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Mar 31, 2019
As the reviews say: surprisingly good.
This is my dark horse for the season.
This was the anime that I didn't expect to be any good at all. Especially the first bit of the first episode, the fight with the demon lord and then the credits. I thought it was going to be terrible. But the more I watched it, this anime felt really refreshing and kind of original. The concepts and everything were great and I haven't stumbled across in the other animes that I've watched.
There are many moments where the incidents are crazy enough to be funny. I'm not the type to just like
a show because "cute girls doing stuff" Non Non Biyori for example I just found to be a bore and then Aho Girl was a bit too psycho.
I really thought that Egao no Daika was going to be dark horse of the season as the anime with the low rating that turned out to be great. It was, until it fell flat on it's face trying to wrap up a larger story in 12 episodes. My dark horse for last season was Akanesasu Shoujo, I have a review for it if anyone wants to know why before dismissing this.
Overall, I think this is above average and deserves an 8. Characters that you can like, incidents that are crazy and enjoyable. The ED is good as well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 5, 2019
Surprisingly good. 7̶.̶5̶? Post-Finale Edit: The final few episodes of this anime and especially the last episode was really underwhelming. I give it a maybe a 6. It was honestly quite terrible really that ending.
There was so much potential, you couldn't really see how the outcome with how the battle is playing out, yeah it seemed pretty obvious which side was going to prevail but with how a lot of the events played out and the perspective of the other side it really made you wonder.
**This portion contains spoilers**
There were so many things rushed and we were teased with a Stella and Leila
reunion this whole series and nothing came of it. I don't think they even knew that they were related by the end of the series.
**Spoilers end here**
It's just so, so disappointing. Ending was rushed and completely unsatisfying. What I would've liked to see was Stella and Leila reuniting and then the team hesitates and wonders if they are doing the right thing and maybe swaps sides or Stella betrays her team to fight with her mom. Something like that.
The rest of the review is before the final 3 episodes.
It keeps me debating whether I should rate it 8 on MAL. It depends on the ending but I wouldn't be surprised if I end up giving it a 9.
Honestly, this anime was a pain to watch. Not sure when the switch flipped but after watching episode 9, I realized that I can't wait for the next episode.
This is really an example of don't judge a show by it's first episode. The first episode wasn't bad, it was more like "ah, I'm not going to like this am I." But it gets better.
The princess is an annoying character but her character development has been handled really well.
The whole perspective from both sides really makes things interesting and keeps you guessing how everything will resolve.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 23, 2019
Don't let my score to get to you too much, this anime is fantastic. The ending on the other hand... isn't. I really loved this series and this is just a disappointment. Kanketsu-hen is supposed to be the finale of the Saiki series but it doesn't really. I'm fine with the idea of having the finale not being a huge ordeal and just being like any other episode but there's too many loose ends for this to be the finale.
We were teased with Yumehara and Kaidou getting together as a couple, then the author hit undo.
We were teased with Saiki letting out his secret
of being a psychic to his friends after all of the buildup, then the author hit undo.
Season 2 we were teased of Saiki and Teruhashi being a thing, that was swept aside. It was a real thing, not just something built up by viewers. Saiki was protecting Teruhashi throughout the season and stopped the mixer she was a part of and didn't let any other guy get to her..
The 4-koma finale also didn't address any of these ends.
Also one thing I'd like to say is the additions of the characters Rifuta and Akechi were really just a timewaster. Instead of any real kind of story progression, time was spent on their seriously minor and meaningless roles to avoid the big questions that have lingered throughout the series in s2. As you can see they were just shoved in for the finale.
It was also very uncharacteristic for Kuusuke to make a device that would stop Saiki's powers since he's drastically masochistic and Saiki is the only one who both could defeat him and interests him at the same time. *Spoiler* I understand the ending it's like he tries get away from being a physic the whole show, he finds a way out which doesn't work and then just accepts that he's a physic.
But that's just a really simple ending for a story that has evolved throughout the years.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 21, 2019
Update Note: I watched the whole show but my opinions have not changed. I liked the story(although there were some unnecessary and rushed parts) and everything but the sound + artwork especially really bugged me throughout the whole show.
I gave this show a six because I liked it but the director really blew it for me to give it anything higher. Eyes visible past the hair and the sound is horrible.
There were so many inconsistencies that I thought that they changed voice actors. Also in one scene Uehara sounded so different that I thought that they messed up and mixed Yamada's line in there.
I put no blame on the seiyuus at all, this is entirely on the director and the audio people. There is absolutely no oomph to their voices especially when Inoue is yelling. It's like they used a voice equalization filter. Felt absolutely no menace from their words and the delivery just felt flat. These aren't new seiyuus. They're experienced, they know what they're doing and they're good at what they do. Should add that it wasn't just Inoue's lines that felt flat but it was the same case for everybody, it all just felt lifeless. I haven't had an issue with sound in an anime before so this was a bit of a surprise to me.
The art really messes with you sometimes. The characters switch between good and ugly and sometimes the girls, Inoue especially look masculine in some scenes. Which is a shame really because Yuuhi, Hibiki, and Uehara were good character designs. I know they tried to make Inoue cute and Esumi cool but it didn't really pan out with the consistencies.
