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Nov 26, 2023
Man, this manga is great. Personally, I think that its straying away from the usual idol x fan dynamic is very appealing. Usually in that kind of dynamic, the fan is a self-insert loser and then the idol is perfect and amazing but in a different way than on stage. Something like that. Well it is kind of the opposite in this manga, where the idol sucks, and then the fan is a hot guy who is the only one who supports her. Honestly I really like this dynamic, and it is what carries this manga for me. However, as with a lot of the
romcom manga I enjoy, it does suffer from the same things, like lack of depth, nothing happens, no progression, whatever. So if you don't like that kind of romcom don't read this. Otherwise, definitely read. 10/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 23, 2023
This has got to be my favorite ongoing Japanese romcom manga. It is very charming and is honestly everything that I have ever wanted from a romcom. However, I would like to preface with some potential cons:
1. Lack of depth. To be honest, 7 chapters in, we barely know what is even going in the world. Like, we have a demon lord who isn't very demon lord-y, but why??? So if you are gonna be annoyed by these kinds of things, maybe this isn't for you. But personally, I could care less.
2. No drama. Maybe in the future there will be, but for now it's
just a very lighhearted romance comedy. If you are looking for drama in your romance, this is not for you.
And so that is why the manga seems to be hovering around the 6.5 to 7 range, as do most romcom manga I like do. Anyways, here is why this manga is actually amazing.
1. No drama. Man, I hate drama in my romcoms.
2. Charming artstyle. I don't know, I really like how the artist draws the people. It's definitely a big draw to this manga.
3. Not a harem/no harem qualities. Basically, I mean it avoids all the things that make harems bad, which include but are not limited to: bland self-insert mc, abhorrent number of fl's i don't care about, fanservice, etc. But yes.
4. Enemies to lovers. This is one of my favorite romance tropes. It's a hero and demon lord who get together. The gimmick is that the demon lord already is in love with the hero to what some might consider and unhealthy extent, which is kind of different than how it would usually go, but you get the point.
Anyways I am done typing you guys should read this manga if this sounds good to you. And maybe if you don't like these types of manga don't rate it so lowly because this manga doesn't deserve such a low rating.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 2, 2023
This is a really good romcom that I would recommend to any enjoyer of the genre. It's a lot of fluff and there is like 0 drama so if you want some spice or something then this is not for you I guess. Anyways, the series focuses on a prim and proper girl(not really but that's how ml describes here) and a delinquent boy(but not really), and they have differing interests but are both interested in each other and try to get closer to each other. Unfortunately at the start this is kind of mixed in success, but then they get closer and it's good.
The series is very cute, and if this seems like something that would interest you I recommend it. Though if you don't like this type of manga which is probably most people then move on I guess, which is why this has like a 7/10 I suppose (its 10/10 in my heart)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 17, 2023
The manga is very epic and cool. Some stuff:
The manga with its title kind of presents itself as a romcom with its main gimmick being that the main girl speaks Russian occasionally, with main boy understanding. And so in a way, confesses her feelings kind of. Which honestly, isn't much of a gimmick and doesn't really impact the story. It's mostly just for the title or to have some distinguishing factor I guess. The story is mostly just pretty generic though. Not in a bad way though, just nothing crazy is going on, which I enjoy in romcoms. I think the art is very good,
but honestly I'm not one to care about art that much in the first place. It is good art though, I do not mean to undermine that with my comment. The characters are nice, I guess. The girl is kind of the ice queen archetype, kind of. And the main boy is kind of a..."crouching moron, hidden badass" type of character. Not really actually. But he's like lazy and goofy and not really respected, but secretly a big shot. Pretty common romance dynamic, yeah. I think the average romcom enjoyer will like this, but if romcom isnt typically your thing, you may find it boring. However I will still rate it a 10. Thanks for reading. OH and last thing, I'm pretty sure there might be a love triangle, so if you hate love triangles like me, be cautious.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 12, 2023
Wow. What an absolute ride this was watching this show over the span of few real-life months. I will be honest with my feelings towards this piece of Japanese media. First, the plot. Honestly, this show has been more confusing to me than most time-travel shows. But, I still thoroughly enjoyed this plot. There were many turns and twists, which I didn't get all of them, but I still was there to live through it. 8/10 plot. Next is the characters. Definitely the weakest part of the show, I felt neither sympathy nor empathy towards any of the characters. I failed to feel bad for
