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Fantasy Anime League 【OSHI NO KO】 Fantasy Anime League
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Mar 3, 2025
I was pretty excited about the movie when I saw the trailer but after seeing it, I have mixed feelings since the film had the potential to be better than it was. Overall, I thought it was too long of a watch for the barebones plot we were given but the idea they were going for still shined through at times, reminding me of the potential. Below are my pros and cons of the film for anyone wanting to understand in depth as to why I have mixed feelings. I just can't really recommend it though because the cons far outweigh the pros with this
-The overall story about how one boy changed a pair of friends lives forever and taught them to really value life while figuring out what matters most to them in life.
-Voice Acting (I only watched it with English Sub but the Japanese VA was pretty good so no complaints here)
-The 2D art style was pleasing to look at
-Too long for what we got (The story would have been more effective as a short film in my opinion)
-Unresolved plotline. We never know what illness Drop is suffering from and I can only speculate it's Cancer due to the boys wanting to donate their hair after his passing. I dislike the way his illness was handled and how the team just beat around the bush about it. Another plotline issue is the boys potentially getting arrested for a crime they didn't commit. It was ended without anyone even looking into their possible involvement, making it seem like a useless plotline.
- Bad pacing. The pacing was too fast for the tone of Roma and Toto's relationship with Drop considering they just met Drop this summer. With better pacing I could have really felt the impact Drop had on Roma and Toto more naturally.
-Lazy use of 3D animation from time to time (More of a nitpick really)
-Humor fell flat (Humor is subjective but I just didn't laugh at all the whole film despite noticing moments that were supposed to be comedic)
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 22, 2024
This grown up version of the original Dororon Enma-Kun anime (loosely based on the sequel manga) is this intriguing dark, gothic alternate timeline that just sadly misses its chance at being more than a decent campy, cult classic, due to the writing. I can recommend it to new people since overall, the story can be understood, but It's difficult to understand certain aspects of the story and characters that can give them more depth and meaning, without prior knowledge of these already established characters (Enma, Yukihime, Kapaeru, and Chapeauji) and you'll miss out on some homages to the original series.
This definitely isn't for everyone but
I'm someone who likes hidden gems like this so it's right up my alley. I really liked this grown up version (it introduced me to the original) and the topic of the darkness in human hearts. The art style is just awesome to me, besides the attempts at 3D but it was made in 2007 so I can forgive it for that. I just wish it had more than 4 episodes since I really think this limited the writer's chances at really fleshing out the story and giving more character depth.
On the topic of the ecchi scenes, they were fine with me because they weren't overly sexual like ecchi nowadays. Women's bodies looked surprisingly natural and didn't have oversized balloon looking boobs that clearly didn't fit their bodies, so I liked that. Also the scenes mostly made sense with the topic of the darkness in human hearts so I could overlook it. Enma being pervy, despite not being affected by darkness or light like humans, is weird but maybe I'm missing something since I haven't finished watching or reading the original.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 14, 2024
Bride of Deimos is always one of my favorite books to re-read when I'm in the mood for it despite its flaws and outdated views on men and women's roles in society. Many might be turned off from our main heroine, Minako, because she is not very interesting to follow. She's kind, pretty and loves many stereotypical things girls from the 1970's-1990's would such as boys and cute things. She's also not heavily involved in the plot, though her actions can and have influenced it. What keeps me coming back despite many flaws it has is that Bride of Deimos is good for what it
is; an anthology of horror stories that can be seen as moral lessons for things such as human greed, lust, envy, etc. Minako just happens to be caught up in these lessons from time to time as a way of slowly progressing the story.
Deimos is the only character that feels fully fleshed out with a range of emotions and personality. He is the main reason many readers like myself continued reading. He may be a selfish lovestruck demon who won't stop stalking and tormenting Minako despite her firm stance on not wanting to be his bride, but he's very good at his role and that makes him so entertaining to watch. Speaking of watching Deimos, the art is so beautifully expressive from artist Yuho Ashibe and I actually own the art book which I highly recommend getting if you end up becoming a fan of the series or at least a fan of the art.
Bride of Deimos is worth the read if you like horror with a tragic, twisted one-sided romance and can forgive the writing in regards to the plot and outdated views. Keep in mind this was published in the 1975's-1990's so modern audiences were not the target audience because of the difference in societal norms back then vs now. It may also be a pass for many due to the nudity. I personally didn't see any issue with it due to how nudity was drawn and used in the plot. It's more tame than nudity in today's manga and is not overly used but can still be a turn off for some readers. The last slight turn off is the fact that the manga is not fully translated in English or any other language besides Japanese to my knowledge. You can read up to volume 9, chapter 52 in English using unofficial translations but the series has 17 volumes total. Buying the books is an option but the demand is high so they are very ridiculously expensive to get in English up to volume 7.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 25, 2023
This film had an interesting idea but fumbled the execution in so many ways. I personally would have preferred we follow the male lead as opposed to the female lead since his character has much more story and his bloodline has a lot of relevance in the plot. I still think the story could have worked with the female lead as intended but the pace should have been slower and the writing needed more development time since the story will constantly introduce new ideas then abandon them in the next few scenes for plot convenience. The characters are all forgettable and no one feels connected
to each other besides the two main characters. I personally don't recommend it unless you have time to waste to watch a film that's not good but isn't the worst film out there.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 20, 2022
As a Shenmue fan I can confidently say this animation did the games justice with the great animation, VA cast, soundtrack and attention to story. I felt like I was reliving the glory of Shenmue, back when the games were better (unlike the third game).
I do however wish the anime was fully animated, I noticed that background characters were 3d models with no faces, most likely due to the budget. Another issue was the fact that Ryo felt too OP (overpowered) in a lot of his early fights and they just didn't feel like a challenge for him so it felt like he shouldn't
have found as much success right away, but I think this also may have been due to the budget.
I also wish this had become a full series that finished the story but I understand that Shenmue's story will never be finished because of Yu Suzuki. I can only hope that one day the games will be revived by a great team (like the team that handled Yakuza 0) and that will be enough to add more seasons to the anime.
Despite the shortcomings of Shenmue's creator, I am at least glad that the story and characters will never die since they are immortalized in this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 20, 2022
This is truly a hidden gem of an anime! It was too short sadly which caused the pacing to feel too fast for character development and the story suffered from that. I would have liked a longer season so the show's story could have been more polished since parts of it make no sense. When judging this anime I decided not to look at it as a traditional anime since it's more of a Visual Kei musical. The songs are just 10/10 for me and I find myself playing them over and over again because they are sung so well!
WARNING! (Read below for triggers)
is mentioned and depicted so do not watch if this may harm your mental state
There is a lot of Boys Love fan service so if you don't want that this anime will not be for you. There is no romance, only hints at it for fans of BL.
Blood (This is to be expected since we are dealing with Vampires)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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