Jun 14, 2017
Well .It is a sequel to naruto shippuden anime and it takes place in the same world with the next generation ..
This show has just got a few episodes and people are hating on it already just because they didn't like shippuden ..
While i completely disagree with them , i am gonna mention why this anime is actually quite good and quite different from naruto ..
People state that the all the characters are just copies of their parents .. :-
I completely disagree with this point ..Yeah there are one or two characters which are a carbon copy
of their parents but they are specifically made that way by the creators while the majority of the supporting cast may LOOK like their parents but as their characterisation goes , they are pretty different from their parents though also having similarities as well ..
Now everyone just already decided that the anime is going to be shit in the future and it is not gonna go anywhere like they can see the future ..But the story of just these first 11 episodes have been fairly consistent ..Yes the pacing is a bit slow and i completely agree with that but they are building up the characters one by one as well ..So the story of the show is not extravagant or anything but a fairly good one ..
3) Art and Animation :-
The animation is a bit inconsistent but not bad essentially ..At some points , the animation does drop but there are also some points where the animation is beautiful ..
The art is good , different new things with extravagant and vivid colours ..
4) Sound :-
The music is the best as always ..Just awesome and a treat to hear ..Also goes pretty well with the "new generation" theme of the show ..
5)Enjoyment :-
It is fairly enjoyable ..Not the best thing in the world or anything ..Can enjoy the new world and have fun while watching this ..
Final Verdict :-
Everyone has their own opinions and there are people who hate it and some who love it .I tried to be completely unbiased , even though there would be a little bias no matter how hard i try .. But the series is seriously not getting hate because of the story or characters or anything ..Most of the people who hate boruto are like , people who avoid it , people who hate naruto and conclude that boruto is bad as well and people who come into the series already convinced that its gonna suck which completely spoils their experience of the series and make them feel bored ... Ofcourse people have different tastes and some people probably won't like boruto because they simply didn't like it ..
My point is , that people who don't like naruto shouldn't see this series as a sequel to naruto but rather as a new anime itself ..Show is completely new and quite different from naruto ..Rather than coming into the series with completely convinced that its bad , they should rather give it a chance and try to find good things in the show because i personally think ,
The show does not deserve the hate it gets , not even in the slightest ..People shouldn't see it as something that will blow their mind but rather something that is just good and might get better ..I saw other reviews and saw so much hate towards this series with people already convinced that the series will become bad ..I think the show is fairly good and might get better and people should give it a chance ..
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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