red hair(Kushieda) at the end, but apparently this is just me. Well whatever. Next, I must focus on glasses guy. Honestly my least favorite character for the majority of the show but actually not as bad later on once we went past his emo phase because red hair surpassed his badness as a character. To be honest I have really only experienced net positive feelings towards one particular character, who is Haruta because he has a girlfriend and is winner at life. 3/10. Next is animation. This has really good animation for 2008. I like the fight(?) scenes a lot and the running and stuff. Really cool animation. Favorite demonstration of this was taiga vs prez which i didnt like the motives behind the fights but the fight itself was badass and cool and there waas red blood( i think). Animation is 9/10. Next is music. I didn't really pay attention to the music but it was probabl good. Ok 6/10. Next is voice acting. Honestly I can't think of better voices to suit these two dimnsional japanese drawings that mimic real life humans. Realy good voice acting. My favorite voice acting is taiga. Beacuse she sounds kind of annoying just like how she is suppose to. And their voices were overall pretty nice and realistic and sounded like soething I would hear in real life at my own high school. 10/10 voice acting. Final bonus category is romance. Because this is a romane show romance is the most important aspect. But not for this show. Because the romance is not very good. I knew ryuuji and taiga were gonna end up together from the Start(because i am smart) but this does not affect my rating. Because i do not really harbor any feelings over any of the particular romatnic interests ryuuji had and so taiga being the overall winner over red and blue hair does not make me feel anything. And so romance is overall not very good. I wish there were more side couples. Which I guess there was in glasses and president but i hate that president is way to good for him and i will nto get into this i made a comment on some other episode i forgot you can check that out maybe. But yeah romance is not that good. 1/10. so now we take the geometric mean of these scores. and we get a total of approximately 4.846566398/10. Which equate to a low F. So toraora is not an amazing show but I still enjoyed it. Thank you to the creators of this anime.*claps hands multiple times in real life*.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Oct 15, 2022
I just finished reading this manga, after binging it for a few days. Highly recommend this to enjoyers of the romcom genre. Its a slice of life romcom with fantasy aspects, with like all of them being demons in the demon world, but to be honest the world is pretty similar to just Japan(not that that is a bad thing). The main couple is between Beelzebub and Mullin, who is her attendant, but there are also a few other couples and a bunch of recurring characters. Similar to most romcom manga, its pretty episodic(idk if that word works for chapters), so that might be something
you enjoy or not. Anyways, this is probably one of the best romcom manga I have read, for a variety of reason. For one, its a lot of fluff, there are no harems or love triangles, and not a lot of drama. So if you want like a really spicy dramatic romance manga, this probably isn't for you. But it is definitely for you if otherwise. The characters are all really likeable, my favorite character is Sam, I don't know why but I love him, but he's a great dude. The couples are all really cute, and the side couples do get quite a bit of focus and aren't completely clouded by the main couple. There isn't a whole lot of story, and there aren't really any "arcs", so I'd say time is basically just measured by the romantic progression of the characters. Well that is basically it, it is a pretty simple manga at its core, so I hope you will read it and enjoy it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 2, 2022
Rewriting this review after finishing this season, stuff about season 3 will be after this "general" statement about the series as a whole.
This is probably the best anime you will ever watch. This is always the first anime I recommend someone. Season 3 does not disappoint. Here are the reasons why this is the best show
1. It has the best characters. All the characters in this show are very funny, interesting, and likable. Even when some characters do some dumb shit, you still love them. They are so good, I can't decide on my favorite character. Maybe Ishigami or Shirogane or Kaguya or
Hayasaka or anyone else, i dont know. But yes, amazing characters. Even if they are kind of goofy, they are the best and it is impossible to dislike any of them.
2. The comedy is so good. It is the best comedy anime of all time. As a person who is not Japanese, and you, the reader, are also probably not Japanese, anime just is not that funny, especially when it is dialogue driven. No one rfeally watches anime to laugh. Unless you watch this show, because this has the best comedy out of any anime. I have laughed so many times watching this.
3. It is the best romance. Man I love tsunderes, they are so entertaining. And even if you hate tsunderes, you will still enjoy the romance between the two main characters. It is so good, and they play mind games on each other and attempt to fool themselves into thinking they don't like the other, but in reality they do and it is very obvious. So good, sometimes I feel like this anime was made for me.
4. The best drama. It doesn't really have drama until later, but this is season 3. The drama is very good in this show, it gets serious sometimes and it is so good, even though its mainly a lighthearted show. The sports festival from last season was so good, I love that part.
5. Easy to watch. Its an easy show to get into, and honestly really good to watch weekly. Since its like 3 different parts each episode, you don't need to remember what happened the previous episode and you can just continue. It also isn't complex to the point where you don't know what is going on.
Anyways yeah thats why this is the best anime. Though people may disagree because I think most people like anime with amazing action or crazy plots, which I like too, but this connects with me more. Anyways, either way, no matter what your taste in anime is or whether or not you think you will like this anime, please watch it, because there is a larger chance 1 + 1 = 3 than you disliking the show. If you actually don't like the show, then you are actually just genetically not part of the human race, because it is clear you do not have a functioning human brain, sorry.
