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Sep 19, 2022
TLDR: Don't waste your time on this anime. The animation is terrible and the story is boring.
I came into this anime expecting stellar fight scenes as Shaft attempts to recreate the awesomeness of the original RWBY. Story I didn't really care that much about, but it had to be at least somewhat serviceable and not be boring. What I got was the complete opposite of what I wanted. There was one really good fight scene for each of the first three episodes, and everything else looks like utter dogshit. Walk cycles were fucked, fights became slideshows, sometimes the animation quality drops so hard it's comical.
Ok, so the animation is garbage, but what about the plot? While there is a plot, it's boring as fuck. Team RWBY has to save Weiss from a dream demon by going into her dream and beating her evil possessed self. This plot is very simple, and could make for a serviceable anime if the animation did it's job. However, the story is somehow boring as fuck. I honestly can't even remember what happened other than the start and ending, so you'll have to trust me on that. Everything considered, this anime is hot garbage. The only reason it got a 3/10 rather than a 1/10 is because the first three episodes had some REALLY good fight scenes. Watch those on youtube, skip the rest.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 19, 2021
I went into this anime expecting great things, mainly because I kinda spoiled myself with really good romcoms like Quintuplets, Oregairu, and Bokuben. After the first couple episodes though, it was clear that this anime was gonna be at best, generic. It quickly goes from a quirky revenge plot to a boring love triangle(square) in just 3-4 episodes.
Story - As I already said, the story goes from slightly interesting to just boring. However, it was still serviceable, that is, until episode four, when the third childhood friend romantic interest shows up, which is absolute bullshit considering the entire plot of the first couple of
episodes was a simple love triangle between the main character and childhood friends one and two. I kept with the anime for a bit longer hoping for the story to pick up a bit but ultimately, it fell flat for me. I rate the story a 2/10. Just offensively bad.
Art - There's not much to say about the art, it looks like a generic romcom and doesn't have any hype sakuga to speak of. However, there was this dance scene in episode three or four that was cringy as hell. I give the art a 4/10. Decent, but could definitely be better.
Sound - Much like art, the sound isn't anything to praise either. Nothing really stood out to me, the music, op, and ed were alright I guess. Another 4/10. Nothing much to say.
Character - This anime may have failed at everything else, but the characters I did somewhat enjoy. The main character has an interesting backstory and his relationships with his friends and love interests are pretty nice to watch. The opposition between love interest one, Kuro(black in japanese) and love interest two, Shiro(white in japanese) actually made me want to keep watching for a bit longer. However, when love interest three came in(I don't even remember her name), I completely gave up. Just when we had something solid and simple to go on the anime just decides to throw in a new challenger for literally no reason, and that pisses me off. So, apart from love interest number three, I rate the character 6/10. Pretty good.
Enjoyment - I have a pretty high tolerance for shitty shows, and I can even enjoy anime that look like shit just for the fun of it, but after episode 4, this anime was just boring as fuck. 3/10, not good.
Overall - 4/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 5, 2020
I'm gonna say it right now, the animation is the sole reason for me to continue watching. I already had low expectations from reading the first few chapters of the manhwa and from Tower of God, so I feel very biased, but I'mma share my opinions anyways.
Story - As you guys have probably already read from the other reviews, there is barely, if at all, any story. There's a high-school fighting tournament(for some fucking reason) run by shady people(wow how original) and the winner gets any wish they want granted(sounds very familiar).
Art - Again, the animation is the only saving grace of this anime.
Mappa did incredibly well on the fights, and I'd be lying if I said that the visuals are anything less than stunning.
Sound - I don't pay attention to sound, but I'll tell you one thing, the opening is fucking garbage. The first 15 seconds sounds hype as hell, but then it turns into flashy techno garbage. It's literally the musical equivalent of that one kid who tries way too hard to be cool.
Character - Jin Mori and Mira have zero personality. The only character that has any interesting story is Han Daewi, but they literally wrapped up his entire arc in a single episode.
Enjoyment - I enjoyed this anime decently, but only because of the fantastic fight scenes. Everything else is lame.
Overall: 4 - Not the worst anime I've ever seen, but this entire anime is the definition of all style and no substance. Would not recommend unless you want to see cool animation.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 23, 2020
One of the biggest letdowns I've experienced in all my life. The first few episodes had some of the coolest shit I've ever seen. There's fire demons, a dude blasting those fire demons with a machine gun, another dude straight up punching them in a tank suit, rocket feet, lightsabers, etc. I thought this was gonna be one of my favorite shows of the season. You know what we got instead? Shitty jokes, awful fanservice, forgettable villains, generic plot, AND MORE FUCKING FANSERVICE. I kid you not, there's one scene where the main character is fighting a villain who was LITERALLY about to set some
kids on fire for science, and guess what happens in the middle of the fight? The main character accidentally grabs a girl's breasts. WHAT. THE. FUCK. This was supposed to be a super dramatic moment, but the anime just HAD to pull out some tiddies. Shit show. Would not recommend. 3/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 18, 2020
Kakushigoto is likely THE most underrated show of Spring 2020. I'm sure you know what it's about already, as it only takes a few clicks to get to the synopsis. Now, you might be asking yourself, "How is a show about a father and daughter supposed to be interesting? I bet this anime does some stupid Alabama shit." Trust me, this anime is the most wholesome shit you will have ever seen.
