Jan 13, 2024
Consensus: 7/10
This was very interesting. I started this a while back and didn’t really get into it. Coming back to this I had a good time. I actually enjoyed the slower pace and the unique musical choices were very charming. Not to mention the art direction and animation were very satisfying.
***Breakdown below***
Dialogue / Script ❌:
Story / Plot ✅: This film has the most interesting narrative out of the digimon films I've seen at this point. It is a nice change of pace having such a small-scale story as well.
Score ✅: The soundtrack by Takanori Arisawa creates a mysterious atmosphere which is accurately reflected when the
majority of the cast are baffled by the bizarre events occurring around them. This sense of dissonance continues throughout the film to its benefit in my opinion.
Characters ❌:
Art / Design / Visuals ✅: I honestly love this movie visually. There are several shots early on in the film depicting New York city as this massive sprawling area where the cast wandered around. Something else of note is the lack of people within many of the scenes. This being coupled with the soundtrack creates the feeling of being in a ghost town of sorts.
Pacing ❌:
Performances ✅:
Bonus (Art / Design / Visuals) ✅:
Bonus (Score) ✅: This soundtrack was part of the reason I stuck with this film. I give this soundtrack credit simply due to the radical shift taken with the soundtrack here. It definitely won't work for everyone but I admire it that much more for taking the risk anyways.
Wildcard ✅: Personally this is probably my favorite Digimon movie from the bunch. I was really taken aback by the lowering in energy and stakes. This movie was more of a personal struggle between a few individuals.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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