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Jul 5, 2021
Ok Odd Taxi is a masterpiece. The series does pretty much everything right, and I can prove it right now. Let's go over the show and I'll show you, my little uneducated child, why Odd Taxi is a masterpiece.
First off, the story. The story is basically a huge puzzle, each episode adding more to the puzzle and putting the puzzle pieces together. Every plot line seems completely unconnected at first, but slowly connects together. A monkey looking for love, a idol group with a dark secret, a bunch of gangsters looking for more money, a corrupt police officer, a nurse trying to pay off
debt, and a single taxi driver. They all come together to provide a story that will leave your jaw on the floor. And what's more, this story actually lands the ending! Yes, this mystery story, a genre infamous for having some not very good endings, actually has a great ending! I actually rate endings based off of how conclusive and satisfactory they feel for me, and this was one of the shows that absolutely nailed it. I can't go any further with details of the story cause it would kind of ruin the magic of it, so I'll just move onto the next section. Oh yeah, the rating. Here's a 10/10.
The art is great. It really fits the show, and they mesh cgi so well with the 2d art that I actually had no idea about it until someone pointed it out to me. I love the character designs just everything about it. So well done. It does get a little weird at the end though, so I'm giving it a 9/10.
The soundtrack is glorious. It's just perfect. I could listen to the soundtrack for hours, its just that good. Every scene has the music fit it, and god don't even get me started on the opening, It's just amazing. Music is a easy 10/10
The characters are amazing. Odokawa is a great mc, and the other characters are all amazing. even the characters that are very common in storytelling are fun and interesting to watch. And just to give you an idea of how good these characters really are, the villain of the story instantly became went into my top 5 favorite villains of all time. And the villain only got two minutes to explain why they did what they did. That's how well written they are. There are moments where I wanted a bit more from the characters though, and yes some are still pretty typical so 9/10.
My enjoyment is a 10/10. Such a brilliant and fun ride from start to finish. Its just beautiful honestly.
So overall, its a 10/10. Please go watch this currently hidden gem. And yes, I watched it weekly I was just late with the review, and honestly I was just confused about why it was a hidden gem. Everyone should have been watching it. The series is getting more popular, so that's even more of a reason to watch it. Now do yourself a favor and watch Odd Taxi. You'll really see why its a masterpiece after you watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 22, 2021
When I first heard about Vivy after the first two episodes came out, it immediately had high expectations from me as soon as I heard that it's being written by the author that wrote Re:Zero(which I consider a masterpiece). And then I found out that it's being animated by W.I.T. Studio, you know, the studio that made Attack On Titan and Vinland Saga? My expectations were incredibly high. And did it live up to them? Well, kind of.
The story of Vivy is insanely well done. The whole trying to stop the robot apocalypse story plot actually works really well. It's interesting and you always
are trying to find out who or what caused this entire apocalypse. Of course, I think the story kind of dropped off a tiny bit for a little bit after those answers are revealed, only to get even better. Vivy has five story arcs, each dealing with its own part of stopping the apocalypse from happening. And I think the story gets better and better with each arc (like a certain other series written by the same author named Re:Zero). And the plot twists are amazing, especially in the final two arcs, where my jaw was on the floor at the end of every episode. The only problem with the series is how hard it is to understand the plot. The explanations can get kind of convoluted, and honestly things can get hard to understand, and it can kind of make the story weird. Of course, that's really my only problem with it, so I'll give it some slack and give the story a 9.
Now the art is beautiful. I was left marveling at the amazing animation and the beautiful close ups at the characters faces. And this is what you should pretty much always expect from WIT. They always do a good job in the animation and art department. A solid 10/10 for the art.
The music is also beautiful. Man the soundtrack is amazing. All of the songs are amazing, and the voice acting is just...wow. These voice actors really put emotion into everything they say in this show, cause the voice acting is just perfect. And going back to the music, I can't really think of a single moment where I just thought to myself: "Wow. This track is out of place." Cause there isn't any track out of place. Everything fits. And the opening is just amazing man. The visuals for it too. The ending is a nice tune to listen to as well. All in all, the sound gets a 10/10.
Well, what about the characters? Uh it was confusing at times. There were two characters in particular who I won't mention because of spoilers but damn they were really hard for me to understand. However, Vivy was an amazing main character. She felt literally perfect. Her development as she realized what "singing from her heart" really meant was just...wow. Almost made me go to tears. Watching her become a confident, heroic women really meant a lot. She even gets an entire episode dedicated to her trying to figure out what her purpose in life is. The supporting characters also get great development and I love all of them, except the two characters mention before. All in all, I'll give characters a 9, mainly because of the few characters that bogged down the experience for me.
