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Days: 137.5
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- Completed594
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- Plan to Watch234
- Total Entries880
- Rewatched39
- Episodes8,295
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Days: 45.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries155
- Reread0
- Chapters4,451
- Volumes500
All Comments (193) Comments
Same with my Tamamo. I think if you sort the support list by HP or ATK, those with fous or grails appear at the top, which makes it more likely for them to be picked over others. I guess fous/grails have other uses besides increasing damage and health heh. I understand, I quit Magia Record 'cause I just couldn't juggle 3 gachas. I'll just stick to FGO and Azur Lane..
That she is, and now we both got her to 10/10/10. Congrats on that btw! Now I just need one more grail so I can raise her to 100 in one go. Ishtar had good intentions.. but maybe that wasn't the best method to become more useful lol
I was playing Skyrim for a while (like for the 1678th time) but I haven't played any other games after that besides gacha games. I'll be playing P5R and Cyberpunk 2077 when they come out though, that's for sure.
Yeah I gotta check them out. I'm especially curious about Ataraxia, but for now I'll start with the case files anime. A new Fate/kaleid season was announced as well so I'm looking forward to that, and the Babylonia anime is almost here too, I'm sooo hyped! ヽ(・∀・)ノ True, true.. FGO seems like it's really big in Japan but gachas in the US are still pretty niche I guess. Makes me wonder why the people at NA went through the trouble of censoring Emiya Alter, like who's gonna complain? If SJW's haven't made a fuss over all the lolis in skimpy clothing, I don't see why there would be an outrage over Emiya lol
That's true, there's a Fate character for everyone. There's probably even someone out there with a grailed Columbus.
That's one of the things I love about FGO. Old characters get upgraded so they can keep up with the new content, and there's very little power creep because of it. There sure are a lot of servants that could use upgrades, but hopefully they'll get them eventually. Can't wait for Abby <3 I can't go all out on her 'cause I gotta save for Eresh, but I will do a few 10 rolls.
Me too, I got quite the haul on the Summer banners! Nice, I only managed to clear a bit over 50 boxes 'cause I was too busy with uni. My original goal was 100 boxes. Lets see if I can reach that goal on the Christmas lottery :P
Edit: Happy birthday, btw!
Hmm that does sound like something I would've said.. I don't know if I'll rewatch all of them but I do remember planning to rewatch those that got a new season so I could refresh my memory (but i might just read a wiki for that purpose, think i'd rather use my time to watch new anime). I haven't played Trails of Cold Steel but it does look interesting, I might give it a try!
Golden Fous are like the new grails 'cause of how rare they are. I hope I can max out Melt with golden fous one day too but right now I'm feeding them to Tamamo even though it's kinda impractical (since she's a support servant) but she's my absolute fave so yeah :P It'll be kinda hard to choose who to prioritize next..
Yeah I like Passionlip, she's really cute <3 I got her too along with Suzuka Gozen while rolling for Melt. As for Azur Lane, even though there's a 1 year gap between EN and JP, every time there's a new event on JP, EN gets it at the same time, so that's pretty cool. Other than that, it mostly follows the same schedule that JP had, at least I haven't noticed anything different. I think Azur Lane and Kancolle have pretty different designs for the most part, but there are some that look similar, like Bismarck for example.
Melt in CCC was way more sadistic than she is in FGO, and she used to love Hakuno in her own deranged way. She definitely seemed evil from our/Hakuno's perspective but I don't know if she saw herself as evil. She really changed a lot in FGO.. but for the better.
Rin makes everything better. For example, Ishtar and Ereshkigal without Rin would have.. problematic personalities. The Rin side of them is what keeps them reined in. Praise Rin! \o/ Anyways.. I don't know what we could play since I mostly play single player RPG/JRPG's, but if you still wanna be friends on Steam then.. sure! My account name on Steam is alfondx12.
Haha well, I guess I'm somewhat knowledgeable about Fate stuff but I still haven't checked out a few Fate works like ataraxia, strange fake, case files.. I intend to play/read them someday though. I'd say Fate/Extra is my favorite Fate universe/timeline and the one I know the most about, although stay night is up there too.
