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Sep 28, 2022
Wow. This show has always been emotional and knows EXACTLY how to tug at your heart strings. This season is just the same Made in Abyss as you'd expect.
First, this review will start by assuming you’ve watched the first season of Made in Abyss and want to know if you should continue the series. Make sure to watch the third movie Dawn of the Deep Soul, it is VERY important for understanding the plot of Golden City. Secondly, if you enjoyed the last season, then I HIGHLY RECOMMEND watching this season.
With that said, I knew Made in Abyss was messed up, with Riko, Reg,
and Nanachi having been through one of the most horrifying experiences young characters in Anime go through. For this season, you can expect (at bare minimum) the same level of horror as before. More importantly, in some aspects of this season, I felt the author has outdone himself.
The season contributes towards the overarching storyline of Riko’s adventure and gets relatively complex. Themes and certain things characters do are quite subtle, and it is done quite well. They use a few cliche concepts, but the true essence of Golden City isn’t comparable to other shows I’ve seen.
The sounds and voice acting are impeccable, I don’t have any complaints whatsoever. The OP is very strong as well.
There’s a new batch of characters introduced, and I believe they’re controversial in the aspect of entertainment value. I would say that I really like Vuelo. She is a great addition to the story, and her cute, unconfident personality coincides with her storyline. However, I didn’t particularly enjoy the rest of the new characters. The reason is because in former arcs, we kept getting introduced to extremely interesting and quirky characters. We had characters like Ouzen, Bondrewd, Nanachi, and Prushka enter who don’t feel too “tropey”. In this season, they decided to add more characters, but they are frankly boring in comparison. Their character development is either uninteresting, or straightforward. Namely, the main villain of this arc is mediocre. I still consider them an acceptable character, because the overall story is THAT watch-worthy to make up for it. On the other hand, the new villain is undoubtedly a downgrade compared to the characters like Ouzen or Bondrewd. The horrible moments we’ve had with those two compared to the new villain feel uniquely different. Don’t get me wrong, even though the new characters outside of Vuelo are hard to like, I do enjoy what they did with the main trio. The main three and Vuelo, (along with one other new addition) really carry the story this arc.
Minor complaints:
It might sound odd to complain about since this is Made in Abyss, but… this season was REALLY weird. It’s a bit on the line of being TOO weird? The author seemed to go out of their way to make almost every episode uncomfortable to watch; either it’s horrifying, or disgusting. Pick your poison.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 12, 2022
Why am I even reviewing this?
I have to say that this is a prime example of one of the worst shows I have ever seen to this day, and I purposely watch shows that are the lowest rated on MAL from time to time.
First I’ll go over the one redeeming factor for this entire show. The main character is cute, and they make a point to force the story to dress her up in as many ways as they can in a short timeframe.
Outside of that, I cannot think of a single thing that someone would really enjoy about it. If you like power
fantasies then this might work out, but you also require other perspectives to enjoy it too:
1. Ignoring terrible cgi and horrible fights that reuse nameless monsters
2. Don’t mind lack of characterization and 1-dimensional stock characters everywhere
3. Watching the epitome of “We know the Isekai genre is doing great right now so let’s make another terrible one about literally anything”
If you want to watch a power fantasy isekai with a cute character, just go watch Sword Art Online. I recognized this show was bad in the first episode, but nothing could prepare me for how much worse it could get.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jul 10, 2022
How monstrous.
Once again, a great show flies under the radar because of manga readers who are upset with the adaptation, viewers who drop it too soon, and people with limited attention spans that only watch boring anime filled with nothing but mindless fanservice. Don’t get me wrong, these are all valid reasons to disown Tomodachi Game. Nonetheless, it's a shame to me as someone who absolutely loves the show.
Why should someone watch this show if it seems like a cliche anime style “Squid game”? The answer is for the characterization of two main cast members, though main protagonist Yuuichi steals the show by a landslide.
Unfortunately, the rest of the characters are surprisingly dull and only serve to make Yuuichi look smarter and more threatening than he really is.
Again, I can understand where people are coming from when they judge the show harshly but hear me out. If you take it too seriously as an action show based on logic and outsmarting the opponent, there is no way that you’ll enjoy the show. That’s every high-IQ anime for you. However, if you understand that the logic is faulty at times and appreciate the attempt, then you are left with one of the most hilarious yet cool shows of this season. The way that everyone praises Yuuichi and constantly talks about how much of a monster he is… it reinvigorates my sense of humor. It’s like the makers of the show took “Show, don’t tell” and said nope, we are going to go beyond. We will SHOW you; and TELL you over and over and over until you understand that Yuuichi is basically a god among us.
There’s no point in explaining bits of the plot, you have a vague idea of what you’re getting into and that is literally enough to help decide whether to watch it or not. The games are interesting, and Yuuichi finds ridiculous strategies to play them.
Also, I believe a second season will be coming soon which I will undoubtedly watch.
Yuuichi the monster
Mediocre game premises get played with outrageous ideas
The other characters are either inferior versions of Yuuichi or serve as tools for him to use.
The opening song is very good, but the general OST is quite lackluster.
The voice actors are decent, you love to hear Yuuichi speak whatever nonsense he has to say is just beautiful.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 9, 2022
I believe this show is somewhat of a hidden gem this season, despite appearing rather typical at first glance. The dynamic of the cute, highly talented Aharen-san and Raidou; an average high-school boy with a vivacious imagination, works surprisingly well. I wouldn’t say the show is a masterpiece or that it outclasses other shows in the romantic comedy genre, but it holds up as a decent choice. It’s solid, but not very noteworthy unless you categorize yourself as someone who:
1. Highly enjoys gratitude from an innocuous girl
2. Highly enjoys references to pop-culture from half a decade ago. ‘Blasts from the past’
Mostly episodic but has an overarching romance developing between the main characters. The show is simplistic and showcases both original and cliche characters. The pacing is fine for the most part, but there was a span of 3-4 episodes where the story seems to ramp up. If you pick up the show, you are watching entirely for the comedy, with the romance and other story elements being kept in the background.
I was satisfied with the ending, though I wouldn’t be surprised if another season was in production.
The jokes grew on me after 5 or 6 episodes, falling under formulaic humor with a few running gags. Often, Raidou will jump to outlandish conclusions from the smallest things. Raidou’s thoughts are shown through various scenarios in his mind, complemented by the neat art style. This constitutes a majority of the show’s humor. While a decent portion of the jokes seem “outdated”, they come across as refreshing rather than antiquated, due to the nature of the show’s general vibe.
The characters aren’t too fleshed out and remain relatively traditional until the end. In a year from now, I won't remember anything about the characters besides the basic trope they encapsulate. If you’re looking for realistic or relatable characters, I would turn away immediately. The supporting cast is mediocre, if not mundane, except for the hilarious little girl who carries around a child safety whistle. Overall, the main team of Aharen and Raidou heavily carries the show’s enjoyment with their cute and funny dynamic.
Now for the bit that nearly made me drop the show. They introduce a character who spies on the main cast and doesn’t contribute well enough to the story to require her presence at all. I don’t think she fits in the story too well, when the author could have replaced her with a funnier character. Instead, she acts as a recurring gag for the entirety of the show and wastes screen time. They heavily detract from the humor and shift the mood of every scene possible. In all fairness, she is not completely awful. She does get a small amount of backstory, but it does not justify her character at all. If you are like me, you might have the urge to skip the scenes that she is involved in, but I would suggest powering through it anyway.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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