Junk food.
That’s what comes to mind when i think of this anime, or to be more precise Isekai junk food. If you think In Another World with My Smartphone was a terrible anime than you will not enjoy this show. If our someone who’s ok likes to watch generic isekai for the fun of it or to see just how generic it can be this show may appeal to you in that way. I won't waste people's time and tell you my rating for this show is a 5/10.
Demon Lord, Retry is to be frank a basic teleported to another world anime with the
twist being that the main protagonist is a mafia boss referred to in the show by everyone in the new world including the title "Demon Lord" which i find humorous considering the english dubs voice actors voice doesn't match the characters look whatsoever so he tries to sound more gruff and it's like a teenager poorly propping as an adult going to the convenience store to buy a 12 pack of beer. The best part is that Josh Grelle is the voice of both him and the MC of In Another World with My Smartphone Touya Mochizuki so it makes for a humorous experience like a 5th graders trying to perform hamlet.
Regardless let’s move on to the cookie cutter plot of our isekai tale. Akira is an adult who managed a MMO similar to the world he gets teleported into but different in terms of magic and finds himself transported to this other world where he meets up with redux-Rem (i call her this because she is a shy carbon copy lookalike of Rem from Re;Zero) who has been thrown out of her crappy village where she literally shoveled peoples crap and was treated badly for some fucking reason thats generic and cliche to get you to have sympathy for her to be a sacrifice for a high level demon for everyone else but not our main protagonist of course cause he kills the demon quite easily. After saving the girl he finds a holy place or something where demon worshipers are all dead inside and out and a statue woman is slowly crumbling away after granting the demon worshipers the request to summon a demon lord (of which is our main protagonist BTW in case the title didn't tip you off) and she doesn't have enough power to grant a wish to bring him back to his world, but at least gives him a ring that seems demonic and only seems to serve to make him think evil thoughts so he ignores it while heading to redux-Rems village to return her unknowing of her TrAgIc story. After seeing the other villagers treat her badly he casually burns down their village and brings along redux-Rem on his adventures while she dreams of banging him like every girl in one of these generic shows does with our main hero (who they made middle aged this time, tOtAlLy DiFfErEnT...)
Along the way he meets a slew of trope character whose concepts were taking from some other show like the angry brutish girl, the self-centered tsundere, the trap, the megumin/chuunibyou character, the crude hardcore girl who turns to jello when a big hunking man comes along and saves her, the "pure" older sister, the nice merchant, the one masochist guy, the smart girl who also wants to bang the protagonist for reasons even she questions, the friendly barkeep, the asshole for the sake of being asshole nobles, a demon girl, sorry HALF-demon girl, demi humans who are just humans with animal features, ext. The show only runs for 12 episode and introduces so many characters that they constantly show a name caption above a characters head that hasn't been on screen long enough when they're back on screen of which is a TERRIBLE decision and i hope they didn't think they were gonna continue cause this show is really not good enough to continue honestly but hey, they gave other generic Isekai 24 episodes so what do i know...
I tried to write the summary of this in a short manner but i just couldn't do it... Basically he establishes a base of operations via "insta-construction" bullshit and wants to make money in the new world to help him return home of which he needs to talk to the god of that world to do, or something... The rest makes little to no difference and i'm telling you now to just go into this and not think hard about it, that’s why i called it junk food, its trope central in this show and rip-offs like redux-Rem are a plenty.
Let’s just get on with the MAL ratings that i redid in a table here:
I don't like MALs take on ratings and how it doesn't have .5 ratings so here my take on it.
8:Very Good
3.5:Very Bad
Story: 2.5/10 or 3/10 by MALs scoring. Remember soul eater and how it used unoriginal concepts and made them amazing? This show does the exact opposite and uses them in the blandest possible sense and it makes even thinking about its plot or trying to summarize it painful for me which is terrible but not 1.5 level of it cause that would be reserved for a show that tried to be serious of which this show doesn't really try to do that so it gets off the hook a bit.
Art: The art is your chip in your junk food but only just one, and if you've ever had a single chip you know how annoying that is and makes it not worth eating if you don't have more and this show certainly didn't have more. Bland, uninspired, pathetic and doesn't really try. On a plus note i suppose it tried to add more detail with how it shaded its characters but it wasn't good enough, 4.5/10 or 4/10 for MAL scoring.
Sound: There wasn't anything standoutish and the voice acting was maybe 3/5th properly sounding/done decently enough, however the intro isn't god awful so there's that at least? 5/10.
Characters: Too many, all generic or ripped off, nothing really unique, almost no REAL character building, but the designs weren't eye bleeding so 4.5/10 or 4/10 for MAL for MAL scoring.
Enjoyment: Like a said initially this show is junk food and in its own bad way it wasn't so terrible to that i had to bleach my eyes but it was something i guarantee i'll forget, thus 4.5/10 or 5/10 for MAL scoring.
Overall: You need to go into this show expecting nothing of value and just laugh at the stupid tropey crap to get a semblance of joy out of it. I don't recommend this show, i would never tell you to buy it or tell you it’s a must watch. If you wanna forget about this show that’s for the best in my opinion cause it wasn't worth valuing, but like i said if you wanna just have a junk food to watch this won't hurt you to simply view once. 4.5/10 or 5/10 for MAL scoring.
Oct 3, 2019
Maou-sama, Retry!
Mixed Feelings
Junk food.
That’s what comes to mind when i think of this anime, or to be more precise Isekai junk food. If you think In Another World with My Smartphone was a terrible anime than you will not enjoy this show. If our someone who’s ok likes to watch generic isekai for the fun of it or to see just how generic it can be this show may appeal to you in that way. I won't waste people's time and tell you my rating for this show is a 5/10. Demon Lord, Retry is to be frank a basic teleported to another world anime with the ...
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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![]() Show all Oct 2, 2019
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?
To start off with if you have an issue with fan service and or have no interest in exercise or overly muscular guys then this show might not be for you, and so to not waste your time my Score for this show is 7.5/10.