Now here's the enjoyment factor. Listen, the entire time I was watching this, I was comparing it to Re:Zero, made by the same author. It has the same knack for making its main character suffer, it has a ton of despair and hope, it has a lovable cast of realistic characters...but no it just wasn't up there with Re:Zero for me. You may be wondering, what does that have to do with anything? Well, it impacted my enjoyment of the story. For example, when the suffering did kick in, I compared it to Re;Zero. When the creepy moments hit, I compared it to Re:Zero. Vivy doesn't deserve that. I implore you not to compare Vivy to Re:Zero while watching it, because it'll impact the experience. Next, the first two arc (episodes 1 and 2) was really weak to me. It felt boring. I just didn't enjoy it that much. Remember how I said it improves as it goes on? Well, arc two is a lot more interesting. Arc three was great. Arc four was beautiful. Arc 5 was a masterpiece. If you enjoyed the first arc, or all of the arcs, I'm happy for you, but that's just my experience. Of course, the story made me incredibly invested by arc four, and I found that I was more interested in the show when there was more talking. If there's a neat balance of action and talking, a show can become amazing to me. Attack On Titan was able to do it, Hunter X Hunter was able to do it, Re:Zero was able to do it in most cases, but Vivy only suceeded in this by its 4th arc. Before then, it had a bit too much action. Once again, that's just my personal prefrence, but I really do believe that by arc 4 it becomes what everyone has hyped it up to be. This is why it has an 8 from me, and I probably should just stop talking about enjoyment by now, so let's move on.
Overall, Vivy is a 9 for me. It has an great story, beautiful animation, a soundtrack that I could listen to forever, and characters that rival some of my favorite shows. It's really just bogged down by my personal prefrences in what a story should be. And so, I'm giving it a 9. Amazing anime, with just a few problems. Its a must watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 4, 2021
Welp, here's another anime that you know is bad, but you just keep on tuning in to watch it anyways, That is Redo Of Healer, and oh my god is this show insane.
STORY: Now the plot is interesting, but this show is making me sooo freaked out from the amount of rape it has. Rape is not good. Rape is bad. Just in case you didn't know that already. The second episode is horrific and made me wanna jump of a roof. Yes its revenge, but I swear if that hot iron rod went inside of that ladies ass, I actually would have thrown
up. This show is obviously made to make you feel uncomfortable. It is actually just pure trash. But I guess that's its charm.
ART: Welp, the art is not even half bad! I actually like the style of th art, and I won't lie, I got a few boners. But they were very uncomfortable boners. And those boners were mainly when people took they're clothes off on purpose. Not rape. Well, I can't really get mad at the art, so lets move on.
SOUND: The op and ed are both ok. Nothing special. The music is very boring. Not very memorable. If a soundtrack is memorable, I'd be remembering it later down the line, humming it. Examples: Attack On Titan's YouSeeBIGGIRL. Naruto's Sadness And Sorrow. Hunter X Hunter's Elegy Of The King. This series has none of that except moaning, which I guess is ok...for meme lords like myself. Not for normal functioning members of society.
CHARACTER: Everyone in this show is a piece of absolute shit. Except demon lady. And I love how everyone is shitty. It makes it so satisfying when they get what's coming to them. But, they still are jerks, and I hate how rape is the main way they get revenge, so frick everything I just typed lmao. The main character seems like he's the main villain. A complete shit bag who I hate. Even more when he rapes people. At least sometimes he has love with people of their own accord...
ENJOYMENT: Yep, this show made me uncomfortable. And I don't know how anyone can watch this and NOT feel uncomfortable. I've seen HENTAI tamer than this. Episode 2 seriously was horifying, and I almost dropped the anime right there because of some of the shit I saw. God damn it, I seriously wanted to throw up.
OVERALL: This anime is bad. But, its not a dumpster fire, at least not yet. We are only 4 episodes in, so I wanna see what happens next. If the series isn't good by the end, I might drop it. So if you're ok with violence, rape, and oppai, this anime is for you...I just don't know anyone that is like that though...
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 24, 2020
So, I loved Naruto Part 1, and then I watched Shippuden, really excited for more Naruto, especially after everyone hyped it up for me. What I got is one of the most boring, mediocre anime I've ever seen. At least in the shonen genre. Let's begin with the story.
STORY: After the amazing arcs in part 1, I was ready for some more amazing writing. Well, the first arc in Shippuden bored me out of my mind. I literally dropped the series for a few months just because I couldn't watch it. The second arc, Tenchi Bridge was a little bit more enjoyable, but we basically
got a Kakashi and Sasuke rip off, taking the worst elements of both of the characters and creating two horrible new useless characters! The third arc was ok, it felt kind of dragged on in the 3rd act but it was good overall. The 4th arc brought Shippuden back the the writing of part 1, and oh my god it was amazing. There was tons of emotion, rich character development, and amazing fights and moments, just like part 1. I didn't like the ending to the arc, but it was mediocre at worst. The 4th arc was amazing over all. The 5th arc kind of felt dragged out, and it had poor character writing with Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura that I'll get into soon. It was really just set up for the 6th arc. The 6th arc was a giant arc, that had some amazing moments that I still love, great fights, and a amazing villain, probably one of my favorite villains of all time, but even then felt dragged out, boring and had HORRIBLE character writing. And don't get me started to the ending of Shippuden. It made me hate the show for giving me one of the worst endings ever, after I had spent over 500 episodes watching it. And there was a hell of a lot of filler, which I got fed up with and just pulled out a filler list and skipped all of the filler. Over all, the story was bad at some parts, ok at some parts, and AMAZING at other parts. It did have a ton of potential. 7/10.
