So much about this anime was superb, so why did I put it as a 5? Imagine Star Wars. Now imagine the Death Star's super weapon could only dent an A-Wing. That's what's wrong with this anime.
The story did a great job sharing what would happen if medieval weaponry met current weaponry, but that very creativity is the story's downfall. My only enjoyment in this came from the fact that there were elves, gods and magic in a medieval setting coupled with the idea that I could imagine myself there fairly easily, that aside it was dreadfully boring. Even when they went into politics
Oct 8, 2015
Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
Beautifully orchestrated.
The show shares with you the possible reality of the introduction of an invasive virus, or parasite. The show dances around the topic of life just enough to grab the attention of people with several different views on the subject before coming to a conclusion that some of you will find either deeply philosophical or simply common sense. The first couple episodes are a bit stretched as the show tries to fit in the results this new threat poses to humanity. But by the third episode and so on, well, let's just say you better not have work or school in the morning. This was ... Oct 3, 2015
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
This story though.
So much epic. The entire story is a bumpy ride of trials, emotions, and survival with no end to the hero's' efforts in fighting along the fine line of right and wrong, good and evil. With comedy thrown in at every turn to go along perfectly with the protagonist. In this story I don't sit back and think... "what the heck!? This would never happen."... or ... "yeah, right. Sure." When I consider being summoned to a new world and being loathed from the get go, this author has done a beautiful job of how I imagine it would go. Or at the very least, the ... |