This show primarily is a Comedy, educational, Slice of Life show so if you’re expecting a summary of the story than the best i can do for you is, one girl is a gluten who eventually looks at her weight via the scale and believes no guy will like her in her near semi pudgy state so she heads to the ... new gym that’s offering a free trial membership. Another girl from her same school who’s the bell of the ball AKA the best at everything and loved by all also goes to this gym semi-regularly and has a muscle fetish. Together they start working out with one another and other people they know including their teacher are also enticed to join up mostly due to the initial look of the instructor at the gym cause they all are single and ready to mingle, and that’s about it for the plot. What makes this show standout from other anime ESPECIALLY ones involving exercise is that tag i mentioned at the beginning of the above paragraph, "Educational". That's right folks this isn't just girls in very limited outfits "working out", the show actually tries to teach you through a segment that happens every episode called "Machios Lesson of the day" (that’s accompanied by a catchy jingle) how to do various workouts and what not to do to avoid causing yourself pain while doing them. People who have looked over this show and those who do exercise regularly have said that some of what the show says isn't 100% accurate because of the studies they mention are experimental but for the most part they also have said these exercise tips are mostly spot on so this is a show that can actually impact your life in a meaningful way should you want to get into excusing or need tips for your regular workout. To note during the Machio lessons of the day there is female fan service but its anime and if you see the cover of the show you should expect there to be some fan service involved and ultimately its nothing all that riske to begin with. There is also male fan service mostly in the means of Mr. Machio and his overly ridiculous muscular figure and if your into that cool, if you’re not the outro is full of muscular generic guys to give heads up. The slice of life elements of the show would be nothing without the comedy that uses art style changes, not as generic dialogue, pop culture references and appearances like Arnold Schwarzenegger and interesting personalities of the characters overall but it is highly focused on exercise and semi-fan service over those 2 elements so keep that in mind as you view (though i suspect most people who read these reviews are those who have already seen the show and are looking for alternate opinions but whatever. Also hello people who already watched this), now let's move on to the MAL rating categories of which i've edited via this table here. I don't like MALs take on ratings and how it doesn't have .5 ratings so here my take on it. 10:Masterpiece 9.5:Incredible 9:Awesome 8.5:Great 8:Very Good 7.5:Good 7:Alright 6.5:Fine 6:Ok 5.5:Average 5:Medicure 4.5:Boring 4:Bad 3.5:Very Bad 3:Terrible 2.5:Horrible 2:Appealing 1.5:Painful 1:Trash Story: Like i said before there's not much in terms of a story but it's also not trying to have much in terms of a story so the rating now reflects on how believable the circumstances were to get to the place the story takes priority in AKA Silverman Gym and i say it's believable enough but due to their body shape before and after the end of the show not changing much i wouldn't call it to believable but i at least can respect the last scene of the show having our main character going back on the scale and feeling accomplished by what she sees, so 6.5/10 or 6/10 for MALs rating system. Art: The art was not some basic average art style that didn't work well like From Common Place to Worlds Strongest was but it also wasn't amazingly spectacular either, but you could clearly see the art team behind it had fun playing with changing a characters art style to enhance the comedic elements when it would work well for the scene, so with that said i give art a 6.5/10 or rounded for MAL a 6/10. Sound: There was a lot of music i noticed during this show albeit not much of the true background music but sound is sound and that also encompasses the voice acting of which i watched the dub and i feel it did well there AND with its opening and little jingle each time there was a lesson of the day, thus i award this category a 7/10. Characters: There wasn't much to the characters i hadn't seen somewhere else before and some of the characters got kinda stale after a while list Mr. Machio who constantly did the same thing over and over again, HOWEVER they were given interesting personalities that made them stand out from other character i've seen in other series and ESPECIALLY this season of seasonal anime so they get a 6/10. Enjoyment and Overall: There were times i must admit i felt like doing something other than watching the show while an episode was going because it got predictable after watching for half way through and i'm not sure if this is a show i'd be willing to rerun anytime in the near future because i myself am not into exercise and most of this show IS exercise. HOWEVER it’s not a show i would throw away and forget about either. When and or if the show comes out on its initial release for Blu-Ray i may debate on getting it depending on the price, but if it ever gets to about 40 or lower i'd snag it in a heartbeat because i had a good time when i was focused on watching and i'll look back on this series as being great for those who want to get into exercise or exercise already, a good show to start a newcomer to anime on, and overall a good show in general that should get some attention, so with all that in mind (and how i already gave the answer to this question), this show gets a 7.5/10 from me rounded down to a 7/10 for MALS ranking system sense i think an 8 is giving the show far to much credit for what it is.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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![]() Show all Oct 1, 2019
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]
Mixed Feelings
My initial MAL rating will show a 6/10, however in reality it's a 5.5/10 to clarify and not waste people's time.
The Ones Within when i first started to watch it showed me an interesting concept that i hadn't initially seen done before by making the main cast all streamers who played different genres of video games and if there's one thing that can improve a shows overall all rating it’s a unique concept of which did help this show slightly. Unfortunately this show gives 0 investment in the stakes in presents and tries to have serious build up that not ultimately lead nowhere but just ... plain lead nowhere entirely, in other words the show falls flat and it does so harder than a 40 foot belly flop. Now don't go getting upset that i just dissed your favorite anime or something cause there are positive aspects of this show to talk about, but my main issue overall is it has so much wasted potential and doesn't know how to keep tension despite acting like one of those shows where everyone is trapped in a job and suspicious of one another. The Good Aspects: The idea behind each character having to use their gaming genre of expertise to help complete tasks to reach the amount of views required to win and escape where they are at is quite an interesting concept sort of like Danganronpa without the killing aspect (of which MANY seem to blatantly compare it too…). The characters themselves are honestly interesting and when they TRY (keyword try) to make each character have something serious or mysterious going on with them it actually makes me want to figure out what’s up with them more (at least it did for a VERY short amount of time…). What they come up with for games for them to play and how they have to choose who plays them is also a good aspect, I find it quite interesting that some of the NPC type characters who are meant to be obstacles for them during the game seem to be doing so because they have no choice (it doesn’t add up to anything so it’s not a spoiler really, more like a ‘The Ones Within theory talking point if anything). The art was definitely not plain Jane bland which is nice but it’s just a bit above the cut so nothing