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Jul 20, 2023
The only truly great thing about this show is how it ends.
Main character and main male villain is a chronic cheater and sex addict with sociopathic tendencies who pretends to be a doormat. The main girl (Kotonoha) gets emotionally manipulated by a host of characters and also constantly cheated on to the point she has a mental break. The main female villain is the one who is doing the bulk of the manipulation to the point she starts believing her own lies when they are convenient. She is the typical "NICE" person who does everything the object of their obsession wants but is doing
it just to show themselves as a superior romantic partner. And in typical fashion once the "nice" girl doesn't get her way she throws a tantrum. Basically like every "nice" person ever. She is the female version of an incel basically. She even has a speech about how she did everything the main guy wanted to prove to him how nice and perfect for him she was. Luckily the way both the cheater and the "nice" girl end up is great. I hated most of what I was watching but the ending was surprisingly good. The only sad part is that our female lead had to get involved with such horrid people and it broke her mind. She would have been better off if instead of forgiving the cheater she would have noped right out of that relationship. Despite the somewhat sad (poor Kotonoha) but good ending I would not recommend slugging through the rest of it. It will do emotional damage and should have a trigger warning because it will set you off if you have ever been in any kind of relationship with following types of people: "nice" people, cheaters, manipulators, narcissists, and sociopaths. I know I was triggered a few times. Brought up personal relationship trauma. Luckily the ending got my mind off it and made me smile. I am just sorry poor Kotonoha ended up the way she did.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 21, 2022
I was not ready for the betrayal. This is not what I signed up for, and how dare the author betray us like this. Short summary of this is basically dude raising a little girl and then marrying her. And that is already a controversial type of romance but in this specific case I wasn't even prepared for it because they framed it as a father daughter bonding story and not a romance between a grown ass middle aged dude and a girl who he raised as a daughter from age when she was still wetting her bedsheets. The betrayal of the audience and the
ending killed any and all good feelings. Makes all the innocent moments from before look sinister. Putting up review here so you don't get betrayed too and go in with your eyes wide open. I have never been betrayed by the author like this before. Also why are all the characters just ok with their romance and have no questions? I know if I knew of someone who ended up f**king their adopted father I would at least ask them if they were touched inappropriately when they were younger and underage since they grew up with that person as a figure of power and lived together with them and fully under their control when they were little and had no one else to rely on. I would ask them if they need help, a therapist perhaps, a way to get out of the house and separate their financial and legal rights so that the person has no legal (parental) rights over them and their decision making. No? Just me? Nobody else would ask? Ok then. I am just gonna go cry in the corner over poor Rin apparently being groomed for her adoptive dad by everyone in her life. That girl needs Responsible Adults ASAP. Ooof. I mean the ending is straight up horror. Rin just says something along the lines of: I want your babies because you made me happy as my father so I think our children will also be happy with you as a father in the same way I was. And I am like... My mind goes immediately with the only appropriate conclusion to how that can be read: So you want your children to grow up and also fall in love with him and fuck him too? Slasher horror genre is quaking because we just found the true king of horror right here. I read till the end because I couldn't take my eyes off the train wreck and was till last second hoping for someone to be an actual decent responsible human adult in this, but alas that did not happen.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Oct 7, 2022
For now it's tentatively recommended because I see potential in the story (because it has one apparently) and the art is great. 10/10 art. The art is impeccable. This is definitely more of a gory thriller mystery story then it is any type of horror. The only remotely horror element is the fact that the 2 main characters are serial killers with superpowers a la CreepyPasta or Freddy Kruger or Jason. The trope slasher movie villains that can't seem to die. But here they are the main characters and the ones we are set up to agree with, which basically looses all the horror parts
of it, because you are following them so they aren't unknown elements that weave in and out of the frame. You know where they are at all times. Looses that horror tension elements. And since they are the only horror characters that are really present this is definitely not horror genre to me. There are also some body modification and stuff but that falls more under gore territory and thriller mystery territory too. If you don't expect horror and prepare for a slow burn that doesn't like exposition then this is pretty good so far. And by slow burn I mean slow. We only learn the true conflict and premise of the story in the chapters around 80. Before that it's just tiny hints and foreshadowing that is impossible to get until you get to that main conflict reveals.