ART: The visuals sucked ass. I hated the art so much that it gave me eye cancer. Of course, when the show wanted to, it looked amazing. A few moments that I don't wanna spoil come to mind. Compared to part 1's bright visuals, its shit when they make it too bland and dark. Overall, 6/10.
SOUND: Compared to the happy and amazing music of part 1, shippudens's music(apart from the op's and ed's) was horrible. I srsly hated this music. Its just a bunch of violins just screeching. Overall: 3/10.
CHARACTER: Some characters get development, but most get pushed to the side. Shikamaru gets a ton of development. but Kiba gets none. Its just shit character writing. Sasuke has some of the worst development in anime, like this guy goes from wanting to kill his bro, to wanting to do some crazy crap that I think made no sense. Sakura had development at the start of Shippuden, but then goes back to being a Sasuke simp pretty soon. Naruto also becomes a complete Sasuke simp, always chasing after him and wanting him to come back. Sasuke literally told him a billion times to just stay away from him and stop being annoying. But Naruto just can't do that, huh? Kakashi barely gets development other than us learning his back story. And don't get me started on talk no jutsu. Remember when Naruto convinced Zabuza to be a good guy at the very end? Yeah now he does that with almost every villain in the story. It sucks. But I won't lie, some characters do get character development. So overall its a 6/10.
ENJOYMENT: Even though there was numerous problems, I actually had a fun time watching Shippuden. I did get really bored in the first arc, and during the war. But in the other arcs had fun. It was an enjoyable ride, but I couldn't enjoy it as much as part 1 because of how shit everything else was. Overall: 7/10.
OVERALL: I thought it was decent. So a 4/10. I will still recommend it if u watched part 1 of naruto and loved it a hell of a lot. But don't except the same amazing writing, character, and all the other stuff. It doesn't help that Chakra just gets way too OP by the end of the show and it just becomes DBZ. But overall if u are gonna watch it, skip the filler, and anything u think is unecesary. See ya, and I hope this review helped.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 2, 2020
Hunter X Hunter is one of the greatest anime of all time, and I'm not kidding. It was amazing, and did so many new things while not doing that many things. It was genius. Hunter X Hunter may seem to not have a new premise: boy goes looking for his dad, he's pretty strong, he makes friends along the way. Except the show uses this premise to do it's own stuff. The boy is strong, sure. But he's really nothing in the grand scheme of things. In fact, compared to other people he meets in just the first 10 episodes, he's a complete weakling. Gon(the
boy) does make friends, but it's not like he's always with them. In fact, most of the time it's just him and his best bud Killua adventuring, while his friends are off doing their own crap. I think in some aspects, HxH is a deconstructionist. It deconstructs the shonen hero, the transformation that shonen heroes make, shonen villains, and more. The power system is completely different from anything I've seen before. It's called nen, and it brings out the strategic side of battles a lot. Fights are never a contest of strength. The story is split into different arcs: The Hunter Exam Arc, The Zoldyck Family Mansion Arc, The Heavens Arena Arc, The Yorknew City Arc, The Greed Island Arc, The Chimera Ant Arc and the 13th Chairman Election Arc. Each arc has its own unique premise, and always develops the characters. The Hunter exam is about Gon tryna take an exam to become a Hunter. The Zoldyck Family Arc follows Gon and his friends tryna save one of their friends. The heavens arena arc follows Gon and his bestie, Killua, as they participate in a tournament. Yorknew City follows Kurapika, one of Gon's friends, as Gon is put in the backseat. The greed island arc follows Gon and Killua playing a video game(don't worry its way more interesting then that). The chimera ant arc once again follows Gon and Killua, but this time to play a smaller role, and its about revenge and other deep stuff(lol) as Gon and co. take on a force way stronger than them. And the election arc is bassicly a epilouge. Each arc is good in it's own way, but I truly think the show is at its best during the chimera ant arc. It's a dark shift in tone, and it's amazing. Of course the show has problems. There is slow pacing at the start, and I'm always gonna reccomend that you get through the first 3 episodes because those are the slowest and most boring. The music is beautiful, and its all just great. The music is amazing in the later arcs of the show, mainly Yorknew and the chimera ant arc. The character is amazing. Gon has amazing devolopment, Killua too. All of the side characters get time to shine, and they aren't thrown to the side like some other shonen(Naruto, DBZ I'm looking at you.) Character deaths carry weight, and it hurts when deaths happen. I enjoyed it, but almost every arc except the heavens arena arc and the chimera ant arc as well as the election arc have slow starts. Esspecially Greed Island. SO overall. it's an amazing show that deserves way more attention and love than it gets. Please check it out. You won't be dissapointed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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