spectacular. The character interactions I found enjoyable but I’m sure aren’t for everybody. The Bad Aspects: this show can’t decide whether it’s a slice of life game show with dramatic tension, or a undertone serious story with slice of life elements on top to keep everything seeming happy to later reveal a dark sinister truth down the line but mostly leans towards being a slice of life game show because none of the serious elements are relevant enough to make any difference if they haven’t already been debunked or disproven. They seem to just through characters backstory/trauma or and way the other players get to know them in willy-nilly if they aren’t the characters who take center stage for one reason or another like Aikawa. Towards the very end of the show they’re just like “oh, yeah. We know almost nothing about this guy so I guess let’s just give him a random ass reason why he’s usually alone and sleeping, that’ll work right?” I’m not saying the reason they gave him was bad per say but the resolution was completely bullshit considering NONE of the other characters really paid him all that much mind throughout the show and in the end one character just kinda “knows” the reason and he comes back because he seeing his fellow streamers are there for him or some shit? It felt forced as HELL. Many interesting elements and places they see along the way (that they can go back to ANYTIME) are just one shots that we never explore or visit again most likely due to the series only being 12 episodes and apparently a 13th none-aired episode long, but there’s so much nothing in those 12 episodes it’s sad and to see what it could have been and the its only 12 episodes point doesn’t apply to its lack of build up because other shows with less episodes had great build up like Problem Children are Coming From Another World Aren’t They? That only had 10 with an 11th bonus episode. Something that also bugged me is the quirks the streamers had like one who’s good at horror games being scare of anything remotely horror like… you were choice because you were good at playing that type of game and you can’t stand it IRL? Not just stupid and gimmicky. There’s also the nurture and farm game streamer who apparently carries around flashbang grenades? Their used for comic relief and to lower tension when people are fighting but it makes 0 sense and seems more hurtful than helpful (especially if you know what an ACTUAL flashbang can do to your ears and hearing, it’s not pretty). Also to simply note without spoilers the ending is trash. Maybe in the unaired episode the REAL ending is better but for now MAL deems that not a part of this complete breakfas--- I MEAN series and I don’t think and unaired episode is gonna be dubbed so it won’t effect this review and my opinion of the last episode stands. Overall I found it difficult to defend this series with good points but regardless it did give me SOME enjoyment, so let’s go over the MAL categories now and rank them shall we? Story: 4/10 (by 4 I mean bad cause MALs word for it “decent” is stupid when 5 is listed as mediocre) . The story encompasses the entire series and its progression so I can’t give it points for its concept if the show ultimately lead nowhere in the end. Art: Definitely above average but nothing to flashy so I’d give it a 6/10. Sound: I’m not a great judge of this category sense I usually don’t hear the background music unless it REALLY stands out and this show definitely didn’t have anything stand out. The opening and ending aren’t bad though not great either. 5.5/10 or 6/10 in MAL terms. Characters: Honestly this one is up to the viewers’ discretion as to whether enjoy the character archetypes but I did and I saw potential that the stories progression apparently didn’t so 7.5/10 or 7/10 in MAL terms. Enjoyment: Despite its short comings it was somewhat enjoyable so I give it a 6/10. Overall: I’ve already said in the beginning my score was 5.5/10 or 6/10 in MAL terms and its hugely because the show wanted to be two different things but in the end couldn’t do either correctly enough. If it had more episodes and better writing maybe it could have been better but it didn’t so it’s sad to see this show fade but I don’t think it’s gonna be a show I’ll remember in the future and it’s not one I’d buy unless it was an essentials or a HUGELY on sale.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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![]() Show all Sep 29, 2019
Mixed Feelings
My expectations going into this show weren't necessarily high, nor necessarily lower but i feel as though i got something a bit better than decent out of the experience, so to not waste people's time let me tell you that my score for this show is a 6.5/10 sense i have no way to do so using MALs rating system.
Now let me go into my thoughts on the show. This show is comprised of 3 stories in 1 and we start off with Kyons (from the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) voice actor talking about how china (of which all 3 of these stories take place in) ... is not looking to great in his eyes now that he's older and decides to attempt to reminisce about the good times of his youth while traveling back home to see his dying relative before she goes. Throughout his story we see him as he grows being happy than melancholy over aspects of his life that he found great fading away or disappearing from his life util there was nothing but grey skies and dreary china left for him, until the end of the story course. Story 1: I thought this story wasn't bad but i feel focused too much on its food aspects (yes i grasp the show is called FLAVORS of Youth but that made no difference for the other 2 stories so i feel it wasn't necessary), however i wouldn't say it didn't have a purpose and came full circle at the end when he eat noodles after his beloved Grandmother passed away so i'd say this story was a 5.5/10 by itself. Our next story follows a girl who grew up to tall but was thankful for her height because it along with her interest in wearing cute clothing helped her to become a fashion model while also taking in her sister a while after their parents died (dead parents in anime? Shocker...). Story 2: If you've seen other concepts like this involving a relatively older fashion model in different media it’s not hard to see where most of the story is going from the very beginning so it’s weak point for me at least is its predictability. But i have to give credit to how the show flows and makes you care at least a bit about our main 3 characters (let's call them oblivious, inspiration, and nice guy) and their interactions with one another albeit Nice Guy being a bit to idealistic for what he actually is. The points this story tries to get across are clearly conveyed to the watcher; be aware of what you have and treasure it, nothing lasts forever, don't sacrifice your health for your career and of course girls are cutthroat and jealous as hell (that last one is real important). Overall this story i felt was more impactful, albeit predictable, than our first story so i give it a 6/10. Our last story is when we get real anime-like and get closer to what Netflix (via this shows preview) wants you to compare it too, Your Name. Our new lead (let's call him Idiot), is just moving into a new apparent with the help of his childhood friend that he doesn't act like a friend towards when in the process of unpacking he finds a tape (that has a series of messages on it that he and his childhood crush listened to and recorded when they were young) that he didn't know he had received a new message on or even had in his possession (despite being reminded 3 times) and now wants to hear it because everything has done up until this point was to make it so her, his childhood friend and him could live together of which he told her in one of the messages he recorded to her way back when (that was a mouth full). Story 3: This story made me cringe a bit from how Idiot was acting. One moment he’s carrying his crush home and spouting cheesy lines like "if it will make you smile i'll do it", the next he's mad at her for choices she felt were beyond her control, than he doesn't tell her he’s trying for the same school as her to be with her and this ends up in a