Metroid Prime: Episode of Aether manga adaptation of Metroid Prime: 2 Echoes/Dark Echoes is a simplified retelling of events in game with a gimmick and unique concept exclusive to the manga: Survivors of Squad Bravo of the GFMC Task Force Herakles.
Art: The environments are quite detailed and accurate to the original source material, depicting various details with semi-perfect accuracy and even equipment that would be the inspiration behind designs in future games. Planet Aether is surprisingly foreboding with a looming atmosphere and sense of dread combined with the hulking, Ing possessed monsters that inflict fear into the cast of protagonists.
Character: While Samus herself is shown
Sep 16, 2019
Rockman Zero
The Rockman Zero manga interpretation and adaptation is quite the difficult beast to explain, straying from the original source material and having little in common with the video game series it was based off of from the beginning.
Art: The art style does little to portray the despair and mature tones that the games depicted, opting for a much more childish and cute environment and characters. The original style itself is recreated for the cover of the first volume, but is never used again, instead replaced with a childish Zero introduced in the second arc. Character: Characters in the manga are outright cartoonish in nature, and nothing ... |