Story: 9 - At first glance, the story seems very simple. A man who draws inappropriate manga wants to hide that fact from his daughter. However, it is quickly revealed that there's a
second plot that takes place years after the events of the"main" plot. The main plot is there for comedy, character building, and background information, and is very simple indeed. However, the second plot uses information revealed in the first plot to tell an entirely different story, one that will slowly chip away at your heart at the end of each episode. And holy shit, is the ending beautiful.
Art: 7 - The art is amazing. The animators did a terrific job replicating the manga artist's simple artstyle. There's nothing too special about it though. Don't expect to see another Demon Slayer level action scene here. The art is gorgeous and simply gets the job done.
Sound: 6 - I'mma be honest, I didn't really notice the sound. But because there wasn't any time I felt repulsed by it, and sound if technically supposed to compliment the animation, then I guess it works.
Character: 8 - The characters were all incredibly lovable, especially Kakushi and Hime, the main characters. The side characters were amazing as well, though there were a few forgettable ones. Their interactions with one another were fun as well.
Enjoyment: 10 - I personally loved this anime. The comedy always at least made me chuckle, and the small, short scenes at the end of each episode delivered on a great suspense. And again, the ending. It was pure beauty.
Overall: 9 - Kakushigoto is an amazing anime, surpassing even the highly acclaimed Tower of God in my opinion. As amazing as it is though, it's not at the legendary status deserving of a 10/10. I highly recommend you watch this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 9, 2020
As many others have said, if you're looking for the true successor to the legendary Madoka Magica, look away because this is not it. i have mixed feelings on this anime. The story is rushed, the characters are kind of forgettable, and the plot doesn't make much sense. Despite all this, however, I loved every second of this anime. The art and music are both astounding, and the transformation scenes are jawdropping. And the battle at the end was pure, unfiltered hype.
Story - 3 Poor
As I said, the story is really messy and rushed. Towards the end, though, it gets kind of stronger and
more interesting. That's the only reason I didn't straight up give it a 1.
Art - 10 Outstanding
The art is beautiful. I loved Gekudan Inu Curry's work in the original series, and their direction in Magia Record is amazing. The animation is incredibly Shafty, though, so that might turn some people away. But if you're like me and love the Shaft style, this anime will be a blast.
Sound - 9 Great
Let's face it, it's impossible to live up to the absolute deity that is Yuki Kajiura, but Takumi Ozawa sure did an amazing job. The original soundtrack is amazing even when compared to Kajiura, as it captures the mystical nature of the original series incredibly well. The only complaint I have is that the music is often overused and sometimes the sudden changes in music can be jarring.
Character - 6 Fair
The characters in Magia Record are a meh. It feels like a gacha game where the anime seems to just be collecting more characters as it goes along. Would really have liked for more character development.
Enjoyment - 9 Great
Magia Record was an absolute joy for me. As a big animation guy, the trippy fights and backgrounds really sucked me in. And the final fight scene, again, was absolute perfection.
Overall - 6 Fair
Despite me enjoying the hell out of this anime, I can't recommend it to most others. If you enjoyed the game, you'll most likely enjoy this anime. And if you like Gekudan Inu Curry's work, you'll also enjoy this anime. It doesn't have much else going for it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 8, 2020
I really wanted to enjoy this anime, but everything fell apart by episode 2. What i expected out of this anime was an epic tale about two kids restoring music to its former glory. Instead, I got... I don't even know what I got. I don't understand why, but this anime's so god damn boring. I was bored through the first episode but decided to give the second episode a shot at redemption, but it just put me right to sleep. Apparently, it's a mecha anime(?) and μ has the power to pilot the mechs because she has a giant headphone jack in her back,
and Echo is a mech designing hobbyist. It sounds cool, but there's really just something off that I just can't understand. And if you're looking for cool mecha fight scenes, there's none of that. It's absolutely ruined with crappy cgi. Overall, I can't recommend this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 8, 2020
I'm going to be honest, my views of this anime have been badly distorted by the hype surrounding it. With dozens of people on social media calling it the greatest anime of all time, I can't help but spite it a little. I'll try to be fair in my review, but give all my ratings maybe a 1 or 2-point margin of error. Also, I'll be using 5 as the average, so just because something's rated 5 doesn't mean it's awful.