miscommunication after receiving the tape but not listening to it that had her fail her entrance exam so she could be with him and get beaten by her father for it. Oh but it doesn't stop there! Than when they meet again after being in different schools he almost completely ignores her and lies AGAIN about his reasons for going to the school on top of being told about the tape AGAIN to once again not know about it... At this point if i wasn't aware of his desperation to find the tape and only aware he accomplished his goals and became an architect while just reminiscing of what could have been i would have like the character more but sense i'm aware of the situation ahead of time he just seems like an idiot to me and his life goal came at the cost of the people he wanted it to involve. When he builds the place he wants all of them to live in (a motel apparently?), WHAT DO YOU KNOW she comes walking in out of frame and he smiles ending the last of the 3 stories. Yeah... I wasn't a fan of this one. They story could have been better, the characters i didn't care about the characters (Idiot also admits he was acting childish which i think is an understatement), and the real lesson is if you love somebody DON'T IGNORE THEM! This one gets a 4/10 for me cause it annoyed me. That adds up to a grand total of 5.5/10 for overall story which i'll put as a 6 sense the first 2 weren't as bad and MAL doesn't do .5 ratings... The Art: In current year there's a LOT of bland art in the series that come out but sense this is considered a movie i intend to judge it by movie standards. As a movie this animation isn't the best i've seen and sense the trailer wants to shove the fabled legend "Your Name" in YOUR face to let you know it was made by the same group i would have to say it was fine, just fine. 6/10. Sound: This one is relatively hard for me despite enjoying music quite a bit sense i don't usually hear the songs in these anime unless they really stand out like in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Lucky Star, Carol and Tuesday or Made in Abyss. I can't say i had an issue with what i was hearing but nothing stood out to me so take this with a grain of salt but 5/10. Characters: I'm gonna be honest, none of these guys left a lasting impression on me (i hope you could tell when i couldn't be bothered to get their actual names to use in the review). I can't say as though i had an issue with them but we get maybe 30 minutes with each set and though we learn more than we really learn about characters like the two in Garden of Words IMO, we still don't have a lot to go on. If i had to give an MVP award to better group of characters i'd say Story 2 wins sense i didn't care whatsoever about story 3s group and story 1 we focus on one guys being melancholy (he should have stuck with Haruhi for that). Overall they weren't remarkable but not terrible so 5.5/10 which will be 5. Despite my griping about certain parts of this show i did enjoy the experience of all 3 stories combine more than i expected i would so i'll give it a 6.5/10 or a 6 in MAL terms cause it wasn't THAT good. Considering i've already said the rating it may be confusing as to why looking back on my other scorings but let me explain: This show despite my gripes once again did make me think about my life and my youth in some way and i had more connections with the second story than i was expecting to have sense i'm sure as hell no model and not a girl. That experience is part of what reviewing a show is all about (despite being illogical), how one feels about a show after watching needs to take into consideration but NOT sway your thoughts of the show so much that your rating end up like the new Lions Kings audience ratings. So though i did give a bit higher of a rating than my scoring suggests, i did so with another factor involved that many people of today seems to think solely with but i will not, After-feeling: 6.5/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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![]() Show all Feb 18, 2019
3D Kanojo: Real Girl
Not Recommended Preliminary
(2/12 eps)
I would usually go through all the ratings like Story: until Overall: But i'm making this review after barely making it through episode 2 of the English Version, it's just dreadful...
From the very beginning of episode one you are BOMBARDED with trope, after trope of completely stupid anime cliches. The main character and his friend have the worse voices for their parts, the blonde guy doesn't sound anything like how he should, and the Main Character is so bland and doesn't try to do any emotion in his voice at all, and for a character whos supposed to be meek, he never sounds meek at ... all. On top of that i thought in the beginning the show was amping him up to be smart because he wanted a perfect attendance record that he blows twice in 2 episodes for "a convenient meeting he didn't plan on". Before i go further with how the MC and the few people i've seen thus far are completely trope'd and don't seem to know what they are talking about half the time, let me say the writing is some of the worst shit i've seen in anime. The characters motivations change at the flip of a hat, a store owner without any proof accusers the main girl of stealing and threatens to call the police, only for the main character to come up to the store owner and proof she wasn't stealing by BLUNTLY ADMITTING HE WAS STALKING HER TO EVERYONE IN THE STORE, and SHE DIDN'T CALL THE COPS FOR THAT?!, It just cuts to the next scene... Also for even the slightest nice thing the main girl kisses the guy she doesn't know, whos been insulting her the entire time they were around one another, and everytime they get in a situation where it seems like they'll part ways the main character is just walking somewhere and BAM shes there, not on purpose but thats where she happened to be cause CLICHE PLOT CONVENIENCE. He also sees the Main girl getting pulled away by some guy who says she's his girlfriend which they never give clarification on, then he tries to fight him off of her, she sits there and watches when he tells her to run, then when he loses and i guess semi passes out (IDK it faded to white) the guy is just... Gone?! He won and could continued to drag her away but she's still there... Later on she talks with him on the roof, and flips from normal to sad to normal again all in between saying she was lying about her previous statement which i can only assume is to make her seem mysterious?????? I HAVE NO IDEA. The main character throughout all of this is meek as shit and can't take even the slightest semi mean comment from a girl whatsoever but will sit and take it anyways??? There's also a doctor who after figuring out what the MC was blabbing about cause apparently he can't talk to a random guy now thats not threatening him, instead of clearing up he wasn't dating the Main girl decides to call a random person he's never meet pathetic and not good for a girl hes i guess walked around casually with or some shit with no sexual inclinations but there not friends or something... It might seem like I'M babbling but this is what i've seen from this disaster of a show. The cringe is real. On top of that Crunchyroll having even the ending song from this show in their awards apparently means they know nothing about picking for anime anything of the year. One last note, the only positive thing about the dub version of this series is that they got Hilary Haag to voice the guys favorite magical girl character, i'd give you a name but idk what it is and MAL hasn't updated it with any pic and i'm not going back in to find out... Please, if you care about anime whatsoever don't watch this. I'm telling you this for your own good, this is one of the worse things i've seen in maybe like 2 years... This show is an insult to any fan of dubs along with any anime fans intelligence.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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![]() Show all Feb 10, 2019 Recommended
This show is fresh off the presses of my memory from just watching it and boy howdy do i got some stuff to talk about, and for it being apart of the sword art online franchise it surprises me that i can talk about this show in a good way.
