Oct 8, 2024
I really liked the first season minus the real life drama around it but this season.... I liked it but I am conflicted about it as well.
As the pessimistic person I am I will mainly talk about the conflicting parts for me and keep it as vague as possible to not spoil too much:
1. The 'naruto' type of filler epsiodes... It first started with the 'Here is a campfire! Let's make marshmellows! but lemme kill the fire and let's remake the campfire so you know how this came to be' type of first 4 episodes. (if you wondering where tf this comes from: my. brain.)
In other words show you the ending, a conclussion something that you didn't see but can easily imagine came to be, but before the climax reaction to get GO ALL THE F- WAY BACK TO THIS SCENE AGAIN SO YOU KNOW FOR SURE WHAT YOU THOUGHT HAPPEN DID INDEED HAPPEN. In my oppinion very unnecessary or just show the 'correct' order so I won't be bored with the story before the climax.
2. The even worse 'naruto' type of filler episodes (yes even worse). Sorry Melt but you probably aint coming back and ya kinda scum as well so why should I feel empathy for you for only one episode. Then a character that shares a past with someone (Kana) which we saw the past from in season one, so we kinda know what to expect from the character her interacting with Kana. And then F'ing Kana, who we already have seen the past from in season one, then the previous episode from another pointerview (even though we already had that through Aqua) but no we need it one more time a whole episode (kinda started liking Kana less for it...).
3. The take about sex when they are underaged characters.... Especially since Aqua is mentally way older... I meannnnnn it was not needed, not now. Made me very uncomfortable even though I was rooting for their relationship, but nah man ew.
Also I read some other mixed feeling reviews and no one seems to bring this point up which made me feel like I had to write this review.... Also their past lives she said daisuke... not suki but daisuki romanticly... Not only was she underaged but in this live they are family as well and the doctor never said no, no he even said come back when you're 16... excuse me but I rather you not say anything at all or at least a legal age if you have to say something..
4. The fucking bird child. I mean yes the main characters have been reborn which is not real to life but I mean who knows maybe we really do but our memories got wiped. What I'm tryna say is that it is the only 'fantasy' thing that happens in the begin to start the story and for the main to be smarter than babies and have more information for the later murder case. So after that it seems more like something that takes place in our world with a little bit of a crazy start (the rebirth thing). BUT the bird child was for me like, nah we didn't need her to progress the story and I kinda liked the rebirth this was the only fantasy aspect to it, because then you can 'reasonably' try and figure out who the murder is. But now.... it could be that the murder was reborn as well? maybe there is a spirit world? I mean with this you could have unbelievably many options that do not make sense in our world which takes away of the thiller, the 'Who is the murder?' fun for me. Because if the crow child can whisper spoilers, then the murder could be a f-ing spirit for all I know. I hate that kind of variable in this kind of cruel reality world vibe.... Kinda ruined it for me...
So why did I give it a seven. What can I say, I love a 'thriller' and I love to see (especially) Aqua having mental break down, being his own biggest enemy, where you can see he tries to not recover but to suffer instead but of course he kind of recovers eventually. Yeah this psycho loves that shit. And I bet next season he will suffer even a bigger backstep as he uncovers that the murder isn't dead yet. I wanna see that shit. So okay 7 out of 10 XD
((BTW this was my first review ever so sorry for the chaotic writing but I felt I had to since I didn't saw anyone taking about the cow child or the underage shit))
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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