It felt like they had a really tight schedule or really just wanted to get it done with as fast as possible.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 12, 2019
Sigh... some of these reviews.
Lets get two things clear:
1. Miyako isn't a pedofile.
2. This show isn't anything like Uzamaid. Uzamaid's MC foams at the mouth at the sight of any underaged girl.
Hana is the only girl that Miyako fawns over, not all girls. Yet they've slept in the same bed with no problems. Miyako doesn't attempt to peek when Hana is in the bath. Miyako couldn't care less when Hana wore a school swimsuit. Miyako was actually the one avoiding Hana when Hana got to close when they in the closet together. They are also able to talk to each other normally.
any of this sound like a crazy pedofile? Not even close.
Now that I say that, the first episode is really weird, there's a disconnect which might throw off viewers watching the show for the first time. During the first episode Miyako is forbidden from taking a picture from a down below angle. That's where people start getting the pedofile vibes but it was really out of character for her to do that because all of her other actions suggests that Miyako has ZERO sexual interests in Hana. She just sees Hana as super cute like a dog or a cat.
This show is also a hit or miss for people but if you can ignore all of the loli stuff you can enjoy Miyako trying to slowly progress towards being a functional member of society. The show really shines when the story revolves around her.
All things aside, Reina Ueda is absolutely fantastic. As a fan, my ears have enjoyed this series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 31, 2019
This show is criminally underrated.
The story and might not be best, the character design regarding the school outfit is bland making the characters easily forgettable but this is such a fun watch.
So many people watching this anime are being wannabe movie critics. Akanesasu Shoujo doesn't take itself too seriously when *very minimal not really spoiler* one character didn't want to be married to a celebrity because of his last name and another wanted to be a hero.
Don't take it too seriously, just sit back and relax. Don't think too much of how the plot progresses. Just stay along for the ride. This isn't
one of those it's so bad that it's good. It's actually really enjoyable if you allow yourself to take it all in. You'll actually be in for some nice surprises and have tons of fun if you just enjoy it in the moment.
There were actually moments where I was just watching and went "WOAH WHAT!?!?!"
The animation is fantastic by the way. They did a really good job with the CG.
The characters themselves aren't bland, I really like their diverse personalities.
Edit: The soundtrack for this series is amazing. OST/ED and the background music during the show. All great.
The first show where I'm actually debating whether or not I should buy the $30 soundtrack. Who chooses the music? Is it the sound director? I just want to see all of the shows that the person in charge of that has worked on.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 26, 2019
I really wanted to give this show a higher score, I enjoyed it. It had so much potential. The characters and the plot were a straight line for success. But in the end it just felt like a joke.
Story: 4
The 4 is for the concept, the actual execution and resolve are super weak leaving you unsatisfied by the end.
Art: 3
Half of the anime felt like I was watching YouTube. Characters would morph and look nearly completely different from time to time especially when there's any movement. I understand the budget may have not been high but it seriously seems like a joke. They ended
up not animating a bunch of fights too, although the fights were subpar anyways with the animation.
Character: 7
Ahh I'm not really sure if I should give it a 7. I really liked the blend of characters and their personalities, they pretty much all seemed interesting. But at the end they're pretty much brick walls. They were probably the best part of the anime although that's not saying much, yet there's barely any character development leaving a lot to be desired.
Overall: 5
I enjoyed the show, I watched all of it within a day. I liked the characters, there just wasn't a lot of screen-time given to which would have benefited the anime. Especially Azumi Sagara, we learn that she's not rotten but then she instantly disappears right after. There's a lot of holes and the story advances in ways that no one wants it to. That is what I'm trying to say.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 2, 2016
This anime caught my attention as soon as I watched the first episode. I watched it all the way through in less than a day. The best anime in it's category I've ever seen and it ended before I knew it. Finding myself disappointed when there was no button to go to the next episode because it's just so great to watch, all of the feelings are there. Ah I can't really think about how to review this anime because I just can't stop thinking what if there was more. Though because I can't submit a review that isn't a few novels long I'll keep
Daisuke Ono
Ooh I bet you want to watch the anime now after that huh?
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 24, 2016
Sakamoto desu ga? was an anime that I was excited for, I saw some clips around the web and thought that the anime would be absolutely hilarious. Saw the first episode, I was like eh it's alright, it's just the first episode it should get better. Second episode, in terms of comedy just like the first, one scene that I thought was funny. So then I forced to watch episodes 3 to 5 in hopes that it would get better. It just didn't happen, sure there were a few funny scenes but then as each episode went by the anime just started to get more
and more ridiculous and that's when I realized. Sakamoto is like a character that I would have created in fifth grade which I sort of have when in class we were required to write. The humor is the same too, Sakamoto would have been the funniest thing in the world to me if I was back in fifth grade because I have written scenes where stupid and impossible things happen to make a main character look cool. What I'm trying to say is, characters who are perfect in every way are just really lame and not funny or cool.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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