Before i get to far into this i believe it would be good information as to where i stand on the SAO series as a whole and how much i've seen of it. I've currently seen all of season 1, the first part of season 2, and Alternative. I have not seen the movie or the ... new series thats out but i've heard its gotta at least a tad bit better. As for where i stand on the series as a whole note that i don't detest sword art online as a show in its entirety, honestly when it first came out i enjoyed the concept of it. But as i rewatched it i could see the obvious flaws in the shows and get this, i still didn't hate the show, (i know shocking isn't?). I would say i compare SAO to a show thats not similar to it in concept but in quilty, Absolute Duo. I enjoyed absolute Duo for what it was and like SAO i saw its flaws as well. But to SAO lovers dismay i'm no fanboy of the show even if i was ok with it, no quite the contrary, i disapprove of SAO's existence but for a completely differing reason. You see, SAO and AOT are 2 shows that got many newcomers into anime because thats when a sort of renaissance of anime happened, but for me and others from the times of anime past it was a renaissance that would breed much mediocrity into the anime fandom. The reason i disapprove of SAO is because it is currently STILL one of the shows at the forefront of anime despite its overwhelming writing issues, its flawed design, and its continuation despite these issues. I would say it does warrant popularity because it brought forth the Isekai genre (and if anyone wants to say its not a genre i'm going to call you out as blatantly copying a current anime youtube who said as such because whether you consider it a genre or not is subjective), of which i'm a fan of when its done correctly, but that doesn't give it a pass simply for that reason. The issues of SAO being praised are basically similar to saying anything made by Illumination is a masterpiece of which for anyone with any semblance of insight knows is bullshit. SAOs success may have lead to the creation of more Isekais, it it also brought with it a swarm of shows that were extremely mediocre that turned enough profit to say to the industry "hey, we'll accept anything regardless of its quilty you throw at us". To this day we have may issues in anime that are a result of us accepting mediocrity, not just in bad shows but also in good shows where the animators either want to "save money" rush the production to get it out on time, or just get lazy with writing, animation, 3D animations (i think many can see that in stuff like Berserk, Overlord, and Golden Kumey to be name a few) and other issues because they are now mass producing anime which mean quantity over quality. That's not to say that all shows suffer from this but eventually THEY COULD. THAT is why i disapprove of SAO, not because its a bad show but because by its success, we courage companies to get lazier and lazier and THEY WILL if we just allow it and keep believing the industry is working for us; the industry couldn't care less what you think of them, all they really are out for this the money and if you think people in japan give a damn about what anyone else in the world thinks of their shows you best go do some research and think again. Now if anyone still thinks for some reason that i shouldn't disapprove of SAO then go do you bo, i'm gonna get back on track now so if anyone wasn't reading the whole thing or just doesn't care then continue to where this review says "Story:" and i'll get started. The review begins here if you wish to skip my thoughts on SAO as a series as i'm sure some will want too. Story: I'm gonna give the story an 8/10 BECAUSE in comparison to the other parts of SAO the person who wrote this, Keiichi Sigsawa; did an excellent job with the flawed world and series he was given to work with. Unlike the other SAO arcs this one seemed a lot more relatable and realistic to be regardless of a bit of cheesiness here and there. There's no hugely grand stakes, the combat throughout the show seemed why less bullshit then SAO and its conclusion was sort of hinted at early on but was in no way one of the worst ones i've seen in a while, in fact one of the better ones i'd say, (i kinda want a sequel to see what happens and to improve this franchises image). Also the MCs backstory was a huge improvement but we'll get to that in the Characters section. Art: If there's one thing thats a constant for SAO, it's that the art and battle scenes almost always look great, I'd say an issue i had was the not hugely diverse array of character designs but it could be call back to SAOs second season or something so i can't really hate on it to much (though in a real MMO their would be tons of female models regardless if they were played by a guy or a girl, but in the second season of SAO they made it seem rare so again it could be a call back. I feel sorry for the writer having to work around that if thats the case). I enjoyed the aesthetic of GGO in the SAO second season and i enjoy how they can make a cute character look good in it so i can't complain to much, and the character movements looked amazing, 9/10. Sound: I wouldn't say i was much of a fan of the opening or ending songs but a part of the sound qualifies as also the sounds of combat in the show and for that i'd say it deserves a good 8/10, plus the background music wasn't terrible or annoying so an 8/10 is appropriate in my book. Characters: This category i'll go into some depth of why i enjoy Karen vs Kirito and how i like most of the characters, but this is also where i'd like to deduct points, the issue is that MAL doesn't have .5s in the rating system even though they use then to tally up peoples scores to see what has the highest rating... For this category at least here i'm giving it a 7.5/10 because i can't fessibly do it on MAL. Lets start with why i don't think a 8/10 is appropriate. I think most of the main and supporting characters are decent for the stories progression, HOWEVER its the other characters that annoyed me. You see, besides the "creeps" as they call them in the show, no other players acted in a way that didn't seem kinda dumb or in a way that annoyed me (not EXACTLY including some of the more noteworthy teams in the game but sort of including them too.) For example, the machine gun brothers were EXTREMELY stereotyped where as for almost every other no name team at least seemed semi realistic to a game setting, these guys were acting like Hebros which in most games you rarely see unless they are just dicking around and in no way organized. But as for the "other" non named npcs, after the elite teams combat scenes we just see 2 different teams doing the EXACT SAME FORMATION in the middle of an open terrain, in a game with snipers... REALLY!? You couldn't have them do SOMETHING ELSE?! Like make just walk around the map unaware, or literally anything else... "facepalm". There was also the girl with green hair later on whos extremely minimal backstory made no sense in retrospect because , i'm sorry if this is in some way spoilers but WHO BRINGS A GIRL WHO DOESN"T WANT TO SHOT ANYONE IN A VIDEO GAME TO A PVP TOURNAMENT WHEN THERE WAS NO PARTY MINIMUM AND YOU HAD ENOUGH PLAYERS!? DA FUCK!? At least Sion in SAO DID kill people in the game but only sometimes hesitated due to a traumatic event, this girl had no actual excuse for even trying to participate in a pvp event when she doesn't do what's required of her in the event lol, and if your gonna try and say cause she could spot for them, her team were ALL gun trained and any one of them could do the same thing and participate in the pvp match so thats no excuse! As for OTHER characters in the game, most all the men in the game who watched the match were dumb as bricks and not realistic whatsoever. On top of that (at least in the english dub version) some of the guys either in the game or watching it went out of their way to patronize women just to make the girls look good when they kicked their asses or when they showed them they could do much more than what they expected in a extremely not subtle way of preaching feminism where we didn't need it to be there... It annoys me when shows get political but note this could be fixed by just stopping that shit and not watching from a distance like some people do and saying that the people who localize these shows should be brought down because they think they could handle it themselves even though they just will expect some else to do it in the long run, NO. It can be fixed by letting the companies that take the time to localize it know we disapprove of it and if it gets worse partition them to stop putting political shit in the shows, not just wanted for them to go down because unlike those people who think everything will sort itself out if localization companies are gone, i KNOW that will bring anime to a terrible grinding halt, not make it "better", end of rant. Now as for the good characters in the show let's all say goodbye to the self insert kirito and welcome Karen Kohiruimaki who doesn't have a self insert personality and has real life issues besides "which girl should i bring in the harem today and do i have to save them in a literal or metaphorical way?" Karen plays a cute character in GGO but the reason is she doesn' like the fact thats shes tall in real life and feels self conscious about it, thus she decides to indulge in some escapism which after multiple game issues with ultimately not having player height adjustment options she finally finds that GGO allows her to be the small and adorable girl she always wished she could be and quickly learns that desserts in the game apparently have pink sandstorms... (it makes more sense when you see it). but basically Karen is a character with development which is an amazing leap from Mr. Kirito (which should be replaced with Something witty entertainments version) and thats all that matter. Karens friend, Miyu Shinohara, isn't a cookie cutter characters but besides some small bits of info about her in the beginning there's not a lot to say about her except she was a good supportive friend that seems kinda fake but real enough to not be SAO quality. The player M gets more interesting as more info is known about him but let me say that i'm glad a bit of info about him revealed a lot later wasn't censored for being a bit out of the ballpark and ultimately he is an interesting character throughout the show so there's also that. The highschool girls were kinda just there but if it gets a sequel they could get some development which would be cool. The semi Antagonist Pitohui plays an interesting part that reminded me a bit of SAOs GGO but overall her best parts are when shes in combat and her at the end in my opinion which the rest you'll have to see for yourself. Enjoyment: 8/10, no .5 for this one. I think i enjoyed it so much hughley because it make SAO look far better then its looked in quite a long time. But also because i was interesting to see what happened next. Not to say the show didn't get a bit cheesy here and there but the end of the second tournament was very game like and wasn't a live to win type deal like in Girls Und Panzer which i appreciated. The way this show was written made me want to see more of Karen and her adventures in GGO even if perhaps the show got slice of life like every now and again, and if it get a sequel i hope Keiichi Sigsawa comes back to write it and not the person who wrote SAO. Overall: I was debating if i wanted to say the show got a 8/10 or an 9/10 but because i liked it so much in comparison to its predecessors i think i'll give it the 8/10. If i watch SAO, THIS is what i want to see. Just like with the new star wars movies in how i want to see more rouge one and not more of the last jedi thats the type of thing i want to see from this series and this version showed me it could be done. 9/10, i hope to see more of this again.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Feb 6, 2019
Goblin Slayer
Mixed Feelings
Oh goodie, this is gonna be interesting considering how outspoken people have been on "issues" with this series or at least what they consider issues (honestly besides a few people protesting against it and those stupid "news" internet posting sites saying shit that isn't really news, i think the issue just got more escalated by people milking the hell out of the defense of it really so ultimately by milking its defence for what they could get out of it they probably gave those they fought about it more ground to stand on lol, conflict breeds conflict).
But anyhow let me address the biggest point guys. ... There was 1 rape scene (and you only really hear it not actually see it). 1. Not 5, not 3, 1. Yes there were implications and scenes of victims of rape but ultimately the series was pretty tame after that scene which suggests that it was put their to weed out anyone who would bitch about it honestly lol which i'm fine with. As for Crunchyroll not rating it correctly, i didn't watch off of them so i couldn't give a shit less lol. Crunchyroll only recently start catering to the dub market and they only did that because funimation was taken over by Sony and Sony has been making piss poor decisions lately which are causing their stocks to plummet. But crunchyroll got screwed by them so know they know they gotta get up on their dub game real quick, but let's start the actual review. Story: There wasn't a whole lot to the story, it was more about the characters and how they interacted with the world, not particularly how the story played out. It was basically a really basic, death heavy Dnd game and for someones whos played dnd it wasn't anything spectator. Its kinda like when there a real quest to go on and the player jus wanna go on battle side quests that have something to do with goblins and the writer knew that all to well. So i give the story a low score but like i said, it's not what makes the series, 6/10. Art: I would give the art a noce 7/10 BUT they overused their 3d asset "the goblin slayer". Anytime they had him just normal walk somewhere BAM there's that 3d version, anytime he was doing anything but standing or walking he was 2d animated which is kinda dumb. Note that the 3d model doesn't look terrible, but its also annoying to see it so often. I believe there were other instances where 3d was used, but not enough to annoy your eyes so they weren't an issue. Overall the animation wasn't always the most amazing but in comparison to other animations it was kinda basic with some gloss put on it, ESPECIALLY the opening in some places, and some of the fight scenes, so i'm gonna give it a 6/10. Sound: I liked the opening and the music throughout was good for the atmosphere so i don't have any complaints really, i think they reused some music here and there though so 7/10. Characters: 8/10. The characters though not all extremely important overall gae the series something to be interested in. Overwise it would have gotten rather boring. The goblin slayer himself sorta played the straight man whenever conversing with the elf or the priestess, the dragonbor- AHEM I mean, lizardman, was kinda bland but the interactions between the dwarf and the elf made perfect sense to an dnd player and felt natural. Other characters in the world mostly felt natural as well besides a few moments so it did well to make me feel the atmosphere of the world and the environments they were in. If someone wants me to comment on how the goblins were, i'd say they acted more like goblins would then any other anime with goblin i've scene (which isn't all that many but still). Enjoyment: Honestly when nothing was happening the show kinda dragged on, and when not much happened in an entire episode once i think i fell asleep and had to rewatch it. There was also a scene after the MC took a brutal blow where they paused in a far away view for a rather long time before the ending finally came, i knew it was a possible "is he dead? " moment but it dragged on FAR to long... Thus a 6/10, it wasn't a terrible experience but it got dull a lot which is why i think people make a bit to much out of the few scenes we saw of rape, sexual abuse and or the aftermath of rape victims, it didn't shove it in anyone's faces so it wasn't a terrible use of it. Overall: 6/10. It wasn't bad, it wasn't great, but i had no issues really with watching it all the way through thus it was good and i'd say it was at least worth a watch through at least once, (unless your one of those people who got easily offended then i'd suggest just staying away from anime all together, go taint some other medium, like reality TV).
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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![]() Show all Jan 17, 2019 Recommended
I'm sure by now many people have at least seen something related to konosuba and a lot of people have probably recommended it to you either as a Isakai or a comedy, well after watching it i gotta say it was, alright. When i say alright i mean it in the most fastest way possible, it was simply Alright. If i compare it to Sword Art Online obviously this show is better, if i compare this to Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash, this show is better. But if you put it up against Gate, Log Horizon, Overlord, or No Game No Life, and How Not
to Summon a Demon Lord then this show doesn't compare as an Isakai. As for the Comedy aspect of the show though i did laugh a few times, the comedy is EXTREMELY overhyped and overrated. I'm not saying its bad but if you want comedy watch Gamers! or Chio's School Road, this show can make people laugh if they know anything about a "real" party in an MMO or basically if you've ever played league of legends in the bronze rank but besides that the shows very generic in its Isakai approach.
