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Aug 20, 2021
!Minor Spoilers!
The fact that this anime has an above 8 average currently blows my mind. There aren't that many things this anime does right. Let me explain.
This show's main protagonist is Takemichi Hanagaki, who goes back in time to save his high school crush Hina, and in order to do so needs to stop his gang from going to shit with internal fights. This premise is actually pretty interesting, but also hard to pull off, as this anime unfortunately shows.
The first thing that is messed up here is the time travel, which is very problematic, considering how big of a part it plays in the
show. The whole show started with our MC being pushed in front of a train and being saved by Naoto, who was actually dead at that point. The explanation of Naoto then being saved by our MC changing his life decisions in the past doesn't change the fact that they shouldn't have been able to meet in the first place.
This is easily the biggest time travel mistake of the show but it is also clear that the author is not that good at keeping an overview of what changes an action in the past brings about. Some very important event result in very little or very specific change.
Another big part of the show fight scenes. Which isn't a plus either with how bad the animation is. The fights show a lot of clunky movement, shots without any movement at all, and ridiculous looking characters in the background.
On top of that at least half the characters seem to have a multiple personaltiy disorder. Their mood changes every other second, which makes it hard to take them seriously at times. The characters roster gets saved a little by Hina, who brings forth a couple of beautiful moments of character growth in our MC, especially at the start of the season. However, there aren't enough of these moments to make up for the other flaws in the show.
Overall, I Wouldn't recommend this show at all. Though the premise is interesting, not very many parts of it are done well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 2, 2018
A high school for children which powers...
Sounds like the most generic, overdone premise ever, right? This anime nails it, almost getting a perfect score from me.
Story: 8/10
The thing is, most of the shows with a similair premise focus on fights between overpowered characters. This show changes it up completely, definitely for the better if you ask me. All the abilities in this show are far from perfect and the story focusses on our main cast trying to safe ability-users from the police and scientists that would love to use these children for their (life-destroying) research. The story is really well written for the most part,
often leaving you being happy but it also has it well executed dramatic scenes. Unfortunely the writing drops a lot in episodes 11 and 12, and i really hated these episodes. I still think the 8/10 is fair though because the show recovered in the final episodes, which was, although very rushed, still really nice in my opinion.
Art: 9/10
I really like the art style, and i couldn't find any bad quality animation. The animation doesn't stand out enough for a 10/10 though.
Sound: 10/10
First of all, I think the voice acting for every single character was spot on. I can't find a single mistake in voice acting except for the 'engrish'. But I really liked that, cause it was hilarious :). Furthermore the opening was really unique and nice and the ending is one of my all time favourites. Last but not least, the soundtrack was really good and especially the sad pieces really resonated with me.
Characters: 10/10
On to my favourite point of this anime: It's characters. Our main character has his 'asshole' moments and he has his nice side. I don't really know which side I prefered to be honest, but i really liked them both. The only problem with him is that he switched between the two unrealisticly fast from time to time. The main heroine, Tomori, is not only my favourite character in this show but one of my all time favourite characters, too. An S-class waifu and an amazing character for this show! All of the other important characters where really good too and I even loved most minor characters.
Enjoyment: 9/10
Except for episodes 11 and 12, I absolutely loved every second of this anime! It was really refreshing, because I hate pretty much all the shows with a similair premise, that focus on generic fights.
Overall: 9(9,2)/10
I recommend this anime to everyone that wants more than just action-shows!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 17, 2017
Shigatsu wa kimi no uso: my favourite anime of all time. It stars off as your tipical romance comedy with music added in but quickly turns into a tearjerker. (This is my first review ever so dont be too harsh please)
Story: 10/10
The story is about Arima Kousei. A pianist who has been traumatized and "cant" play the piano any more. But just in time he gets saved by a violinist named Kaori Miyazono. The story is amazing overall if you ask me, it can get boring from time to time if you don't like classical music though.
Art: 10/10
I didn't really like the art style at
first, but the further i got into the anime the more i started falling in love with it. Also the animation is just really well done overall.
Sound: 11/10
What can i say, it's my favourite soundtrack of all time. It makes the beautiful scene's that much better. Throw in a great opening (my personal favourite opening of all time) some decent endings and a decent second opening and you got an 11/10.
Characters: 10/10
When i first watched this show, i had some issues with it's characters. Now i disagree with my past self though. Even though some side characters don't get any development at all and the main character is a bit whiny at the beginning, I don't think that neccesarily bad anymore. I like how the show makes you dislike Kousei a bit at first so his character growth towards the end stands out more. And Kaori is just perfection itself. Such a great character, I love every single trait of hers.
Enjoyment: 10/10
Like i said, it's my favourite anime of all time, and for good reasons. No matter how horrible your day was, Kaori will make you smile like you never have before. Also I don't cry that much with anime, but Shigatsu wa kimi no uso made me cry, and i love it for that.
Overall: 10/10
Overall this anime is a must watch. Especially if you like classical music. But even if you don't it's still well worth the watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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