Oh Yu Yu Hakusho, where would I be without you? How many times have I rewatched you? How much time have I spent trying to get kids on the internet to watch you over your poor successor Bleach?
I remember watching this one random Saturday. I was drawn in, but I felt like I was missing something and kind of shrugged it off. But then a couple of weeks later I was back. Watching the episode where Hiei is at his most evil and finest demonic lust.
I kept watching after that.
Every battle, every scene, every amount of pure enjoyment
Nov 7, 2012
I used to like this series.
I used to enjoy it. Not anymore. This series does not age well. I found the apex of the series to be the Chunnin Exams and the very moment that Naruto decks out Gaara was probably one of the better moments showing the differences between the two. But now, looking back....it wasn't worth the time. ... |