I like how it starts out as a gorefest with very basic plot/premise and then slowly adds on crazier and crazier stuff on top and starts having actual plotline. Or more like reveals the plotline. Not a very good or original one but not bad either. Additionally it seems that the author already thought through how the superpowers and everything else (like politics and criminal underworld) works in this world, but just decided not to explain anything to us readers at all. No exposition in this story at all. Just plops you right in, follows the rules set by the author, but explains absolutely nothing to you the reader. Instead we just get little sprinkles of events that slowly letting us understand that there are rules and actual story happening but we don't know what it is yet. Like at first we don't even know what we don't know and it's brainless slasher horror with no plot or so it seems, but now we know that there are things at play that we don't know and so can start looking for answers and try to figure out the actual plot. And nobody is going to explain it to us. So we are basically just dropped into the middle of the shit that is going on with our 2 main characters, while they themselves have little idea of what is going on. Also the translation is a bit wonky and since we are following 2 modern teens, there are meme references. And the female main character likes to talk in a cutesy way. Kind of like those people who use internet slang in real life (like LOL and LMFAO and WTF as actual words they say) she uses cutesy internet slang in her speech which I imagine is hard to translate. She is the kind of person that would use UwU in her speech and I wouldn't be surprised. She does this "baby" talk. It's a lot to get used. Luckily I know people who talk like that in real life so I am immune but I know for a lot of people this is a deal breaker. And by baby talk if you don't know what that is I mean like breaking words by making them sound softer. For example "Little" becomes "wheettle" and "talk" becomes "taauuk". Kind of like some people talk down to their pets or kids. It's jarring if you aren't used to it. Could also be confusing if you never heard anyone speak like that. Kind of also has the Umbridge from Harry Potter energy. It's a vibe. Not a good one but it's there. Also she basically just gets shat on but horrible people and breaks more and more until we have some humanoid monstrosity masquerading as a person. And the male main character is basically a wet rag that everyone wipes their feet on and he can say nothing until he is basically pushed into breaking. One of those people that holds everything in and then become school shooter or workplace shooter. Just very angry and very much suppressing it to the point they let everyone walk over them because they act so nice. As far as main characters go, they are kind of annoying. But they grow on you. Like pink eye that you have no idea where it's from but it comes back periodically no matter how much you try to get rid of it.
I got to say it reminds me of Death Note at times. Like there is some 4D chess being played here. But unlike Death Note, where you get ALL the exposition and not much gore, here you get NONE of the exposition and all the gore. So you catch on that there is chess happening like 60-ish chapters in but none of it is EVER explained as exposition or in any other form. Does that make sense? Also if our 2 main characters are the bloodier gorier dumber version of Light (but also kind of good guys a little, like a "morally they are right but this is some fucked up actions they are taking") then instead of L and his investigation team (who are good guys for sure) we get a secret organization who are not the good guys. Very much evil guys. And more powerful then expected. So it's true cold evil organization that controls governments from the shadows to enslave and use the supernatural/superpowered to their advantage to control the world VS. 2 teen serial killers with power a la any of the creepy pastas. An interesting combo. And while her boy is a dumdum, the main girl we follow is not entirely stupid. Brings hope that she can take down the evil bitch organization because they are the worst. The worst. Bad enough that I am rooting for an annoying teen serial killer who has powers and talks exclusively in baby talk.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 1, 2021
I gotta say, this aged really well. Most of the themes explored or hinted at in this one are still relevant today. Especially the duality of who we are in public eye vs who we are at home in the comfort of our family and friends and how sometimes the 2 can be so so different to the point they are unrecognizable and the struggle to put the 2 together into one cohesive person sometimes. In the age of social media we kinda struggle with that more then ever. This anime is a little pervy, a little funny, a bit philosophical. It's really worth a
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 9, 2020
This does away with the dumb seme/uke stuff and other gay romance tropes that are written for women (I think this might actually be written as a romance between two people more in seinen/josei genre fusion rather than targeting a specifically gay or female audience). It's just a good story that is mainly romance but is also action. This is a manga with an actual storyline and plot twists. Also it's a story about two guys who are even partners and who grow closer while doing their sometimes fun and sometimes shitty and almost always not fully legal job. The main characters are also really
human and relatable. One is an openly gay man who is also chill and comfortable in his own skin. The other a closeted bisexual who pretends to be straight and overcompensates.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 9, 2020
Guys first of all watch the dub. Second of all the sub and original Japanese writing of this show were bad. But the art and sounds wasn't. SO when they were translating it to dub and knowing it was a flop sales wise they put very little effort. Or a lot. Basically they let the dub voice actors go ham and do whatever they wanted and those guys had fun. They save an anime. And now this is the crackiest loveliest masterpiece to ever grace my eyes. It is not an abridged show but has it's humor. It's not fanmade but has the feel of
being fanmade. It is a gem.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 29, 2020
Umm this basically doesn't have plot... Besides virgins have cat ears and a tail? I mean the only actually ok character was the aforementioned cat-eared virgin boy of 12 years old. He was a somewhat relatable pre-teen with his horrible social anxiety. Otherwise the whole thing was mediocre at best. And horrifying at other moments. Especially since his love interest was a 21 year old man. Yay casual pedophilia? And double trouble the guy who was with the 21 year old dude before this is also underaged. So we know he has a type. I don't get how this is popular and is counted on
the same level as something like Gravitation. Made me feel icky watching it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jul 17, 2020
This one is awesome. An isekai'ed person is reborn as a villainess in a dating sim. But instead of wanting to build her harem or superficially going after whoever she was paired off with in the game or even just using her knowledge of events to come she decides to stay out of that whole sordid affair and is uninterested in it. In her previous life she was obsessed over the merchant mascot guy who was a non datable side character. Now she meets him in real life and proposes because she liked what she saw of him in the game (not much). Both as
a way to finally get to know more about her favourite character and to avoid the whole villainess route. This would imply it should be a shallow romance story based on love at first sight or something dumb like that but it's actually far from that. What I love is that they are both honest in that they don't know each other well yet and that love is something that should be worked on and cherished and that relationships are a two-sided effort. They act as an actual couple should. Respect each other, listen to each other, trust each other. They show each other their bad sides and accept what they have been shown. Help each other even if they don't particularly agree with what the other is doing and let each other make personal choices without trying to influence them. They don't try to change each other and instead just enjoy learning more about each other. Healthy relationship (so far) and I am here for it. She is also smart in that she didn't just selfishly demand a relationship without thinking of consequences. Instead she laid out all the reasons why it could be good to her parents, his parents, and to him. Customizing her dealings with people depending on who she is talking to instead of treating everyone with same, making her feel a lot more like real person rather then a 2 dimensional character. And after it was allowed that he would be her fiance, she started thinking in long term. How can she develop and become someone who would be a good match for the kind of lifestyle he will live. What would she herself be good at and like to do? And he started thinking in similar terms. They didn't hesitate to start planning a life together rather than pursuing things just because they feel like it at the moment, and are thinking long term about their lives. I love it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 17, 2020
This is my review for the whole thing, including novels and manga and anime. SPOILERS HERE SO BEWARE. So I first read some of the manga and kinda liked it. So I looked it up, found out it was novels first and read those. From then I was disappointed.
