Nov 25, 2019
-This revies contains spoilers for the first 20 episodes of Dr Stone!-
So, as i write this review, Dr Stone currently hasn't finished airing, so this review will just be for the first 20 episodes.
Where to start with Dr Stone. A lot of the people who have praise for the show talk about how the characters are all amazing and are all flawless, however, the only character i really like is Gen. All the other characters are just really annoying and stupid, especially Senku and his stupid 10 billion percent. Its not funny. Stop. And all the other characters (like chrome and kinro) started
off as decent characters, but later became boring and having nothing to do. The fact that Chrome basically invented the water wheel is stupid, no way he would of actually thought of it; And kinro happening to be blind. Thats stupid. Theres no way he's blind, there aren't any hints, they just did it for suspense, and the challenger for the villager arc isn't even good. The best part was probably when Magma was thrown off the island. Oh yeah, and Magma; he goes from being an evil idiot, to someone helping the kingdom of science. The characters don't have any cohesion from what they were when they were first introduced, and this shows a lot in Tsukasa. He starts of being the best guy ever and turns evil because he's the best guy ever (its like the person making the story saw how villains who are sympathetic are always the best like Thanos, but it didn't work). That makes 0 sence 10 BILLION PERCENT! Tsukasa is completely different now then at the start of the series AND I HATE IT! He goes from only wanting to revive the pure youth to reviving only the buffest bullies he can find. Yes, thats the pure youth to Tsukasa, who is supposed to be nearly as smart as Senku. Also, I don't like Hyoga either. He is the edgy "second in command" of the villain, and most of the time i just find them cringe. And now I'll explain why Gen is my favourite and miles better than the rest. Gen seems the same as when he was first introduced to now. You could say "OH THAT'S NO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT" but he did develop. When i say he stayed the same, I mean things liek the way he acts (etc). He has grown a lot since when he was first in, completely changing sides. Also, I LOVE THAT HE WAS A TRAITOR FROM THE TSUKASA EMPIRE! I think thats such a cool idea, and it seemed like the first time i'd seen the Tsukasa empire in years when i saw him, so I was exited, and was happy when he changed sides. That's why he's the best.
Ok, next, story. The concept of everyone getting turned to stone is ingenius, but it doesn't work well. I like how they try and make it so that they try and fix it with science, but most of the science in the show is the writers trying to sound smart when explaining basic stuff. And how did the show go from "trying to revive humanity" to "LETS REMAKE IPHONES CAVEMEN!". How is an iphone going to stop Tsukasa? Are they going to 1v1 him Angry Birds, winner takes over humanity? No! They are trying to use the phone to communicate with each other when far away (I think), when all they have done against Tsukasa is scare his little "Pure youth" with fake guns. If they were all going against Tsukasa, they would probably be together, not needing phones. Or does Senku just want to remake Instagram and become rich? And I've heard siome people cried when that child got glasses. Cringe. It's not even that emotional, it just reminded me of the Angel Beats ending (maybe i'll review angel beats soon), trying to make the watcher/reader cry when being the least emotional thing ever. And the story now is just stupid compared to what it used to be, I'd say the story was the best from episode 8 - 13 and even then it was like an 8 (compared to my now 6).
Hope I did this right, this was my first review,
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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