Now the US is trying to ban lootboxes, which might affect gachas as well. Funny how they try to ban "gambling" in video games, but gambling in casinos and places like that is legal in most states. If their argument is "b-but think of the children!" then they should simply change the esrb ratings or put a age verification on those games. If kids still spend money on those games, then it's the parents fault at that point for giving them the money and not supervising them.
Nobu is such a lovable goofball.. but it's nice that we get to see a more serious side to her with MOMMY Maou Nobu
Yeah Kiara is kinda rough at the moment in terms of gameplay lol, but I still like her enough to use her regardless of how good or bad she is (plus she does get better down the line like you said). It sucks how they handled Emiya Alter, hopefully no one else gets censored. At least if summer Helena comes out uncensored (dat final ascension), I don't see why they would censor Abigail (some people think she might be censored in NA). Nice, it's great that you have both Moriarty and Holmes, gotta love that combo. Lion King is good civ too. Good luck getting those servants! I'll be adding summer Raikou to my list since I got Nero early on in my rolls (NP2 even) and have a lot of leftover quartz.
Eresh is just so cute in general <3 Can't wait for Christmas!
I can kinda relate to Altera when it comes to those long maintenance times lol..
I think my favorite one so far was the CCC event, it was on par with a story singularity (even better than some singularities imo). Melt was the star of the event and I can safely say that she has become one of my favorite servants. I'm planning on grailing her and maxing out her skills when I have enough grails and QP/materials. I also like Nerofest since it's one of the most challenging events and it's a lottery event, which means lots of mats.
I think Azur Lane has only done reruns once like in FGO, but there hasn't been any reruns on the English version yet.
Yeah that red-dyed part of their hair is a nice little detail. There sure are a lot ship girls so there's bound to be some forgettable ones, but most characters are drawn pretty well imo.
Yep, and Shaft did animate both shows so I guess it makes sense for them to have a collab. Hmm.. I wonder what other collabs could they do? Perhaps a Fate collab? Since they animated Last Encore, but it seems like a bit of a stretch..
Liz and Melt went through a lot of development from CCC to FGO. They both used to be pretty evil in CCC.. just look at these examples.
I think it is indeed implied that Extra Rin might be related to FSN Rin in some way. The Moon Cell in Fate/Extra is a virtual world and the characters inside of it are avatars, while their physical bodies are in the real world. However, Extra Rin's physical body looks like FSN Rin, but with blonde hair (kinda looks like Ereshkigal, but she's not Eresh).
Nice! I have Extella Link too. I played it a bit before I started summer classes, but now I can fully enjoy it (more Tamamo :3)
I'm sure AI will be able to handle many more tasks in the future, but new technology creates new jobs, even if some older jobs might end up getting replaced. Someone's gotta maintain those new machines :P
Welp, I'm glad you enjoy having discussions with me! I enjoy our conversations too, especially since it involves Fate stuff, which is something I don't get to talk about a lot offline/irl.
Oh really? Nice, I thought FGO NA could only be downloaded from the US and Canada playstores. They should at least call it FGO EN at this point, if not Global. I think I've heard about some gacha games being banned in some European countries so maybe that's why they can only download them on QooApp. Yeah.. hopefully one day they start doing tours in other places other than the US. I wish they did one in Florida though since I travel there almost every year.
Not sure why Jinako had to be a Moon Cancer.. but I guess I'll find out in 2 years when they explain it in the event. She sure got a lot of bulli for it though.
Mama Nobu is amazing <3 I'll definitively be rolling for her when she comes to NA, regardless of gameplay. Also she is basically adult Shana lol (who i really like), although summer Nobu was already showing signs of Shana transformation, and of course they are both voiced by the great Kugimiya Rie. As for the GSSR, I think it went pretty well. I just wanted someone new and not a dupe, and I got Kiara. I actually like Kiara as a villain and I thought about rolling for her during the CCC event, but I saved what I had left for Shuten, who had a rate up on the Rashomon rerun. Oh very nice, you got summer MIKON~, and Sherlock from a ticket too! It feels great when you get an SSR from a ticket. Are you saving for anyone else this year? I'm gonna do a few rolls for Summer Nero and then I'll be in saving mode for Eresh c:
Indeed.. makes me wonder how many people lost their login streak when Nerofest had that 20+ hour maintenance :S
I love that CE! It works so well with Ishtar, and many other servants. I'm gonna try and get a second copy on the rerun too.