Alright, now for specifically season 3, which means this does contain spoilers.
Man season 3 was so good. If you didn't like season 3, then fuck you. Moving on, I
d probably say this was the best season of Kaguya. The majority of the episodes were the same format as the previous 2 seasons, which for some reason some people dislike, but I loved it. Comedy was really good. The rap scene was hilarious. Actually, basically every part was. There is no comedy anime like Kaguya, I already covered this previously so I am just gonna move on. Alright, but the part that makes Season 3 Season 3. The last few episodes, the school festival arc, the confession arc. Hell yeah. To be completely honest, as much as I love romantic comedies, I don't care much for confessions and the main couple getting together. I am thoroughly entertained when two characters like each other but struggle to get together, but usually when they finally get together, I don't really care. Well, that is what I thought until I experienced the confession scene. "Ultra Romantic" definitely describes this confession scene. I really like Shirogane's plan for the confession. At first we are led to believe that he made some intricate mystery that would have to be solved, and that there would be some complex mind games that eventually led to the confession, much like the rest of the series. But then, it is revealed that none of that is true. He wasn't trying to confuse Kaguya or whatever, or win against her, he just wanted the best confession possible. The best way to make Kaguya confess. It was more of a "dual confession" though, as the titles said, or maybe there wasn't even a confession at all because at no point did any of them say "I like you". Though I would say that Shirogane was more confession-y since he was the instigator. Okay I am getting off topic let me talk about more good things about the ending.
The confession was super cool. The idea that he wanted to make the entire festival his own was something I really enjoyed. He manipulated the festival so that the rest of the student council wouldn't interfere. Maybe I would even use the word "epic". I dunno. But it was, with the heart balloons flying out and spiraling around the clocktower. Damn. 10/10 show. Oh, and of course. The whole thing about Shirogane going to Stanford and skipping a year of school. He was saying that there was something more important than her confessing and going out with her, and then he asked Kaguya to come to Stanford with him, and then the screen said "to be with you forever" and then I forever decided that this was the greatest anime of all time. I mean I already had, but you get the point. Super romantic, ultra romantic. Hell yes.
Here is my one complaint. Why was there a single blue balloon that Shirogane was able to catch. What was the meaning of that? Is there some symbolism there I am not quite grasping? I don't know, maybe someone tell me. And then it covered up the kiss. Which I honestly don't care about, but I am still wondering why the balloon was blue.
Oh and yeah. When the first ending was playing. That was so good. I will forever remember the first ending song as the confession song rather than the first ending.
Okay that is basically what I have to say. If you didn't rate this anime a 10/10 you are objectively wrong and clearly did not learn how to count to 10 as a child. Thanks for reading.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 15, 2022
This show is so good. Probably the only show I have ever watched after reading the manga and thought it was actually better than the manga. Anyways I will get into spoilers below, but here is the general stuff
This show is a comedy? or something I am not sure what type of show this is. It is very heartwarming, makes you feel good when you watch it. Which is my favorite type of anime. Anyways if you like those shows, this is one of the best you will find. Though it does have action, it is definitely not the focus. also it has a good
ship if you that makes you want to watch, because thats what makes me want to watch
This show was solid for the first few episodes, it was very good... until episode 5. then it became GOD TIER. episode 5 was such a banger, oh my god. One of the best episodes I have seen of anime ever. Not for the reasons you would think normally, like maybe an amazing plot twist, an amazing fight, and amazing emotional moment. I mean, that's not what this show is about even if it can offer those thing. This episode was basically, Anya gets into the school so Loid rents a castle and gets a bunch of spies and stuff to replicate an episode of Anya's favorite spy show, where Loid has to save Anya from the evil boss. I mean, this might not sound very intriguing, mainly because it doesn't really serve any progression. Almost like a filler. So you are disappointed hearing that you waited a week for a episode with no progression. UNTIL YOU WATCH IT. AND THEN YOU CONVERT RELIGIONS. Or something like that, idk. It is such an actual banger episode. So entertaining, a bunch of stuff happened, I need to explain this better. It was just really crazy, and really fun to watch. Such an amazing watch. This episode really defines this anime for me. It is the peak of anime. Not to undermine the other episode though. Even without episode 5, the anime is a 10/10. One of the best shows. Idk how it is only number 4, it is way better than the other stuff on top. Like FMA? Gintama? Attack on Titan? Spy x Family is way better. Please watch this. If you do not like this show, then you might as well cut off your tongue because you do not have the right to speak. Your opinion is invalid. If you were dying on the street, people would stare at you with Anya's facial expression in episode 6. Okay that is it, goodbye.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 5, 2022
This show is so good, its unfortunate that its so short. Its also Chinese, which idk if that still makes it an anime but whatever. Anyways this is something you should probably watch, here is why
1. the main character, he is very cool. he is who men aspire to be. he is a barber, poor, and needs to be a hitman in order not die of poverty. hes not that weak but he still takes a lot of L's, but he is a bad hitman and stays in poverty, so he is still mainly a barber. he also has a dark past that you can
find more about in later seasons
2. the animation, very good. i love the animation. art is very nice, just look at some scenes.
