what the dialogue may lead you to believe, offering guidance to Shinji that had major effects on the overall narrative, and is the catalyst for Misato's character development as they begin to re-unite, with the scene of them walking down the street at night, Misato bursting into tears being a particular one which springs to mind. His teasing of Asuka is also quite humourous, while effective on her well-being at the same time. Another mention should go the Gendo, whose screen presence is immense at times, his lust for power ultimately leading to the downfall of not only NERV, but Shinji aswell. His meetings with Rei are also an intriguing talking point (again, I won't spoil that for you). Finnally, possibly the most complex 'characters' in the series, is the Angels and the Eva's themselves. Unlike the other characters, the both are completely open to your own interpretation. This is where the background research may come handy. Their representations are extremely dependant one your opinion, and I don't think there is a definitive answer. Personally, I think that the Eva's are humans attempt at trying to controll themselves, but it also depends entirely on the/a certain human in question. Shinji is the prime being in this instance, as he loses hes psychological well-being, the subconscious begins to take over, and eventually that is what happens to Eva Unit 01, it's is Shinji's sub-conscious taking over and is out of control due to his fragility. In Asuka's case, as she begins to lose hers sense of apreciation, rather than the Eva go beserk, its stops altogether. *MAJOR SPOILER ALERT* Rei's Eva is governed by the idea that she is lacking a soul. Her sub-conscious lacks clear direction and self functionallity, therefore, its rare that she exceeds in the Eva, with it either going on a rampage, or constantly being the target for Angels. *MAJOR SPOILER ALERT OVER* The Angels are, from my own interpretation, a representation of humans attempt at human control. Again, this is where research is useful. The names of the Angels are not just random made names. They ALL have some religious background, and despite what some people say, Religion is human's attempt as social control. The Angels, therefore IMO, are mankinds 'self-destruct' button, so to speak. As I said, ALL is open to your own interpretation, this is just me views on what the characters represent. As you can probably tell, I am a huge lover of this series. It requires you to think about what it is saying, only limited by your own intelligence and your imagination. I am not going to mention anything about the narrative (why the story is structured the way it is) and story itself, as again, it is all open to your own opinion. Finally, I will mention that for the time, the animation is stunning for the time. It is a good visual fest for those that were looking for good art, not just a thought provoking story. I will end on this. If you're looking for a straightforward mecha anime high on action, then this is probably not for you. If, however, you want to have your intellect challenged or worked, then I highly recommend watching NGE. You won't regret it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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