So far we've had events back to back almost nonstop since it started in NA! So yeah there's A LOT of events and most if not all of them will get a rerun at some point. As for story content, that's where it's kinda lacking. There was some story stuff for like the first 3 or 4 chapters but after that there hasn't been anything new, and we're at chapter 12 already, it's pretty weird..
Admiral Graf Spee is so precious :3 She's one of my favorites. I love most of the Iron Blood girls really.
Yeah, and now I added Magia Record to that list! It's ok so far but I mostly started playing because it had a Monogatari collab (Shinobu!!)
I haven't watched the Granblue anime but I'd imagine that it would try to attract new players to the game while remaining interesting for those who are already familiar with it. I might give it a watch sometime.
It sucks that CCC doesn't have an official English release.. I had to watch a translated playthrough on YouTube, which is not the same as playing it yourself, but I'm glad that I could understand the story at least. I don't know who was Last Encore made for. Both the people who played the game and the ones who were new to the series were completely lost. I read that it was supposed to be a route based on a bad ending of the game but I feel like it wasn't executed well. I guess the highlight for me was seeing Rin in Shaft style but yeah other than that it was a miss. It's best to just play the game, which if you haven't already you could play it on your phone or PC with the PSP emulator.
I guess it depends on where you live. Seems like there's a fair amount of demand for IT experts and programmers where I live, but then again I might move to the states if I find a better job offer over there.
I actually really enjoy responding to long comments! It's true that it might look a bit intimidating when there's like 3 or 4 essay long comments but what I do if I'm really busy is that I write a bit one day and then another bit the other day and I save what I wrote on Notepad, then I post the whole comment when it's finished! Short conversations are good too but I kinda suck at keeping things short haha.
NA FGO seems more like Global FGO since a lot of people from all over the world play the game even if it's not officially available where they live, but what technically makes it NA is that the servers are located in the USA (Edit: actually i'm not sure if the NA servers are physically located in the USA, i just remember reading a comment that said that but idk if its true) and so far the real life events have been in the USA too (Fate/Grand Order USA Tour). It should be called "FGO U.S.A" really since I don't think it is officially available in Mexico or Canada (Edit: apparently FGO NA includes Canada too), but I would rather have a global FGO instead of so many different servers (JP, NA, CN, KR, TW, etc.)
I read that there's a story reason as to why Jinako is a Moon Cancer like BB but, you know, I don't wanna get spoiled lol. I have mixed feelings about it since I thought it was cool how BB had her own unique class, but I kinda like Jinako too so ehhh, I think they should have simply made Jinako a Ruler or something. It would've made more sense with how tanky she is and everything (kinda funny how FGO decided to make Jinako of all people a "tank" on top of being Ganesha, heh no bulli pls)
Aaand now we have MAMA NOBU!! Whew what a year..
Haha sounds like it left a bad first impression. I'm fine with roller coasters, but those free falling rides are kinda scary..
I hear ya, I was like that for like, the first week I started playing lol. I missed one login starting out.. I almost had a perfect login streak! ;-;
But it's fine, now you know about Christmas and Nerofest so you can farm them for those gems! :D
In Azur lane, the event stories are pretty fun and can sometimes get serious, but the main story is kinda lacking compared to FGO. So yeah most people just play Azur Lane for the waifus. I personally enjoy the gameplay and the characters, but what drew me in were the cute girls and nice designs no doubt..