3. its very charming. honestly while this is pretty comedy centric, i didnt laugh a lot, but i did find it very charming. it makes you feel good watching. this is not a slice of life. but it is also one of the best slice of life.
anyways you should watch this. its really really short, only 10 episodes and each episode is like 15 minutes. its also mostly episodic. its the best chinese anime you will watch, which honestly isnt saying much, but its very good.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 27, 2022
I have only seen 13 episodes but unless the series drastically changes within the next 39, I doubt my opinion will change. I have also watched all 13 of these episodes during my chem class, so I may have missed on some stuff, but I have the basic gist of the anime at least. (oh and I also do not play it with sound) So this is like an episodic anime, which I guess can be good or bad. In my case, it is good, since I am usually seperating out the times I watch rather than binging it all.
Ok now time to list
some good stuff about this show. Number one, I like the Kuromi character. They are very cute. Number two, I like some of the characters that appear for one episode and none of the others. Like the one episode with the main girl's older sister(i dont know any of their names) who has this other boy at her school who likes her. And then there was like this performance and he was in a dinosaur costume and fought the other dude. That was cool, I hope they don't just throw away that character.
Next, some things I thought were kind of uncool. Number 1, the main cast pisses me off. Like I know this is like a kid's show and probably for girls, but I imagine you are still pissed off watching these characters even if you are the demographic. Like bruh, how can you be this annoying. OK so the main girl's sisters aren't that bad, along with her friends at school (I thought the red hair girl was a boy for a while). Actually the red hair girl is kind of annoying, she has this gimmick where she is like "I hate cute things" or something and I thought that was kind of dumb. Okay, but, the main girl. She is honestly not that remarkable but like her main thing I think is that she is in love with the blue haired dude, and that really pisses me off. Not just that the blue hair guy is supposed to be the villain, but that she is so god damn stupid. Like bruh, what are you doing. You have no chance with this guy. I wish she would stop liking him and start using her brain, because this pisses me off so much and I want to close the tab. Next, the actual villain guy. This dude is honestly kind of unremarkable, like I don't know what his motive is for being a villain, but honestly I don't really care. I don't know if he is popular with the female viewers or is considered a "husbando" but I imagine not. He plays the violin, and I think that is his motive? And he is all in all just a loser. I mean not really a loser but I just hate him, I would beat him up if I saw him in school. He also does this weird thing whenever Kuromi does like the hypnosis thing where she transforms some random guy, and then the blue hair guy like looks at them while playing the violin, and I don't know why? I don't know if I missed the reason why that happens, but it is stupid either way. OK well that out of the way, time for the final one. WHICH IS MY MELODY. GOD DAMN SHE PISSES ME OFF. HOLY SHIT. Like she is the face of the show, the brand, the reason why people watch. Is because they like this character. To be honest, her design is pretty cute UNTIL YOU SEE HER IN THE ANIME!!! Like her character is just that she is dumb and oblivious. Bro, we already have the main girl for that role, we don't need another. She is just very very stupid and I think that the creators are trying to make me think that this is cute??? But in reality it is just really annoying. And the way she carries herself. The way she moves. Dumbest shit, you know. I hate her. And this other thing, whenever she uses the "Melody Mark" or whatever and then a while later she asks the whatever the thing that transformed was to try harder or something, she does this like head tilt thing and hearts come out and that pisses me off even further. You, in no way, are appealing to me. You absolute filth. Fuck you. If I was the main girl, I would fucking stomp on you and send you to the landfill. Where you fucking belong you fucking piece of fucking shit. And the thing is, it works! Like obviously its the magic that is working, not the appeal of My Melody. But that makes me REALLY ANGRY. Oh and I forgot to point this out, the other reason I hate how the main girl like the blue hair guy is because I ship her with the brown hair short boy. I like him, he is right to point out that the main girl being obsessed with the blue haired guy is a flaw. Anyways yeah, I hope they get together and the main girl realizes how much of a piece of shit the blue hair guy is.
Even with me not liking these three characters, I still like the show. I watch it on youtube and there are not many anime on youtube and it is also not blocked by the school, so I would say that this anime watching experience has been an overall win. I will give it 10/10. Would recommend, even if you are not into these types of shows.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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