10 - What the heck this is amazing i wish i could forget this so that i can rewatch it again
9 - Extremely good, but still not enough to top my charts
8 - Its very good :)
7 - It's good, averaging my good side
6 - It's a bit boring, but watchable
5 - it's very boring, but still mostly watchable
4 - this is bad, it's barely watchable
3 - ouch, this is most definitely unwatchable
2 - how the fuck did i make it through episode 1, this sucks I need to burn my eyes
My #1? Tonikaku Kawaii!
This anime changed how I'll live out the rest of my life
Anime History Last Anime Updates

Okinawa de Suki ni Natta Ko ga Hougen Sugite Tsurasugiru
Mar 23, 12:25 PM
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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka V: Houjou no Megami-hen
Mar 23, 7:31 AM
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Manga History Last Manga Updates

Jumyou wo Kaitotte Moratta. Ichinen ni Tsuki, Ichimanen de.
Jul 15, 2023 5:59 PM
· Scored
All Comments (5) Comments
js wanted to update anybody looking at this page, wondering if I'm still active and watching anime:
*Active? No, not really, i don't have the time to use this site anymore
*Watchign anime? Absolutely! Just because I don't use this site as often doesn't mean I don't watch anime. It's part of me by this point.
I discovered anime when I was 13 years old, by that point in my life I was incredibly conservative, borderline big N Germany word. Y'know? Then, at that moment, I watched a youtube short with anime. Then, my friends, I were unleashed into the world of anime. I honestly don't know if I'd have the friends I have today nor if I'd be doing the things I'm doing if it weren't for these japanese cartoons. They really pulled me out of a hole I wouldn't have otherwise been able to get out of. Kind of opened my eyes to see that roblox politics online isn't all there is to do.
Then, however, I had a new problem, I genuinely watched anime religiously. Pretty much watched 4 months of watchtime in a year. That's absolutely insane.
(If you do the math it's an average of 6 hours of anime per day)
Well, it's actually not that big of a surprise, considering that I didn't go out at all, I had no friends. The main reason I haven't been active the past 1-2 years on here is because I've been trying to get my life together. Guess what, it's actually going well. There's still a lot to patch up, but besides that, it's going well. It's mainly just scary/anxious thoughts that linger in my mind nowadays.
Well, guess what, despite me not being so active in anime, I've found a real love for something. I honestly can't explain how little individualism I've had throughout my lifetime. I've always been copying others. Technically I still am, just nobody in the present. Well, guess what, I'm in a rock band. I sing vocals and play guitar. Turns out I've always loved rock. I listened to it before developing a coherent music taste and knowing what a genre is. It makes me wonder if I were to never watch anime would I still end up the person I am today? Maybe if it wasn't anime it would've been rock music to expand my world in an "alternative" way.
Even then, now that I have friends and a hobby for songwriting, I still feel the need to step back and write a few paragraphs like this. Y'know, it'd feel pointless to me if I were to just write this and never show it to anybody. Some people do that, but definitely not for me. That's why I'm throwing this here. On the off chance that somebody might read this and not get bored, hi! Good to see you! Hope you can relate to my struggles to regain control over my life while trying to not be too anxious about the things I can't control.
Not that this had any real meaning, but in conclusion, pondering on what could have been isn't pointless - it's fun. Yeah, you shouldn't go too deep and start blaming yourself for things - it is what it is, it's over, but it's still fun to peek into that alternative past, present and future.