side note: ah my english is actually bad so...
so alllll over youtube I kept seeing and hearing about that amazing show SAO. and that provoked my interest. like WOW an anime about mmorpg (that I love to play so much) thats something coool, unique, amazing I thought.
I must seeee that piece of art I thought.
and so after getting it one beautiful night I started to watch it. and that was AMAZING! amazing! it was about that antisocial bad ass protaginist Kirito who is trapped in vrmmorpg with bunch of other players and death in game = death IRL. and so they having those bad
ass boss battles to complete a game in order to go back to normal life. some of them actually dying so this is serious show, not some regular harem bullshit with stereotypical protagonist! noooo this protagonist is beater, hes a beta tester and hes really strong, bad ass and dont want to asociate with anybody else. he's a solo player! WOW, just wow! and all this beautiful stunning animation oh! just look at this! I gonna have some nice anime night watch here!
and the 2nd ep ends...........
and I m all like WTF? like next episodes dont have any boss battles anymore (they promosed 100 boss battles, but oh well I guess they will show them in later episodes) and every episode is about the certain girl who is in trouble and.. kirito helping her (where did I seen it already?). so wtf? its not a regular harem show... right?? and kirito... uh.. why don't he fight some boss? you know there's a lot of bosses out there.. so why would he waste his precious time with those noob girls? he's a solo player. he dont like to asociate with peoples? hes a badass right? right?
so yeah.. after those completely meaningless episodes with various girls we already know that kirito is actually just a regular harem character with no charisma. he just a good boy who will never leave a girl in trouble. not even a girl, he must save the world. save everybody. hes the chosen one! holy shit are you serious? sao? you fucking kidding me?? another one? another touma from index? another stupid harem character? another good boy? another savior? oh for fuck sake... but hes still considered a solo player somehow... because he never join any guilds (except those two exclusive times).
oh and lets not forget that hes insanely overpowered. so thats how you kill any interest, any intrigue about character! good job sao, good job...
so in later episodes we somehow JUST SKIP a fucking year and go to another meaningless pointless detective story about how player died in save zone. so instead of boss battle (suposed to be 100 of them) you throwing this shit in my face? oh sao why you so mean? so yeah the great detective kirito solved a mysterious detective one (or two, I dont remember) episode story. hes so great. and that mysterious detective one episode story was so worth of watching...
later we still have no boss battles but we have some regular bad ass love story about regular harem character kirito falling in love with regular anime tsundere asuna. wow. and I really thought this anime gonna be all about adventures, cruel fights, deaths and hardships that characters must overcome in that deadly world. what a stupid of me! how dare I excpect something like this?! instead we have this assuna and kirito banal love story. painfully simple (in bad way), banal love story. they met each other, they fell in love, they married other day, they bought a house and we have this most boring plot in entire anime that lasts for several episodes. and so they just living together... and one day they found that little girl in the forest who is most annoying character in this damn show. turned out that this anoying little girl is somehow kiritos and asunas daughter... can it be more stupid than this? sure it can! later that annoying stupid little girl turned out to be some.. uh.. program banned from system... and even later that anoying stupid brat little girl shaped program turns into accesory so she wont annoy us anymore.. and so assuna and kirito lost their lovely daughter who they became so attached to during those few boring episodes. so cruel! so stupid! are you kidding me sao? gods..
now hey its not like sao is so bad just because it includes few episodes of romance. I like romance. I love romance. problem is that this romance is really worth 3/10. its bad. bad shity romance. so boring, no drama in it. and that daughter.. for fuck sake romances is about MAKING fucking daughters not about already having one.. out of nowhere.
so later we just skip some more years and jumping to final events. BOSS FIGHT again!! yay! this one will be really hard, some bad ass boss out there. well most of boss battles was boring so they just skipped them (they showed only 3 of them out of 100 through entire show) but this one is worth showing so this will be really bad ass. and it was. another amazing boss battle! many non important loosers (who supposed to be great soldiers knowing fact they were in top guild) died from single hit in that cruel battle but ofcourse our main superhero kirito killed the boss because he is the greatest, strongest, most powerful and most amazing protagonist. but due to his incredibly high detection skill the great detective kirito somehow managed to detect the fact that his guild leader is actually a GM whos trapped players in this virtual game world. and so they skipped all those 25 bosses that left (they wouldn't show them anyway..) and started to fight against the last boss, a gm, game creator kayaba. what a drama omg! whos gonna fight this overpowered gm? ofcourse its kirito! cause hes the only one!! and all others who is not important to have a screen time is paralyzed so it will be amazing duel. and so that paralyze is somehow defeated by asunas willpower. she became a meat shield for her kirito and here we see her increadibly dramatic last words. and she died, we will never see her again.. except few minutes later in the same episode. somehow she's not dead!! wha.. how? nobody knows! but sao need her alive so she could be locked in... a birds cage... and molested by psycho who is even worse villain of the show and ofcourse so kirito could save her. so we have ANOTHER princess in a cage type of story! .... thats how even bigger disaster Alfheim online begins.......
now I will stop here.. I m not writing textwall about 2nd half just the fact that its even worse than first half. you can't actually die there (so whats the point?), kirito is all about saving asuna from birds cage, story becomes boring, everything goes bad, I m thinking of quiting this shit halfway and can't believe what shit it turns into after those promising first 2 episodes. this show in not just bad illogical bullshit. its fucking disaster. 3/10. fuck this shit. seriously this is most disapointing fucked up anime in entire history.
yet it have shitload of tasteless fans who can't see how bad it is and praising it for something thats beyond me. and ofcourse they will keep saying that I m just a troll, they will not accept reallity even after all those facts that I thrown to their faces in this "review" they will intentionally stay blind and wont accept reality.
this shit even touches some of my favorite incest topic. and this is one of worse attempts I've seen. like kiritos sister is not really a sister but just a cousin, so they have this most regular fucked up excuse that kills the topic itself. also she is just a small part of his harem and their story is not escalated enough to be worth anything.
so yea sao is that bad. really weak....
Apr 2, 2014
Sword Art Online
side note: ah my english is actually bad so...
so alllll over youtube I kept seeing and hearing about that amazing show SAO. and that provoked my interest. like WOW an anime about mmorpg (that I love to play so much) thats something coool, unique, amazing I thought. I must seeee that piece of art I thought. and so after getting it one beautiful night I started to watch it. and that was AMAZING! amazing! it was about that antisocial bad ass protaginist Kirito who is trapped in vrmmorpg with bunch of other players and death in game = death IRL. and so they having those bad ... Apr 2, 2014
Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls
a few side notes:
1. this damn review is all about hyakka ryouran samurai girls (1st season) NOT samurai bride (2nd season). 2. english in not my native language I m not too good in english so... HYAKKA RYOURAN SAMURAI GIRLS ... |