Story: I can't really hate of the story persay cause the way it played out and the pacing was honestly not terrible, Basically a normal generic shut in dies, and takes a goddess with him to a fantasy world where he learns that being an adventurer is not all it's cracked up. Their "goal" that will probably never really happen sense it's trying to be a comedy, (but don't get me wrong it doesn't shove comedy in your face, it just seems like it wants to be very lighthearted with a lot of cynical humor) is to slay the demon, lord... king... (insert basic demon leader title here) while going off on guild missions to earn money but there's a problem with that i'll explain a bit later. But the progression with the MC learning new skills and it not just being a "rush to the end" story does the show right so i'd give a 9/10. Art: When i first saw images, gifs, and clips of the show i loved the facial expressions the characters made and i hoped to see more when it finally got its dub. Sadly, there wasn't anything really new i hadn't seen already and a good portion of the show had just sorta normal animation when not focusing on some of the 3D elements and animating the explosions and facial expressions, so i'd say it gets a 7/10. Sound: Throughout the show i found myself wanting to hear some of the normal background music like on a soundtrack or something and some of the tracks sounded like they would be good if you wanted to have sound clips for a tabletop rpg which doesn't happen with most anime i watch so sound gets a solid 8/10. It sort of suffers for me personally cause the intro and outro weren't that fascinating to me. Characters: This is where things get sort off to a meh start. Lets start with the Main Character Kusama. Kusama: If you were to go off of people's impressions alone you'd probably think he's a guy with no powers whos rather useless to the party, well thats why you don't believe everything you hear. Overall without Kusama the party (or at least Aqua) would have died a long time ago. He's literally the only competent one which of course you might think sounds like every MC guy from anime and honestly your not to far off, the big issue isn't that Kusama is weak or hes being a generic MC, it's more because whenever he does good, one member of his party screws him over and he basically always has to bail that person out of debt which leaves the party broke, which causes progression to slow down drastically, BUT NOT ENTIRELY! Kusama throughout the show learns new skills, manages to outsmart someone higher level then him, and honestly usually receives the least amount of damage so overall he progresses about as fast as a guy who works 6 days a week at a 9 hour job who only plays an MMO on the weekend when hes not hanging out with his co-workers, so basically he might grow a level here and there and maybe learn a few skills. Aqua: Let me get something out of the way here; Aqua isn't really useless like most people say, SHE'S DEFINITELY not extremely helpful but useless isn't the correct word, she basically helps in the most end game of situations which when she does she does a decent job. If you have to describe her she's basically a spoiled gold digger who doesn't know the meaning of the word moderation. If you ever wanted to know why Kusama isn't a generic MC its all because of this thot of a goddess, she's continuously gets into debt, she's the worst excuse of a healer, she's extremely clingy because she knows she can't do anything alone, she's full of herself even though she causes more problems then she fixes and in a few cases she just did a generic MC thing and layed the final blow and gets all the credit for it afterwards... THANKFULLY she's doesn't always get what shes wants and she's not so bad that she annoys you when shes on screen so note she is a major issue but also i get why shes in the series. Megumin: Overhyped, Overrated, semi generic character. I'm in no way saying shes a bad character, but besides the way she looks and her "EXPLO-SIONS!" she's nothing really special, i had more interest in the theif girl that came in for like 2 parts of 2 episodes then her really. She had a few cute moments but besides that her big issues throughout the show is her own unwillingness to learn any other spell besides the one that practically paralyzes her. There's no reason she can't learn them she just doesn't "want" to... Darkness: When i first heard of the series i never really cared for darkness but DAMN, this girl is thirsty for punishment. (but she also doesn't like certain kinds of jokes and or verbal abuse so i'm kinda confused about the exact extent of what turns her on??) Honest to god most of the time she stole the show with her extreme thirst for punishment, she even creeped out a mini boss which i found hilarious. everyone else: some were ok, others forgettable but i had no huge issue with any of them. Overall for characters i'd say a 6/10, the best factors being darkness and Kusama, though partly also not Kusama because like i said he is kinda basic. Enjoyment: I was hyped to watch this show, to see the awesome comedy and the characters i'd seen so much about, but it was kinda like Seki-Kun, the Master of Killing Time. It was enjoyable to an extent but it seem like there was a threshold as to how much hype, or humor their was and it kept bouncing back to being just sort of the same bland MMO Isakai i've seen before, people say they did something different, i'd say they aren't entirely wrong but what they did was ground the characters with crippling debt issues so they couldn't go see the rest of the world, and they got rather lazy with the mobs in the show trying to i assume be "funny" and or recognizable i guess. Overall i enjoyed it enough, but it was kinda just ok with only 10 episodes to boot... 6/10. Overall: because of certain factors i'll give it a 7/10. This show was not what i was expecting and overall when i just got around to Overlord a short while ago though it had some stagnated issues to it, i felt like it did a much better job overall then this in the long run, though i still found the series more enjoyable than others in the same category i've seen, so if you feel like giving it a watch go for it i guess, i wouldn't recommend buying it whenever it gets a Blu-ray though...