Tower of God is an anime about a boy who's only goal in life is to find his first friend, who left him to climb
the tower that will grant any wish if one climbs to the top. On every level of the tower, there are tests, and one must pass these tests to advance onto the next level. It's a very simple plot that allows for near infinite stories and experiences.
Story - 7 Good
The story is incredibly simple, and it works pretty well. It's really nothing you haven't seen before: Weak protagonist gradually learns more and more and gets stronger as time goes on. However, the enormous world the characters are put in expands on the plot much more than other similar shows, which is this story's greatest strength.
Art - 8 Very Good
The art is gorgeous. It's not a typical anime style, but that doesn't make it not beautiful. As many others have said, it's based off of the webcomic's original artstyle, and Studio Telecom did an amazing job with it. The one thing I do have a slight problem with is the animation. Most of it is fine, but for an action anime, the fight scenes are kind of lacking. I'm aware that most anime put the same amount of effort into the fights as Tower of God, but that just means it's average. Overall, though, the art is really good.
Sound - 10 Outstanding
Yeah, Kevin Penkin is a god damn genius. I don't believe I need to say any more.
Characters - 9 Great
The characters are all so lovable. Khun is a fascinating evil mastermind and Rak is the incarnation of bro energy. Even the side characters are amazing(looking at you Shibisu). The one and only complaint I have is for the main character, Bam, and his first friend, Rachael. Bam really isn't all that interesting. His goals are weak, he only kind of has a personality, and his entire character is centered on Rachael. And Rachael, oh boy. She's equally as boring, but with the added bonus of being a prick. Still though, every other character is amazing.
Enjoyment - 7 Good
There's really nothing wrong with this anime, it's just that shounen isn't exactly my cup of tea. I'm never bored watching this anime, I can tell you that, but I thrive on deep emotional conflict, which simply doesn't exist in Tower of God. Anyways, it's really enjoyable. Even a shounen hater like me can enjoy it pretty well, so you'll definitely enjoy it.
Overall - 8 Very Good
Overall, Tower of God is a very good anime. It's kind of like Demon Slayer, where it doesn't invent anything new, but it masters all the tropes it was given. And also like Demon Slayer, it is not the greatest anime of all time. Please stop calling it that, I beg of you. You're just going to ruin other's perceptions of it. Anyways(sorry for the side tangent), I would definitely recommend this anime. The pacing is really good, so enough happens in the first episode to give a nice little first impression. So watch one episode and see if you like it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 2, 2020
Like many others, I was extremely excited when Eizoken was announced. The premise was exciting and the animation looked stunning.The first episode delivered on that. However, as the show went on, it quickly became stale.
Story - 3: There was barely any story, and the moments when there was plot development were boring and repetitive. There were 3 "arcs" throughout the show, and each one is a carbon copy of the last. They each consisted of the girls needing money, they want to make an anime to make the money, the school gets in their way, they finish the anime and everyone goes "WOW". The whole
anime felt more like an attempt to educate the public on anime production than an actual story.
Art - 8: The art was probably the only saving grace of this anime. The animation in the imagination scenes were brilliant, as well as the girls' productions. The backgrounds and city landscapes were also amazing.
Sound - 6: The soundtrack was pretty decent, but they play the same song so many times that it gets repetitive and annoying.
Character - 4: In my personal opinion, the only two interesting characters were Kanamori, from the main trio, and Ono, from the Robot Club. Kanamori carried the story for me with her down to Earth views and morally gray personality. However, the other two main characters, Asakusa and Mizusaki, were just boring plot devices.
Enjoyment - 3: I was really enjoying the anime until the first "arc" ended, which was episode 3 I think. Everything after that was boring and felt like a chore to watch.
Overall - 5: It's not the worst anime ever, I've seen much worse, but it was such a letdown. If you're into art and want to watch an anime about artists doing their thing, don't watch this anime, I recommend something like Comic Girls. If you absolutely must watch this anime and find out for yourself, watch the first 4 or 5 episodes, since episodes 1-3 were actually enjoyable for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 13, 2020
I have VERY mixed feelings about this anime. The art and character designs are pretty good throughout, but the animation is an unstable mess. The fight scenes are extremely hype and the use of cgi is somehow really nice, but at other times the scene looks as if the animator feel asleep and woke up forgetting what they were supposed to animate.
The story is mediocre but nice. Nothing about it really stands out.
The characters are really cool actually. They don't have THAT much personality, but every character is colorful and fun to watch, including the antagonists.
In short, don't watch this anime if you're looking
for a beautiful masterpiece. However, if you're just looking for something fun and hype, give this anime a go.
Overall, i give this anime a 6/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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