This is more of a gag anime than a slice of life anime. The scenes where there actually is something going on other than girls discussing a topic in the club room are rare. It's pretty much "girls talking about topics the creator cares about", rather than "girls talking about things girls would be talking about". It is similar to Joshiraku in that vein. Though the number of language-related jokes are thankfully less, so the translations aren't a nightmare.
So, given its genre, obviously there is no story. There is not much character development other than very mild crushes/bonds between character pairs that appear halfway through
Oct 21, 2015
Occasionally entertaining dialogue between characters is a hallmark of slice of life series. In Yuyushiki's case, the series consists almost entirely of that. Compound it with the fact that characters are constantly either in/near school or in Yui's house, and you get a considerably static anime.
Even in Lucky Star, commonly criticized for having bland dialogue between characters, or in Joshiraku, which pokes fun at itself for being made into an anime although it's a dialogue-heavy series; there are numerous occasions where characters are shown in environments that differ from the usual school/house setting (shops, school trips, camping trips, city trips, other outings, the beach etc.). ... |