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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![]() Show all Oct 17, 2018 Not Recommended
A IMP Review of: The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of the Commandments (Dubbed edition)
(IMP stands for “In My Prospective”, meaning if someone attempts to correct the way I see the show I have no intention of reading any “corrections”) P.S the names may be misspelled but i did that for comedic effect so ignore it. Let me start off by saying this first and foremost, DEATH IS MEANINGLESS in this season. The first season of this show was charming with a bit of cheesiness but not to much, however this season taught me how i shouldn't give a shit if a character dies because SOMEHOW they can ... be brought back, and it wouldn't be a big deal if the first season just revived people over and over but there's a important plot point with Bond and his gal pal which basically became meaningless and in this season the character that contributes to making death meaningless (i'm sorry for spoilers) dies not only once, but twice and STILL ISN'T DEAD! With that said lets begin with... Story: 3/10. a big reason for this is how death seems to have no meaning in this season but had a big impact in the first season, another reason is how they Commandments escaped in the first place which happens in episode 1 so not really spoilers, People who were dead and we killed off on screen were alive basically just to make sure there were enemies for this season, and lastly the events from the endpoint of the last season were just "all a dream" and for some reason Melodious goes from being adamant about Liz not coming to just plain forgetting about the subject entirely... The facepalming and painstaking shit in the first at least 7 episode was just ridiculous. You have to really stick out the show to find any good parts in it so my rating stands at 3 because it does get a bit better kinda but it gets extremely tropey and and has plot armour shit as well as no idea what a level cap is, unless you mean to say the level cap is Melodious because he's even more bullshit than season one but at least in season one i could expect it. Characters: The characters are thankfully not terrible in this, even the Dragon sin of overpowered bullshit himself wasn't terrible. However things changed extremely for some characters and others stayed side kicks or got my attention this season. Lets start with whos not right, Bond: After the half assed (signs of a holy war) thing you'd think bond would be pissed off at Melodious or he'd be more hostile like in Season one but bond becomes extremely passive, unless it has something to do with his loli of course. Goathar: ... What the fuck happened to this guy? He starts out terrible in this season, fucking with people's memories to the point where we get a cop out amnesia thing happening which puts the group in the line of fire, he constantly fucks shit up throughout the season and the only explanation is a spoiler thing that doesn't really come to mean anything at the end except like one line he says i guess... Merlin: She goes from being a worthless character who showed up at the last minute to being an important character throughout the story but still being pushed to the sidelines only to be useful again at the end, i can't figure out what the fuck they wanted to do with her honestly LOL? I can only assume she was "to powerful" so they put her to the side until she was needed? Fuck if i know, it just feels like shes being shoehorned in to be more important then she should be, even her power level and interaction with the leader is making her back story seem more important, kinda dumb honestly. Diana: She didn't exactly change her per say, but she was given a stupid cop out thing and was basically reduced to the "damsel in distress" for the season. The king of Camelot is reduced to a side character, Guild Thunder and a few other knights are reduced to side characters, Jericho was ok for a bit but ALSO reduced to a side character/damsel in distress, and a few others that could be spoiler potential. Now onto the good character stuff The Seventh Sin, Estabone: HOLY SHIT, it only took 2 seasons to get the seventh sin and my god hes is the best part of this godforsaken season. Hes "sort of" stronger then Meliodas, his overall a good character, and he is badass as all hell, what he does is worth watching, he's kinda like thor in a way but honestly fuck thor in comparison. Melodious: I know i give his overpowered shit crap, but he was a good character throughout the season still and you get to know more about him. King: I kinda though king was one of the weaker sins unless he was fighting for something he cared about but he's probably the 4 or 5 strongest hitter in the sins and he stays true to his character. The Princess: She stays true to her character as well and overall i think gets a bit better than expected i guess. Besides that only a few characters were ok at best i'd say so (mainly because of Estabon) i'll score them 7/10. Art: It's done by A-1 sauce pictures and was done the same way the last one was basically so what do you expect? It looked good and had some great battle scenes so 7/10. Sound: Overall the music wasn't terrible or anything but i noticed they used the same tracks a few times in the show so i have to dock point for that, 5/10. Enjoyment: The beginning was terrible, and the end was kinda dumb, but the middle made be somewhat forget the beginning portion and let me enjoy for a good bit so i'll give a 6/10. Overall: 4/10, not MALs 4 but my scoring tables 4 you can see on my page AKA bad. (it would have been worse but Estabon saves it a bit) I was hard to sit through a lot of the stupid shoehorned plot but there were times i was entertained so though i might not watch it fully again, i would possibly watch the parts with Eslabon again because they were great.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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![]() Show all Oct 10, 2018
Satsuriku no Tenshi
A IMP Review of: Angels of Death (season 1) (Dubbed edition)
(IMP stands for “In My Prospective”, meaning if someone attempts to correct the way I see the show I have no intention of reading any “corrections”) I have to admit this story is quite an interesting experience, i don't see often in anime and the fact it's based off a game help revive my opinion of anime to game adaptations (i'm looking at you Danganronpa...) But without further adieu let's head to the story floor (you'll get it if you watch the show). Story: We start of with young Rachel Gardner who wakes up in a room ... with no memories of her recent events believing she is in the hospital after a gruesome accident involving her parents. When she finds out she's not in a hospital she gets on the elevator which takes her one floor up where she runs into a scythe wielding maniac who's determined to kill her. She manages to avoid capture and reach floor 3 where she meets a familiar face, Doctor Nutjob (not really his name), or Eddie who seems to have a huge fascination with blue eyes and wants to extract Rachels, but Scythey McSythey wants to contiue the chase and heads to floor 3, after spoiler type things happen Rachel finally remembers that tragic memory about her parents and asks Scythey Mcscythe to kill her, he loses interest and offers to do the deed if she helps him get out of the crazy floor maze because he's dumb as a brick and she wholeheartedly agrees and while they ascend they learn more about each other, for better or for worse. To mean thats a solid 9/10 story. Characters: Let's start with Rachel Gardner (sense you'll hear this name CONSTANTLY throughout the show), She's not your typical little girl, after she remembers somethings important, her eyes are cold and lifeless and she becomes the extremely dependent on Zach and his Scythe attack (brain and braun type thing) and has a strange fascination with god. Throughout the show you'll she her making decisions that ultimately are to her own personal benefit and that will be confronted later on. Now let's move on to Zach attack who absolutely hates Rachel's new face and wants her to smile throughout the show so he head actually get up the nerve to kill her when hes finally out. Zach is abrasive, loud and can't read (which is somewhat important), he's always covered in bandages and is practically invincible when hit with normal attacks. He becomes less chaotic as they continue but still is a murderer at heart. As for the other characters i don't want to spoil everything about them so lets just give them nicknames, First Doctor Eyelove, Second Happy Happy Grave Boy, Third Ms. Drunk on Punishment, and Forth Mr. Narcissist (who overall had the most corny-stupid and best lines of all the side characters IMO). With our interdasting cast of freaky friends i'd give them a all a 8/10. Art: The art style wasn't bad but wasn't like timeless either, I really enjoyed the faces in this show and the grim atmospheric colors but besides that it was standard so 7/10. Sound: Most of the time i rate this based off the opening or songs in the show, but the background music helped set the tone of the show so i can't complain about that, 8/10. Enjoyment: I waited to binge watch out to episode 10 or 9 and it really got me in the psychological mode, i'd say its weakest point was i believe episode 11 but overall i can overlook it and with its (to be continued) message at the end perhaps they got approval for a sequel, of which if its true i would enjoy to see how things go in the next season so i'd say it was a solid 8/10 in terms of my enjoyment factor. Overall: i give this show the overall rating of 8/10, it would have been 9/10 if not for the 11th episode, a cop out situation (i won't say for spoilers), and the to extreme attitude adjustment of Zach. (which is also why it's not a 10/10) I recommend that people go watch this cause its worth your time if you like Psychological type stuff. Let me tell others 2 things, 1: I will not tell you or encourage you to give the same rating, this is just my personal opinion on this show and 2: honestly I’m doing this review and other reviews as a hobby and for my own “anime records” so to speak, so if you see this and don’t like it just ignore it honestly because its more for my record than anything in the long run.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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