I kinda already have my hands full with FGO and AL, so maybe that's why I felt like GFL was too grindy or time consuming to get into. I also used to play Granblue Fantasy but now I only do daily log ins. GBF is a great game and I like the Erune characters but I just don't have the time :c
A CCC adaptation or a proper Extra adaptation would be amazing! Last Encore was pretty disappointing, what I mostly enjoyed was the fact that it was animated by Shaft because it kinda had this Monogatari vibe to it. I think Tamamo could have fit into Last Encore better by simply being the main heroine instead of Nero lol. I mean I'm definitely biased because Tamamo is waifu but in my opinion she fits better in the story because of her relation to Twice H. Pieceman and the fact that she's an aspect of Amaterasu (basically she's so OP that the Moon Cell didn't have the power to delete her). But then again the story in Last Encore was a completely different/separate thing from the Extra game so maybe not even Tamamo would have carried it.. but I would have liked it more at least.
I know what you mean, sometimes there's even whole classes that don't have much relation with what you're studying and just feels like filler.
I'm studying Computer Science and Information Systems so most of the classes that I'm taking right now are related to that (html, analysis and design, etc).
Nah, it's fine. Just look at the other comments on my profile lol, I'm used to writing/receiving walls of text. I might take a while to reply sometimes but when I do you can be sure that it'll be a long reply haha
I don't follow JP's story since I don't wanna spoil myself, but I do keep an eye out for new servants (Tamamo Vitch when). I saw the new Jinako servant! That was pretty cool, and the new animation updates do look amazing, especially for Karna.
Yeah they have amusement parks like Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Epcot, etc. I'm used to roller coasters so I wasn't scared or anything, although I must say roller coasters are getting crazier these days..
Thanks! It's been over a year since I started playing, so lots of spooks along the way haha. Blue and red gems have decent drop rates on the daily training ground missions, so half AP dailies are a good time to farm. However, the best time to farm for gems are on lottery events, like Christmas and Nerofest.
I've tried a bunch of gacha games, but none of them have made me care as much about the characters and story as in FGO. I did end up enjoying Azur Lane too though because I'm waifu trash lol, but it's fine you don't have to try it again if you didn't like it. I play on an emulator too, I'm not a huge fan of playing games on handheld devices. I did try Girl's Frontline but idk it didn't hook me for some reason. I am looking forward to Magia Record though! I heard the gameplay is kinda similar to FGO's.
Well.. regardless of rating, I'll be happy just to see Ishtarin on screen :P I also hope Tamamo makes an appearance on a Fate anime someday, Last Encore could have been sooo much better if Tamamo was in it (and if they actually followed the game's story). Sounds like a plan! Looks like I'll be watching a lot of anime in July after I'm done with classes.
I hear ya, lets just forget about those people!
What kind of online course are you taking? :o If you don't mind me asking.
So far so good, but I'm only one week in of a four week term. I'm sure it'll get crazier down the line since I'm taking 4 classes/12 credits..
As for vacation, nothing too crazy lol, I just visited my mom and went to a few places in Florida, like Disney and all that stuff.
Yeah I play NA, and yeah sure lets be friends :D I'll add you in a bit, my username is the same one I use here.
Do you play Azur Lane by any chance? That's another gacha game that I'm really into, although I would still consider FGO my "main" game.
I see, can't go wrong with a classic like Dragon Ball! I haven't watched much anime lately since I've been really busy for the last couple of months, but I'm thinking about watching that Shield Hero anime soon and I'm also looking forward to the new FGO anime. I'm really just out of the loop when it comes to anime these days..
Damn, that sounds rough :\ Leaving that group was probably for the best, you don't need that kind of toxicity/negativity in your life. In hindsight, I'm glad I was kicked out of those MAL discord groups, I just don't like dealing with that kind of drama. Like.. how old are these people? Late 20's? 30's? I know some of them were around those ages, acting like immature middle school kids, stirring up drama. Anyways, glad you were able to move on. Good luck with your online course!
I've been doing ok, just studying at uni for the most part. Hell, I'm even taking Summer classes right now so it's still more of the same, but I'll be free on July at least. Other than that, I guess I went on vacation in the states a few times, plus I managed to get Illya and Ishtar on FGO (muliple NPs even) so I was pretty happy about that :P How about you? How you've been?