I see people are hating this anime, i mean the difference in scores between this and the original is like 2 points(7.4 to 5.4). Well, i am not here to disagree that this basilisk is bad , however i am here to make u all realise the original was not that good either, i will go as far as saing that despite the fact that this anime is bad, its still better than the original Basilisk.
I will compare the 2 anime and say why this one is better, but first i will explain the faults of this anime, and there are quite alot.
Firstly , oboro
had twins, which is impossible, and the show dose not even try to explain it, but i was fine with it, since i knew it was impossible to make a sequel to Basilisk, so i didin't care how the 2 Dojutsu children return. In case any, if u forgot ,the original basilisk did something similar too(in the sense that Oboro and Gennusuke looked exactly the same as the previous 2 clan leaders when they were young, despite the fact that there was no blood connection between any of them).
Secondly , The iga and the Kouga did not perish in the original, they just lost some soldiers and the top 10 ninjas they had, yet the ninja Villages are nowhere to be seen in this anime, but again this is also true for the original, in the sense that they made it seem like the 10 ninjas dieing would mean the end of both of the clans, despite the fact that that was not true, the villages had more than 10 ninjas each.
Thirdly , the strongest ninjas of this generation are wierd , in the sense that allmost all of them were not originally from either of the clans, they just happened to be adopted into the clans. By who u ask? Who knows? The show sure dose not, neither dose it bother to show the people who adopt these children . Also, may i ask which of the children belong to which clan?
Originally i thought the boys were all Kouga and the Girls were all Iga, and this seemed to be true in the first episode, since the 5 strongest Kouga ninjas were called the 5 treasures , and were all Male, and the strongest 5 iga ninjas were called the 5 flowers of the iga, which by the name and the fact that all the iga ninjas we saw that far were female would imply that the 5 flowers were female too , right? Wrong, they were male, and at that time my theory that the girls were all iga and the boys were all kouga seemed a bit off, however it was still correct , because it was, but its still wierd.
Forth, the abilities of the bad guys were ridiculous ,and it should have been allmost impossible to beat, but they were still beaten because of their stupidity ofc, also their goals were retarded. Also, there was a guy in the 5 treasures who should have been able to kill the guy who rewinds time ,because his ability was to send living insects against him to kill him. Even if the insects are rewinded, cant he just send them back??? Wathever.....
Also there is a moment in episode 18 or so , that for me is the most retarded moment in the entire series , and that moment is when the crippled guy pulls out a wooden mech to fight a gigant monster.....that was stupid.
With these flaws , you would think it would be impossible for it to be better than the original right? Wrong, because the original was bad either way, but lets just look at the thing this series did better than the first series.
The thing it did better was the characters. The characters in this anime dont have their backstory revealed and die right after, just like in the original, instead they all die at the same time at the end, aside Hibiki, who aparently evolves a Jojo stand.
In the original , the characters dieing 1 by 1 rly dragged it down , especialy since they died for no reason, they were just sacrificed beacause a priest said so, and I for one, did not feel good to see the characters die that way. The main 2 characters, are 10000 better than Gennouske and Oboro, because they posses a magical power that allows them to( and please prepare yourself for this, it might be hard to take it in for basilisk but...) do stuff other than doing nothing, which was the what the main characters of the original did......NOTHING. In the original Oboro did nothing until the end, and even then, what she did was retarded . Gennosuke also did nothing but let his people die until ep 14 when he uses his eyes once and then he fights at the last 2 episodes.... that's right, the main characters of the original did stuff only in 3 episodes.
Their attitudes toward their predicament was also super retarded. Gennosuke did not want to kill, despite the fact that 5 of his best ninjas were killed , and the enemy clan wanted to kill the other 5 too, which included him. And Oboro, again did FUKING NOTHING THE WHOLE SHOW. Hibiki and Hachirou were better, even in the department of Romance, despite the fact that this is incest....yes the original's romance was worse than an incest between brother and sister........ Also Hachirou has a better attitude than Gennosuke, because he cares for his nakama, and when his superior ask him to sacrifice his friends for his gain alone, this guy has the balls to say NO, because he had enough with what happened last time, and the clans were decimated for no reason. Hibiki at least has some fighting spirit in her compared to oboro, and she made herself usefull with the bar they had going for them there . I liked how she did not let Hachirou do that thing at ep 24 and instead she did that sacrifice(even if i think it was still stupid they had to do that at all). One thing i did not like is that the main antagonist was superior when fighting with swords compared to hachirou, yet he still did not even try to find some sort of master swordsman to teach him how to fight better to overcome the main bad guy.
As for the supporting cast....well i like that we get to know them before they die, so i cared about them more that i cared about the supporting cast of the original, i guess .
Also, while this show is slow, it at least has more action than the original and it dose not suffer from becoming very dragged out after episode 12 like the original, and its slowness is not that apparent, because the cast still has pretty much all the characters still alive up to episode 20 which cannot be said for the original that was left with less then 50% of the cast alive at ep 12 and with only 4 characters alive for the last 4 or so episodes at the end .
The animation of this is just a bit better than the original, and while that is not an achivement for a 13 years difference, its still just animation so i dont rly care. The music is also fine, with the OP and Ed being quite good.
Anyway, this basilisk is superior to the original despite the fact that is still a pretty bad anime . The only thing the original had over this, is tenzen who was pretty fun to watch , but thats about it.
Aug 20, 2018
Basilisk: Ouka Ninpouchou
I see people are hating this anime, i mean the difference in scores between this and the original is like 2 points(7.4 to 5.4). Well, i am not here to disagree that this basilisk is bad , however i am here to make u all realise the original was not that good either, i will go as far as saing that despite the fact that this anime is bad, its still better than the original Basilisk.
I will compare the 2 anime and say why this one is better, but first i will explain the faults of this anime, and there are quite alot. Firstly , oboro ... Feb 2, 2017
I wont write a long review of this since despite what other ppl might say,this anime is not that special.
The story is nothing great,but it dosent need to be either. The characters are the strongest point of this anime ,Hachiman being the best character.The other characters are Yukinon, the red hair chick and the rest of their class who all have personalities and their quirks and feel a bit real which is good for a show where nothing important happens so u might as well make the characters feel real. This show never heard what music is. NO MUSIC at all......(there is music but it might ... |