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Hidan no Aria
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Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
OK now I accept that for many it could be a miss but!.. If you liked Madoka for its dark side that for now I couls day there is nothing in Aria which could lean you more to it... Aria has a girl similar to Okami san and her 7 companions Turtle girl, than all that serial killer stuff kind of brings nostalgy back from GitS SolidStateSociety and than this main guy who changes personality around girls is just like one from Special A, that is a serious compilation of many anime oh and I almost forgot a school were you are being tought in special classes is just like one in Freezing anyway why Madoka? If you remmember that red Kyoko girl(red hair) or any other noisy type of girl like Tiger in Toradora! or Louis (I don't remmember, the main girl) from Zero nu Tsukaima in Hidan no Aria she takes the leading role so if you are up to some screaming and blushing here you go ;DDD
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Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls
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Sengoku Otome: Momoiro Paradox
Well samurai girls are fighting some echi stuff ;DD what could one ask more?
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Arakawa Under the Bridge
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Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
I always look forward to finding something new and intresting in recommendation section when I am out of anime and that is why once in a while I try to recommend something too... For this time of year when a new season just started the best thing is to find one old and one new anime which were similar. And here we go: * Both anime have main girl heroines who think that they are aliens. * Both are bishoujos and nice girls but serious weirdouus ;DD * Both leading males starts the show in deniel but than tries to adapt. And here we start new alien season!
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Deadman Wonderland
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Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
I can see people saying WHAT?? One is magical girls anime and another ir action/ drama but hold it... Seriously both are reletively new anime I mean both are 2011 ones and both are dark and psychological than why not to group them together. I believe that both boys and girls who enjoyed Madoka not in a way that ou yeahh there are pretty flying girls who fight but in a way were they tried to understand what is going on would like Deadman Wonderland which just started to air.
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Zero no Tsukaima
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Astarotte no Omocha!
*Both girls are what you call tsundere I guess. *I am more into mature woman/girls but in these both anime girls are the ones that never grow old I hope you know what I mean ;D * Magical world theme and into that world a human is put and than the story begins. * Well if you watched Zero long ago or maybe even recently than you can check this airing series out ;D
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Dance in the Vampire Bund
Oh yes! SUch bad ass girls and amzing anime! ;DDD HILARIOUS, DARK and very interesting... ENTIRELY different but the feeling which girls gice is elegant and bossy.. They both have like ruling power so amazing! ;DDD
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Similarities: * Both have these serious and sad moments * Despite the main girl being so clumsy anime doesn't get any funnier * Both guys are at least first cold towards the girls * Both girls are like dreamers and you even could imagine that they came from another world * Were touching anime Differences: * Air is more unpredictible and you cannot understand this anime to the fullest * Defenitely more mistery in Air * Kobato has a more pleasant ending and overall is easier to watch.
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Special A
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Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
Similarities: *Both have a very strong heroine GIRL ofcourse there are a lot of strong heroine girls but I find these particulary similar * As mane girls, mane boys too are VERY similar, maybe Special A's one is more interested in love and is going towards it * If you extremely enjoy any of these the other one will be just the right decision * Both are heart warming and has a love story were ofourse girl is rejecting the guy because she has this wild and determined temper VERY NICE! ;D
If you liked
Shakugan no Shana
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Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi
These anime are similar because: *The leading fighter is the girl with outstanding power *Both girls are very similar! Are very brave, cold towards world but surprisingly warm inside *They both have a boy with them who could watch their back and they both are kind of in love with the main char Differences: * The setting is different Ooksmi-san is based on school life and Shakugan let's say is more global *Shakugan is darker and less funny or happy *Ookami just started to air
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Ouran Koukou Host Club
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Special A
These series are EXTREMELY simillar because: *There is one commoner among the superelite students *They like being with each other and they are like family *The main guy is in love with the main girl and the girls doesn't show feelings for him *Even in Special A in the end of series they do a host club *Endings are extremely similar becuase the main guy is taken away and everyone tries to bring him back Well Special A is more deep and romantic than Ouran xD
If you liked
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge♥
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Seitokai no Ichizon
I am defenetly puting them together because of hilarious parody moments tho the style is really different but I think who would enjoy first would defenetly enjoy the second xD
If you liked
Shakugan no Shana
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Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi
These series are similllar because: *The drawing ofcourse similar *The main character Kenichi and Yuji over series are getting stronger and stronger *From really weak persons they are getting unbelievable strong *Both girls who are teaching them to fight are realy strong, nice and kind of in love with the main character Shakugan is more serious and has the mystical-supernatural part and Kenichi has the feeling of many different martials arts combined together it is realy nice.
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Samurai Champloo
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Sengoku Basara
So now both series are similar because: *They have a lot of sword fighting *In both series you can feel something like meiji period when there were still samurais figting and in Sengoku Basara the period of Waring Countries of something, well anyway both have samurais *The main thing why these are in common and different from others that there are things which are not common in japan at that period, both series are a little I could say Americanised like Samurai has rap or hip hop elements and Sengoku has some strange things around. Also I could say that Samurai Champloo is somewhat similar to Rurouni Kenshin just more funny and modern.
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Tenshi Kinryouku
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Ayashi no Ceres
I felt like doing some recommendations because they were really helpful for me so now it is my turn. So these anime has these things in common: *Both drawing styles are similar *Brother loves sister, sister loves brother... *They both have problems with angels And realy the feeling is the same because the boy is madly in love with his siter and he wants to protect her and than comes some badass angels...