The below review may contain SPOILERS.
Art and panelling- 8
Art is consistent and never a dull moment with it. Manga flows pretty smoothly. Good balance of dialogue with the panels . Even during info dumps it didn't felt like it was getting excessive so massive props to artist for that.
Story and plot -7
Story is pretty much thought out from the start with clear start and end in mind. Not a single filler chapter. No attempt to milk it whatsoever. Author did a great job connecting things. From a technical point of view it was good. Oh and there were some decent plot twists.
Apr 8, 2021
Shingeki no Kyojin
Not Recommended Preliminary
(139/141 chp)
Aot was one my favourite shounen , it could have been my favourite shounen but it went quickly to my most hated manga of all time list .
I will simply get to the point , the chapters from 1-123 are really really good after that it is extremely poor writting with the exception of 130-131. Now let's talk about what went wrong in this final arc of AOT . So SPOILERS TILL CHAPTER 139 It's my random rambling more rather than a properly constructed review so please keep that in mind . Falco becoming jaws titan and then having the ability to fly is literally out ... of nowhere , how did he learned to do so ? It is very convenient for Falco to get flying abilities . I mean he isn't even a beast titan . Eren directing Dina to carla and hence killing his own mother to save his friends but he can't kill the rest of humanity to make sure that after he dies no one can harm them ? What was the point of just killing 80 percent of humanity ? What did it solved ? Aren't we back to square one ? Didn't he said he would break the cycle ? What happened to that ? This makes no sense because in the end he let eveything to be handled by historia , yes the same eren who wanted to make sure historia doesn't get to any trouble . The same eren who hide the fact that touching royal blood titan can awaken founder powers from his closest friends . Isayama clearly BUTCHERED the entire character of eren with this one chapter because in final chapter it is revealed that eren forgot why he did Rumbling , and suddenly he is in love with Mikasa ? What why and how ? Back in chapter 123 we get to know that eren is doing the RUMBLING to protect paradise people from external threat , what happened to that amazing speech ? It went to drain . And ymir ...what was her point? She was in love with king frtiz ?Also she was waiting 2000 years for Mikasa...? She was freed from pain and suffering because of Mikasa ? How ? So what was the point of showing the sad backstory in 122 and her disobeying Zeke and giving the power to eren after eren gives her the power to choose to remain slave or choose freedom ? If she wasn't slave then why was she doing this ? Also she just disappeared with no conclusion to her character at all . Mikasa..where do I start she got good conclusion to her character with finally breaking her obsession with eren and giving him the killer blow at the same time showing her obsession by kissing his head . We also got the see her true inner thoughts that all she wants is to live with eren and run away in chapter 138 all of that was nice but in the final chapter we see she is just a pitful person crying out her days at the seriously ? So she is now forever slave to eren even after his death ? What type of conclusion this is to one of the main characters ? Armin...this guy has done nothing but just provided useless lip service post time skip with no solutions whatsoever , got handed down eveything without working for a single dime . Even in the last chapter they achieve peace ( lol) when Armin said he killed eren...but how does that work ? Hange is same but hange actually suffered the consequences for her ideology . Annie was just there for fanservice shipping , her so called romance with Armin came out of nowhere that's the only point of her character , be waifu for Armin . Gabi is just there for sniping and had " unbrainwashing " arc which we already got with RBA , Falco is just there for orbiting her around and as a plot device to get Annie gabi and himself to the battlefield . Reiner's was just projecting himself on eren and that's all his arc has been after marley arc ( surprising he was right and that is unfortunate ) . Pieck is not worth talking about . Connie is mentally ill and Jean , levi are ok . Historia...well isayama said that she is one of the important characters...well unfortunately she has been irrelevant to the plot post time skip..the only saving grace to her character was that her pregnancy was supposed to be connected with eren but that was scrapped too , if eren was the father then it would have given him more motivation to destroy the world and it would have been nice dilemma for him to chose between his kid's future and the world ,And if historia made a child out of love then it would have wrapped up her character arc propely and they both would have surpassed their respective fathers of not burdening the sins to their kids , but no this didn't happened because eren didn't COMPLETELY rumbled the world and historia most probably made child just for her protection . Also I don't understand the need of chapter 130 flashback with historia if that didn't went anywhere , pure waste of time and baiting . I mean you can understand how irrelevant she is when karina get more screen time compared to her . Floch was the best post time skip character . I feel like he was the only one who got his arc done properly . Fought till the end in what he believed . Erwin being the best pre time skip . Basically what we got is eren becoming the common big bad in the end but this time in worst way possible . His plan was to make Armin and co to be " saviors " of humanity so that they can save paradise later and giving them a good life . Warriors and 104 who fought get s good life with their families because they fought for humanity and eren dies because he is genocider , typical morality wins ending but in worse way because I would have been ok with alliance winning if it was executed properly , if eren got defeated fair and square without butchering his character I would have been ok with that but no eren basically never had any intention of fighting back and yeah that's why the final arc lacked any tension .jean and coonie said their goodbyes when they became titan so them turning back to human just took away the entire value. So in the end there was no point to AOT , it didn't resolved anything only the titan era ended , funny how paradise now got robbed of the only weapon which kept them safe so they are in more bad position so much for " I won't gamble Paradis future " ( bravo isayama ) oh but wait we have the alliance members ! They will resolve eveything with their power of friendship ! My bad . This bad finale not only BUTCHERED the ending but also all the previous development and characterization of eren it amounts to nothing , now if you backtrack and read other previous chapters they are all irrelevant yes all those kino chapters too . isayama chose to do Disney ending and happy ending For majority of caste at the cost of story and most important character in the manga .
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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