You know that priest from whose perspective the anime is being made. Yeah the grown adult dude priest. She ends up with him romantically... Yep that's right. He meets her as a little girl and in a not far off future they are a couple. Uncomfortable. This is made a lot worse now by the anime
being from his perspective. I am afraid of where this will go and if we will hear thoughts of a grown dude falling for a teenage girl. Hopefully not. The manga and the novels are from her perspective. Where you can hear her thoughts of a woman not a kid, and even then it's still weird considering the large age difference in their bodies. So when I decided to watch the first season of the anime, because honestly I liked the adorable cutey who was her childhood friend Lutz and wanted to see him animated, I was horrified by the fact that we are hit with this being from Ferdinand's perspective. And he thinks she is a little girl when they meet so... yeah. He does find out about her. DOes it make it less weird? I don't know. I am afraid to view any further seasons. Next season should be when she enters into contact with nobility and the romance seeds shall be planted between her and the priest dude. Romance of course being a forced marriage for political reasons because... Yeah it can't ever be just 2 people wanting to get married. It's gotta be forced by a situation in some way, especially in a lot of shoujo.
Honestly this story doesn't have a horrible writing like many of the isekai do and if this didn't become a love story between and older priest dude and a teenage girl I think I would have maybe even loved it. They get married btw. And because of the magic thingy she never quite grows up to look like an adult and is a loli forever. EYy, double trouble. Like if you were gonna make it a weird story at least make her grow up and start looking adult over time, not keep her looking like a loli. When they meet and this isekai romance starts is when he is 20y/o going on 21y/o and she is 12-13y/o. She doesn't really grow up much from this age. Actually they meet near her around her 13th birthday. I mean... yeah. Once you know they get together and she always stays looking young and tiny... Yeah. I hope they change this for the anime. They change storylines for all kinds of anime all the time. This might be one story line that could benefit from such a change. Also the way we get so much Lutz in the beginning and his developing feelings and he is almost the main character and then he suddenly drops of the face of the earth and gets forgotten and Ferdinand becomes the main character it feels as if the author wrote Lutz as main love interest and then changed her mind and decided on another character midway through writing the novels.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 11, 2020
Despite the fact that the story seems very interesting, the animation is actually pretty awesome (the way the titans move is creepy as hell), the art style is good & creepy as hell and the music I am for all the way, I couldn't really keep watching this show. It's not an easy show to watch. If you are a fan of horror this will probably be your cup of tea, but for me it was too much. I am ok with some bloody stuff but this show also has this heaviness and mental tension along with heavy gore to the storytelling, where everything seems
doom and gloom with no end to suffering in sight. I don't do well with these kind of stories as I already have nothing but doom and gloom in real life. Basically I want my anime with at least a little bit of lighthearted moments even if the going ons around the characters are heavy, some kind of tension relief is a must for me. And this show is just tension on tension on tension. It's mentally exhausting and draining to watch and doesn't really entertain as much as it bogs you down with existential crisis one after another, forcing you to stop watching after every episode to go curl up in a blanket burrito and put away the show to keep watching for another day. It took me 7 weeks to watch 7 episodes. At least it was that way for me. After I realized that I haven't once not had to force myself to sit down for yet another episode, I decided to just drop it. I don't know if they do a better job of relieving the tension in the rest of the show but I just couldn't keep watching. Oh well at least I gave it a good old try. On the plus side I loved the music a lot, so I will be going and purchasing the whole album. It will be great for gaming with. And from what I have seen it does seem well written. I just hate the pacing I think. Also kinda hate the main character as I think a lot of the tension is because that guy has no chill settings.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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