Minor spoilers for the first episode.
Let starts off with the first thing that the anime has to offer which is the anime opening Fhana has done a amazing job that matching the tone of the series , as always
Now, let's discuss the first episode of the series the story focus on a boy named Sawyer who wants to earn money to help his sick brother named Hal which unfortunately Sawyer's current funds aren't enough, so Sawyer decides to enter a game show called run for money only way to get into the game show is using a chornos bracelet ( a smartwatch device) so sawyer sneaks into the gameshow with no bracelet and barely made it then a mysteryous woman with a witches outfit named harvest, The secondary gamemaster, notices Sawyer's skills and determination she decides to give Sawyer a chornos bracelet so he can compete in the game
Nows let introduce the main runners
*Lucky muse Luna Nishinotoin A very Lucky girl from a wealthy family, trying to prove her luck in the games
Mr.perfect Morris shoemaker: the current champion in "run for money" who has the biggest winning steak in the game
King of debt: Penta: a comedic relief character who often trys to give up, but often his bad luck usually get in the way
Racoon dog man: a mysterious character who always try to help people
Theres are more interesting characters in the series, but you'll have to watch it yourself to find out.